History Eps

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Comment [1]: Assess

students prior learning to

best introduce the topic
and to make sure all
students will understand
History the topic and be fully en
Students: Students have previously completed 2 activities from a booklet called Original Date: Comment [11]: These are
inhabitants. The students have prior knowledge of the topics in the workbook as they 2/08/17 focuses that should be
addressed after every
have been learning about early Australia, and pre- colonisation. This will hopefully help Year: lesson to ensure quality
guide the students, as well as the teacher providing some inside knowledge. 3/4 learning and to see if
Stage 2 there is a need for
differentiation in lesson
planning to cater for
Topic: Original Inhabitants students learning needs
Teaching strategy focus:
gaged [2]: These are focuses
- Cooperative learning, through the students ability to work together in groups that should be addressed after
while having discussions every lesson to ensure quality
- The level of communication in the introduction learning and to see if there is a
need for differentiation in
- How well have they understood the activity?
lesson planning to cater for
- All students participation throughout the activity students learning needs
- Did all students follow instructions?
Purpose of the lesson: The purpose of this lesson is to engage the students in a history
lesson. This lesson will give the students an insight of what life was like before
colonisation, how Aboriginal people lived and still live today mainly looking at food Comment [3]: A clear purpose
sources, and touching on the Importance of Dreaming stories to Aboriginal people as is recognised and stated before
the lesson has begun, so that
well as explaining why they are so Important.
the teacher is aware of what is
Outcomes and Indicators: needed to be complete and so
HT2-5: Applies skills of Historical inquiry and communication that students understand why
HT2-4: describes and explains effects of British colonisation in Australia they are learning the topic

HT2-3: describes people, events and actions related to world exploration and
its effects Comment [4]: Multiple
Resources: outcomes being assessed
- Smartboard throughout the unit,
providing students with
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y3Ta5xcKV4
quality learning and
- White board opportunities for higher
- Websites http://www.aboriginalculture.com.au/bush_foods.html order thinking
- https://www.bluemts.com.au/info/thingstodo/threesisters/
- Worksheet 1.3/1.4
Comment [5]: A number
- Laptop of multimedia resources
are being used
Comment [6]: The IWB throughout the lesson to
was used to add another engage students and the
aspect of ICT to the enhance their learning.
classroom, to enrich
student learning.
- Did students take part in discussions?
- Did the students enjoy the lesson?
Comment [7]: the use of different
- Did the students participate in an appropriate and respectful way? forms of assessing students
- Did the students complete the task? progression and understanding

Teaching/ Learning strategies:

Introduction: Time
- The teacher should ask all students to be seated at their desks with their
worksheets 1.3 and 1.4 in front of them for a History lesson
- Once all students are seated and have everything to take part in the lesson, the
teacher should inform the class they will be having a History, which will be
focusing on Aboriginal way of life
- The teacher should remind the students, that they should be respectful during Comment [8]: A quality
introduction is being used to
this lesson, and to remember that they should Respect other peoples cultures 20 mins
ensure all students
and way of life understand what they are
- The teacher will then ask the class to turn to worksheet 1.3 being asked to do and that
- The teacher will then read the passages to the students, reminding them that they understand what they
are being taught
they are to be following on, as they may be asked to continue the reading at
any given time.
- Once the teacher has finished reading they class will then have a brief Comment [9]: ICT is being
discussion on the content of the reading, leading from this conversation the used to engage the students
teacher should bring up on the IWB a range of different types of Aboriginal also knowing the content in
being able to share personal
foods (Bush tucker) knowledge on the topic, in
- The teacher should be stopping and having a quick conversation about each 20 mins relation to providing an
type of food, and why they chose to eat these foods, depending on location or Aboriginal perspective.
nutritional value
- Once the teacher has gone through each food, the conversation of, what may
have Aboriginal people used to gather or catch these foods? Comment [10]: Discussion
- The teacher will discuss this with the students are had to ensure all students
are focused and are
understanding the content
being addressed.
- After the discussion is over the teacher should then inform the students that
they will be going off in groups of 3-4 to do some quick research on Aboriginal 10 mins
foods making a list, including any Information that may accompany it
- After time is up the teacher should bring all students back to their desks for the
next task.
- Once all students are back at their desks the teacher should go around the
room asking some students what they found
- After the teacher has done this they can move on to the next task
- The next activity will be worksheet 1.4 Comment [11]: Personal
- The teacher will start of this activity with the class by reading the related knowledge and respect for
culture is reflected in the
passage, reminding students to be following as they may be asked to continue lesson and builds respect
the reading at any time within the classroom and the
- The teacher should then discuss this information with the students, school community
commenting on the importance of Dreaming to Aboriginal people, inform the
students that The Dreamtime is never ending it is a continues story of past,
present and future, and is how Aboriginal people passed on stories, tradition
and Morals for life Comment [12]: Once again
- After this discussion, the teacher should show the students a Dreaming story, ICT is being used to
engage the students also
called Tiddalick the Frog, which is a Dreaming story from the South Coast of
knowing the content in
Australia. being able to share
- After this the teacher should be commenting on the clip, and asking the personal knowledge on
students if they can see an underlying moral or meaning to this story? the topic, in relation to
providing an Aboriginal
- When this discussion is finished the teacher should then share a Dreaming perspective.
story with the class from the Blue Mountains, more specifically about how the
3 sisters were formed.
- The teacher will then, share a slightly different version of the Dreaming story
with the class Comment [13]: Group work is
used to enhance the quality
- Once this has been shared the teacher will inform the students that they will
of learning and
now be required to write their own short Dreaming story, they will be doing understanding within the
this in pairs classroom.
- Students will be able to go on a computer to source more information on
Comment [14]: Scaffolding is
Dreaming stories or can look up others such as, How the birds got their also provided for some
colours and When the snake bites the sun. students and examples of
Dreaming Stories.
- If students are stuck this should provide students with more than enough
Comment [15]: Student
information to complete the task monitoring is essential to
- The teacher should be moving around the room, checking in on each student to ensuring that all students are
ensure they are on task and understand what they are being asked to do on task and are understanding
the content
- Students are once again reminded to be respectful, and to write an appropriate
respectful story.

- Once the time is up the students will be asked to make their way to their desks
- When all students are seated, a handful of students will be asked to share their Comment [16]: Bringing the
stories with the class class in as a whole to discuss
- The teacher should then ask the class what they have learnt this lesson the lesson and to evaluate
how they felt the lesson went
- Once all discussion are finished the teacher should thank all the students for is an important part of a
working wonderfully and to place their sheets in the marking tray at the front. quality lesson. The teacher
should ask appropriate
questions to gauge what the
Lesson Reflection:
student understood.

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