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Name: _____________________________________________________

Math 8 Checklist: Q1 W 7-9 October 9th October 27th

Big Ideas:
Introduction to functions

Upcoming Dates:
__10/27_: Math Study Guide Due (_____%)
__11/3_: Math Assessment (_____%)
__10/25_: Cycle 1 Data Analysis Lesson and Test Corrections Due (science) (_____%)
__10/27_: Rite of Passage Ceremony and Student-Led Conferences

Lesson #1: Lesson #2 Lesson #3 Lesson #4 Lesson #5
Inequalities & Solving Multi-step Squares and Cubes and cube Estimating Square and
their graphs inequalities Square roots roots Cube Roots
Choose 1: Choose 1: Too Square! Choose 1: Estimating square
Inequalities puzzle with like Versatile Perfect cube roots(____, M, 0)
E Card terms (____, M, (____, M, 0) card Layout Estimating cube
x Matching 0) Squares and (____, M, 0) roots (____, M, 0)
pl (____, M, 0) 3-4 Game: square roots Cubes and Cube
or Matching Points for each (____, M, 0) roots (____, M,
e Inequalities line (____, M,
to number 0)
M, 0)

Create a Choose 1: Create a Create a Create a product

product (see Create a product (see product (see (see sheets in
E sheets in product (see sheets in sheets in expand binder)
x expand sheets in expand binder) expand binder) (_____%)
p binder) expand binder) (_____%) (_____%)
a (_____%) (_____%)
Reasoning with
equations and
Stations (1-
4)(____, M, 0)

E (_____%)

Complete Individually Unless Noted by a G for Group

Work Plan:
Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
Monday: Monday: Monday:

Tuesday: Tuesday: Tuesday:

Wednesday: Wednesday: Wednesday:

Thursday: Thursday: Thursday:

Friday: Friday: Friday:

Homework: (All assignments are due the next day you have Biology and MUST be checked with the control if not a
Tuesday 10/10: Lesson 3-1: Graphing solutions to one variable inequalities video
Lesson 3-1: Writing an inequality from a graph video
Lesson 3-1: Writing inequalities video
Wednesday 10/11 Lesson 3-4: Solving two-step inequalities video
Lesson 3-4: Solving multi-step inequalities using the distributive property video
Lesson 3-4: Solving multi-step inequalities with variables on both sides video
Thursday 10/12: MS 8 Math Squaring a Number Video
MS 8 Math Finding Perfect Square Roots video
Monday 10/16: MS 8 Math Cubing a Number video
MS 8 Math Finding Perfect Cube Roots Video
Organize binder and complete missing work as needed

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