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4O Oakview Drive, Trumbull, CT 066ll-4748

Item L995377 89/07 /3t L0:45 PAID



when you' re working reaJ- hard.. .
does your mind start to wander.
wander off to a place of warm
tropica1 breezes.
fFavelers Access o

Dear GEnie* Subscriber:

What is a vacation after all? A state of mind, or a state of relaxation . . . escape, or adventure
. . . a whole lot of nothing to do, or continents to conquer?

Now you can do it all. Or none of it.

Because whatever will help save your sanigl will now also save you
With Travelers AccesP, sanity and szuings arejust a few keystrokes away.
And you can find out for yourself forjust one dollar (Sl) for the next three

However 1rcu imagine spending your next vacation . . . on a trek through

lGtmandu or to sail and tan on a catamaran . . . once you sign on to Travelers
Access through GEnie and EAASY SABRE ", you can get there for less than you
ever dreamed possible. As a member of Travelers Access you'll e4joy:

Guaranteed Lowest Fares and Hotel Rate*

could almost swear

. . . where you
the faint, sweet aroma
of the mimosa tree is real. . .
or is it suntan lotion. . .
coconutty and cool. . .
You can travel on your choice of major airline or cruiseline, and stay in fine hotels the world
ovei all for the lowest prices available.

lf 1ou aner find a lower fare or rate than you paid as a Travelers Access member, we'll send you
a check for the difference.

This low price guarantee covers all of your car rentals too.

So 1ou see, you simply cannot travel for less.

The only way we could make what are already the lowest fares
and rates available even lowei is to give you money back for a portion of your
travel costs . . . so how does 5% sound? Simply submit your receipts upon
return, and we'll send you a check equaling 5c/o of the cost of your trzuel
arrangements. The 5% CASH BONUS can be claimed on alltranel booked
through EAASY SABRE tool

Sare lO% Tb 50% Off Regular Prlces On Short Notlcc \/acatlons.

The only way to find a better deal anlnruhere in travel is to have your own airplane and
luxury hotell These incredible savings are available to our members because of our tre
mendous buying "clout" in the industry. So if you have the flexibility, and the adventurous
nature to travel with two to eight weeks' notice, you can take advantage of the absolute best
buys in travel.

you ;;1': J"T ;:

swayint sensation of a hammock
strung between two majestic palms. . .
frosty Pina-Colada in hand. . .
Luxury Resort Condo Vacatlon*

Live the life of luxury at some of the most exclusive resorts in the U.S. and worldwide, while
eqjoying all the comforts of home. For as little as SIO per person, per night, you can erloy the
"suite" lifestyle of the rich and famous at less than half what the hotel across the street might
charge for one little room.

Hotllne Speclaki.

These great deals, available exclusively to Travelers Access membert

feature everything from a romantic weekend hideaway to a week-long
family getaway. You can browse through these extra-special "members-
only" deals online with Travelers Access.

Erpert Customer Servlce At Your Flngertlps

It's like having your own personal travel consultant on call,24 hours a day,
7 days a week. Whenever you need to confirm, change, or arrange any of
your travel plans, all you have to do is get online or on the phone for
instant service.

Your Satlsfadlon-Or-Your Money Back. Guaranteedl

We're so confident you'll e4joy all the money-saving, time-saving benefits of Travelers Access,
that if you are not completely satisfied with )our membership, just let us know and we'll re

. . . swaying effortlessly. . .
. . . yet perfectly in time with
the hypnotic samba beat. . .
. . .while the sunset. . .
the sunset creates colors
that didn't exist
unti1 this very day. . .
. . . what are you waiting for. . .
paradise awaits. . .online. . .now.
that if ),ou are not completely satisfied with )pur membership, just let us kno\ / and \ /e'll re
fund your entire current annual membership fee, no questions asked.

And that's about it. The few minutes you'll spend signing on can save you hours of searching
forjust the right vacation and save you lots of money once you've found it. So sign on now'

Mark L. Walsh
General Manager
Travelers Access

All of the benefits above, and more, can be yours forjust Sl for the next
three months if you sign on today.

And signing on couldn't be easier:

l. Sign on to EAASY SABRE through GEnie-Enter the Keyword

SABRE (lf you are not yet a registered EAASY SABRE user):
lA. Select #5 and complete'Application to use EAASY SABREi'
(Becoming an EAASY SABRE user is FREE.) Once you have your
AAdvantage@ Number:
2. Seled #7-"Iiavel Club," then
3. Select "Enrollment Application" from the liavelers Access menu
4. Confirm the information displayed.

tf Srou have any probtems or guestions, call: I8OG45*1O28.

At the end of your 3-month introductory period, unless you notify us otherwise, the low s39 annual membership
fee will be chirged to your account, as will all subsequent renewals, at the then current membership rate' You may
of course, discontinue your membership at any time, and receive a full refund of your annual fee'
Trrele6 Access is a registered srvice mark of and p@ided by CUC lnternational lnc.
EAASY SABRE is a product of the SABRE Trawl lnformation Netrcrk of American Airlinet lnc.
EAASY SABRE is a seruice mark of, and SABRE and AAdvantage are registered seryice marks of, American Airlines, lm. 1989, CUC lnternational lnc'
California Residents Only lf )DU haw any unreslwd questions or complaints with TrMlers Acces Gll or write: DePartment of Consumer Affai6' Cofr
plaint Assis6nce Unit, tO2O fv itreet, Rmm 5ol, Sacramentq C A 95AA' 1916144546tro.,I a.m.-s pm. lPacific Timel. Monday-Friday'

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