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Subject: Trying is better than Crying

Usage: Childrens Short Essay

Mode: Medium
Target Age Group- 10-15 years

As children, we have to always understand that life is always full of ups and downs.
Throughout our life, we will be faced with many disappointments. Success and disappoints
are just two sides of the same coin. Therefore we should never allow disappointments to win
over us. Most of the times, thinking and crying over failures will not offer any solutions but
some times elevates the original issues making it more difficult to resolve. For example, an
unexpected low score in an examination is just a reminder that we should work harder next
time. Its just an opportunity given by god to show to the world that you are up for it. Face it
with your heads up, try harder and prove to the world that you are a true champion. Where us,
if you start worrying about it, it will affect your confidence, making you weaker. Always
remember the words of the late Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, the ex-president of India. Man needs
his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success, that through difficulties and
problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when your hopes and dreams and goals
are dashed, search among the wreckage and try harder, you may find a golden opportunity
hidden in the ruins. Trying is always better than crying.
Topic: Simple Childrens essay on Christmas

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. It falls on the 25th December and is celebrated around
the world. Christmas carol groups visit each house along with a Christmas father. Kids love
Santa Claus as he gives them sweets and gifts. Carol groups sing songs and dance. One of the
famous carol songs is Rudolf the red nosed reindeer which narrates about a reindeer pulling
the sleigh of Santa Claus. Jesus was born in a manger and to represent that people make small
cribs in their homes and churches. A crib is usually made of dried hay. There will be small
statues of Joseph, Mary, the three kings, shepherds, cattles, donkeys etc. There will also be a
small statue of an angel in the crib. It represents the angel who guided the kings and the
shepherds who were grazing their cattle to the manger. Jesus father Joseph was a carpenter
and Jesus mother was Mary. It is believed that an angel visited Mary,who revealed to her the
good news that she would be the mother of the divine child. On Christmas Christians go to
church wearing their new clothes and wish each other happy Christmas. People from other
religions also join their christian friends and participate in the festivity. It is a day of joy and
celebration and there is a partying mood all around.
Topic: Childrens Elocution/Speech on My Brother- My Role Model
Targeted Age:8-15

When one is asked of who is your role model, normally people name some famous
personalities. But for me my brother has been my biggest role model. We have an age gap of 8
years but this age gap has helped me in many ways. Always wanted to do what he did. He is
unique, honest, friendly and intelligent. He is very determined, all through his studies he has
never been for any tutions. He wanted to achieve everything with his hard work and effort that
is why he did not agree to take a paid seat for medicine. His ambition is to be a surgeon and
serve 3 days a week in the rural areas.

He is always pleasing, kind hearted and open minded to others. His ability to pass on positive
energy to those whom he deals with is amazing. He can mingle with a age groups, all the kids
in our bus enjoy being with him. He would spend time with senior citizens and make them
laugh and happy. He respects elders and is humble in his approach. He is very devotional,
fasts on Mondays and reads holy books daily morning. He is always precise on the subject he
talks and inspires others to apply the knowledge in daily life. He is very easy going, doesnt
take tension for anything. I have never seen him argue with dad and mom. He is so helpful
that on the day of exams also he lends his books to his friends.
To be honest sometimes I envy him, when everyone keeps praising him for his attitude and
behavior, many family friends tell their kids look at Pranav be like him. Even when we come
for the PTM, all the teachers and principal sir speak so good about him. He encourageous me
to take up challenges and adopt positive thinking to be a better person. He has supported me
and cheered me through all my problems. Brought in me the passion for reading and to love
books. He motivates me to draw and has taught me to be courageous while we are on the
sports ground. I influence me in making right choices.
He is very poor in dressing, whenever anybody comments on that he simply says that the
tailor is not who makes a gentleman its ones character.I am really lucky to have a brother like

Everyone possesses some kind of liking or disliking for certain things; and some of us have
some kind of hobby that keeps us occupied in our leisure hours. I have also a hobby -the
hobby of painting pictures. Nobody has ever taught me how to draw a picture.

It is on my own that I practiced drawing pictures, being guided by the drawings in my text
books which contain various types of sketches. I imitated drawing from there the animals, the
trees, the rivers, the clouds, the hills, and of course, the human faces.

As days passed, my sense of drawing improved step by step. I found that observation is the
main thing in the art of drawing. The object is to be observed minutely, and the angles from
which the painting should be started have to be studied and selected beforehand. Then the rest
would come naturally and easily to the face of the brush or the pen.

I remember that I began my first effort of drawing with an elephant, and then, a tiger and a
bird. Afterwards, I began to draw huts, gardens, village paths, hills, clouds, sun, moon, birds
flying in the blue sky, and so on. In this way, I have continued to retain my hobby till this day.

Whenever I find some leisure time, at once I sit down with my pen, brush and drawing paper
to draw something that might suddenly come to my mind. Now I am not required to imitate
anything particularly. I can draw freely any object, animate or inanimate, the landscapes of
temples, mosques or churches, horses, frogs or lions,-any and every thing can become my
subject of drawing.

My hobby keeps me engaged in my leisure hours and brings me immense joy and satisfaction.

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