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Write a story beginning with: "It had been raining all day...

It had been raining all day. The rain _________________________. I was reading a newspaper in the living
room. My two brothers were playing in the parking space in front of our house. The rain became heavier and heavier.
Just when I had finished my reading and wanted to go for a rest, my brothers ran to the living room and told
me that the water level in the drain had risen. Thus, I went outside to have a look. I noticed that the drain
_________________________! The water flowed into the parking space. I quickly called my parents. Within ten
minutes, the living room was flooded and the water _________________________. When my parents returned home,
they took with them the important documents and some valuables. The water level rose swiftly. Soon, we could no
longer stay in our house and _________________________.
Some of my neighbours were already on the roof with their belongings. Most of them were using umbrella as it
was still raining cats and dogs. Soon, night came and it _________________________. We shivered with cold. There
was nothing much we could do except to pray and hope for the best. We were optimistic that the authorities
_________________________ and their assistance was on the way.
A few hours later, we saw flashes of light in the distance. To our delight, we discovered that it was the rescue
squads as the lights approached us. We were overjoyed to see them coming to our rescue in boats.
Our family and all the other victims were brought to a relief centre which was located in a school. It
_________________________ because of its high location. At the relief centre, we were given towels and clothes as
we _________________________. After that, we were served with hot food and drinks. Accommodation was also
provided. Doctors and nurses _________________________ the sick and the injured.
The next day, the rain continued. It was not as heavy as it was the day before. The flood water
_________________________ therefore we could not return home yet. That morning, I learnt that more than a
thousand citizens were affected by the flood and brought to the relief centre. That morning, the centre received
donations from all the country. Among the donations were food and drinks, clothing, cash, school textbooks, stationery,
crockery and cutlery. We _________________________ that an 11-year-old child donated his personal savings of RM
600 to the flood victims. We _________________________ by the generosity of the child and our fellow citizens who
were so willing to help us.
It was only on the fourth day that the flood water subsided completely and we were able to go home. We were
glad to go home. However, upon reaching home, we _________________________ to find our home in an unliveable
condition. Everything in the house was covered in mud. As a consequence of the flood, some of the victims' houses
were partly destroyed. We were thankful that our house _________________________, though many of our
belongings such as the electrical appliances were broken. It took us a full week to clean up the mess that the flood had
We were thankful to the government for giving all the victims financial aids to rebuild our houses. The
government also promised to look into the cause of the flood and _________________________ to reduce the
occurrence of floods to a minimum in future.
were also present to attend to were quite astonished remained intact

come to know had not subsided were extremely touched

had overflowed were as wet as a fish was unaffected by the flood

had to move to the rooftop was pitch-dark all over were aware of our plight

go everything it could continued to pour down was knee-deep

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