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Friend-Get-a-Friend Program

Statement lnsert - December 2002


Get a

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. Get your new FreedomPoint

Mastercard for those times John O. Sample
when you want the comfon and
safety of having a working
"X;oW PrePaid MC Concept 1
123 Main Street
Anwown, USA 12345
l\,,lasterCard with your name on

. Get your new FreedomPoint

Maslercard for those times when
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Get your new FreedomPoint MasterCard'today

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Mortgage Acquisition Program
Mail Package and Postcard - April 2002


Project Specs:
for both the DMP and mortgage
Test ability to source business
segments of our business via targeted direct mail to
Cost per lead: households experiencing debt management problems.
under $25

Conversion rate:
4Yo +

Customers currently on a DMP or experiencing problems with

excessive debt

.With a current home value in excess of $150,000

o Current mongages outstanding at no more than 80%
oA first moftgage rate of at least 8%
. Revolving debt of at least $15,000
o Customer wants to refinance and/or consolidate loans
where at least one of loans is at least 8o/o or higher

Key lnsights

.This is a clear need-sell and "pain relief" purchase.

. Homeowners can lower their overall monthly payments by
consolidating all mortgages and non-real estate debt into one,
potentially tax-deductible moftgage loan.


o May have many misperceptions about program

o Lacks unencumbered equity in their home
r Doesn't want to take on additional real estate debt or low rates
on existing loans.
. Homeowners must be willing and able to tap the equity
in their home.

tsc r.J
r fcu'

Mortgage Acquisition Program
#10 Letter Package - concept 1

E*nrsx" 5ET-
Special mortgage offer for homeowners with debt:

Elinrinate credir card debr

John Q. Sample One colsolidaled pa\ ment
123 Main Street Raks as kxv 6 x.rr%
AnltoM, MD t2345-67891

Dear Mr Sample:

What if you .ould s\r $300-51,000 every motuh and nor ha\t rc worry abour credir urd debt anlmorel How
much e6ier would pa)ing your bills bel How much e6ier would your lile bel

l[ l ou re a homeo*neq such a elulion isnt jEa wisbful fihking. Ame* Mongage Corporarion en help you
coe)lidate all your debt - includmg lngh-inlerd cEdir card debr - ino a new low mLe [iEr mongage t]rar could
*rr you hundre& ach month. You'll ha\r only one paymmt !o @ke ach monrh. And a lor ls wofiies abour
keeping up wth your bills.

Pay a lower mortgage rate. And lower tus, tm.

ln addtion ro a highly competitive interst rate, typically lower rhan what you could ger slrh a scond mongage,
a new debt con&rlidation mongage could bnng you grat benefis at u time 6 well. TtuLb trc'aue m(r(gage
interest is Eually rd deductible. Credit card imeres! i$t.

Debt management is what we do,

trlany morlgage companie are relucant to work wirh homeomer carrying hea\y debL Nor Am*. ln fac!, our
organation w6 founded for the sole pueo* of helping tho* wirh sigmfrcanr debt rroubles. llb who we are. And
uhar we do. And why we haw only rhe mosr knowledgeable and oring people in the indusrry

Help is just a phone oll away.

Io find out how qn help ,ou, call ore of our Fiuncial Cou@lors roday at I 800-)ar(x )ooil. we ll sk you
we a
few rmple quesriore WhrL are your neds] How on we help? How fasr do you need ro ge! it done? and
quickly ger you suned on the path toward a debt free future.


MuCon.12l knStd, AnM, MD 123a5{7&

John Q. Sample
I23 Main Sareet
Anltom, MD I2345'67891
!1t,,,,1r,,;.,r,,t,t,t;,,,,,1,t t,r,11,,,t,,r,,,,il,il,,i,t,,t
Mortgage Acquisition Program
Double-sided postcard - concept 2

'palrad s,/lpoqoN
John Q. Sample
123 Main Street inside
Anytown, MD 12345-6789!

lf you're a homeowner
with debt troubles,
talk to someore who: ,

understands. ',,,,.,'.il

At Amerix Mortgagg we're not Call one of our Financial Counselors

looking for perfect. today at 1 -800-XXX-XXXX.
We'll ask you a few simple questions
On the contrary, our company was founded for a
- What are
your needs? How can we help? How fast do you
very different reason: To help homeowners in
need to get it done?
need. lt's who we are. And what we do. And why - and quickly get you
started on the path toward a debt-free future.
you should talk to us i{ you're struggling with the
substantial burden of carrying both a mortgage
and heavy credit card debt.
Don't own a home? We can still help.
Save up to $1,000 a month lf you're looking to get out of debt and
with a new mortgage. rEain control of your financial future, ask
about an Amerix-powered Debt
Through a new low-rate debt consolidation mort-
Management Program. this free, non-profit
gage, we can help you eliminate your credit card
service can help you:
debt and significantly reduce your total monthly
payments. You'll benefit from: . consolidare debt into one low monthly pay-
. Savinss of 1300-11,000 every month
. One consolidated monthly payment . Reduce monthly paymeflts up to 57%
. Tax-deductible interest on your credit card debt*
. Stop collection calls

Healthcare/Houses of Worship Takeones


Fish where the fish are -

Project Specs:
4-panel slimjim

l$c r.J
L fcu,
Healthcare/tlouses of Worship Takeones
Take One - concept 3



In debt? What am I going to do? Where am I going to Enroii oaiine or by phone.

turn? Who can I trust? When you're in debt,
these thoughts weigh on your mind every The CareOne service lets you take control
This isn't the single day. But there is a way out. of your debt on your terms, when and where
you pre{er lf you want, you can complete the
Trust Careone to or..ride the help you oeei. entire enrollment process online at
only place lf you'd like assistance from one
CareOne* Credit Counseling services has of our enrollment specialists, just call us at
helped over 2 million people struggling with 1-80G943-6728 (Mon.-Fri., 7 am-Midnight ESI
you'll find debtthrough its proven Debt Management Sat.9am - 11 pm ESI and Sun.9am-6pm
Program. This free seruice is offered only by EST).
experienced, non-pro{it credit counseling
understanding agencies (CCAs). When you're with Careone, Remenber, )/ss'is rot 3!ene.
you'll be treated with honesty, understanding
and respect. Humility, humanity and caring. Let the Careone seruice help you today. Don't
respect and
That's our promise to you. wait. Every day that passes is another day
spent living with the pain and hopelessness of
caring. Reduce your tronthly bil!s significantly. being in debt. Call now and start making your
life better Together, we can overcome this.
ln addition to providing top-notch counseling
and education. your CCA will negotiate a
comprehensive plan with your creditors that can:
Why CareOne?
r Consolidate your debts into . Reduces monthly bills
one lower monthly payment, o Eliminates collection calls
without upfront or hidden fees o Free service
that other companies charge o Non profit

. Lower your interest payments
. Over 2 million helped
dramatically and even waive
some ate fees

. Eliminate harassing collection


FC r.l
r fe.

Healthcare/l{ouses of Worsh ip Ta keones
Take One - concept 1


change I

what you inside

ean change

L ^1 Get your finances -
and your life - back in
. Lower your interest payments
dramatiolly and even waive some
late fees

-l order. . Eliminate hara$ing collection calls

lf you're in debt, you probably wish

Enroll online or by phone.
that everyone would just leave you alone.

r**"::::::H* Credito6. Collection agencies. Even

well-meaning friends and family membere.
We undeatand. But we also know from
experience that going it alone isn't the
The CareOne service lets you take
control o{ your debt on your terms, when
and where you pre{er lf you want, you can
complete the entire enrollment process
online at lf you'd
like asistance from one of our enrollment
Trust CareOne to provide the help you
specialisB, just cll us at 1-800-943-6728
(Mon.-Fn.,7 am-Midnight ESI Sat.9 am -
1 1 pm ESI and Sun. 9 am - 6 pm EST).
CareOne* Gedit Coureling *Mcs ho
helped over 2 million people struggling
Remembel you're not alone.
with debt brough its prova Debt
Managemst ProgEm. This tee eryice rs
Letthe CareOne seruice help you today.
offered only by experienced, norprofn
qedit counsling agencie (CCAs). M/hen Dont wait. Every day that passes is

H- you're with Careone, you'll be treated with

honsty, undeEtanding and repect
Humility, humanity and orin9. That! our
promise to you.
another day spent living with the pain and
hopelessnes of being in debt. Call now
and start making your li{e better Together,
we cn overcome this.

Reduce your monthly bills significantly.

ln addition to providing top-notch

counseling and eduetion. your CCA will
negotiate a comprehensive plan with your
credito6 that can:
Don't live with debt
any longer.
. Call 1 .888.123.456 today
Consolidate your debts into one lower
monthly payment, without up{ront or or enroll online at
hrdden fees that other companies
Healthcare/l{ouses of Worship Takeones
Take One - concept 2


g Where
* there's
; help,
Get out
Reduce your monthly bills significantly-
of debt. r ::lfit::n i! prl',iJi.g tnp-ii,taf
'-r ,. - l rl
,riLrnse lrril
And get

theret -: tnri-,reiensi!,a i:,i.1. eith y!Lr. ;.eailii.s

hope. your life


Enroll online or by phone.

Trust Careone to provide the help you ::
,. : I ::: :::

Don't live with debt any longer. Call 1.888.123.456 today

or enroll online at

hq r.J
x fct,,


sc rt d r fe r, fricnJs
Assorted Other Projects

o Radio
o Classified Print Advertising
o E-mails
- confirmation e-mails (acct. change)
- reminder e-mails
- rekindle e-mails
- 3 months out e-mail

o FAOs
o Revised IVR

o Naming Exploratory
. Logo Exploratory
. Cendant - membership/retention

t. -l,NJ
x {co'

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