Andrew Breitbart Warned Us About Podesta Pedo Links in 2011

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Andrew Breitbart Warned Us About Podesta Pedo Links In 2011

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Andrew Breitbart Warned Us About Podesta Pedo Links In 2011
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Andrew Breitbart warned us in a series of tweets in 2011 that John Podesta had links
to underage sex slavery and pedophilia.
In 2010, years before WikiLeaks emails exposed John
Podestas dubious activities, Andrew Breitbart
recognized Clintons campaign manager as one of the
biggest, most corrupt figures in Washington, D.C.

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How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage
sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.
3:21 PM - 4 Feb 2011
5,078 5,077

In another tweet Breitbart alleged that Media Matters For America, a liberal think tank
closely linked to John Podesta, was covering up underage sex slave operations.

Early on did John Podesta imagine his baby @mmfa would be covering up for
underage sex slave ops & H8 crimes against blacks?
8:31 AM - 2 Feb 2011
511 414

Breitbart had attempted to call out Media Matters

for covering up underage sex slave operations
that connected back to Planned Parenthood. Media
Matters is a company founded by David Brock, who
is the ex boyfriend of James Alefantis the same
Alefantis who owns Comet Ping Pong, the D.C.
establishment at the epicenter of the pizzagate
Breitbarts warnings about links between John
Podesta and an elite Washington pedophile ring
went unheeded in 2011, but the public is much more knowledgable now thanks to
WikiLeaks and the efforts of internet sleuths and alternative media.
As the pizzagate investigation continues gaining steam, Breitbarts early warnings appear
more prescient all the time. But were they the death of him? Breitbart died of a heart
attack in 2012 an early death that many supporters believe is suspicious. The fact his
coroner died of arsenic poisoning three months later only adds to the suspicions.

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Breitbart reports:
Andrew Breitbart understood that the biggest threats to America were those who pulled
the strings behind the scenes to gain enormous personal power, money, and influence.
Podesta is a creature of Washington, D.C., driving the leftist agenda for decades with his
fingers in every pot, since serving in the Bill Clinton White House.
He served as the presidents chief of staff during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, working
tirelessly to thwart investigations around the scandal-plagued administration. The
tumultuous events reportedly spawned an alter-ego for Podesta that aides called Skippy
the nasty side of the normally mild-mannered operative.
Podesta also co-founded a massive lobbying firm with his brother, Tony Podesta, but later
went on to launch the liberal think tank Center for American Progress and its multi-armed
political subsidiaries.
The Center for American Progress has received more than $5.5 million from liberal
billionaire George Soros and millions from top American corporations.
The leftist operative has remained close to power for decades and has been the subject
of many fawning media profiles over the years.
Podesta expertly leverages his longstanding relationships with government officials to
serve his interests and that of his employers.
For example, Podesta praised lawyer Peter Kadzik who kept me out of jail in the
Clinton administration for work in the Obama transition effort. After becoming the
Justice Departments assistant attorney general, Kadzik leaked information to Podesta
about the investigation in Hillary Clintons email server.
Podesta ran Obamas transition into power in 2008, vetting the government bureaucrats
and building the vast liberal network that would serve in Obamas eight year
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Andrew Breitbart tangled with Podesta during the ACORN scandal, as the liberal
operative joined the scandal-tainted organizations advisory council.
Since Mr. Podesta was appointed to investigate ACORN, the only thing investigated has
been the investigators, Mr. OKeefe, Ms. Giles, and the publisher of the journalism behind
it, yours truly, Breitbart wrote in the Washington Times in 2009.
When Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State during Obamas first term, Podesta
followed by joining her Foreign Affairs Policy Board.
President Barack Obama convinced Podesta to join his team after getting a shellacking
in the midterm elections and losing the Democratic congressional
majorities. Under Podestas direction, Obama went on to use his executive power to
thwart Republicans and push his agenda items despite obstruction in Congress.
Podesta left Obamas administration to join Hillary Clintons campaign, where he has
orchestrated obstructionism surrounding Hillary Clintons biggest scandals and massaged
relationships with the media with intimate private dinners at his home.
He has had close ties to an investment fund backed by the Russian government, but
transferred his holdings to his children to avoid scrutiny. He claims not to receive a salary
for working in the Clinton campaign, but he still manages to pull a $3,000 a month
stipend from the campaign and $7,000 a month from Herb Sandler, a major Clinton
Podesta fell prey to hackers in 2015, who successfully penetrated his private Gmail
account and delivered his emails to WikiLeaks, who began their daily detailed releases
that exposed the inner workings of the Clinton campaign.

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Baxter Dmitry Follow me

Writer at Your News Wire
Passionate about motor sports, military history and the truth, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries
and won arguments in every single one.

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#Pizzagate Andrew Breitbart Breitbart child sex scandal John Podesta Podesta Podesta pedo
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