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This study seeks to identify school-related behavioral problems of BTTE students.

It also wishes to
establish pivotal strategies that can be adopted to improve the students behavioral problems, which, in
return, would help in achieving their academic success.

Identifying school-related behavioral problems of BTTE students including reports of problematic

behaviors is done not only in the classroom but also in society at-large. Some of these behaviors include
being immature, being irritating, or thoughtless behaviors or classroom incivilities demonstrated by:
latecomings or leaving their classes early, inappropriate usage of cellphone and laptop in class, side
conversations, disregard for deadlines, grade grubbing, sniping remarks, and even cheating. These
behaviors are not just instructors pet peeves; they have real costs including: distracting other students
and instructors in class, reducing student participation, lowering other students' and instructors
motivation in or out of class, affecting fairness in grading, and feeling disrespected as a fellow learner or
authority figure. Addressing these factors could improve behavior problems not only the BTTE students
but also other pupils with related cases.


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