Difference Between Old and New Curriculum: (Field Study 2)

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Difference Between

Old and New Curriculum

(Field Study 2)

Submitted to: Mrs. Rosalinda Enario


Submitted by: Javelin C. Baclohan

(BSEd-English 4)
1. What type of curriculum you are using now?

Answer: The type of curriculum we are using now is the newly implemented
curriculum which is the K to 12 curriculum.

2. What type of curriculum you are using before:

Answer: I was using the traditional curriculum before.

3. Differences of the tradition conversion of K to 12.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of either curriculum type.

Traditional Curriculum

In spite of the debate over state and national standards reform efforts, it is
universally agreed by educators and experts that a key component of improving
student achievement is raising standards.

In the 1996 National Education Summit, state governors, education leaders, and
business leaders came to a consensus that use of standards will:

1. Help all students learn more by demanding higher student proficiency and
providing effective methods to help students achieve high standards;

2. Provide parents, schools, and communities with an unprecedented opportunity to

debate and reach agreement on what students should know and be able to do;

3. Focus the education system on understandable, objective, measurable, and well-

defined goals to enable schools to work smarter and more productively;

4. Reinforce the best teaching and educational practices already found in

classrooms and make them the norm;

5. Provide real accountability by focusing squarely on results and helping the public
and local and state educators evaluate which programs work best.

Proponents of standards-based reform argue that flexibility in past reform efforts

have not necessarily been shown to be successful. State tests can highlight gaps
and promote pressure for improvement, as well as demonstrate that these gaps will
drive the resources to the neediest schools. On a wider scale, a major advantage of
standards-based reform is that standards and assessments can allow access of
curriculum for all students, as well as more equitable outcomes.

However, it is generally agreed that in order to be successful, these higher

standards must be aligned with reforms in testing, teacher education, improved
teaching practices, and proper allocation of resources.

While several states are implementing some form of standards-based reform,

there is very little empirical evidence to prove that standards, assessment, and high-
stakes accountability programs are effective in improving public schools. In many
states, such as California, attempts to implement standards-based reform are
inconsistently or carelessly aligned with quality research. The following are some of
the shortcomings of standards-based reform.

1. Recent reports on the standards-based reform movement in New York suggest

that in many schools the careless implementation of standards and assessment may
have negative consequences for students.

2. Vague and unclear standards in several subject areas in several states

complicate matters and do not serve as concrete standards defining what students
should know and be able to do.

3. Top-down standards imposed by the federal or state government are also

problematic. They impose content specifications without taking into account the
different needs, opportunities to learn, and skills that may be appropriate for specific
districts or regions.

K-1 Curriculum

The Philippine education system can become more competitive among other
countries around the world. Though there are still some problems that the
government needs to solve before they can successfully implement the plan. The
proposed program is good but it still won't work if the needed elements to make it
work arent present.

Such elements include the addressed problems mentioned above, especially the
number of public school classrooms plus the adequate supply of classroom chairs,
books, etc. If the government could allot a bigger budget to educational needs, then
we could be one-step ahead towards the success of the K-12 program.

Furthermore, parents (especially those who belong in the poor sector) should be
properly informed and motivated of the advantages of the K-12 Education Plan. This
is very important since parents play a major role in providing the child's school
allowances, supplies, and fees for other school projects and activities. Add to that
the support of parents towards their children in terms of guidance and teaching.

Once this succeeds, it is best hoped that Filipino students would be more literate,
skilled, and competitive to be able to find jobs more easily and contribute to the
country's pride as well as the country's economy.

In Philippines, education system is under low level, thus causing lot of problem
within the country. To develop good education, there was the launch of K-12
education in the nation, which aims in assisting graduates to get employment without
any troubles. There are international tests, congested syllabi, entrepreneurship
training and reinforcement of reading aspects that led to development in
employment percentage. On the other side, there are also few negative impacts
created by K-12 education such as disintegration, continuous class hours and lack of
faculty to handle classes efficiently. Though, K-12 education advantages and
disadvantages have an impact, it is the Philippines government.

5. Personal Insights.

Language is dynamic as well as the curriculum. We have different curriculum in

the past and in the present, but we are now in the globally and competitive
generation. A world does not just need competitive teachers but also competitive
students. So, how will you become competitive if your curriculum is traditional, and if
doesnt aware of the new learnings of todays generation?

Students now are fond of using computer, they will probably choose going to
computer shops rather than attending class. That is why as a teacher you have to
be competitive and made something new to class every day, so that they will be
more challenged and get excite everyday upon attending the class. For me the
effective way of solving this kind of phenomena as a teacher is that we must use
technology upon teaching. Well make it as our partner in delivering a lesson so that
our students will not get bored. Well make teaching-learning process lively and

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