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Agricultural Information Research 17(2), 2008.

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Original Paper

Crop Suitability and Soil Fertility Mapping using

Geographic Information System (GIS)
Henry A. Adornado*1) and Masao Yoshida2)

1) United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3-5-8 Saiwai Chuo, Fuchu shi,
Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
2) Ibaraki University, College of Agriculture, 3-21-1 Chuo, Ami-Inashiki, Ibaraki ken, 300-0393, Japan

This study has developed soil fertility map and determined crop suitability in the province of Bukidnon, Mindanao Philippines
using GIS. It entails combining and analyzing agro-environmental, soil information and crops biological requirements for growth.
Result of analyzed soil samples revealed that light clay soils dominated the province. Combining these results with the
determined soil chemical properties showed that the province is of high soil fertility in 300500 masl, medium fertility in
501900 masl and medium to high fertility in 9011500 masl part of the province. GIS analysis also showed that 44.87% of
the total area of the province was suitable for farming purposes given their slope and geologic characteristic. Overlaying the
generated agro-climatic map with land suitable for farming practice map and soil fertility map, a crop suitability map has
been developed. Matching crops biological requirements for growth to the crop suitability map was able to identify the spe-
cific crops applicable in certain part of the province. Among the recommended crops are rice, sugarcane, corn, coconut and
cassava which were found out to be suited in lower areas with high temperature, highly suitable for farming due to low slope
condition and high soil fertility. Pineapple, mango and banana on the other hand were suited in above-said areas including
those up to 900 masl due to their capability to survive in high and relatively low temperature but of medium soil fertility.
Tomato and potato however were suited in higher areas where temperature is cool and medium to high soil fertility. GIS
analysis showed that there were areas in the province that are still high potential and suitable for farming purposes given the
parameters used.

Key words
soil fertility, crop suitability, agro-climatic condition, geographic information system (GIS)

Introduction duction. This idea cannot be easily achieved without ample soil
information. Thus, fast and efficient way of generating necessary
Philippines has a total land area of 30 million hectares. More information in a large scale basis must be innovated. It is in this
than half of it has a slope steeper than 18% (Escao and Tababa, context that this study has been conceptualized and conducted. It
1998). However, many upland farmers have even expanded and introduced the use of GIS in agricultural aspect as tools in spatial
occupied higher areas for cultivation. data analysis, integrated with extracted soil data to come up with
Among the productive upland areas is Bukidnon. It is one of the output maps informative to the farmers/landowners.
the crop producing provinces in the Philippines. Despite being There has been previous study in selecting suitable crops using
occupied by gently rolling grassland plateau, it was considered as personal computer wherein soil condition, climatic condition,
food basket of Mindanao and known to biggest pineapple planta- geological and geomorphological condition and list of bibliogra-
tion. Utilizing crops that are suited in the area, given the soil and phy have been used as determining factors (Kato, 1993). In this
environmental condition can be of great help to improve crop pro- research however, aside from the factors mentioned above, bio-
logical requirement of each plant for growth were identified and
* Corresponding Author utilized to find out specific crops suited in a certain area. This
E-mail: study has generated various maps that can provide information

Agricultural Information Research 17(2),2008

about the agricultural land condition and recommended type of

crops suited in the sloping area based on the given soil and cli-
matic condition to optimize the use of a piece of land.

Materials and Method

Description of the study area

Bukidnon province is located in the Southern Philippines at the
heart of Mindanao. Geographically, it falls between latitude 721'
to 835' North and longitudes 12433' to 12526' East with an
area of 896, 238 hectares (Fig. 1). The province has two prevail-
ing climatic variations between the northern and southern sec-
tions based on modified coronas classification. The northern part
falls under Type III which is characterized by not very pro- Fig. 1 Location map of Bukidnon province.
nounced and relatively dry period from November to April and
wet during the rest of the year, whereas in the southern part begin-
ning from Malaybalay city falls under Type IV which is charac-
terized by having rainfall more or less evenly distributed
throughout the year (January-December). The annual average
monthly rainfall distribution from 19982002 was 221.52 mm.
Monthly temperature however taken from Malaybalay PAGASA
Station showed that the maximum annual average was 33C and
a minimum of 16.3C while the mean annual temperature was
24.4C (Bukidnon socio economic profile, 2003).

General flow of analysis by GIS

The detailed flow of the study is shown in Fig. 2. Soil sampling
and analysis has paved the way to produce new soil physical and
chemical data which were prerequisite to generate the final out- Fig. 2 General flow of the study

In preparation for the overlaying and analyses, all maps (Slope, duced in 1950, local soil series were presented and classified by
Geologic, Rainfall, Topographic and Soil maps) were scanned elevation. However, there was no information about soil texture
and vectorized. Evaporation, Temperature and Humidity infor- and chemical properties in the soil map, thus, a soil sampling was
mation from the BSWM-1985 report however were converted conducted in May 2004 to incorporate such parameter and subse-
into digital map with the aid of topographic map. Thousands of quently utilize new soil information. A total of twenty three (23)
polygons having similar attributes have been merged in every soil samples were obtained in the study area. Plow layer soils
process. Analyses were made easy by applying expressions and were taken in designated elevation ranges. Type of crops in the
conditional statements using spatial manipulation language sampling site where the soils obtained have also been recorded
(SML) and query editor which are good features of Tntmips soft- (Table 1). Inasmuch as most of the tilling activities are being done
ware. These techniques are very efficient method of identifying in the lower portion of the province, a total of 11 samples were
and merging thousands of features that met the set of criteria to randomly obtained in this area with an elevation ranging from
generate the final category. Polygons were given a unique iden- 300500 masl (R1). The area falls from 501900 masl (R2) and
tity and assigned a corresponding name registered as attributes to 9011500 masl (R3) however have both six (6) soil samples,
determine the features projected in the map. Various digital and respectively. Areas above 1501 masl were considered as Moun-
statistical data were combined to generate final output (soil fertil- tain Soil Undifferentiated (MSU) adapting the classes in the old
ity map and crop suitability map). soil map. For the chemical characteristics, soil pH was measured
in 1:1H2O solution whereas organic matter (OM) was analyzed
Laboratory soil analysis by Walkley-Black method and available P was by Bray 2 method.
The volcanic soils derived from extinct volcano (Mt. Kitang- Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was also determined to help
lad) were distributed in the entire Province. In the soil map pro- assess soil fertility.

Crop Suitability and Soil Fertility Mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS)

Table 1 Soil texture in the study area

Depth of plow Percentage

Elevation Landuse Texture
layer (cm) Sand Silt Clay

320 m Rice paddy 35 10.7 47.2 42.1 Silt clay
322 m Mango/corn 35 37.9 23.4 38.7 Light clay
324 m Sugarcane 30 33.0 30.2 36.8 Light clay
340 m Rice paddy 30 41.9 43.4 14.7 Loam
345 m Rice paddy 30 48.5 10.6 40.9 Light clay
R1 394 m Sugarcane 30 27.4 51.1 21.5 Silty clay loam
401 m Idle land 25 45.4 29.9 24.7 Clay loam
403 m Corn 23 32.8 29.0 38.2 Light clay
413 m Corn 24 26.8 35.4 37.8 Light clay
486 m Mango 20 46.4 27.1 26.5 Clay loam
491 m Sugarcane 25 26.5 51.4 22.1 Silty clay loam
Average 27.9 34.3 34.4 31.2 Light clay
Range 2035 10.748.5 10.651.4 14.742.1

579 m Corn 30 30.5 52.3 17.2 Silty clay loam
767 m Corn 24 45.4 15.7 38.9 Light clay
768 m Sugarcane 26 50.3 24.1 25.6 Clay loam
772 m Pineapple 22 48.6 10.9 40.5 Silty clay
785 m Banana 20 11.3 45.9 42.8 Silty clay
836 m Corn/string beans 25 48.2 12.0 39.8 Light clay
Average 24.5 39.0 26.8 34.1 Light clay
Range 2030 11.350.3 10.952.3 17.242.8

908 m Pineapple 20 18.3 51.7 30.0 Silty clay
1211 m Pumpkin 15 51.8 20.5 27.7 Light clay
1221 m Corn 15 33.5 24.4 42.1 Light clay
1222 m Cabbage 15 45.9 15.5 38.7 Light clay
1261 m Tomato 18 51.1 29.3 19.6 Clay loam
1464 m Potato 15 52.1 27.7 20.1 Clay loam
Average 16.3 42.1 28.1 29.7 Light clay
Range 1520 18.352.1 15.551.7 19.642.1
1501 m and up MSU
Note: Mountain Soil Undifferentiated (MSU)

Soil fertility mapping properties. This method was used in the preparation of Land and
Given the vastness of the study area and with only 23 samples Soil Resource Guideline at Thana which includes the soil fertility
randomly collected within the elevation range initially decided, map based on representative soil samples. They noted that in gen-
an extrapolation technique was implemented to develop new tex- eral, chemical properties of soils within a given soil series were
tural map and soil fertility map. The soil sample results randomly observed to be similar, as they were formed from the same parent
obtained from each elevation range were extended to other area material (SRDI, 1991). Based on the old soil map, the soil series
not covered by soil sampling as they belong to the same soil series in the study area are similar and distributed following the eleva-
(Rahman and Parkinson, 2007). Extrapolation is a method of tion, thus, this approach was adopted to generate a province wide
extending the known information to the other areas with insuffi- map.
cient data so as they would both assumed as having the same Prior to the creation of soil fertility map, soil textural map was
characteristics. This approach was found to be appropriate in generated by merging old soil map and topographic map thereaf-
areas where the information to be extrapolated to has characteris- ter the new physical information from analyzed soil samples were
tic similar to the sampled and determined area. For instance, the integrated (Table 1). Average and ranges of soil physical proper-
soil samples were collected only on the east and north portion but ties were considered in the process to categorize new textural
because they are located in the same elevation range and their soil classes. Other categories used and depicted in the soil textural
series are the same, the known information can be extrapolated to map (Fig. 3) such as MSU and RBL were adapted from the over-
the south and west part and assumed that they have similar soil laid old soil map.

Agricultural Information Research 17(2),2008

Table 2 Soil chemical characteristics and its fertility categories

Elevation pH OM Available CEC Fertility

(m) (1.1:H20) (%) (ppm) (meq/100 g) Category

320 4.9 8.7 26.0 20.5
322 6.0 6.3 34.4 18.9
324 5.5 5.6 30.5 21.7
340 5.1 7.2 8.0 16.2
345 5.5 6.1 35.5 13.4
R1 394 5.4 6.3 29.7 14.3 High
401 5.4 5.8 2.1 11.1
403 5.8 5.0 25.5 15.0
413 5.2 5.6 4.1 11.5
486 5.6 6.2 30.1 11.4
491 6.2 5.8 16.7 13.2
Average 5.5 6.2 22.0 15.2
Range 4.96.2 5.08.7 2.135.5 11.121.7

579 4.6 6.8 29.0 12.4
767 5.0 6.4 2.95 12.9
768 5.1 4.6 14.7 13.0
R2 Medium
772 4.8 5.2 4.6 13.2
785 4.8 6.1 11.5 16.6
836 5.7 6.5 28.7 13.7
Average 5 5.9 15.2 13.6
Range 4.65.7 4.66.8 2.929.0 12.416.6

908 4.7 5.1 11.9 15.2
1211 4.8 6.8 4.1 18.7
1221 7.9 7.2 20.5 14.1
R3 Medium to High
1222 5.5 7.1 28.7 16.2
1261 5.4 7.2 23.0 19.3
1464 6.2 9.3 30.8 23.2
Average 5.7 7.1 19.8 17.7
Range 4.77.9 5.19.3 4.130.8 14.123.2
1501 and up Unclassified

Soil physical property was not enough to create soil fertility

map. Thus, chemical properties (Table 2) obtained from analyzed
soil samples were averaged based on the designated elevation
ranges (R1-lower part, R2-middle part and R3-higher part) and
combined with topographic map and then overlaid with previ-
ously made soil textural map. Used of expressions and condi-
tional statements to automate the identification of features with
similar characteristics were implemented during the overlaying
process. As a result of this procedure, the Soil fertility map (Fig. 4)
has been developed.

Crop suitability mapping

Fig. 3 Soil textural map To generate crop suitability map, climatic factors affecting the
Note: The Rough Broken Land (RBL) and the Mountain Soil plant growth such as evaporation, temperature, relative humidity
Undifferentiated (MSU) categories were adapted from the Soil
and rainfall maps were firstly combined to produce agro-climatic
map of BSWM.
map of the study area (Fig. 5). Table 3 shows the climatic infor-
mation merged to generate this map. Agro-climatic map is a kind
of map showing the climatic characteristics of the given zone.

Crop Suitability and Soil Fertility Mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS)

Fig. 4 Soil fertility map Fig. 5 Agro-climatic map

Important inputs: Soil texture, soil chemical properties and Abbreviations: LR - Low rainfall, HT-High temperature, HE-
depth of plow layer. High Evaporation, LH-Low humidity, HR-High rainfall, LT-
Low temperature, LE-Low evaporation, HH-High humidity.

Table 3 Criteria in categorizing agro-climatic map

Elevation Rainfall Temperature Evaporation Humidity Final Category

300500 masl 17002600 mm 25280C 2,107 mm 6575% Zone A
(Low rainfall, high temp., high evap., low humidity)
501900 masl 25003500 mm 22240C 1,570 mm 80% Zone B
(High rainfall, low temp., low evap., high humidity)
9011500 masl 28003500 mm 18210C 1,570 mm 80% Zone C
(High rainfall, low temp., low evap., high humidity)
Source: BSWM map and LREP 1985. The reduction however in Zone C was based on the premised that there is a 0.6C decrease of temperature for every
100 m increase of elevation (Nawata et. al, 2005).

These factors were found out to be important input since the cli- the area into highly, moderately, marginally suitable and unsuit-
matic condition in the area has varied per elevation. able (Table 4 and Fig. 6). It can be observed that most of the area
The whole province was divided into three zones (zones A, B falls within 1934% slope were classified as marginally suitable
and C) based on the amount of rainfall (per agro-ecological zone), due to steep slope.
humidity, temperature and evaporation rate (Table 3). This infor- Land suitable for farming practice map was produced to iden-
mation was the only available data in the form of map from the tify areas available for agriculture as well as portion of the prov-
concerned government agency of the Philippines in time of col- ince that are potentially capable in such purpose. Each crop has
lection. preferred suitable climatic condition, suitable land condition and
Zone A can be found in the lower elevation which is character- soil fertility.
ized by having low amount of rainfall (LR), high temperature The created agro-climatic map was overlaid with land suitable
(HT), high evaporation (HE) and low humidity (LH). Zones B for farming practice map and soil fertility map to finally generate
and C which are characterized by having almost similar climatic crop suitability map (Fig. 7).
condition (HR, LT, LE and HH) were found in the middle and Table 6, the classification of soil fertility factors for annual
highest portion of the province. crop was used as basis in determining level of fertility in the area.
Secondly, the total area available for farming practice were A color coded legend was used to properly interpret the crop
also determined using the geologic map overlaid with slope map suitability (Fig.7).
which accounted to 44.87% of the total area of the province while Table 5 shows how the legend is interpreted. For instance,
the rest are unsuited for farming due to steep slope, presence of AHiH legend is referring to the area located in agro-climatic zone
rocks and gorges. The farming practices in the study area were A which was categorized as Highly suitable land for farming and
influenced by landform and slope. Landform conditions and per- with High soil fertility. This area is distributed in lower portion of
cent slope were described in geologic and slope maps respec- the province with relatively higher temperature, 08% slope and
tively, as shown in Table 4. Percent slope (034%) and land deeper plow layer, low sand content and higher available P. This
characteristics were the primordial considerations in classifying area could be suitable for paddy rice cultivation. BHiM on the

Agricultural Information Research 17(2),2008

Fig. 6 Land suitable for farming practice map. Fig. 7 Crop suitability map

Table 4 Criteria of land suitable for farming practice Table 5 Showing the information contained in the crop suitability map

Land suitable for Agro-climatic Land suitable for

Slope Landform Soil fertility Legend
farming practice zones farming practice
Broad alluvial plain Highly suitable A Highly suitable High AHiH
Collu-alluvial terraces Highly suitable A Moderately suitable High AMoH
Misc. land types Unsuitable A Marginally suitable High AMrH
08% Plateau Highly suitable B Highly suitable Medium BHiM
Sedimentary hills Marginally suitable B Moderately suitable Medium BMoM
Volcanic footslopes Moderately suitable B Marginally suitable Medium BMrM
Volcanic hills Moderately suitable C Highly suitable Medium to high CHiMH
Broad alluvial plain Highly suitable C Moderately suitable Medium to high CMoMH
Collu-alluvial terraces Moderately suitable C Marginally suitable Medium to high CMrMH
Misc. land types Unsuitable
918% Mountains Moderately suitable
Sedimentary hills Marginally suitable Table 6 Classification of soil fertility factors for annual crop
Volcanic foot slopes Marginally suitable Class
Volcanic hills Moderately suitable Soil fertility factors
High Moderate Low
Collu-alluvial terraces Moderately suitable
pH (1:1 H2O) 5.57.5 5.05.5 <5.0 & >8
Misc. land types Unsuitable
O.M. (%) >3 13 <1
Mountains Marginally suitable
CEC (meq/100 g soil) >15 815 <8
1934% Plateau Moderately suitable
Available P (ppm) >10 610 <6
Sedimentary hills Marginally suitable
Volcanic foot slopes Marginally suitable Source: BSWM-ELREP, 1985
Volcanic hills Marginally suitable

erations in selecting crops to be planted. It has a greatest influence

other hand are area with agro-climatic condition, zone B (lower in both agricultural and non-agricultural uses. This study has
temperature), Highly suitable land for farming and Medium soil made soil fertility and crop suitability maps as the main outputs.
fertility, and CHiMH are those areas located in higher elevation Other maps generated such as soil textural, land available for
categorized as zone C, Highly suitable land for farming and hav- farming practice and agro-climatic maps were merely prerequi-
ing Medium to High soil fertility which are suited for crops grown sites to complete the parameter requirements during the process.
in lower temperature.
In order to find out what particular crops are suited in the area, Soil fertility
their specific biological requirement for growth was identified Volcanic ash derived-soils are among the most productive soils
(Table 7) and matched with the information embodied in the map. in the world (Miller and Donahue, 1992 and Shoji et al., 1993).
The ability to support plant growth lies on various factors includ-
Results and Discussion ing the soil physical and chemical composition. Though located
in the same place, soil has different inherent fertility or capacity
Soil texture and soil chemical properties are important consid- to supply the necessary nutrient for the crops (Dela Cruz and

Crop Suitability and Soil Fertility Mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS)

Table 7 Crops and their common biological requirements for growth contained in each overlaid map.

Crops (Scientific names) Soil fertility Land suitable for farming practice Agro-climatic
Rice pH between 5.5 to 6 0 to 8% slope 20 to 30C temperature
(Oryza sativa) Heavier soil are preferred Broad alluvial plains and collu-alluvial Evapotranspiration is between 450 to
terraces 700 mm
Pineapple Soil pH of 4.5 to 6.5; 0 to 25 % slope Evapotranspiration varies between 700
(Ananas comosus) Sandy loam and well-drained soil Broad alluvial plains and collu-alluvial and 1000 mm/year B
terraces; Mean daily temperature of 22C to 26C
Sedimentary hills and volcanic
Mango Soil pH of 6 to 7 0 to 1200 meter asl; Up to 45C temperature
(Mangifera indica) Broad alluvial plains and collu-alluvial
Sedimentary hills and volcanic
Tomato Soil pH of 5 to 7 9 to 34 % slope Optimum daily temp. are 18C to 25C
(Lycopersicon esculentum) Preferred well-drained soils, light loam Sedimentary hills and volcanic with night temp. between 1020C;
Potato Soil pH of 5 to 6; High altitude Optimum daily temp. are 18C to 20C;
(Solanum tuberosum) Relatively sensitive to soil water deficits. 9 to 34 % slope Water requirements for 120150 days is
Sedimentary hills and volcanic 500700 mm depending n the climate;
Corn Relatively high fertility soils 0 to 8% slope Temp. below 45C;
(Zea mays) Preferred well-aerated and drained soil Broad alluvial plains and collu-alluvial Tolerates hot and dry atmospheric
Grows well on most soils but less so on terraces condition so long as water supply is
heavily dense clay and very sandy soils available;
Requires 500800 mm of rainfall
Banana Optimum pH of 5 and 7; 0 to 25 % slope 20002500 mm/yr in rainfed production
(Musa spp.) High demand for nitrogen and potash; Broad alluvial plains and collu-alluvial A min. of 16C and max. of 38C;
Preferred fertile, deep and well-drained terraces; Preferred a humidity of 60% or more
loam soil with high water holding Sedimentary hills and volcanic
capacity and humus content footslopes
Alluvial plains to inland latosols of the
Sugarcane Optimum soil pH is 6.5 0 to 8% slope Temperature between 2230C. For
(Saccarum offcinarum) Needs high nitrogen and potassium Broad alluvial plains and collu-alluvial ripening period 1020C are desirable.
terraces Water requirement is 15002500 mm
over the growing season
Cassava Preferred light sandy loam of medium Preferred altitude of below 1000 m Preferred warm and moist climate with
(Manihot esculenta Crantz) fertility or low fertility 0 to 8% slope Broad alluvial plains and temp. of 2529C;
Preferred sandy loam soil; good drainage collu-alluvial terraces Rainfall is 100150 cm/yr and well
Coconut Preferred soil with enough K content; Usually planted in estuarine soils and Well-distributed rainfall in the range of
(Cocos nucifera) pH of between 58; alluvial river it can survive too in areas 12703810 mm is required for optimal
Freely drained soil; below 500 masl (BSWM-1985) yield
Volcanic ash soils 0 to 8% slope
Broad alluvial plains and collu-alluvial

Yoshida, 2004). Thus, it is important to be aware of soil condition annual crop (Table 6) as guide in determining the level of soil fer-
before a decision to devote certain piece of land into farming is tility, the soil pH, OM available P and CEC in R1 and R3 were
made. categorized as high, while pH and CEC in R2 were medium
The topography in the study area affects the soil texture, plow whereas OM and available P were high. Sandy soil has low nutri-
layer and amount of particular soil nutrients as it is vulnerable to ents holding capacity. Sand ratio in R3 was the highest. The aver-
constant digging and occurrence of surface run-off during the age depth of plow layer was the deepest in R1 followed by R2 and
heavy rain. Study revealed that the province is dominated by light R3. Considering the soil chemical, physical properties and depth
clay soils (Fig. 3). Though light clay soils, it can be observed that of plow layer, soil fertility classes were categorized as high soil
sand ratio was higher particularly in R2 and R3 (Table 1). The fertility in R1, medium soil fertility in R2 and medium to high fer-
average sand ratio in R1 was the lowest as compared to R2 and tility in R3 (Fig. 4).
R3 while the average clay ratio was the lowest in R3 followed by The higher percentage of sand particles has influenced in the
R1 and R2. Using the classification of soil fertility factors for degree of soil fertility. The medium to high soil fertility in R3

Agricultural Information Research 17(2),2008

Table 8 List of recommended crops for every zone in crop suitability map

Crops AHiH Zone AMoH Zone AMrH Zone BHiM Zone BMoM Zone BMrM Zone CHiMH Zone CMoMH Zone CMrMH Zone

Note: =Unsuited to the zone =Suited to the zone

could be attributed to low temperature prevailing in the higher The area in agro-climatic Zone A is basically located in the allu-
altitude resulting to low decomposition rate of soil organic mat- vial plain (low areas) while Zones B and C areas are located in the
ters and undisturbed soil surface. Categorizing the soil fertility middle and higher elevation. The low humidity, high temperature
map entails the soil texture, soil chemical information as well as and evaporation were likewise found in the area of Zone A. As
depth of plow layer. The soil fertility has long been discussed elevation increases, temperature had dropped in Zone B area
from the aspect of soil capacity for plant absorption requirement ranging from 2224C and 1821C for Zone C area. Such char-
of nutrients, that is to say, soil chemical conditions. In this study, acteristics made the areas (Zone B and Zone C) suited for crops
newly determined soil textural classes, chemical properties and that strive in cool surroundings. The kind of crops suited to be
plow layer were combined to generate new soil fertility map. planted varies with respect to agricultural environmental condi-
Though, the number of soil sample was few, extrapolating the tions. Each crop has different agricultural environmental condi-
result to the rest of the area with similar elevation and having the tions and biological requirement for growth. Crops with the
same soil series were done in order to cover the entire province. corresponding preferred biological requirements were also enu-
This was adopted because it was observed on the old soil map that merated in Table 7. For instance, the rices biological requirements
the soil types were distributed based on elevation. for agricultural environmental conditions were heavier soil, 08%
The created soil fertility map is very useful to select suitable slope and 2030C temperature. The tomatos biological require-
crops in the area as it has been combined with soil physical con- ments for agricultural environmental conditions however were
ditions (soil texture). well-drained soil, volcanic foot slopes and 1825C temperature.
Matching specific plants biological needs for growth had sug-
Crop suitability gested which specific crop species are suited in the given area
As part of rational cropping system, land suitability for agricul- based on the climatic and soil characteristics in the province
ture has long been assessed and recognized (FAO, 1976). This (Table 7). List of suggested crops were enumerated in Table 8
has been implemented to optimize the use of piece of land for the including the corresponding zones where particular plant is rec-
desired use (Sys et al., 1991). Though the criteria may change, the ommended.
climate, soil, topography, slope, soil fertility and water availabil- Research suggested that rice, sugarcane, corn, coconut and cas-
ity are essential categories of environmental information needed sava are well-fitted in the zones located in the lower area but
for determining crops suitability. Matching biological require- believed to be unsuited in the zones located in the higher eleva-
ments of plants for growth to the characteristics of soil as well as tion. Pineapple, mango and banana however were found out to be
the environmental condition in the area has enabled to draw and appropriate in the lower elevation up to areas having 900 masl.
discover specific type of crops believed to be applicable in the Moreover, tomato and potato are best in higher altitude where
study area. humidity is relatively high, temperature is cool and evaporation is
The study area is a mountainous province, agricultural environ- low.
mental conditions varied in a given range of elevation. The devel-
oped crop suitability map was a kind of map wherein Conclusion
environmental factors, physical characteristics of the area and fer-
tility factors (agro-climatic, land suitable for farming practice and Creating a province wide soil fertility map was developed to
soil fertility) were considered in the selection of specific plants. provide information regarding the current soil condition and crop

Crop Suitability and Soil Fertility Mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS)

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