Takemusu Aikido Intercontinental: Kajo #11

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Takemusu Aikido Intercontinental

Transmitting an authentic knowledge of Traditional Aikido as founded by Morihei UESHIBA

Kajo #11
We saw in kajo #10 how ikkyo omote and ikkyo ura are opposed at 180 on the two ends of a line
where tori stands in the middle.

Let's now examine if we can check that property for nikyo.

In kajo #6 we have determined nikyo's direction on the circle:

Let's examine on the following pictures the angle in which O sensei applies nikyo ura, still relatively
to uke's shomen:

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We can clearly see on O sensei's pictures and with the feet positions that the angle of nikyo ura is
strictly symmetrical with nikyo omote: 180.

We can see that the angle of nikyo ura is identical to the angle of Kote gaeshi as previously
checked in kajo #7.

That similarity is one more evidence since the angle of Kote gaeshi is symmetrical, ie 180, with
nykyo omote.

Lets take the opportunity with this reminder to check once more that the angle of Kote gaeshi,
similar to nykyo ura is symmetrical to nikyo omote on O sensei's document below :

And let's now position nikyo ura on our reference figure:

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Philippe Voarino, May 2012.

Philippe Voarino next seminar: Sunday, 21 April, 2013, Aikido Gasshuku 2013, Antibes, France

Copyright TAI (Takemusu Aikido Intercontinental)

http://www.aikidotakemusu.org/en/articles/kajo-11 14/03/2013

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