Junk Mail

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Of course we Genuine Masnetic strioe

"on back
want to sell

yop something,
but at least
letters and
sr6\ri?" Fits in
any wallet
numbers r )a] ','t ]. 1.:.,': -rk or purse
it's a grmt deal-
a VISA card
NOANNUALFEE! colors hologram

Hi! 18369619901 1-3

Surprise! Not all advertising is worthless. Take this letter for example. Today it's worth about $20
to you.
Because that's about what you'll save when you accept the Signet VISA card we've reserved in your
narne. A No Annual Fee \IISA card, with a credit line of up to $2,000, that'll give you the same
charging power and benefits many banl$ charge $I5 to $25 a year for. And because you've been
pre-approved, it__qJoq$&r U9_ asking.
Yes, it's true. But wait, there's more. (Sorry. That was aflashbachfroru a bad ad.)

Why pay for plastic!

Good question. But, I'm wiling to bet you've received other credit card offers lately, so maybe the
better question is why take our No Annual Fee SignetVISA. Here goes:
Answer #l: It's a great deal. There is no Annual Fee for your card!
Answer #2: You're already pre-approved for a credit line of up to $2,000!
Answer #3: The annual percentage rate for purchases is only L5.9Yo*. Unlike many banks,
we don't charge high interest rates to make up for not collecting an annual fee.
Answer #4 We don't need your parents' signature. The card is for you. And at this
time in your life developing a good credit history is as important as it is hard.
Here's o hint- pay your bills on time, and you'll be amazed how many
people will lend you money.
Just send back the form below and, before you know it, you'll be tooling around with a serious
financial instrument in your pocket.
A wallet-sized dynamo of financial freedom that comes complete with a low interest rate, a credit

(over, please)
* Your annual percentage rate for purchases is Prime plus 9.9% and will vary up or doum as interest rates move as
explained on the back of the ")ust sign it!" form.

V (Please complete, detach, and mail to us in the reply envelope enclosed.) V

Yes, it's true. But wait, there's more. (Sorry. That wos aflashbnckfrorn a bnd. ad..)

Good question. Bur, I'm wilting," o..T',1:JI*.*Tii

credit card offers lately, so maybe the
better question is why take our No Annual Fee Signet \TSA. Here goes:
Answer #l: It's a great deal. There is no Annual Fee for your card!
Answer #2: You're already pre-approved for a credit line of up to $2,000!
Answer #3: The annual percentage rate for purchases is only L5.9o/o*. Unlike many banks,
rve don't charge high interest rates to make up for not collecting an annual fee.
Answer #4: We don't need your parents' signature. The card is for you. And at dris
time in your life developing a good credit history is as imporrant as it is hard.
IIere\ a hint- pay your bills on time, and you'll be amazed how many
people will lend you money.
]ust send back the form below and, before you know it, you'll be tooling around with a serious
financial instrument in your pocket.
A wallet-sized dynamo of financial freedom that comes complete with a low interest rate) a credit

(over, please)
* Your annual percentage rate for purchases is Prime plus 9.9% and will vary
up or down as interest rates move as
explained on the back of the "lust sign it!" form.

V (Please complete, detach, and mail to us in the reply envelope enclosed.) V

Iust sign it!
before vou find all the subliminal
messages in this mailing, r,ou'll have received
vour No Annual Iee Signet\1SA card. n Yes E No Send me blank checks lor an immediale cash advanc.
(Nol for balance transfers. Use enclosed torm instead.)
Social Date ot Home Name of College (if any) Student
Security # Birth I I Phone( ) Phone ( )
Employer (if any) Gross Annual Previous Address
lncome $
To avoid delays, please provide all information requested.

Class: I Fresh. Jr.

Sr E Grad. Student
##+0 183696199011_ n
Full-Time Student
Part-Time Student
2 Yr. College
Or, il Recent College Grad.
John Q. Sample Graduation Date:

Optional Address Line Are you a U.S. Citizen? ! Yes No

One Corporate Woods Drive lf not a U.S. Cilizen, please provide U.S. resident alien registration #:

Bridgeton, MO 64044-3838 I have read the lmportant Disclosures and Miscellaneous lnlormation on the reverse side and
agree to be bound as specilied therein. You are authorized to check my credit, employment
history, and school status il applicable. This offer is non-transferrable.

(please cross out and change address if necessary)

No fooling! This offer expires: June 13 , 1993 1 93 300 2 672 9273 003
line up to $2,000, a really cool hologram - and yes - it'll have your narne stamped right across it in
raised letters! !

Now, how much would you be willing to pay for this litde plastic marvel! (Tltere lgo again.
Sorry. Besid,es, as I'ye snid, at least twice before, your Signet WSA card, d.oesn't have an onnwalfee".)
With your Signet VISA card, you'll be able to buy stuff at over seven million places and get instant
cash advances at more than 100,000 AfMs and over 200,000 banks all over the planet.
You'll also get a bunch of Extra Benefits (EB's in the trade), designed to save you some money or
help you out of a tight spot. Benefits like the enclosed Balance Transfer form (save right away by
moving higher interest balances to your low I5.9% Signet account), car rental discounts, toll-free
customer service 24 hours a day, $100, 000 of Travel Insurance, and personahzed convenience
checks for emergencies.
Still with mel Good. But you're not convinced yet. OK. . .

Here comes the big finish.

Why are we willing to send you, an unproven credit risk, a No Annual Fee Signet VISA cardf
Quite simply because risk = reward.
By helping you out now, when a lot of banks won't, we hope that down the road when you're a big
success, you'll show your appreciation by borrowing a humongous sum ofmoney from us. Fair enough|

So send for your No Annual Fee Pre-Approved Signet VISA today, and let's get started down that
road to mutLlally advantageous financial reward.


William "I d.id.n't really write this letter, bwt I agree with it" Binns
Executive Vice President

P.S. If you want your No Annual Fee, Pre-Approved Signet Visa card, you've got to get your reply
in by the date printed on the ]ust srgn it! form. This is not a gimmick to get you to sign up
faster. And it's not a trick. It's a fact. So hurry.

*While you won't pay an annual fee 'for your card, you will be expected to pay your bills
One more trick
to make you get this card.
SryAdios to Intefest ttburktark-optionalBarancerransrer) S/G\ET BAI\K
Simply complete this form and return it to us. We'll ake care of the rest.

1 ) cara tssuer Specific

Payment Address To Account #

2) c^,atssuer ToPay$- Account#

Pavment Address Date

X signature
{use reverse side lor additional balance transfers)

John Q. Samp1e Bank Use Only

Optional Address Line Account #

One Corporate Woods Drive **#0 183 6874743t2

Bridgeton, MO 64044-3838
th e Creot'ive D'irector
Dear College Student:

Take it from me. I've worked for a lot of banks i, *y time. And I've written
tons of advertising on their behalf. Selling everything from multi-million
dollar corporate lines of credit to Christmas Clubs for kids.

But it was always the same stuff over and over again.Very formal.Very official.
Very stuffii. Very boring.

Then I came to work for SIGNET.

They told me to just have fun putting this package together for you. Fun!
Imagine that. From a bank!

As far as I'm concerned, that's reason enough to take the Signet \IISA card.
But I'm not you.

You're probably more interested in being pre-approved for a \IISA card

that has no annual fees, gives you a line of credit of up to $2,000, with a low
interest rate, and will help you build a good credit history. Not to mention
that you don't need your parents'permission or signature to get it. Fine.
Be that way.

Just know from someone who's been around that, when you get a great offer
like this one, from a bank that is truly different, I personally think you should
jump on it.


dc,cth ->TnEq
Scott Stagg
Creative Director

P.S. The nice folks at SIGNET have told me I can keep my job even if this
mailing isn't successfirl. So ifyou don't respond, don't feel guilty and don't
worry. I'll just have to go back to sending you that boring stuffagain.

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