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Marketing: 96 Amazing Social Media

Statistics and Facts MARKETING

10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

It is a fact of the internet that every click, every view and every sign-up is recorded somewhere.
Depending on your view, this is either very creepy or fantastically interesting. As were data nerds
here at Brandwatch we fall rmly in the second camp.

We come across all sorts of interesting stats about social media sites and users, so weve collated
the best of them in this bumper facts list.

For the curious, these represent a series of numbers that boggle the mind, users counted in tens
and hundreds of millions, and time in millions and billions of hours. For marketers, knowing the
statistics behind the social networks can inform strategy and spend, allowing focused targeting of

Social media statistics

For context, as of July 2015, total worldwide population is 7.3 billion
The internet has 3.17 billion users
There are 2.3 billion active social media users
91% of retail brands use 2 or more social media channels
Internet users have an average of 5.54 social media accounts
Social media users have risen by 176 million in the last year
1 million new active mobile social users are added every day. Thats 12 each second
Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp handle 60 billion messages a day 4/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

Broken down site by site, the latest numbers for social networks are as follows:

User numbers
4Chan: 11 million users

Airbnb: 50 million users

Facebook: 1.71 billion users

Flickr: 112 million users

Google+: 300 million users

Instagram: 400 million users

LinkedIn: 450 million users

MySpace: 50.6 million users

Periscope: 10 million users

Pinterest: 100 million users

Reddit: 36 million accounts

Snapchat: 100 million users

Twitter: 320 million users

Wechat: 1.12 billion users

Weibo: 600 million users

WhatsApp: 900 million users

Youtube: Over 1 billion users

Social media business statistics

Social networks earned an estimated$8.3 billion from advertising in 2015 5/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

38% of organizations plan to spend more than 20% of their total advertising budgets on social
media channels in 2015, up from 13% a year ago
Only 20 Fortune 500 companies actually engage with their customers on Facebook, while 83%
have a presence on Twitter
People aged 55-64 are more than twice as likely to engage with branded content than those 28
or younger
96% of the people that discuss brands online do not follow those brands owned pro les
78 percent of people who complain to a brand via Twitter expect a response within an hour

Content statistics
On WordPress alone, 56 million blog posts are published every month
A 2011 study by AOL/Nielsen showed that 27 million pieces of content were shared every day,
and today 3.2 billion images are shared each day.
The top 3 content marketing tactics are blogging (65%); social media (64%); and case studies

Social video statistics

Facebook now sees 8 billion average daily video views from 500 million users 6/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

Snapchat users watch 6 billion videos every day

US adults spend an average of 1 hour, 16 minutes each day watching video on digital devices
78% of people watch online videos every week, 55% watch every day

You might
Study: What Happens
When Social Media
Sites Go Down?

Google statistics
Google processes 100 billion searches a month
Thats an average of 40,000 search queries every second
89.3% of all internet searches are carried out by Google
Those searches are carried out by 1.17 billion unique users
Every day, 16 to 20% of that days queries have never been asked before
Google has answered 450 billion unique queries since 2003
More than half of Googles searches come from mobile devices
By 2014, Google had indexed 30,000,000,000,000 pages of the internet
To carry out all these searches, Googles data centre uses 0.01% of worldwide electricity 7/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

Facebook statistics
Facebook adds 500,000 new users every day; 6 new pro les every second
72% of all online US adults visit Facebook at least once a month
The average (mean) number of friends is 338, and the median (midpoint) number of friends is
Half of internet users who do not use Facebook themselves live with someone who does
Of those, 24% say that they look at posts or photos on that persons account
There are an estimated 81 million fake Facebook pro les
The most popular page is Facebook for Every Phone, with 509,772,152 likes
There are 40 million active small business Pages
But only 2 million of those businesses pay for advertising
Facebook accounts for 62% of social logins made by consumers to sign into the apps and
websites of publishers and brands

If youd like more facts, weve written a full post of Facebook Statistics

Twitter statistics 8/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

500 million people visit Twitter each month without logging in

There is a total of 1.3 billion accounts, but only 320 million are active
Of those, 44% made an account and left before ever sending a Tweet
The average Twitter user has 208 followers
But 391 million accounts have no followers at all
There are 500 million Tweets sent each day. Thats 6,000 Tweets every second
Twitters top 5 markets (countries) account for 50% of all Tweets
It took 3 years, 2 months and 1 day to go from the rst Tweet to the billionth
65.8% of US companies with 100+ employees use Twitter for marketing
77% of Twitter users feel more positive about a brand when their Tweet has been replied to

Weve also published an entire post on Twitter Statistics

Youtube statistics
300 hours of video are uploaded to Youtube every minute
There are 3.25 billion hours of video watched each month
More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices
The average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes
The user submitted video with the most views is Charlie bit my nger, with 834,956,899 views 9/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

On average, there are 1,000,000,000 mobile video views per day

In 2014, the most searched term was music. The second was Minecraft
9% of U.S small businesses use Youtube
You can navigate YouTube in a total of 76 different languages (covering 95% of the Internet

If you want more, head over to the full page of Youtube Statistics

Instagram statistics
There are 400 million Monthly Active Users on Instagram
Over 80 million photos are uploaded each day
There are 3.5 billion Instagram Likes per day
More than 40 billion photos have been shared so far
90 percent of Instagram users are younger than 35
When Instagram introduced videos, more than 5 million were shared in 24 hours
Pizza is the most popular Instagrammed food, behind sushi and steak
32% of US teens cite Instagram as their favourite social network

Wevewritten a full post of Instagram Statisticstoo! 10/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

Pinterest statistics
176 million Pinterest accounts have been registered
But only 100 million are active each month
42% of all online women use the platform
The best time to Pin is Saturday from 8pm-11pm
In 2014, male audience grew 41% and their average time spent on Pinterest tripled to more than
75 minutes per visitor
66% of content that users Pin comes from brand websites

LinkedIn statistics
LinkedIn has450 million members
100 million of those access the site on a monthly basis
More than 1 million members have published content on LinkedIn
The average CEO has 930 LinkedIn connections 11/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

Over 3 million companies have created LinkedIn accounts

But only 17% of US small businesses use LinkedIn

Thats your ll of social media statistics for 2016, with just a tiny fraction of the weird and
wonderful stats and facts available out there.

If youre looking for in-depth insights about your audience, brand or competitors, get in touch with
us for a free demo, and see how Brandwatch Analytics can boost your social media strategy.

Boost your marketing strategy with our
social listening and analytics platform.





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10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch


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Ash a year ago

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Khushleen Kaur Bhela a month ago

I'm doing a speech about Is tech taking over the world and concludes social media
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Rahul Yadav Hacks 5 months ago

Another great facts you shared here.. Thanks!
Back To School Shopping: 5 Insights Retailers Need To Know
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Hayden Davis 7 months ago
Hi is this source a trustworthy source for a timeline?
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Sandeep Sitoke 3 months ago

With the help of this tools I can more work in less time that is the reason for posting my second
comment. Thanks a lot.
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10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

Lim Wei 3 months ago

Instagram stories stats would be very interesting. Looks like they had second wave in many
The Internet Reacts to Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 6: Beyond the Wall
countries after introducing stories.
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Clipart 3 months ago

Awesome statistics. Thanks.
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Sandeep Sitoke 5 months ago

OMG!!! is it real? This statistics blow my eyes I can't believe what I just read. Thanks for giving
this I glad I found this blog. Keep sharing.
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Curating,Bookmarking...Shaming? Six Ways Id Enhance Twitter
Garry Hayford 6 months ago
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The Top 10 Most In uential Food Bloggers on Twitter
Jims Olaer 7 months ago
This is an awesome and very convincing data and fact about our modern way of
communication and the eagerness of everyone to connect and learn by searching online.
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the Power of Youtube marketing and statistics that is really shocking.
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Carmen Henry 8 months ago The Top Ten Most In uential MPs on Twitter
6 Essential wereResearch
Market a great setLessons
of statistics. I recently read an article about choosing the right social
For Marketing
media networks to post on that I thought would be helpful http://commerceblend com/wh 14/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch
media networks to post on that I thought would be helpful
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tas kulit pria buatan indonesi 9 months ago

What's up, its pleasant piece of writing regarding media print, we all know social
media is a wonderful source of facts.

Reply Share

John Walter 9 months ago

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The Illuminati is a collective of prominent gures throughout the world who have united to lead
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application or you're interested in joining the Illuminati contact us via e-mail at
Take Control of your Social Advertising: Brandwatch Audiences is now Integrated with Twitter Ads
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Clipart > John Walter 2 months ago

Hi is this source a trustworthy source for a timeline?
Reply Share

Clipart > John Walter 3 months ago

Reply Share

Annette Gallant 10 months ago

Weve Got Some
Thank Big
you forNews: BuzzSumo
this research, is Joining
its very useful.the Brandwatch
I was wonderingFamily
what the
denition of an active user is? active account usage, not just the
number of user accounts.
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Yuseepe Gago Ho 10 months ago 15/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

Hi , would you be interested in a phone case that would help you to save time using your phone
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Clipart Basketball > Yuseepe Gago Ho 4 months ago

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Jessica ann a year ago

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Reply Share

shal a year ago

Wow I must say very informative article,I'll denitely save the link for further referral,it sure very
informative and useful for my online business
Thanks for sharing
Reply Share

@iixxii - twitter a year ago

what about Tumblr with more than 550,000,000 monthly active users?
Reply Share

Dark a year ago

Isn't Gangnam Style the most popular with over 2 billion views?
Reply Share

Kit Smith > Dark a year ago

Hi Dark, thanks for the comment.

Yes, Gangnam Style is the most popular youtube video overall, but 'Charlie bit my nger'
is the most popular user submitted video. Hope that clears it up!
Reply Share

marlene a year ago

h ll d k th t h l t t ? 16/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch
hello, do you know the reason to why people create accounts?
Reply Share

Janeth a year ago

may I use the data on these social media? for an informative presentation?
Reply Share

October 2017 Calendar > Janeth 2 months ago

Are u kidding ?
1 Reply Share

komal_gotwal a year ago

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komal_gotwal a year ago

Reply Share

Massimo Visconti a year ago

Great article Kit. Btw, the page Facebook for Every Phone is no longer active. Their last post
date back to May 8, 2015.
Reply Share

ChickInLove008 a year ago

Good job. I like how you linked your sources too... Well done. Thanks for sharing.
Reply Share

lol a year ago

wow ethan great moves keep it up proud of you :-)
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lol a year ago

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lol a year ago

i like it
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lol a year ago

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LMendo a year ago 17/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch
LMendo a year ago
How does Facebook only have 155 million users and Google+ has 300 million... Really?
Reply Share

honda t > LMendo 6 months ago

i like it!
1 Reply Share

honda t > LMendo 6 months ago

Good job. I like how you linked your sources too... Well done. Thanks for sharing.
Reply Share

July 2017 Calendar > honda t 3 months ago

Graceful work you have here.
1 Reply Share

Instagram Photos and Videos > honda t 4 months ago

For the curious, these represent a series of numbers that boggle the mind, users
counted in tens and hundreds of millions, and time in millions and billions of
hours. For marketers, knowing the statistics behind the social networks can
inform strategy and spend, allowing focused targeting of users.
1 Reply Share

Kit Smith > LMendo a year ago

Thanks for pointing out the error. It should have read 1.55 billion, but Facebook
continues to grow so we've updated it again to read 1.65 billion!
Reply Share

LD > Kit Smith a year ago

There's an inconsistency of the LinkedIn members stat. The article says 300M
(2014 stat) at the top & 400M at the bottom. Since this article was published
LinkedIn announced hitting 450 Million members. See the Forbes article below:
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miya 2 months ago

hiya my opion is
Reply Share

miya > miya 2 months ago

facebook is good but amazing and snapchat is amazing you can talk to your friends 18/19
10/10/2017 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts | Brandwatch

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