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Portents by Jessica Zafra

NCR Group

Laguinlin, Camille|Oller, Joharah|Tan, Joshua Nicolai|Juntilla, Casandra Viktoria|Belen, James Joril|De

Guzman, Edline Mae|Valentin, Ian Angel|Darantinao, John Carlo

Story Analysis

The story revolves around a woman who is making a decision whether she will abort the fetus
while thinking about her stand as a good mother to her child and a predicted earthquake assumed by
one of her officemates.

The persona in the story is having a dilemma in her situation whether she will abort the baby. In
the line Visions of blood and umbilical cords and feeding bottles whirled before my eyes like
malevolent frisbees, the persona views the problem and felt as if her problems rush towards her. She
knew that there are more problems she has to face especially, who is the father of the child she is
carrying now that her belly is swelling up and getting bigger. There were two candidates for the father of
the child, Lawrence and Ramon. She also thought of what other people will say especially in Manila
where people in their neighborhood knows almost everything.

While she was on her way to work she noticed there were goodluck charms and a filthy man
came to her speaking in gibberish. Her officemate Pocholo also mentioned seeing a man on horse across
the sky that could be a sign of an upcoming cataclysm that happened before during world war and
assumed and earthquake is about to happen. It shows the societys tradition of believing in signs and

The persona also thought of getting the address of an abortionist from her officemate Wilma
but decided not to ask. She was having a debate of the good and the bad side of being pregnant. It
mirrors the society especially those who are in the same place as hers as being pregnant and not even
married, having a relationship with two people and those who are thinking of abortion.

Everyone at the office panicked at the thought of at 2:30 an earthquake is about to happen. It
mirrors the societys belief in signs. Only the persona in the story is not bothered about the said
upcoming disaster. She was more worried of being a disappointment and she thought that the idea
seem absurd.

The story ended with Ramon and her talking about being the last person on earth and she felt
the kick of her child in her belly. The story encourages the reader to think about their own actions or
decisions to react on situations in a right way and face the reality.

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