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Why should we choose you?

Im easy going and polite person. Im really lovely to know and recognize others well and I love
giving my politeness to them to make us in comfortable and fun relationship. I dont like any
troublemaker or distinguish person but I care them and love to solve them with my tenderness
heart such as telling them nicely, giving them advices well, and remembering them why they
should be like that while they could be better.
Im student in Yogyakarta State University majoring in Elementary School Teacher Education
(PGSD) exactly in second semester. Alhamdulillah my GPA is still cum laude (3.91). Although
we are not in international program I love to study many language especially English one. I
believe that I can to study better if I can meet and talk with friends that more fluently speaking in
English such as in this program. I think Im an adaptable. I can adapt the socio-cultural and
nature environment well. Insyaallah I will find nothing to be my problem about adaptation.
Not only having good personality and academic record, I am joining many leadership trainings
so I have good interpersonal and intrapersonal or social competence. I want to share my
experience through this event to my friend such as classmates, organization member, and my
So please choose me as the one of the whole participants in this program.

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