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Focus : Language Art

Theme: World of Knowledge

MONDAY Topic: 11. The Insect Investigators

Content Standard: 4.2

2.10.2017 Learning Standards: 4.2.1 (a)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

Subject a. Draw a picture of Alice before and after she drank the juice.
English b. Describe Alices characters before and after she drank the juice.
c. Underline the correct words based on the text read.

Teaching Aids: task sheet, pictures, textbook.

Year 4A CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, I-think.

Activities :

a. Pre-reading:
1. Teacher recap previous lesson on the story by asking questions.
(60 minutes)
What happened to Alice?
Who is Dinah?
What is Dinahs favourite drink?
Why was Alice worried?

b. While-reading:
1. Get the pupils to read the text aloud.
1. Ask this question for discussion.
What happened to Alice after she drank the juice from the small bottle?
2. Pupil work in pairs.
3. Distribute task sheet to each pair.
4. Pupils draw a picture of Alice before and after she drank the juice.
5. Then, pupils write two words to describe Alice before and after Alice
drinking the juice.
Suggested answers:
Before drinking the juice: curious, brave
After drinking the juice: small , strange
6. Once the task is done, paste pupils work around the wall.
7. Teacher randomly calls a few pairs to present their work to the class.
8. Teacher and peer give feedbacks.

c. Production:
1. Pupils work individually.
1. Distribute task sheet to pupils.
2. Pupils underline the correct words.
3. Discuss and check the answers.

d. Closure:
1. Give this situation to the pupils:
Imagine that you are Alice. Would you drink the liquid in the bottle?
1. Ask pupils to give reasons for their answers.
2. Encourage pupils to share their responses to the class.

Attendance: Reflection:
30 out of 33
a. 30 out of 33 pupils were able to draw a picture of Alice before and
Absent: after she drank the juice.
b. 22 out of 33 pupils were able to describe Alices characters before
and after she drank the juice.

c. 24 out of 33 pupils were able to underline the correct words based

on the text read.
Focus : Writing

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: 10. The Peach Boy

Content Standard : 3.3

Learning Standards: 3.3.1(b)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. write an email reply with guidance

DATE T.Aids : pictures, textbook, task sheets

CCE/EE: Thinking skills.

Subject Activities :
a. Pre writing:
1. Teacher shows pictures of fruits. Teacher gets the pupils to name the
Class fruits.
Year 5A 2. Teacher relates the fruits to todays lesson.
3. Teacher distributes reading text to the pupils.
4. Teacher gets the pupils to read the email Perize received from his friend
TIME Su-Hyeon in Korea.
920-1020 5. Ask a few questions to check understanding.

(60 minutes) b. While writing:

1. Teacher tells the pupils that they are going to write a reply to Su-Hyeon.
2. In the reply, the pupils need to write about Malaysias local fruits.
3. Teacher shows facts of durian and rambutan fruits on power point slides.
4. Then, teacher models the correct way to write sentences based on the
pictures and facts given.
5. Teacher gets the pupils to work in pairs.
6. Teacher distributes email template to each pair.
7. Pupils complete the email.

c. Post writing:
1. Once the task is done, teacher paste pupils work around the classroom wall.
2. Pupils walk around in pairs to view the work of others.
3. Teacher discuss the answers with pupils.
d. Closure:
1. Get the pupils to talk about their favourite local fruits.
2. Encourage pupils to share their responses to the class.

Attendance: Reflection:
26 out of 28 a. 22 out of 28 pupils were able to write an email reply with guidance
Focus : Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 10. Be Aware, Take Care!

Content Standards : 2,2

TUESDAY Learning Standards: 2.2.2(b), 2.2.3(a)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. read the text and state True or False statements correctly.
DATE b. complete a crossword puzzle given with information from the text.
3.10.2017 c. create a slogan on safety for the Living Skills workshop.

Teaching Aids: text book, pictures, task sheet

English CCE/EE: Thinking Skills, creativity and innovation.

Activities :
Year 6B a. Pre reading:
1. Show pupils a few pictures of Living Skills workshop in schools around
Time Malaysia.
750-850 2. Get the pupils to talk about the Living Skills workshops safety rules and
(60 minutes) 3. Prompt questions to encourage active participation.

b. While reading:
1. Get the pupils to read the text aloud. (TB page 97)
2. Go through the safety rules and regulations with the pupils.
3. Pupils work in pairs.
4. Distribute task sheet to each pair.
5. Activity 1:
Pupils discuss and identify True of False statements.
6. Activity 2:
Pupils complete the crossword puzzle given.
7. Go through the answers with pupils.

c. Post reading:
1. Pupils work with the same pair.
2. Pupils create a slogan on safety for the Living Skills workshop.
3. Once the task is done, paste pupils work around the classroom wall.
4. Pupils present their slogans to the class.
5. Teacher and peers provide feedbacks.

d. Closure:
1. Get the pupils to talk about safety rules and regulations in other places or
rooms in the school.
2. Examples:
- Science Lab, canteen, school field etc
3. Encourage pupils to share their responses to the class.

Attendance: Reflection:
22 out of 24
Absent: a. 11 out of 24 pupils were able to read the text and state True or
2 False statements correctly.

b. 14 out of 24 pupils were able to complete the crossword puzzle given

with information from the text read.

c. 11 out of 24 pupils were able to create a slogan on safety for the

Living Skills workshop.
Focus : Grammar

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: 10. The Peach Boy

TUESDAY Content Standard : 5.1

Learning Standards: 5.1.5 (e)(f)

3.10.2017 Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. Write the correct phrase for each picture.
Subject b. Write five sentences using along and against.
Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet.
Year 5A CCE/EE: Thinking skills, multiple intelligence.

TIME Activities :
(60 minutes) a. Presentation:
1. Teacher recalls previous lesson by asking pupils to name 2 prepositions of
2. Teacher puts up 2 pictures and writes sentences below the pictures.
3. Teacher gets the pupils to read the sentences aloud.
4. Teacher tells the pupils that the words in bold are preposition of position.
5. Teacher explains to pupils when we should use along and against.
6. Teacher shows power point slides on prepositions along and against from
previous lesson as revision.

b. Practice:
1. Divide pupils into groups.
2. Distribute task sheet to each group.
3. Activity A:
Pupils write the correct phrase for each picture.
4. Activity B:
5. Based on the picture given, pupils need to write five sentences using along
and against. Pupils write their sentences on manila cards.

c. Production:
1. Invite group leaders to present to the class.
2. Teacher and peers give feedbacks.
3. Check pupils answers and make corrections if necessary.
4. Pupils copy the sentences into their exercise books.

d. Closure:
1. Sum up the lesson by asking pupils to define the prepositions along and
Attendance: Reflection:
27 out of 28 a. 11 out of 28 pupils were able to write the correct phrase for each
Absent: picture.
1 b. 15 out of 28 pupils were able to write five sentences using along and
Focus :Writing

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 10. Be Aware, Take Care!

Content Standards :3.2

TUESDAY Learning Standards: 3.2.1 (a), 3.2.2(d)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. transfer information to complete linear text.
DATE b. write a composition with guidance in neat cursive writing.

3.10.2017 Teaching Aids :text book, task sheet.

Subject CCE/EE: Thinking skills.

Activities :

Class a. Pre writing:

Year 6B 1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to define:
-main idea, supporting details, concluding sentence
Time 2. Introduce composition to the pupils.
1050-1150 3. Explain to them about a good composition.
4. Pupils may refer to TB page 99 for explanation on a good composition.
(60 minutes)
b. While writing:
1. Divide pupils into groups.
2. Distribute task sheet to each group.
3. Pupils write sentences based on the phrases given.
4. Guide pupils in their writing.

c. Post writing:
1. Exhibit pupils works on walls in the classroom.
2. Teacher and pupils have a gallery walk around.
3. Encourage pupils to give feedback on each others work
4. Teacher checks pupils work and make corrections if necessary.
5. Get the pupils to copy the edited composition into their exercise books.
6. Ask pupils to write the composition in neat cursive writing.

d. Closure:
1. Brainstorm other ways to keep their home safe when they are away on a
do not leave a key hidden outside their house but give one to a
trusted neighbour
do not leave the porch light on throughout the day because people
will know that no one is at home
leave the light on to give impression that the house is occupied

Attendance: Reflection:
23 out of 24
Absent: a. 22 out of 24 pupils were able to transfer information to complete
1 linear text.

b. 21 out of 24 pupils were able to write a composition with guidance in

neat cursive writing.
Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 11. The Insect Investigators

Content Standards: 1.1

Learning Standards: 1.1.4

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. describe a mosquito and a beetle with guidance.
3.10.2017 Teaching Aids : textbook, pictures.

CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences.

Subject Activities :
a. Pre listening:
1. Introduce these words to the pupils.
Head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, compound eyes, jointed legs
2. Get the pupils to say the words correctly.
Class 3. Put up a bee poster.
Year 4A 4. Introduce the bees parts of the body.
5. Then, read the bees description. (TB page 105)
6. Pupils listen carefully.

b. While listening:
TIME 1. Show pictures of a mosquito and a beetle.
1150-1250 2. Pupils work in groups.
3. Get the pupils to label these two insects parts of the body.
(60 minutes) 4. In groups, pupils practise describing these insects.
5. Pupils use the description of the bee from previous activity as guidance.
6. Assist pupils if necessary.

c. Post listening:
1. Each group take turns to describe the insects.
2. Teacher provides feedback.

d. Closure:
1. Pupils listen to audio recording.
1. Pupils write the name of the insect described.
1. Bee 2. Butterfly
3. Mosquito 4. Ant
Attendance: Reflection:

32 out of 33 a. 17 out of 33 pupils were able to describe the mosquito and the beetle
Absent: with guidance.
Focus : Language Art

Theme: World of Stories

WEDNESDAY Topic: And Something Weird Happened.. (short story)

Content Standard: 4.2

DATE Learning Standards: 4.2.1

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. talk about an enjoyable and a boring holiday.
b. match the characters to the activity based on the short story.
English Teaching Aids: task sheet

CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, I-think.

Activities :
Year 5 a. Presentation:
1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to name the characters in the story.
2. Get the pupils to read chapter 1 of the story.
3. Go through the chapter with the pupils.

TIME b. Practise:
1. Pupils sit in groups.
2. Write the title An enjoyable holiday on the board.
(60 minutes) 3. Elicit responses from pupils on the title.
820-920 4. Write the responses on the board.
5. Show a picture of an enjoyable holiday.
6. Get pupils to respond to the picture. Teacher initiates by asking related
a. Does this picture depict an enjoyable holiday?
b. Have you been to this place? Do you know this place?
c. Do you think the people are enjoying themselves?
7. Draw pupils attention to the board. Change the word enjoyable in the
title to boring.
8. In their respective groups, pupils discuss what would a boring holiday be
9. Pupils come up with a simple mind map on a display sheet.
10. Pupils present their work.

c. Production:
1. Pupils work individually.
2. Distribute task sheet to pupils.
3. Ask pupils to skim through pages 5, 6 & 7.
4. Then, get them to match the correct activities for each character
5. Discuss the answers with the pupils.

d. Closure:
1. Ask pupils about their activities during the holidays and share with the
whole class.
2. For example:
What did you do during the holidays?
Did you share the same activities as the characters in the story?
Did you do it alone? Or with your family or friends?
Any interesting moments that you would like to share?
Did you like the activity? Why?

Attendance: Reflection:

27 out of 28 a. 22 out of 28 pupils were able to talk about an enjoyable and a boring
Absent:1 holiday.

b. 11 out of 28 pupils were able to match the characters to the activity

based on the short story.
Focus : Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 11. The Insect Investigators

Content Standards: 2.2

Learning Standards: 2.2.2(b)

DATE Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. Match the words to their meanings.
4.10.2017 b. Match the homographs correctly.
English Teaching Aids: textbook, task sheet, pictures.

Class CCE/EE: Thinking skills.

Year 4A
Activities :
1050-1150 a. Pre reading:
1. Tell pupils that living things have different life cycles.
(60 minutes) 2. Get the pupils to watch a video of the life cycle of a butterfly.

b. While reading:
1. Pupils read the text aloud. (TB page 107)
2. Get pupils attention to the words in bold.
3. Say the words, pupils listen and repeat.
4. Tell pupils that these words have more than one meaning. They are called
homographs. Tell pupils that homographs may have different pronunciation.
5. Get them to refer to TB for examples.
6. Pupils work in pairs.
7. Distribute task sheet to each pair.
8. Pupils match the underlined words to its meaning.
9. Discuss and confirm answers with pupils.

c. Post reading:
1. Pupils work in groups.
2. Distribute a set of pictures to each group.
3. Pupils look at the pictures given.
4. Pupils write the words below the pictures and match them to their correct
pair of homographs.


watch watch
5. Guide pupils if necessary.
6. Go through the answers with pupils.

d. Closure:
1. Get the pupils to choose two pairs of homographs.
2. Then, pupils make one sentence for each word.
3. Pupils write the sentences in their exercise books.

Attendance: Reflection:
33 out of 33
Absent: 23 out of 33 pupils were able to match the words to their meanings.
a. 14 out of 33 pupils were able to match the homographs correctly.
Focus :Grammar

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 10. Be Aware, Take Care!

Content Standard : 5.1

THURSDAY Learning Standards: 5.1.5

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. fill in the blanks with at, on or in.
DATE b. complete the paragraphs with at, on or in.
Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet.

Subject CCE/EE: Thinking skills.

Activities :

Class a. Presentation:
Year 6B 1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to name 3 prepositions of time and
place that they have learnt.
Time 2. Write 2 sentences on the board. (refer to TB page 101)
3. Get the pupils to read the sentences.
820-920 4. Tell pupils that these sentences have more than one preposition in a sentence.
(60 minutes) 5. Explain more about these prepositions using power point slides.
6. Teacher may also get the pupils to refer to textbook page 100 for more

b. Practice:
1. Pupils work in pairs.
2. Distribute task sheet to each pair.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions of time and place.
4. Discuss and confirm answers with pupils.

c. Production:
1. Pupils work with the same pair.
2. Pupils complete the paragraphs using the correct prepositions of time and
3. Go through the answers with pupils.

1. Teacher shows pictures.
2. Pupils make sentences orally using the prepositions at, on or in based on the
pictures shown.
3. Guide pupils if necessary.
Attendance: Reflection:
32 out of 33 a. 22_ out of _33 pupils were able to fill in the blanks with at, on or in.
Absent: b. 24 out of 33 pupils were able to complete the paragraphs with at, on
1 or in.
Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 11. Natural Disasters

Content Standard :1.1, 1.2

Learning Standards: 1.1.4, 1.2.1(a)(b)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. talk about natural disasters based on the pictures given.
b. talk about what each person can do to help the victims who lost their
homes and lives in the disasters.
5.10.2017 Teaching Aids : textbook, pictures.

CCE/EE: Thinking skills, I-think.

Subject Activities :
a. Pre listening-speaking:
1. Teacher shows power point slides on natural disasters.
Class 2. Teacher explains to pupils what natural disasters are.
Year 5A 3. Get pupils attention to the newspaper headlines. (TB page 103)
4. Teacher gets the pupils to talk about the newspaper headlines.
5. Teacher prompts questions to encourage active participation.
TIME Examples:
What can you tell from the headlines?
920-1020 Name other natural disasters that you know.
(60 minutes) How can we help victims of natural disasters?

b. While listening-speaking:
1. Get pupils attention to the dialogue. (TB page 104)
2. Teacher gets the pupils to complete the dialogue based on previous
3. Then, read the completed dialogue.
4. Pupils listen carefully.

c. Post listening-speaking:
1. Get pupils attention to the pictures. (TB page 104)
2. Ask pupils to name the natural disasters.
3. Teacher gets the pupils to work in pairs.
4. Guide pupils talk about the disasters using the sentence patterns given.
5. Teacher randomly calls a few pairs to talk about the disasters in front of
the class.
6. Teacher provides feedback.

d. Closure:
1. Show a short video of natural disaster to the pupils.
2. Get the pupils to state their feelings after watching the video.
3. Write pupils responses on the board in bubble map form.
4. Encourage pupils to share their responses to the class.
Attendance: Reflection:
27 out of 28
Absent: a. 12 out of 28 pupils were able to talk about natural disasters based on
1 the pictures given.

b. 20 out of 28 pupils were able to talk about what each person can do to
help the victims who lost their homes and lives in the disasters.
Focus : Writing

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 11. The Insect Investigators

Content Standards: 3.2

FRIDAY Learning Standards: 3.2.1 (a)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

DATE a. complete the paragraph with information from the text read.
6.10.2017 b. write the life cycle of a dragonfly with words and pictures guidance.

Subject Teaching Aids : text book, task sheet, pictures.

CCE/EE: Thinking skills, multiple intelligences.
Year 4A Activities :

TIME a. Pre writing:

720-820 1. Put up 4 jumbled up pictures of life cycle of a mosquito on the board.
(60 minutes) 2. Get the pupils to guess the correct sequence.
3. Pupils check the answer by referring to TB page 109.
4. Get the pupils to read the text.
5. Go through the text with the pupils.
6. Distribute task sheet to pupils.
7. Pupils complete the paragraph by using the information from the text read.
8. Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.

b. While writing:
1. Pupils work in groups of 3.
2. Distribute task sheet to each group.
3. Go through the life cycle of a dragonfly with the pupils.
4. Get pupils attention to the words given.
5. Tell pupils that they are going to use the words to write a paragraph of the
life cycle of a butterfly.
6. Pupils may use the paragraph form previous activity as guidance.
7. Guide pupils from group to group.

c. Post writing:
1. Once the task is done, invite group leaders to present their work.
2. Check pupils answers and make correction if necessary.
3. Pupils copy the edited paragraph into their exercise books.

1. Get the pupils to watch a short video of a dragonfly life cycle.
Attendance: Reflection:
31 out of 33 a. 29 out of 33 pupils complete the paragraph with information from the
Absent: text read.
2 b. 22 out of 33 pupils write the life cycle of a dragonfly with words and
pictures guidance.
Focus : Language Art

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Tadpoles (Anthology of Poems)

Content Standard : 4.2, 4.3

FRIDAY Learning Standards: 4.2.1, 4.3.2

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. recite the poem in groups.
DATE b. listen to statements and correct the false statements.

6.10.2017 Teaching Aids: textbook, pictures, task sheet,

Subject CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, creativity and innovation, thinking skills.

Activities :

Class Presentation:
Year 6B 1. Get the pupils to look at the picture.
2. Ask them to talk about the picture.
Time 3. Prompt questions to encourage active participation.
4. Get the class to recite the poem.
920-1020 5. Listen and correct their pronunciation.
(60 minutes) 6. Model the recitation of the poem.

1. Divide pupils into small groups.
2. Allow them to practice for 5-10 minutes.
3. Encourage pupils to create their own actions for the poem.
4. Pupils take turn to recite the poem.
5. Evaluate their performance.
6. Use the Group Assessment Form.
7. Teacher and peer gives feedback.

1. Explain the rules of playing quiz. (You decide your own rules)
2. Distribute the TRUE and FALSE form.
3. Read the statements and ask pupils to correct the false statement.

1. Get the pupils to talk about the life cycle of a frog.

Attendance: Reflection:
22 out of 24
Absent: a. 13 out of 24 pupils were able to recite the poem in groups.

b. 12 out of 24 pupils were able to listen to statements and correct the

false statements.

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