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Basic Environmental Concept

Global Warming, Ozone Depletion and Climate
Environmental Degradation and Pollution: Kinds,
Causes and Effects of Pollution

Remedies against Pollution: Nuisance,

Trespass and Negligence

Theories of
Inter-generational Equality
Sustainable Development
Precautionary Principle
Polluter Pay Principle
Strict Liability
Absolute Liability
Common but differentiated responsibility
Hazardous Waste Management: Hazardous
Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,2015
Bio-Medical Waste Management: Bio-Medical
Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,2015

Constitutional Mandates to protect Environment

Article 21, Article 48A & 51 a(g) of the
Role of Indian Judiciary in evolution in
Environmental Jurisprudence (Right to
Wholesome Environment)

Evolution of International Environmental Law

Development through Conventions:
-Stockholm Declaration,1972
-Earth Summit,1992
-Ramsar Convention,1971
-Bonn Convention
- Copenhagen Summit
- Convention on Biological Diversity,1992

Role of UNEP for Protection of Environment

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