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rsc ahJ r few friends

GareOne DRTV
60-second spots


Proiect Specs: To establish Amerix as the category leader and separate them
(2) 60-sec Spots from the rest of the pack, particularly important given that it
has become a copycat industry in terms of look and messaging

So much of the advertising in the category is M.O.TS.

(More of the Same)

Everybody says they can save you money.

Everybody has a call center.

To distinguish Amerix by use of consistent strategy and

implementation. With intelligence, compassion and humility

To simplify. Simplify what is a rather complicated product and

a very difficult problem.

To take clear ownership of the category by creating a campaign

that cannot be easily imitated.

Situation Summary

There is nothing inherently amusing about car insurance, real

estate, office supplies, credit cards, or supplemental health

ln fact, most people would say that they consider buying their
home, managing their personal finances and protecting their
loved-ones - very serious business.(Paper clips, calculators and
file folders also serious stuff - just to a lesser degree.)

Yet the most memorable - and most importantly long running -

advertising in those categories include:
. GEICO - a 15 minute phone call can save you 15%
. Staples - yeah, we got that
o Capital One - what's in your wallet
oCentury 21 -it buying a house were this easy, you
wouldn't need us.
oAflac - without it, no insurance is complete.

Because they have found ways to distinguish themselves -

even in parity categories - even in serious businesses.
By being human. Approachable. By taking a lighter approach,
they don't add to the intimidation of doing 'serious business'.

Only a category leader can afford to do that.

o Debt-burdened individuals
oThose with debts in collections
.Those who have suffered a traumatic event
o People who have been carrying high debt for too long

Young adults on their first or second job who have realized that
they are living above their means.

Single parentsi/mothers who are having a hard time of it.

Young middle-aged who have been carrying debt for many

years and want to move onto the next part of life debt-free.
Baby Boomers!

This sucks. I feel like l'm failing one of life's tests. Between the calls
from the collection agencies and the constant worrying about our
bills - this is no way to live. We have got to do something.

I hear about people and businesses filing for bankruptcy all the
time. Makes itsound like it's notthat big a deal.Well, if it's no big
deal, then why do I feel so embarrassed and why am I worried
about money all the time?

l'm in pain. l've messed up our finances and it's so embarrassing.

We need help, but the truth is - talking to friends, family or
neighbors about it would be like admitting failure.There are just
some things you don't discuss.


We will help you get out of debt and get your finances back
on track. We will always treat you with compassion, humility
and respect.

tsc r.J
x fco'

Key lnsights


Prospects could well be used to rejection.

Maybe even, over-rejection.

"l'm not as bad - as I think you'think I am"

"l'm ready to admit I have a problem, don't rub it in."
Do not talk down to them.
Do not over promise - (happy, smiling faces - an easy fix).
Do not scare them.

People are very uncomfortable talking about their finances.

Especially if they are having money troubles.They won't discuss
money with friends or family, and even sometimes - a spouse.

I can make the collection calls and notices go away

once and for all.

Common to all Direct Response Spots, Ads, Web & Mail.

Features and Benefits:

. Eliminate late fees
. Stop collection calls and notices
o One lower monthly payment
. Save up to 50% every month
o Be debt-free faster
o Non-profit credit counseling
o Avoid bankruptcy
o Currently helping over 250,000 families
o No consulting fees, processing fees or set-up fees, and
no up-front deposits like the others will charge you -
check around

Call 1 866.123.4567 TOLL FREE

FREE 30 minute consultation with a
non-profit credit counselor

F.q r.J
x fcu'

Print Ads

nc lnd a fcu, fricnds

Print Ads

Project Specs:
1,2,4-color ads
Generate modular advertising for various types of publications
Parenti ng, that separate themselves from the clutter
entertainment &
women's magazines;
financial newspapers
& magazines;
weekly newspapers . Highly leveraged consumers with over $4,000 in unsecured
and tabloids
debt ($13,000 is our average).
oThey basically live beyond their means and their debt level is
oThey know they need to do something ... NOW! (they may be
thinking they need to file for bankruptcy, or may not know
what they need to do).
oThey know that they don't want to live under the debt
pressure they are experiencing and are looking for the easiest
possible way out.

Key lnsights

o Prospects are aware that there are companies out there who
are looking to take advantage of them during this time of
. Consumers have a high degree of skepticism about the
advertising claims & statements that they see/hear - they all
sound so similar and are probably not really true
o Paralysis- there are just too many possible options,
none of which are the obvious right choice
o Lack of will to admit that they have a problem

Fq r.J
l {cu
Direct Mail

r, e rnd e fcu, friends

Friend-Get-a-Friend Program
Statement lnsert with companion e-mail

Project Specs:
1 panel buckslip:
2-sided Encourage advocacy - drive current customers to refer friends
(4) CCA versions
and family to CareOne serviced CCAs.

Cost per acquisition:

below $60

277,381Approx. Clients on a DMP using the CareOne service.
o Household income approx. $35,000/yr
. High school graduate
.Approx. 35 years old
o Married
. OR 25 year olds, single, college educated

o Clients know what their peers are going through

o Clients provide credibility, trust, validation and understanding
through their "real life" story to potential referrals

. Clients may find topic too embarrassing to share with others.

. Competitors' offers are very similar.
o Potential referral may have done their own research and were
exposed to our competitors.


Expectation is to increase number of calls by 600

F.q r^J
r fct,

Friend-Get-a-Friend Program
Statement lnsert - April 2002


A friend i,, need

needs a friena like you.


There might just be one thing that feels better

than getting out of debt.
As good r you feel knoung ,ou are gelting your financ* under conrrol, lf you know anyone who could benefit from a debr mmgerent program,
imagine how you'd feel helping someone you knorv and care abour to plem share this note and your xprience $ith him or her and encourage
experience the same *ree of relief them to give u a call.

Only rcmeone who knows the prsure and the pam fircthand - emeone
Share your solution.
who knows from experience how hard I s ro ake rhar first step - on
appreciate jEt how impoMnt it is. 866-86G9478 CLARION
Print Ads
Yellow Pages - September 2002

Eddie Ads Trademark Ads

Honesg, understanding & respect.

fees to get out
steP in the ' Up to 57Yo saving on

,, your monthly bills.

Free, non-protit
I a debt help.
' over 2,000,000 people
have been helped.

ll you call anyone else lor help dealing ' Sale & secure

with debt, make sure you ask them

where your payments go. Don't let call: 1.866.866.9461
them charge you fees.

o Free, non-profit debt help.

. 0ver 2 million people have received

safe and secure help while saving
up to 570/o on their monthly bills.
Honesg, understanding & respect.
o Be treated with honesty,

^ -'* Save uD to 570lo on
understanding &

f .S,llJlbBUt*,..,,.

1.866.866.9462 ,gd?&,4.
mda3ororttim frl!:f on - prori t d ebt h er p
credit counselinq
call: 1.866.866.9461

Step Ads

Step l: Realize it's time to get help dealing

with debt.
Step 2: Contact the people who won't
charge you extra fees when you can
least afford to pay them.
With Care0ne the counseling is non-profit
and the services are free.
- Save up to 57% on your monthly bills.
- Be treated with honesty, understanding & respect.

- Over 2 million people have already been helped.
- Always safe & secure.

call= 1.866.866.9482
online= crodil coua60ling
Print Ads
Newspaper, Magazine,YP - March 2002

Looking for a wav

out of Debt?
Let participating non-profit credit
counseling agencies powered by
Amerix help you... o stop harassing calls
. avoid bankruptcy
. rebuild your credit
-- . lower bills up to 50%
rg EMT.HI-
Free Service
:= *:bi3 t spa nol=
www,ame rix.col TOLL FREE

J out'ot Debt?
Lookino for a wav
Let participating
non-profit credit counseling agencies
powered by Amerix help you... . stop harassing calls
. avoid bankruptcy
Free Service . rebuild your credit
Gather your bills and call . lower bills up to 50%
1-866-123-4567 E*nsx.

5e Habla Espafrol

Fe r.J
r fc,'

Friend-Get-a-Friend Program
Statement lnsert - September 2002

front back

help thank you

Before you began getting your When you help someone out of
finances back under control - a difficuh situation is isn't just to
help - was probably the hardest hear these two small words.
word to say.
You do it because it! the right
lf you know someone troubled thing to do. Because you know
and anxious about taking that when you're in
a tight spot,
that first step, share your you appreciate someone look-
experience with him or her. ing out for you.
Give them our number and
encourage them to find out if lf you know someone troubled
a debt management program is by debt and anxious about
the right solution. taking that first step, share your
experience with him or her.
Take it from us - helping others Give them our number and
is one of the greatest feelings encourage them to find out if a
you can ever hope to have. debt management program is
the right solution too.

l.: l: !lr\1e:\l:\i
cpr u\^6EvJtlz
866-866-9478 866466-9478
toll-free toll-free

F.c r.J
L leut

Friend-Get-a-Friend Program
Statement lnsert - Ja nua ry 2003

front back

thank you
When you help someone
out of a difficult situation

o a new,
it isn't just to hear
these two small words.

You do it because it's
the right thing to do.
Because you know that
when you're in a tight spot,
.- EIr you appreciate someone
looking out for you.
\, I

year. tt yo, t nori a friend or

relative who is troubled by debt,
and anxious about their finances,
why not help them make 2003
the year they get back in control.

Share your experience with him

-a or her, and give them our number.
Encourage them to find out if a
debt management program is the

tIn -
right solution for them.

Take it from us - helping others is
one of the greatest feelings you
can ever hope to have.

Help someone you care

about enter the New Year
- with new hope.
Arrears Program


Project Specs: Get them while they're hoUfresh by inserting buckslips into
1 panel buckslip: actually past-due bills: driving debt-burdened customers to call
2-sided CareOne

Creditor's customers who are in arrears

o Late on monthly payment to at least one creditor
o ln financial trouble due to overspending
or unforeseen event
. Confused and unsure of options

eYou have the need

.The creditor endorses the service establishing credibility

o Potential clients may find situation stressful and embarrassing

r May consider bankruptcy the only alternative

o Doesn't know what Credit Counseling is,

never heard of CareOne
o May have many misperceptions
(i.e., it's a loan, you have to own a home to be qualified).

Fq r.J
r feu

Arrears Program
Statement Insert - December 2002


lf you are experiencing financial hardship,

this notice can provide you with a way to
manage your bills and help you get out of

Every Cloud Has a Call CareOne Credit Counseling'" services

today to learn how a debt-management
program can help you begin to start
Silver Lining. seeing a brighter financial future.

h's not always easy to make changes for the

be"ttei but it doesn't have to be that hard.

credit counseling ) carr 1800.498.0786 toda


! Free Service

I S;1""t1qo*hly

CareOne Credit ! Non-Profit credit counselors

! Consgfidate debt into one easy,
Counseling'" Services momnry paymem

The CareOne Credit Counseling5M guarantee:

I Stop collection calls

We will treat every person with honesty, understanding ! Not a loan or bankruptcy.
and respect - with humility, humanity and caring. I ff;r fr.mntion
people have been

I Convenient process takes less than

30 minutes.

) Call 1.800.498.A789 today.

FreedomPoint Pre-Paid Mastercard@
Postcard and e-mail

Proiect Specs:
Oversize Postcard: Drive poftion of existing FreedomPoint clients to call for a FP
2-sided Pre-Paid MasterCard to test response and conversion rates

Cost per call:

$25 or less

250 Approx. Highly leveraged consumers who called FP to get help
o May have signed up for a DMP
r May have signed up for another product offered by FP
(i.e. mortgage, credit report, personal loan, student
loan consolidation, etc... )

. FP endorsed - it looks like a MasterCard credit card and may

be used anywhere that MasterCard is accepted

. Provides the convenience, flexibility and prestige of a credit

card without incurring debt and interest charges

o Cash is conveniently loaded on pre-paid card through

telephone and lnternet
o Helps alleviate embarrassment of situation


oThe minimum initial load is $25 and has a $5 first year annual
fee (the annual fee after the first year is $9.95).
o May think pre-paid card is the same thing as a bank debit card
and may not see the need for it
o May be afraid to use something that looks and sounds like a
credit card - it is what got them in trouble in the first place

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