Basic Motor Circuit2

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Basic Motor Circuit

Experiment 1 : Basic Motor Understanding

I. Objective(s)
1. To understand AC Motor nameplate

II. Theory
AC Motor is one of the most common motor used in industry.

III. Equipment Set

1. Squirrel cage AC motor
2. Delta AC motor

IV. Experiment Procedure

In this experiment you suppose to understand what the meaning of induction motor
nameplate. Observe the nameplate of two motors mentioned in equipment set, write down the
nameplate of the motor and gives the answer of the question below.

V. Experiment Data
1. Squirrel cage AC motor

2. AC Delta Motor

VI. Analysis
Give brief explanations and notes of motor nameplate

Experiment 2: Star Connection

I. Objective(s)
1. To understand basic motor connection and knowledge: star connection.
2. To understand basic electrical circuit motor control using contactor.
3. To understand basic measurement of the motor.

II. Theory
In star connection, there is four wire, three wires are phase wire and fourth is neutral
which is taken from the star point. Star connection is preferred for long distance power
transmission because it is having the neutral point. In this we need to come to the
concept of balanced and unbalanced current in power system.
The star connection can be seen below:

III. Equipment Set

1. Leybold motor squirrel cage

2. 3 phase source
3. 3 pole contactor
4. Push Button
5. Multimeter
6. Current meter clamp

IV. Experiment Procedure

1. Prepare the equipment above.
2. Make sure the circuit breaker of leybold table is turn off before you are connect
3. Based on the theory given above and in class, draw the star connection of the motor
and write down on experiment data. Show the drawing to lab assistant before you
connect anything.
4. Connect the power of the motor U1,V1 and W1.
5. Now, create a simple control using push button and contactor. When the push button
is turn on, the motor will run.
6. Draw the sketch on experiment report sheet.
7. Add start and stop button to control the motor.
8. Report to lab assistant before you turn of the circuit breaker of leybold table.
9. Measure phase voltage U1,V1, and W1
10. Measure phase voltage U2,V2 and W1, explain the result of measurement.
11. Measure the phase current.

V. Experiment Data
1. Motor drawing

2. Motor Drive using contactor

3. Phase Voltage
No Line to Line Result
1 U1-W1
2 W1-V1
3 U2-W2
4 W2-V2

4. Phase current
No Phase Result
1 U1
2 W1
3 V1

VI. Analysis


Experiment 3 : Reverse Forward Motor

I. Objective(s)
To understand the basic set up of the forward reverse for AC motor control
II. Theory

To change the direction a three phase induction machine rotation, two of its phases
needs to be exchanged, thus changing the phase sequence form, say ABC to CBA. This
can be accomplished by using two contactors, one for the forward or CW rotation and
one for the reverse or CCW rotation. The forward and reverse contactors are
mechanically interlocked i.e., if one of them is closed the other cannot close. This is done
to avoid dead short circuit in case both the contactors closing simultaneously. Also
electrical interlocking could be provided using the contactors control contacts.

III. Equipment Set

1. Leybold motor squirrel cage
2. 3 phase source
3. 3 pole contactor
4. Push Button
5. Multimeter

IV. Experiment Procedure

1. Prepare the equipment above.

2. Make sure the circuit breaker of leybold table is turn off before you are connect
3. Now you are able to make connection of push button and contactor. In this
experiment, you are willing to make forward reverse of the motor.
4. Use 2 push buttons : forward and reverse, when the push button forward is pressed,
the motor rotate clockwise, when the push button forward is press the motor rotate
counter clock wise.
5. Draw the control diagram at result 1
6. Draw the power diagram at result 2
7. Measure phase voltage U1,V1, and W1
8. Measure phase voltage U2,V2 and W1, explain the result of measurement.
9. Measure the phase current

V. Experiment Data
Result 1

Result 2

VI. Analysis

Converter Technology

Investigating the Input of Rectifier

Experiment 1 : Response for zero-delay angle setting

I. Objective(s)
1. To understand the how frequency converter works
2. To observe input link

II. Theory
When the converter is operating at no load, the input rectifier in a fully controlled AC
bridge circuit B2C charges the buffer capacitor of the link circuit to the peak value oc the
rectified AC voltage.

III. Equipment Set

1. Single phase supply unit
2. Power Supply 15V/3A
3. Variable power supply
4. Converter input/output
5. Universal inverter
6. Isolation Amplifier
7. Oscilloscope

IV. Experiment Procedure

1. Put all the equipment set to leybold frame.
2. Connect the single phase unit to the L1 universal inverter. Connect converter
input/output to universal inverter using 25 pin connector.
3. Plug the CLR at converter input/output
4. Plug socket 16 and vm at universal controller together.
5. Make sure the trigger angle on inverter is at 0 degree.
6. Turn on the single phase supply unit.
7. Measure voltage in main voltage L1 and link voltage Uz (result 1 )
8. Compare the link voltage to the peak value of mains voltage L1 arithmetically (result
9. Compare the link voltage to the peak value of mains voltage L1 using oscilloscope (
turn off the single phase supply before do the connetion)
a. Connect main voltage L1 to input socket Ue in four channel amplifier while N
to Oe
b. Connect Link voltage +Uz to Ua and Uz to Oa
c. Use the input sensitivity /100
d. Measure the voltage witch oscilloscope at output A and E
e. Draw the oscilloscope graph (result 3)

V. Experiment Data
Result 1:

Result 2 :

Result 3 :

VI. Analysis

Experiment 2 : Control characteristic

I. Experiment Procedure
1. Load the link circuit with the brake resistor 20 kilo ohm + 1 kilo ohm parallel by
connecting a bridging plug at CHOPI on the input/output unit
2. Put the voltmeter 1 at Uz and voltmeter 2 at Ualpha and AGND
3. Rotate the potentiometer from 180 degree to 0 degree. By rotating the potentiometer,
we change the the voltage of alpha
4. Dont forget to turn of the supply unit before setting up the experiment
5. Plot the data at the table result 1
6. Show this result at oscilloscope too:
a. Using the four channel amplifier
b. Connect L1 and N to channel E as above
c. Connect Uz to channel A as above
d. To measure main current, connect N to channel Oc, use sensitivity 1/3 V/A
e. Turn on the multiplexer mode of channel A,C,D wiith amplitude 1
f. Plot the oscilloscope data in result 2

II. Experiment Data

Result 1
Uaplha(V) Uz(V) Uaplha(V) Uz(V)
5 2.5
4.5 2
4 1.5
3.5 1
3 >0.5

Result 2

III. Analysis

IV. References

Investigating the output power inverter

Experiment 3 : Single triggering of the power transistor

I. Theory
The self-commutated output power inverter as a component of the U converter and
installed in the three phase bridge circuit, is equipped with IGBTs and antiparallel
diodes. This makes it is possible for it to switch each of its three output terminals
PH1,PH2, PH3 to the positive or negative pole of the link voltage of any current

II. Experiment Procedure

1. Make the connection as experiment 1
2. Measure the output voltage of the converter between PH1 and PH2 using voltmeter
3. Switch on the converter without releasing the main relay through CLR. Switch the
six power transistor PH1/1 until PH3/2 by plugging the converter input output. Write
down the result at result 1
4. Release the main relay through CLR. Measure the output voltage for all feasible
switching state for the power transistor. Write down the result on result 2.
5. Input the INH signal by connecting the INH of converter input output to DGND.
Write down the result on result 3.
6. Observe the effect of INH at voltage Uz.
7. Disconnect the CLR and switch on the two transistor of single phase example PH1/1
on and PH1/2 on. Write down the result on result 3.

III. Experiment Data

Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

IV. Analysis

V. References

Experiment 4 : Generating rotating field

I. Theory
In order to generate a rotating field in the three phase machine, phase shifted currents
have to flow in the spatially displaced phase winding. In this case of two poles three
phase machine it is known that the three phase wonding are arranged in a staggered
configuration, spatially offset by 120 degree. This ensures that the voltage space vector is
produced and in the case of square wave control that the flux vector results. The 8
switching states of the voltage space vector can be indicated with the 7 LEDs of the
space vector indicator in the four channel isolation amplifier.

II. Experiment Procedure

1. Make the connection as experiment 1
2. Observe the LED display of this experiment
3. Connect the PH1, PH2, PH3 of the converter to Ua,Ub,Uc of the four channel
amplifier. Bridge Oa,Ob, Oc of the four channel amplifier. Then set sensitivity to /100
4. Produce the switching state 000 (PH1/2,PH2/2,PH3/2 is on). Write down the result at
result 1.
5. Produce the switching state 111 (PH1/1,PH2/1,PH3/1 is on). Write down the result at
result 2.
6. Produce the switching state 100 (PH1/1,PH2/2,PH3/2 is on). Write down the result at
result 1
7. Produce the switching state 100 starting from a space vector rotation in the
mathematical positive sense, counter clockwise in the space vector , phase sequence
PH1-PH2-PH3. Which phase have to be activate in order to witch on the next
position? (result 4)

III. Experiment Data

Result 1
Result 2

Result 3

Result 4

IV. Analysis

V. References

Experiment 5 : Resistive Load

I. Experiment procedure
1. Maximum voltage of link voltage is 150 V by adjusting the control angle alpha
2. Connect three load resistor at star configuration to PH1, PH2, PH3 of the converter
3. Setup switching state 100 of the power inverter
4. Set alpha in 180 degree, power on the power inverter and then increase the link
voltage to 90V.
5. Use voltmeter to measure the same operating state in the link 92.5 V and the line
voltage U12=90V
6. Explain the differences (result 1)
7. Measure the forward voltage of the transistor +Uz and PH1 (result 2)
8. Measure the current I1 of phase 1 in the switching state 100 and 110.(result 3)
9. At the same time display converter source current using four-channel amplifier
(result 4)

II. Experiment Data

Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

Result 4

III. Analysis

IV. References
Frequency Converter Technology

Experiment 1 : Pure Square Wave Triggering

I. Objective(s)
1. To understand pulse wave triggering for AC motor drive
2. To understand square wave triggering for AC motor drive
3. To understand

II. Theory

III. Experiment Set

1. Single phase supply unit

2. Power Supply 15V/3A
3. Variable power supply
4. Converter input/output
5. Universal inverter
6. Isolation Amplifier
7. Oscilloscope
8. Control unit PWM characteristic curve method
9. Squirrel cage motor

IV. Experiment Procedure

1. Mains feed of the converter is connected to the power supply unit

2. Converter and input/output device are connected (using the ribbon cable)
3. Input/output device is connected to the PWM control unit (using the ribbon cable)
4. Converter outputs PH1, PH2 are connected to motor inputs U1, V1
5. Measuring instrument 2 as an ammeter (RMS, AC) is connected to PH3 of the
converter and W1 of the motor to measure the motor current IL
6. Measuring instrument 1 as a voltmeter (AV, AC+DC, 1 kV) is connected to +Uz and
Uz of the converter to monitor the link voltage Uz
7. Connection socket JM > of the converter to the corresponding socket on the motor
8. Connect all protective earth conductors to each other
9. When using the four-channel isolation amplifier:
Establish the following connections to the converter:
PH1 UA , PH2 UB , PH3 UC
Bridge OA OB OC
Set the sensitivity of all channels to: /100
10. Take special care regarding the following:
All bridging plugs have to be removed from the input/output device. If you forget to do this
can lead to the short-circuiting of the signals of the PWM control unit and thus impair the
operation of this device!
For this experiment this is an additional setting
11. Assemble the basic circuit as specified above. We will make our first reference to the
instruction sheet of the PWM control unit used here. By connecting the input/output
unit between the PWM control unit, it is possible to observe and analyze all of the
control signals, like the transistor triggering signal, using an oscilloscope. P
12. Put the converter into operation with the PWM control unit.Here it is important to
bear in mind the correct sequence
first the power switch = mains power supply for the converter, then the electronic
switch of the converter.
13. Observe the results on the displays of the PWM control unit. (result 1 )
14. For comparative purposes observe the result on the display for the wrong switching
sequence:first the electronic switch,then the power switch. (result 2)

As the PWM control unit is used in this experiment solely to thoroughly investigate how
the threephase
system is generated, it is initially put into operation in the desired operating mode
any further explanation.
Enter the following settings using the pushbuttons and check the preset values:
1. Enter the manual input mode via pushbutton 2a at pushbuttons 2e or 2f
to alter the values
2. Via the display pushbutton 1a
Line 0: UNOM = 230 V = nominal voltage
Line 2: fNOM = 50 Hz = corner frequency of the U/f characteristic
Line 5: fLIM = 100 Hz
Line 8: IxR = 0 V
Line 9: USTART = 0 V
Line b: MODUL(ation) = 42 = block modulation half frequency
Line F: fM
Or Line 3: fRef = 83 Hz

15. Display the 3 output voltages of the converter with respect to the negative pole of the
link voltage Uz: u1, u2, u3. (result 3)

When using the four-channel isolation amplifier

OA, OB, OC set to Uz The 3 channels are displayed in multiplex operating mode:
Multiplexer A, B, C ON, amplitude 1
Converter ((23)) set to MULTIPLEXER
Output y to oscilloscope
Setting of the Y-POS(itions) so that from top to bottom the channels A, B, C, i.e. the
voltages u1, u2, u3 can be seen on the screen.

16. Observe the output voltages of the converter on the oscilloscope (result 3)
17. Readjust the frequency on the PWM control unit until one period amounts as exactly
as possible to 6 DIV, i.e. 12 ms.
18. Observe the phase-shifts between the voltages (result 4)

V. Experiment Data
Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

Result 4

VI. Analysis

Experiment 2 : Pure Square Wave Triggering

Drive Technology

I. Objective(s)
1. To understand component of AC servo and how they works
II. Theory
Conventional AC motor drive consists of a special synchronous motor and a pulse
converter with link voltage circuit. The motor is designd as a standrads product

Experiment 1 : Induction experiment

I. Experiment Set

1. Single phase supply unit

2. Power Supply 15V/3A
3. Variable power supply
4. Converter input/output
5. Universal inverter
6. Isolation Amplifier
7. Oscilloscope
8. Control Unit block commutation
9. BLDC motor
10. Commutation pick-up
11. Tachogenerator 0.1/0.3

II. Experiment Procedure

1. Prepared the BLDC motor and four channel amplifier.

2. We are going to measure line to line voltage of the motor Phaxe U-V and phase VW.
3. Connect the phase to channel A and channel B in four channel amplifier. The output
of amplifier is connected to the oscilloscope.
4. Now, connect the motor to the shaft. Rotate the motor by hand.
5. Observe the motor voltage and make sketch of them (result 1 )
6. This experiment is better when you rotate the shaft faster.

III. Experiment Data

Result 1

IV. Analysis

V. Reference
Experiment 2 : Commutation pick up

I. Theory
The power converter is controlled with the aid of the rotor angular position. For this
reason every servo motor has a built in positions sensor. For this hall type snesore are
used, optical or resolver. In block commutation, the power converter switch in step of 60
degree electrical from one switching state to the next. The control method called block
commutation because there are no smooth transitions between the switching states.

II. Experiment Procedure

1. Prepare the control unit, universal converter and the commutation pick up
2. Connect the control unit to the universal converter via 25 pin connector, and connect
the control unit to the commutation pick up (socket 3k)
3. Turn on the universal inverter then turn on the control unit. Rotate the universal
converter alpha to the maximum left.
4. Switch the control unit to CONTROL MODE and ton/T +0.992
5. Slowly rotate the commutation pickup. Observe the switching state in converter unit
with the TTL H1,H2,H3. Sketch the graph of Hall sensor state and switching state (
result 1)
6. Now, Switch control mode to ton/T -0.992. Rotate the shaft of commutation pick up.
7. Skecth the graph (result 2)
8. What is the different ? (result 3)

III. Experiment Data

Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

IV. Analysis

V. References

Experiment 3 : Pulse Width Modulation

I. Theory

II. Experiment Procedure

1. Set up the experiment set as the experiment 2
2. Set the control angle alpha at 180 degree. The link voltage thus remain 0 V. First
selesct the pulse duty cycle ton/T at +1
3. Using the commutation pick up, set the switching state to a random level. Make note
of the commutation switching state (result 1)
4. Now reduce the pulse duty factor to 0.1. Observe the LED
5. Interpret what is displayed by the LED. What are the voltages expected at the two
active phases for the cases of the voltageis applied to intermediate circuit? Sketch
time curves

III. Experiment Data

Result 1

Result 2

IV. Analysis

V. References

Experiment 4 : Pulse Width Modulation

I. Theory

II. Experiment Procedure

1. Set up the experiment set as the experiment 2

2. Set the control angle alpha at 180 degree

III. Experiment Data

IV. Analysis

V. References

Experiment 5 : Pulse Width Modulation

I. Theory

II. Experiment Procedure

1. Set up the experiment set as the experiment 2
2. Set the control angle alpha at 180 degree

3. Experiment Data

4. Analysis

5. References

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