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Data Mining and Data Warehousing -

Data Warehousing-OLAP and Cube

Suppose that a data warehouse consists of the four dimensions hospital, time,
doctor and patient, the two measures count and charge, where count is the
number of visits of a patients to a doctor and charge is the fee that a doctor
charges a patient for a visit.U5_M3_T1_Hints (For your convenience you can
get them inside Self Assessment Quadrant)
Draw a star and a snowflake schema diagrams for the above data
Starting with the base cuboid [hospital, day, doctor, patient], what specific
OLAP operations (e.g. roll-up) should be performed in order to list the total
fee collected by each doctor in 2010?
Suppose that a data warehouse for Big-University consists of the following
four dimensions: student, course, semester, instructor and two measures
count and avg grade. When at the lowest conceptual level (e.g.,for a given
student, course, semester, and instructor combination), the avg grade
measure stores the actual course grade of the student. At higher conceptual
levels, avg grade stores the average grade for the given
combination.U5_M3_T2Hints (For your convenience you can get them inside
Self Assessment Quadrant)

Draw a snowflake schema diagram for the data warehouse.

Starting with the base cuboid [student; course; semester; instructor], what
specific OLAP operations (e.g., roll-up from semester to year) should one
perform in order to list the average grade of CS courses for each Big-
University student.
If each dimension has five levels (including all), such as "student < major <
status < university <all",how many cuboids will this cube contain (including
the base and apex cuboids)?
What are the differences between the three main types of data warehouse
usage: information processing, analytical processing, and data mining? Discuss
the motivation behind OLAP mining (OLAM) U5_M3_T3Hints (For your
convenience you can get them inside Learn More Quadrant)

Lets assume that you are a data scientist of Walmart, which is a multi-national
company for shopping and marketing. The company is planning to open a new
market in Kansas City. They want you to analyze the purchasing trend of people of
Kansas and help the company to successfully set the market according to the
consumer needs of Kansas. This will tremendously help the company to make
huge profits and perform risk analysis.

Given the data set of wholesale customers purchase Wholesale Customers

Data, (For your convenience you can get them inside Learn More Quadrant)
and also the schema created in previous module, create a complete data cube.
This will help in thorough analysis of data.

The description of data set is given (For your convenience you can get them
inside Learn More Quadrant)

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