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Understanding by Design Unit Template

Title of Unit / Big Idea Stories of Bravery. Year 9

Curriculum Area English Time Frame 4 Weeks
Cohort Description The following unit will be taught to a year nine cohort. The class consists of mixed genders and abilities and
the school is in a medium socio-economic area. The unit is to be taught over a four-week period with five
lessons per week, two double and one single.
Developed By Phoebe Budge
Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)
Content Descriptions

Text structure and Organisation
Understand that authors innovate with text structures and language for specific purposes and effects(ACELA1553)
Understand how punctuation is used along with layout and font variations in constructing texts for different audiences and
purposes (ACELA1556)

Responding to Literature
Reflect on, discuss and explore notions of literary value and how and why such notions vary according to context (ACELT1634)

Examining Literature
Analyse texts from familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and discuss and evaluate their content and the appeal of an individual authors
literary style (ACELT1636)

Texts in Context
Analyse how the construction and interpretation of texts, including media texts, can be influenced by cultural perspectives and other

Achievement Standards

Receptive Modes
1. Students analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect.

2. They analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features distinguish the work of individual authors.

Productive Modes

3. In creating texts, students demonstrate how manipulating language features and images can create innovative texts.

4. Students contribute actively to class and group discussions, comparing and evaluating responses to ideas and issues.

5. They edit for effect, selecting vocabulary and grammar that contribute to the precision and persuasiveness of texts and using
accurate spelling and punctuation.

General Capabilities Cross-curriculum Priorities

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Asia and Australias Engagement with Australia
Critical and Creative Thinking
Ethical Understanding
Intercultural Understanding
Understandings Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding Overarching Topical

1. Understanding of human rights. 1. How does knowledge of the 1. What literary and visual
2. Understanding of the past and present social social constructs in Pakistan techniques has Jeanette Winter
assist with your understanding used convey both stories?
construct in Pakistan.
of Malala and Iqbals stories?
3. Understanding that childrens voices and opinions are 2. What are the conventions of a
important and valid. recount?

Related Misconceptions
2. Why is it important to promote 3. How can students move
1. All people from Pakistan are terrorists. stories of bravery? between paragraphs with
2. Picture books are only created for children.
3. How does an average Pakistani
3. This story is not Australian therefore it does not childs day compare to your
relate to me. own?

Knowledge Skills
Students will know Students will be able to

The past and present social constructs of Pakistan. Make connections and comparisons between their life and experiences in
Australia and Malala and Iqbals lives.
How time and technological advancement, such as social
Write their own recount.
media, could be influential factors when comparing
Identify the literary devices and conventions used in a recount and apply them
Malala and Iqbals stories.
to their own work.
How text type and literary devices are used for different

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)

Performance Task Description
Students are to create two detailed timelines to display their understandings and the comparison between
Task One
Malala a Brave Girl from Pakistan & Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan.

Students will write their own recount using the literary devices studied in class. The recount can be
Task Two
presented in essay form, a picture book, or performed speech.

Other Evidence
Class discussion
Annotation of supplementary texts (newspaper/ magazine articles)
Drafts of task one and two

Learning Plan (Stage 3)
Week One: Introduction to Iqbal a At the beginning of the unit, students will be asked to create a dictionary within their English
Brave Boy from Pakistan. books that will consist of words that they do not understand. These unknown words will be chosen
from the set text and further reading materials. This task is used to widen the childrens vocabulary
and is a tool used within every unit.

Read the text Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan. Only this part of the book to begin with.

Ask students to write a list of 5 initial thoughts about Iqbals story. These can be reactions,
feelings (if they agree or disagree with the treatment of Iqbal), or questions. After this, construct a
class conversation with leading questions such as; were they intrigued? Did they find it interesting?
Did they understand what happened and why?

Misconception 1 Teacher directed in-depth discussion about the appropriate language and misconceptions that
(ACELA1556) students have relating to the subject. This discussion will include a class brainstorm of appropriate
Achievement Standard 4 language and terms to be used, this will be recorded in students books and can be added to over
time and constantly referred back to throughout course of the unit.

Understanding 2 Students will be provided with in depth lessons to guide their understandings of child labor
Understanding 1 within Pakistan. Furthermore, information will be provided for students to about child labor as well
as human rights.

A day in the life of a Pakistani child. This lesson will provide students insight into and a common
Understanding 3 lifestyle for a child living in Pakistan in the 20th century. Include Behind The News clip to initiate
discussion. Students will then be asked to reflect on what they saw within the videos and their
understandings of a childs every day life in Pakistan.

Week Two: Introduction to Malala a Read the text Malala a Brave Girl from Pakistan.
Brave Girl from Pakistan
Students will be asked to repeat the task of writing a list of 5 initial thoughts about Malalas
story. A class conversation will then follow to find out the students initial thoughts about Malalas
story. The same guiding questions can be used as per dot point two.

Students will be provided with an understanding the changes that have been made leading into
Understanding 2 the 21st century in Pakistan with the inclusion of groups as the Taliban. After completing class
readings and class discussions, students will be asked to complete comprehension questions to
display their understanding of the history of Pakistan and how this has effected the lives of many
such as Malala.

Read Malala a Brave Girl from Pakistan/ Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan all together.

As a class, students will create a comparative circle diagram which includes similarities and
differences between Iqbal and Malalas stories. This is to be recorded in students English books as it
Achievement Standard 4 is information that may assist the students with task one. Discussion of the technological
advancements that were made in-between the two stories should also take place.

Misconception 2 Address the power of picture books and the misconception that they are only for young children.
Misconception 3 Pose the question to the students, who is the authors target audience? and why do you believe
(ACELA1553) Jeanette Winter wanted to share Malala and Iqbals stories through a picture book?. This discussion
(ACELA1556) should involve understanding of Winter as an author followed by a discussion of why it is important
(ACELT1634) to share stories of bravery such as Iqbal and Malalas.

Achievement standard 1 & 2 Guide students in discussion and activities surrounding the illustrations within Malala a Brave
Girl from Pakistan/ Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan. This will include focus on the power of
illustrations, symbolism and the use of colours and the reasons behind them.

Week Three: analysis of text and

genre Instruct students in how to complete task one (See Appendix). Students are to create a poster with
two detailed timelines to display their understandings and the comparison between Malala a Brave
Achievement Standard 5 Girl from Pakistan & Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan. This task is to be completed in class and as
homework. All content is to be drafted by the teacher, with a focus on language and image
appropriation. This task may use the first few lessons of week three.

As a class, annotate the Authors note for both Malala a Brave Girl from Pakistan and Iqbal a
(ACELA1556) Brave Boy from Pakistan. Students should all have their own photocopy of the page. Teacher should
enlarge the image and put on the whiteboard, or, if accessible on a smart board. Annotations should
include notes on literary devices such as type of language and tense used, as well as the information
provided. At the end of this activity pose questions to the class to strike a conversation about the
purpose of the authors note.

Pose the question what type of genre is the picture book? Involve the students in a class
Achievement Standard 4
discussion about what genre Malala a Brave Girl from Pakistan/ Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan falls
into. Is it a memoir? Is it a recount? What are the conventions of both? If the class is divided on the
answer, construct a debate where students need to explain why it is a part of their chosen genre.

Week Four: Drawing conclusions.

Form a class discussion about Malala a Brave Girl from Pakistan/ Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan
Achievement Standard 4 being either a recount or a memoir. The conventions of both genres should be listed on the
whiteboard. Students are to analyse 2-3 pages of the picture book individually in attempt to find as
many conventions of a recount OR memoir as they can.

Achievement Standard 4 Initiate a class brainstorm where students can voice where they believe they can find recounts in
(ACELT1636) everyday life. Provide students with recounts from different written publications such as
(ACELY1739) newspapers and magazines (stories of bravery if available). In groups of 4-5, students will glue the
text to the middle of a butchers piece of paper and annotate the texts finding as many conventions
of a recount as they can. Students will then present their findings to the class.

Achievement Standard 3 Introduce task two. Students will write their own recount using the literary devices and conventions
Achievement Standard 5 studied in class. The recount can be presented in essay form, a picture book, or performed speech.
The task is to be worked on in class time, students are encouraged to submit a draft and they are to
be completed by the following week.

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (ppk)



Task: Produce two detailed timelines.

Mode: Written with choice of supporting illustrations.

Length: 200 words.

Due Date: Tuesday 10th November 2016

Task Description: You are to create two detailed timelines to demonstrate your understanding of the
events that occurred within both Malala a Brave Girl from Pakistan & Iqbal a Brave Boy from Pakistan.
This is to be displayed on one piece of poster paper.

Must demonstrate understanding of the notable events that occurred in both Iqbal and Malalas
Timelines must be clear and easy to understand.
Events must be in chronological order.
Appropriate language and images or illustration are used.
Written work should be proofread and drafted before submission.

*Check rubric below to see assessment standards.


RUBRIC Minimal Partial Satisfactory Good Excellent

Student has
Demonstrated Little understanding Demonstrates some Solid demonstration of Thorough demonstrated an
understanding of the of the text understanding of the understanding regarding understanding of the excellent
notable events that demonstrated. notable events in the notable events of notable events of understanding of the
Student has not Malala and Iqbals Malala and Iqbals lives. Malala and Iqbals lives notable events in both
occurred in both
included notable lives. through detailed, Iqbal and Malalas lives
Iqbal and Malalas events related to comprehensive notes through thorough
lives. either Iqbal or on each event. annotation to their
Malalas. timeline.

Timelines are fluid Timelines are not At least one timeline is Both timelines are in Both timelines are in Student has created an
and in chronological constructed in an in correct chronological order. The chronological order excellent poster with
order. easy-to-read manner. chronological order. fluidity of the sentence and their fluidity is both timelines in
Notable events are not Both timelines are easy and paragraph structure clear resulting in an seamless chronological
placed in to read as a sequence is emerging. easy to read poster. order. Sentence and
chronological order. of events. paragraph structure are
also fluid.
Demonstrates little
Appropriate attempt to use the Displays an attempt to Demonstrates solid Exhibits an in-depth Student demonstrates a
language and images appropriate language use appropriate attempt to use understanding of highly advanced
are used. discussed and language on timelines, appropriate language appropriate language understanding of
demonstrated in the however, appropriate and illustrations. and images as appropriation of both
classroom. Images or use is inconsistent. demonstrated on the images and language.
illustrations are not polished poster.
relevant or
Excellent use of editing
Editing for effect and No editing evident as Student has attempted Proofreading is apparent Student displays good for effect. No spelling
using accurate consistent errors in to edit their timeline and only 3-4 spelling or use of editing skills and punctuation errors
spelling and spelling and poster, however, punctuation errors are with 1-2 errors evident. which assists with an
punctuation. As a consistent spelling and evident. easy to read final
result, this as affected punctuation mistakes product.
the sentence flow. are evident.


Task: Produce a recount of a time you have been brave.

Mode: Written in either an essay form, a picture book or performed speech.

Length: 500 words.

Due Date: 24th November 2016

Task Description: Students will write their own recount based on a time in which they
have been brave using the literary devices and conventions of a recount studied in class.

Must demonstrate understanding of the conventions of a recount.
Fluidity in sentence and paragraph structure.
Recount demonstrates a time in which you have been brave.

*Check rubric below to see assessment standards.


RUBRIC Minimal Partial Satisfactory Good Excellent

Demonstrated Little to no Student has Understanding of a few Consistently Student demonstrates a

understanding and demonstration of demonstrated their conventions of a demonstrates sound understanding of
inclusion of the understanding the understandings of the recount is understanding of the multiple conventions of a
conventions of a conventions of a demonstrated as only conventions of a recount with no
conventions of a
recount. recount, however, this 3-4 mistakes are recount with little mistakes.
recount. is inconsistent with present. mistakes.
many mistakes made.

Recount is based Recount is not based Student has mentioned Student displays a Student displays a Student has excelled in
upon a time where upon a time in which a time in which the satisfactory developed establishing a recount
student has been the student has been student has been understanding of the understanding of the that reflects on a time in
brave. brave, however, this task as their recount recount task and a which they have had to
theme could have been includes a time in sound deliberation of a be brave. This is the main
elaborated on in their which they have been time they have been focus of the story which
recount. brave. brave. is clear to readers.

Fluidity of sentence Student has made little Students sentence and The fluidity of the Student has established Student has excelled in
and paragraph or no attempt to create paragraph structure is recount is satisfactory a fluid recount with using sentence and
structure. fluency in their work. inconsistent yet as a result of sound evident attempts to use paragraph structure with
Paragraphs structure is emerging. paragraph and paragraph and purpose and variation to
non-existent. sentence structure. sentence structure to create interest. As a
create interest. result, the recount is
fluid and easy to read.

Editing for effect No editing evident as Student has attempted Proofreading is evident Student displays good Excellent use of editing
and using accurate consistent errors in to edit their recount, and only 3-4 spelling or use of editing skills for effect. No spelling
spelling and spelling and however, consistent punctuation errors are with 1-2 errors evident. and punctuation errors
punctuation. As a spelling and evident. which assists with an
result, this as affected punctuation mistakes easy to read final
the sentence flow. are evident. product.


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