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Intensive Tutorial Service Mathematics Question Paper

Class VIII- Final Exam Model Question paper 1

Subject: Optional Mathematics Full Marks: 100

Time: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 50

Answer all the questions

Group A [10 x (2 + 2) = 40]

1. Find the values of x and y if

a. (3x, 8) = (12, 3y-1)
b. (x/2, 3) = (3, y/2 +1)
2. Express the angles into radian measure:
a. 60 b. 75g
3. Prove that:
a. cosA(1 + tan2A= secA b. sinX.CosX(tanX +cotX) = 1
4. Find the value of:
a. 3 2 sin45 + 2 3 tan60 b. Sin230 + cos20 + tan260
5. Find the value of when:
a. sin4 = cos2 b. Sec2 = cosec3
6. a. Find the distance between the points (1, 2) and (4, -2)
7 Find the sum of the vectors:
i. a = (1, 3) b = (4, 4)
4 3
ii. a = b =
1 5
8 Find the reflection of the following points about about x-axis and y-axis.
a. A(2, 6) b. (-4, 9)
9. Find the mean and the median.
18, 40, 27, 33, 16, 30, 2, 5
10. Find the image of the following points.
a. P(4, 6) b. M(0, 8)

Group A [15 x 4 = 60]

11. Prove that:

1 cos sin
2 cos ec
sin 1 cos
12. If ncos = m prove that n 2 m 2 cos = m.
13. If A =60, B = 30, prove that sin(A+B)sin(A-B) = sin2A sin2B

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Intensive Tutorial Service Mathematics Question Paper

14. Solve the triangle ABC if a =3, b = 4 and c = 5. [cos54 = 3/5]

15Show that (1, 2), (7, 5), (10, 11) and (4, 8) are the vertices of a rhombus.
16. If a = (2, -3) and b = (4, -2), find
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

Frequencies 4 12 15 20 32 14 13

a. 2a - b b. 3a -2b.
17. A triangle has vertices A(3, 2), B(5, 6) and C(8, 1), find the reflection of the triangle ABC
about a. X-axis b. Y-axis. Present the triangle ABC and its image on the
graph. A(2, 3), B(1, 5) and C(-2, 4) are the vertices of a triangle ABC. Draw the triangle on
the graph.
paper. Find the images of the points A, B and C under the reflection on
a. X-axis b. Y-axis c. y = x
18. Find the mode from the following frequency distribution.

The End

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