Coach: 3odwlqxp 6srqvruv

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Coach them and make a deci-

ASU trustee Angela
(personnel) votes.
Jenkins compiled a 46-
14 overall record and won
Continued 1A McKenzie was informed Mid-Eastern Athletic
of at least some of the alle- Conference Coach of the
what could be out there. gations against Jenkins, Year honors three times
However, Boyd, board according to a former Be- in five seasons at Be-
Chairman Locy Baker and thune-Cookman assistant thune-Cookman. The con-
other trustees said they coach who spoke on condi- tract ASU trustees ap-
had no discussions with tion of anonymity. The proved will pay Jenkins a
Hines about the prob- former assistant said he first-year salary
lems. In an emailed re- contacted McKenzie and ($175,000) thats $90,000
sponse to several ques- one other trustee and pro- less than what he was
tions asking if Hines had vided several details of earning at Bethune-Cook-
alerted her to specific al- Jenkins alleged mis- man ($265,000).
legations levied against deeds. Bethune-Cookman of-
Jenkins, Boyds only reply Following the Feb. 5 ficials did not respond to
was: No. board meeting, at which additional questions
Baker also denied hav- Jenkins contract was ap- about Jenkins or its inves-
ing a conversation with proved by trustees, tigation of his program.
Hines but said he would McKenzie declined to ONeal also wouldnt say
wait and see what came of comment on her conver- if he felt the schools in-
the potential problems. sation with the assistant. vestigation played a role
If its true and we When asked if she felt in Jenkins departure,
dont know if it is or not comfortable approving saying only: We appreci-
right now wed have to Jenkins contract in light ate the work Coach Jen-
act, Baker said. But if of the assistant coachs al- kins did here.
there are NCAA issues out legations, McKenzie said, Numerous attempts to
there, well have to wait I didnt vote on his con- reach Jenkins on his cell-
and see what comes of tract. I abstained from all phone and through ASUs
sports information de-
7(03/(  22-232, 03'02/103#10+0,/+
partment were unsuc-

%(7+ 25 Allegations

-(:,6+ )22' One of the incidents

that apparently sparked
)(67,9$/ the investigation at Be-
thune-Cookman involved
Jenkins allegedly threat-
681'$< )(%58$5<   ening two players line-
backer Rahdeese Alcutt
 $0 WR  30 and defensive end Bran-
din Hudson with a steak
3ODWLQXP 6SRQVRUV knife at a pregame meal.
5HJLRQV %DQN )5(( According to a letter
Alcutt provided at the re-
quest of Bethune-Cook-
6HUYLVVW %DQN $'0,66,21 man officials as part of
the investigation, a team-
mate accidentally spilled
*ROG 6SRQVRUV a drink and Alcutt began
&RKHQV (OHFWURQLFV laughing. Because Jen-
0RQWJRPHU\ $GYHUWLVHU kins doesnt allow talking
at the pre-game meals, the
7HPSOH %HWK 2U 1)!2.*301"21.3(*3$%3#- commotion irked the head
coach, Alcutt said.
6LOYHU 6SRQVRUV  1DUURZ /DQH 5G 2/"1!2.*301"21.3(
*3($%3#-33 At this time, Brian
$OLDQW %DQN 0RQWJRPHU\ $/  Jenkins walked over to
%%9$ &RPSDVV 
",!2.*3 21 '3*3($%3#-
me and picked up a knife
%HUQ %XWOHU &DSLORXWR 1&.3,)01+)/.+32)+3'02/103&13/'0301&1-), 31/+
ZZZWHPSOHEHWKRUQHW and pointed it at me and
0DVVH\ ) 0/+$32 22-2!2, 0/'02/10 &- (Hudson) saying, Do I
,&1-2/)&,$3%% ( ( have to cut your (exple-
tive) throats to get you to
$ODWUXVW ,QF be quiet? Alcutt wrote in
$0&2 ,QF the letter. Jenkins then
$URQRY ,QVXUDQFH stared at the two players
   for several seconds, he

      See COACH 13A

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