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SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011



Geoffrey Page, Stephen Vickers

Baker Hughes Incorporated
Copyright 2011, held jointly by the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log and paramagnetic particles may also influence some of
Analysts (SPWLA) and the submitting authors
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging the more complex logging tools.
Symposium held in Colorado Springs, Co, USA, May 14-18, 2011.

This paper is intended as an overview of the primary

effects of drilling fluid chemicals on petrophysical log
data. References are provided to assist in additional
research on individual mud systems.
Drilling fluids are carefully formulated to enable safe
and efficient drilling of subsurface formations and,
within reservoir sections, to minimize formation
damage. Although the effects of these fluids on log data
might be a consideration, these effects are generally
Hydrophysics is technically the study of marine and
accepted as a necessary consequence of achieving the
land waters; however the term here is used to
most cost-effective and productive wellbores.
encompass the study of the liquid components in
petrophysics whatever their chemical composition. In
The response on log data due to drilling fluid chemicals
practice one of the least understood components (by
is generally considered to be minimal, as tool-specific
petrophysicists) is the drilling fluid or mud, and its
corrections are applied to account for the fluid within
potential effects on the petrophysical measurements of
the borehole.
the surrounding formations.
These corrections, however, adjust responses to true
A correctly formulated drilling fluid consists of a base
measurements of the bulk formation properties that
brine or oil with added chemicals and should:
include invaded fluid. It is still necessary to account for
the properties of the invading mud chemicals during the Promote mechanical and chemical stability of
petrophysical interpretation. This was not a problem the open well-bore.
when the drilling fluids were simple water-based or Remove cuttings from the hole.
invert-oil emulsions. With the introduction of more Cool and lubricate the bit.
complex drilling fluid chemistry, accounting for the Control subsurface pressures.
invading fluid properties becomes more important. Suspend solids when circulation stops.
Base brines such as formates and bromides, which have Isolate the fluids from the formation.
significantly different log responses than other aqueous Support part of the weight of the drillstring
fluids, might require complex modeling to retain and the casing.
interpretation accuracy. Release cuttings at the surface.
Maximise penetration rates.
The formulation of drilling fluids for drilling purposes Transmit hydraulic horsepower to bit.
has been widely documented; however the effects that Minimise corrosion rates.
many common, and not so common, drilling fluid Have minimal adverse interaction with the
components have on petrophysical measurements are reservoir.
not well documented. Even the physical properties of Allow recovery of information from the hole
common make-up brine and standard base oils may (pulser).
affect basic log data responses but have been widely Comply with environmental regulations.
ignored. Other components such as precipitating salts

SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

Although not always considered, one other any major change is made, so that these samples are
requirement/consideration should also be: available for later laboratory analysis if required.
To allow the acquisition of accurate
petrophysical information. Corrections for mud properties should be considered in
the same category as detailed core analysis; they
As part of pre-well planning the optimal drilling mud generally do not change the overall picture of a quick
formulation should also be reviewed for its suitability look analysis, but can help refine the data at a later
for the required data acquisition strategy, especially for date.
exploration wells where the primary reason for drilling
the well is to gather high quality data.
The physical properties of the drilling fluids are
reported on a daily basis and should be reviewed by the An important consideration is how deeply liquids, or
petrophysicist to be aware of any major changes made solids, invade the rock from the wellbore, relative to the
to the drilling fluids, particularly while penetrating the depth of investigation of the petrophysical
reservoir. The reported mud properties, however, tend measurements. There are two parts to this:
to be limited only to the mud properties that are How deep does the drilling fluid invade?
important to drilling: density, viscosity, chemicals used, How deep do the instruments measure?
Additionally, for deviated or horizontal wells, there
These properties, and additional information, which may be a directional consideration, with the invasion
affect the petrophysics are also important to the varying azimuthally around the wellbore due to
acquisition of high-quality log data. It is often difficult anisotropic permeability variations, and/or gravity.
to ascertain additional properties, particularly at a later
date. Correctly sized solids should never invade more than a
few pore depths from the wellbore. This requires the
The mud properties affecting the data acquisition correct mix of small and larger particles in the mud
include: mix, sized relative to the expected pore diameters
Mud weight, not only of the whole mud but (Figure 1). Mud filtrate invasion is dependent on time,
also the filtrate. (over)pressure, permeability, and mud cake
Viscosity will affect wireline tool running development. For LWD data recorded shortly after
speeds and LWD pulsing capabilities. drilling this may only be a few inches, or may be
Filtration control and expected depth of considerably deeper for wireline if not recorded until
invasion. several days or weeks later.
Chemical composition of make-up brine:
salinity, conductivity, and reactivity.
Chemical composition of base oil, and
comparison to predicted native hydrocarbons.
Chemical composition of solids components,
especially if any form of mineral logging is
being undertaken.

Measurements of additional properties could be done at

the rigsite if suitable equipment were made available,
but in general this is probably not required. It is,
however, recommended that when mud formulation has
a potential to affect the formation evaluation data,
regular samples are kept, for example daily, or when Figure 1. Correctly sized solids should not enter the
formation causing damage and affecting log responses
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

In comparison, most of the petrophysical measurements in general their shallowest raw data comes from around
have a large part of their responses within a few inches a 10-inch depth, which is beyond the important first few
of the wellbore, and are therefore frequently affected by inches where the porosity logs have most of their
filtrate properties. A confusing factor is that for most responses as described above.
resistivity logs, the depth of investigation is defined
as 50% of the response coming from within that depth, Alternative methods for defining apparent invasion
whereas nuclear measurements are usually quoted at depths include using the photoelectric effect (PE) for
90% response. fluids with a high PE such as Caesium1 Formate brines,
magnetic resonance fluid analysis in the 2 to 4 inch
A density measurement is usually quoted as having a depth range, and acoustic, which can be used to define
depth of investigation of around eight inches; however variations in DT in the first few feet away from the
50% of the signal comes from within three inches. wellbore. It should be noted, however, that the acoustic
Neutron measurements are deeper at around 12 inches, is probably more affected by stress variations around
which should be considered when combining density the wellbore than just invading fluids, unless there is a
and neutron as they may be seeing different fluids. good contrast between invading and native fluid DT.

Acoustic measurements follow the shortest path, and

invading fluids may force the measurement deeper or DATA CORRECTION
shallower depending on slowness contrasts between
filtrate and formation fluids, but generally stay within a Correcting petrophysical measurements for mud
foot of the borehole. Magnetic resonance has a chemistry consists of two parts:
precisely defined depth of investigation between one
and four inches. 1. Borehole corrections are applied based on hole
size and mud properties to correct
All of these measurements are usually within the measurements back to calibration conditions,
(partially) invaded zone, and mud filtrate properties (usually a 7 7/8 inch borehole filled with fresh
need to be considered. The exceptions are the resistivity water). This then provides a true value for
logs which are designed to either see a lot deeper, the bulk formation property being measured,
possibly 10 feet or more, or specifically to measure free from wellbore artifacts.
very shallow to define Rxo. Frequently a range of
depths of investigation is recorded to define the 2. The borehole-corrected true bulk formation
invading fluid depth profile. Resistivity image logs are properties still contain effects from any
considered to be very shallow reading, which the invading fluids (or solids) that need to be
individual buttons are; however, combined on a pad the accounted for in the petrophysical
system as a whole can respond to a much deeper interpretation. This includes fluid properties
background resistivity of between 15 and 20 inches for porosity and saturation calculations,
depth providing a mix of Rxo and Rt responses. wetability, permeability, and/or any
mineralogical changes.
Understanding and quantifying the invasion depth can
be very important when invading fluids have a When applying these corrections it should be noted that
significant effect on formation properties. One of the temperature and pressure may be different within the
key measurements that allow this is resistivity. Many wellbore and formation. When applying borehole
programs/methods now exist to derive an apparent corrections, use borehole parameters, and if correcting
depth of invasion from at least three resistivity for filtrate effects, use formation parameters.
measurements of different depths; however it should be
noted that ideally one of these should be an accurate Only after accounting for both of these will the virgin
shallow Rxo such as a pad type device reading within formation properties be determined. Many of the
the first few inches. Although an Rxo and depth of advanced mud systems such as formate and silicate
invasion can be derived from many sonde type tools, muds allow the drilling of high-quality bit-size
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

wellbores, and thus the acquisition of high-quality data. such as caesium, will require additional special
The challenge is then, however, understanding and corrections.
interpreting that data.
Mud radioactivity, for example from potassium content,
can significantly add to natural gamma ray
WHICH MEASUREMENTS ARE AFFECTED measurements, and distort spectral measurements. The
radioactivity, however, is rarely high enough to have
Drilling fluid bulk density and the absorption of gamma any noticeable effect on density measurements. If the
rays has a small effect on formation density filtrate is radioactive there may be an additional
measurements due to backscatter within the borehole, permeability-related component to the apparent
and will also reduce total natural gamma ray (GR) formation gamma ray signal. In general spectral gamma
counts. This may be exacerbated by high PE ray measurements are useful to identify and correct
components, such as barite and caesium, which these responses.
preferentially absorb the lower energies, thus distorting
the energy spectrums and adding considerably to the PE Whole mud resistivity will affect the choice of optimal
curve. Mud cake density, mainly related to the solid resistivity logging tools, and may restrict NMR
components of the drilling fluids, is generally acquisition capabilities in highly conductive muds.
compensated for by multi-detector tool design, but may Filtrate samples should be taken and their resistivity
also introduce high PE effects. The liquid components measured to calculate flushed zone saturations and
that may enter the formation as filtrate will need to be correct all measurements for invasion.
considered in density porosity calculations.
If there are any magnetic minerals used as weighting
The gamma density response of fluids is also slightly material, then this may affect orientation devices. There
different from the true density, but a correction can be have been alleged cases of mud cake becoming
estimated as per Appendix 1. magnetized by NMR tools resulting in bad orientation
data from subsequent runs. If the mud contains any
Acoustic measurements are fully compensated for any magnetic materials, or any milling has potentially left
variations in borehole fluid slowness; however invading swarf in the wellbore, then running NMR after any
filtrate slowness needs to be accounted for in porosity orientated services should be considered.
The addition of surfactants to mud to mix the oil and
Some mud system components may considerably water in an oil-based mud (OBM) may affect the
reduce the hydrogen index (HI) of the mud. This will wettability of the flushed zone, and hence calculated
affect the neutron borehole corrections and porosity irreducible flushed zone fluid saturations. This may also
measurements. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) affect the data recorded by NMR tools, which generally
measurements will also be affected by the HI in a read within the flushed zone. This requires NMR core
similar way to the neutron porosity, with additional measurements, currently rarely done, to identify the
changes in the T1, T2, and diffusivity spectra. magnitude of any such effects.

The HI of fluids can be estimated as per Appendix 2. A wide range of loss control materials (LCM) may be
added to the mud when losses occur. These contain
The mud sigma, or macroscopic thermal neutron polymers, asphalt, or other materials designed to block
capture cross-section, affects both the neutron borehole pores and fractures. These may or may not be later
corrections and porosity. Modern tools tend to be removable under flowing conditions, and can affect the
designed to minimize borehole chloride/salinity pre-testing pressure communication, permeability and
corrections (essentially a sigma correction). Formation sampling from formation testing tools. These materials
salinity corrections are small but also available. Some may also affect other permeability measurements such
mud/filtrate components that have a very high sigma, as stoneley permeability derived from acoustic
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

Some mud systems require a high pH, which can be and 10,000 psi, the density/HI of an invading fresh
corrosive to some types of elastomers/seals. Special water mud filtrate would be 0.92.
compounds are available which are resistant to these
conditions. It is particularly important that these are The addition of salts to water increases its density and
used for LWD equipment that is exposed for a long reduces its HI. Sodium chloride (NaCl) saturated water
time to the fluids, and formation testing tools that have (250 Kppm) at surface conditions has a density of
a large quantity of pressure seals. 1.19g/cc and an HI of 0.90. Increasing pressure and
temperature change these values in a similar way to
When cleaning up formation tester fluid samples, a fresh water.
good contrast between filtrate properties and native
fluids will ensure that contamination levels can be For a typical reservoir at 120C and 6,000 psi, a 100
identified and monitored. This may be a consideration Kppm NaCl filtrate would have a density of 1.04g/cc
when designing mud systems for important testing and an HI of 0.94. If a value of 1.00 were mistakenly
programs such as in exploration wells. used for both, then porosity calculations would be
reduced by around 0.5% (at 20%). At 200C and
Ultimately many of these effects can be identified and 10,000 psi, the true density for the same saline filtrate is
corrected if log data is calibrated to core. Core, 1.12g/cc and an HI of 0.91, resulting in a loss of 1.5%
however, is considered expensive, not available in porosity if 1.00 were used.
many wells, and rarely over entire reservoir intervals. If
data are calibrated to core from wells or intervals other
than that being analysed, then care should be taken to Oil-Based Mud Oil-based mud (OBM) primarily
ensure that the mud/logging conditions were consists of base oil and brine, with the addition of
comparable in the cored and logged/analysed wells. surfactants and emulsifiers, which allow it to form an
inverted emulsion. This means that the oil is the
continuous phase and the brine is present as isolated
MUD SYSTEM COMPONENTS droplets (Figure 2). For this reason these muds do not
conduct electrical currents at the normal
The following discussions on mud system components voltages/frequencies of logging measurements. It is also
provide a general overview of the type and magnitude assumed, (sometimes wrongly), that, as the continuous
of potential petrophysical effects. Mud formulations are phase, only the oil invades through a mudcake into the
constantly being updated and this information should be formation. It is, therefore, the properties of this filtrate
used as a general guide only. For important reservoir that will affect log measurements most.
sections the individual mud properties should be
properly researched.


Water-Based Mud - It is widely known that water has a

density of 1.00g/cc and a hydrogen index (HI) of 1.00,
which fresh water has at surface temperature and
pressure. Increasing temperature causes water to
expand. At 200C (and 225psi, the lowest pressure at
which it remains liquid at this temperature), fresh water Figure 2. The invert emulsion of oil and water in an
only has a density and HI of 0.87. Pressure alone at oil-based mud
10,000 psi compresses water, increasing its density/HI
to 1.02, less than the temperature effect. Combined, The base oil can be a wide variety of natural,
these effects mean that fresh water at downhole synthetic, or combination oils. At least 80 varieties are
conditions has a density and HI less than 1.0. At 200C known with widely varying properties.
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

Generally base oil is not, as widely thought, diesel. temperature expansion is of similar magnitude to that of
Diesel contains 18 to 24% aromatic compounds that are water; however the pressure contraction is, unlike
toxic, and many other volatile and hazardous water, of a similar magnitude to the temperature
components. This makes it unsuitable for most expansion but opposite direction. This results in
countries to use as a drilling fluid for environmental downhole properties similar to those at surface. The
and HSE reasons. example oil with a 0.8g/cc density and an HI 1.01at
surface would have a density of 0.78g/cc and an HI of
Many base oils are refined petroleum mineral oil with 0.99 at 120C and 6000 psi. Note that these values
the aromatics and other hazardous components removed assume no absorption of gas. An oil of this density at
to give them a low toxicity rating. Due to the refining these downhole conditions can potentially absorb up to
process these oils are sometimes referred to as a GOR of 1700 cf/bbl resulting in a density of only
synthetics, confusing them with those products 0.6g/cc and an HI of 0.89.

Synthetic oils have been developed to further reduce the

toxicity rating: esters (derived from vegetable oils), and
non-petroleum hydrocarbons such as linear alpha
olefins (LAO), iso olefins (IO) and paraffins. (These are
all simply different arrangements of hydrocarbon
chains). These muds were common a few years ago, but
are now rarely seen outside of the USA.

Ester muds are sometimes referred to as ester-based

muds (EBM). EBM tends to be more aggressive
towards elastomers than mineral OBM. Esters are also a
wetting agent and can affect near wellbore wettability.
They also generally have a slightly lower hydrogen Table 1. The physical properties of some common
index than mineral OBM, which may be visible as a OBM base oils
porosity reduction on neutron or NMR measurements.
Esters can absorb gas at elevated temperature and
pressure, and have been known to appear as a false gas Underbalanced Drilling Mud Low-density
effect on density/neutron logs. They are also more underbalanced drilling mud is created using either a
compressible than mineral oils, which sometimes standard mud aerated with air or nitrogen, or using
appears like a gas effect on formation tester pretests. specific lightweight chemical foams. Most logging
tools can be run in them, however with some specific
For more detailed additional information on ester muds problems/exceptions, as identified below:
refer to: Amin et al, 2010, Badruzzaman et al, 2005,
Lugol et al, 2000. LWD data pulsing relies on a low compressibility fluid
column to transmit pressure pulses of data to the
The physical properties of these base oils vary surface, and will, therefore, not be practical in these
widely, with densities typically between 0.75 to 0.85 mud systems. Alternative electromagnetic transmission
g/cc and an HI around 1.0. It should be noted that the systems are available as a replacement data route.
lower the density of the base oil the more solid
weighting materials need to be used to achieve the same Acoustic measurements are also generally not possible
mud weight. Some examples are shown in Table 1. as they rely on a similar borehole fluid to couple the
signals in/out of the formations.
At surface conditions typical base oil with a density
of 0.8 g/cc and an HI of 1.01 will expand with Borehole corrections for density and neutron
increasing temperature and contract under pressure. The measurements will be larger than for regular mud

SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

systems. The lack of a radiation absorbing medium weight fraction of salts displacing the hydrogen in the
surrounding the instruments will result in higher count dissolving water fraction.
rates and lower densities and neutron porosities.
Wireline instruments are likely to be affected more than The heavier brines and formates may undergo gravity
LWD due to the smaller fraction of the borehole that segregation with formation fluids showing unusual
they occupy. invasion profiles.

Formation tester pre-tests will exhibit draw-ups, as One of the commonest brines is the use of potassium
formation pressure will be higher than hydrostatic. This chloride, which helps to stabilize clay structures and
may need analysis logic re-programming to interpret prevent swelling. When clay structures contain an
when pressures have stabilized and for determining interlayer of calcium or magnesium ions, they can bind
permeability. The higher formation pressure also means several layers of water molecules within the structure
that this will tend to try and push the sealing pad off the (Figure 3). Sodium is particularly bad and can bind up
wall resulting in more lost seals. to 10 water layers, causing clay swelling and borehole
Induction and propagation resistivity logs should work
effectively, however shallow and lateral-type logs may
not work due to increased mud resistivities and it may
be necessary to use an oil-based imager tool even in
water-based fluids.


Brines - Many different salt brines are used in addition

to NaCl solutions, allowing different density base
water to be created from 1.0g/cc up to more than
2.0g/cc for the pure liquid phase alone (no solids) Figure 3. Clay ionic hydration when calcium (Ca),
(Table 2). As these brines get denser, their HI also magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na) ions are present
decreases. Saturated sodium bromide brine, for
example, has a density of 1.52 g/cc and an HI of only Potassium in contrast can form stable interlayers
0.8 (at surface conditions). This is due to the high without water, resulting in a stable clay structure
(Figure 4). One result of this is that potassium in mud
is used up, and additional potassium may constantly
be added to the mud system to maintain salinities. This
means that if mud potassium content is used to correct
log data (for example the GR) then mud reports should
be checked throughout the drilled interval, not just the
final report at the time of logging.

Potassium acetate (CH3CO2K) is the potassium salt of

acetic acid, and has been used as a more
environmentally friendly version of potassium chloride,
(no chlorine). From a logging perspective, this is just
another brine. The HI of the potassium acetate itself is
0.14, compared to 0 for the chloride, so there may be
a slight increase in the HI of the filtrate.
Table 2. The physical properties of some common
water -based mud brines
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

Figure 6. Sodium formate

Figure 4. Clay stabilization by the addition of

potassium (K) ions Table 3. Formate petrophysical properties

When calculating resistivities of salt solutions, the Due to the very high percentage (by weight) of the
charts used are frequently those for sodium chloride formate and low water content, these brines have
brine; however, salts other than this can have a significantly different log responses and require special
significantly different resistivity response. Charts exist modeling to determine the required instrument
to allow other salt/ion concentrations to be converted to corrections. In particular, the low HI will significantly
NaCl-equivalent values (Figure 5). At very high reduce the neutron response and may look similar to a
temperatures (over 200C), the resistivities may also (false) gas effect on the density/neutron.
start to deviate from the standard (Arps type) formulas,
and above 300C may actually start to increase with The resistivities of formate solutions also do not behave
increasing temperature (Ucok et al, 1979). as expected. As the formate concentrations increase, the
resistivity initially decreases as expected, but then at
very high concentrations the resistivity increases again
as the solution becomes so overloaded with ions that
they start to affect each other reducing conductivity
Multiplier, K

(Figure 7). The mixing of different formate brines also

generates a non-linear mixing rule.

Total Solids Concentration (ppm or mg/Kg)

Figure 5. Equivalent NaCl concentrations from total

solids concentrations

Formate Brines - Formates are a special case brine. The

formate ion (HCOO ) can be combined with sodium
(Figure 6), potassium, or caesium to create very dense
brines. Some of the properties of these brines are shown Figure 7. Formate brine resistivity variations with
in Table 3. concentration when diluted with distilled water (at
room temperature)

SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

Consider the case of saturated formate brine invading a Glycols are a hydrocarbon chain similar to alcohols but
fresh water-filled formation. As the saturated formate with two or three OH groups (Figure 9). Typically
dilutes by mixing with the formation water, its they have a density between 1.0 and 1.1 g/cc, an HI
resistivity may decrease, contrary to expectation. close to 1.0, are non-toxic, and will have minimal effect
on log data as they should not invade more than a few
Saturated caesium formate has a very high photoelectric pores depth. Resistivities of the whole mud may be
absorption (PE) of over 200b/e, and very high log different above and below the cloud point temperature,
values of 30b/e or more may be observed. This high but the invading filtrate should be only the water/brine
photoelectric absorption may also affect gamma ray fraction.
counts as low energy gamma rays will be absorbed. The
high PE makes normal analysis of the PE curve Glycols have the potential for slightly altering
impossible for mineral identification; however it can be wettability, but the authors currently have no evidence
very useful for identifying and quantifying invasion, of this in the wellbore.
and used for a net sand count (Kukal et al, 1985).

For more detailed additional information on formate

muds refer to: A-Harbi et al, 2005, Berg et al, 2007,
Cabot manual, Galford et al, 200, Gallino et al, 1997,
Guo et al, 2002, Inanc et al, 2011, Pedersen et al, 2006.

Glycol - Glycol, also known as cloud point glycol, is a

common constituent of water-based muds, which helps
reduce invasion and improve lubricity. At low
temperatures glycol is fully miscible in water. As the
temperature is increased a point is reached where the
glycol clouds out into droplets and becomes
separated from the water. This happens at the cloud
point temperature, which is designed around the
expected wellbore temperature. The glycol droplets
then coat the rock surface, block pores, and inhibit
Figure 9. Alcohol and glycol chemical structures
invasion. Glycol coating cuttings also prevents their
dispersion. As the cuttings laden mud returns to surface
the glycol cools again, becomes miscible again, and is
Oil-Based Mud Additives Oil-based mud (OBM) can
released from coating the cutting (Figure 8).
be prepared with base oil, as described previously,
mixed with almost any salt solution. Calcium chloride
is the most common brine as it has a low activity and is
relatively cheap.

Surfactants and emulsifiers are used to make the oil and

brine mix. A small excessive amount is usually used to
account for any water ingress from the formation and
still maintain the emulsion. This means there is spare
capacity for them to react with formation water if there
is invasion.

If smaller micro-sized particles are used (see solids

Figure 8. A laboratory demonstration of glycol section below), then more of these chemicals are
clouding as temperature is increased
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

required to wet the relatively larger surface area of

small particles compared to large.


Solids are added primarily to increase the mud density

and provide filtration control by forming a cake. If
sized correctly these solids should not invade the
formation (Figure 1), but may add to borehole
corrections of logging instruments.
Figure 10. Some examples of mud particle sizes

Weighting agents are solids of high density that are

insoluble in water. Some typical examples are shown in
Filtration Control - Filtration control additives can be
Table 4.
either solid or dispersible in the liquid phase of the mud
(such as glycol). The commonest solids are barite,
bentonite, or calcium carbonate. If sized correctly these
solids should not invade the formation, but may add to
borehole corrections of logging instruments. Other
common chemicals include starch, carboxymethyl-
cellulose (CMC), polyanionic cellulose (PAC) and
asphaltene, especially at high temperatures. Most of
these products are long chains of carbon, oxygen and
hydrogen atoms, and will have minimal log effects
(Figure 11). They are designed to be removable from
the rock surface under production or chemical treatment
to restore production permeability. Asphalt can be
Table 4. Some examples of mud-weighting solids
difficult to remove and could possibly permanently
inhibit production.
Of particular note from a logging perspective is barite,
which is very common and has a very high
photoelectric response (267 b/e). Galena, which has
been used despite the toxicity of lead, with a
photoelectric response of 1631 b/e, and minerals
containing iron, which will be magnetic.

In addition, mud solids will include whatever rock has

been drilled through. Surface mud cleaning will remove
larger particles and cuttings, but any fine rock flour will
be dispersed throughout the mud.

Typical mud solids particle sizes are in the range of 10

to 100 microns (Figure 10); however when high
quantities of solids are required to generate a heavy
mud for high-pressure formations, micro-sized particles
are often used around one micron. These smaller
particles are less likely to settle out of suspension,
preventing mud sag and varying mud densities.
Figure 11. Starch and cellulose molecules

SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

If these products are removable, then they will not Unusual invasion profiles may develop, which require
impede formation testing and sampling, although an multiple depths of investigation resistivities to solve for
increased drawdown may be seen for a short time a true Rt.
before the mud cake pops off. If the barrier is
permanent, then permeability measurements and For more detailed additional information on silicate
potentially pressure measurement will be impeded. muds refer to: (El Essawy et al, 2004, Van Oort et al,
1996, Ward et al, 1999).

Silicate - Silicate muds are solutions of water-soluble It is not recommended to use these muds in any
glasses. The silicate starts out as monosilicate, which reservoir section.
polymerizes rapidly to form negatively charged
oligomers at a high pH, at which the mud is formulated.
After entering a pore network, the pH drops, the Aluminium2 salts - Aluminium salts have now largely
oligomers overcome their mutual repulsion and replaced silicates. They perform a similar function in
coagulate, forming 3D gel networks. Within the pore precipitating and blocking pores, however the process is
fluids and at clay surfaces, there are free polyvalent reversible thus there is a lower risk of permanent
ions (calcium and magnesium) which then react formation damage.
instantaneously with the oligomers to form insoluble
precipitates. This reaction is irreversible and occurs Aluminium salts stay in solution at a pH greater than
very rapidly before significant fluid loss and pressure 10. As the mud filtrate penetrates formations, the pH
invasion has occurred. These muds are run drops below 10 and the aluminium precipitates. This
overbalanced to encourage invasion, the net result of blocks the pores and prevents additional filtrate entry.
which is a permanent glass barrier within the borehole The process is fully reversible by increasing the pH
wall, not on the surface as for most mudcakes. In again, and also unlike silicates the aluminium salts do
hydrocarbon bearing formations, there are typically less not cause cuttings to accrete.
free ions available resulting in deeper invasion prior to
precipitation. The precipitate may potentially cause some reduction in
permeabilities at the time of acquiring formation tester
These muds may have significant effects on formation data; however at the time of writing this has not been
testing and sampling as the permeability of the wellbore reported as the precipitate is not stuck to the rock in
surface is permanently damaged. Crystalline solids may the same way as silicate.
precipitate on moving surfaces and valves causing
blockages and seals to fail if cut. The alkaline
environment is also detrimental to many elastomer seal NEW TECHNOLOGY
compounds. Additionally any instruments run in these
muds should be thoroughly washed inside and out There is a new range of chemicals designed for
immediately on return to the surface as the precipitate removing mudcake to reduce skin and clean out
may encase them in a thin permanent glass film, wellbores and wellbore equipment. They are not
jamming threads and moving parts. designed to be included in drilling mud systems at the
current time, and are unlikely to be encountered at the
The precipitate may affect the operation of mud time of logging, however are included here for
turbines and pulsers for LWD operations, and acoustic completeness and potential future applications.
data has been reported to be affected by either the hard
fast layer within the rock wall and/or plugging of the Mesophase engineering fluids create bicontinuous
instruments, shorting out the acoustic energy directly. microemulsions, not oil-in-water or water-in-oil but
both simultaneously. This solubilises oils, breaks down
Shallow measurements such as resistivity and density emulsions, unpacks and dissolves filter cake, and
will also be affected, and the density correction curve solubilises carbonate particles. Solids are converted to
may show a dense (-ve correction) mudcake. 100% water wet. The result is significant reductions in
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011

skin and 100% cleaning efficiency. Oil-covered ABOUT THE AUTHORS

wellbore equipment that has been in wells containing
these fluids returns to surface as if it has been polished. Geoffrey Page studied physics at
the Royal College of Science in
These fluids are highly beneficial in completions London. He began his oilfield
applications to improve well productivity; however if career as a Dresser Atlas field
these fluids were included in drilling mud they could engineer 31 years ago, moved into
significantly alter the wettability and properties of the Petrophysics in Aberdeen 23 years
invaded formations. ago, and is now UK Petrophysical
Advisor for Baker Hughes based in Aberdeen. He is a
former President of the Aberdeen chapter of the
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS SPWLA (AFES) and was honoured with a life
membership. He has written and presented many
The good news is that in most cases, mud chemicals do papers over the years, helped organise many of the
not cause any significant problems to petrophysical conferences including SPWLA 2008 in Edinburgh, and
evaluation; however, their properties should be in his spare time teaches the Petrophysics course of
evaluated and effects accounted for in a petrophysical Aberdeen Universitys Integrated Petroleum
interpretation. There are a few exceptions such as Geoscience Msc course.
formates and silicates where additional information
may be required. Stephen Vickers is the Eastern
Hemisphere Technical Manager for
Petrophysicists should pay more attention to mud Reservoir Services for Baker
chemistry, and for important wells and reservoir Hughes. He originally qualified as a
sections, review the mud components at regular Mining Engineer but changed
intervals over the drilled sections, not just at the end, as disciplines and since has enjoyed 30
the mud properties are not static. They should also years working in the oil industry,
preserve regular samples that may be required for first as a Drilling Engineer and then in Fluids and
analysis later. Chemical Engineering. Stephen is based at the Eastern
Hemisphere Technology Centre in Aberdeen and has
The petrophysical properties of the filtrate are as specific responsibilities for the application and design
important as the whole mud. It is that which invades the of reservoir fluids and also specialising in the
rocks being analysed. The composition of many of the prevention and remediation of formation damage.
specialist chemicals is proprietary and closely guarded
by the mud companies; however, the majority bulk
components can usually be identified. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Understanding the invasion profile is key to applying The authors want to thank Baker Hughes management
any corrections for invading filtrate. Ultimately the best team for their support and permission to publish this
solution is calibrating to core, however care should be paper, and all those who have contributed pieces of
taken when transferring data from one well to another, information and experiences.
questioning whether the mud and wellbore conditions
are exactly the same?
This is considered a working document and the authors
would appreciate any feedback, additional information 1. The International spelling of the Element is Caesium,
and experiences regarding this topic. the USA Standard is Cesium.

2. The International spelling of the Element is

Aluminium, the USA Standard is Aluminum.
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011


Al-Harbi, A., Ersoz, H., AbdrabAlreda, S.H., 2005, Guo, P., Gilchrist, W.A. Jr., Page, G., Wills, P., Brown,
Influence of Sodium/Potassium Formate-Based A.M., and Kay, S., 2002, Interpretation of Nuclear
Drilling Fluid on Nuclear Logs, SPE 94693, SPE Latin Logs in Formate-Based Drilling Fluids in a North Sea
American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Well, paper BBB, SPWLA 43rd Annual Logging
Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20-23rd June. Symposium, Oiso, Japan, 2-5th June.

Amin, R.A.M, Clapper, D.K., Norfleet, J.E., Otto, M.J., Inanc, F., Roberts, L.P., Han, X., Banzarov, B.,
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2010, Joint Development of an Environmentally Constable, M.V., Donnadieu, S., 2011,
Acceptable Ester-Based Drilling Fluid, SPE 132693, Characterization of LWD Nuclear Tools for CsK
Trinidad and Tobago Energy Services Conference, Port Formate Drilling Fluid Environments, SPWLA Annual
of Spain, Trinidad, 27-30th June. Logging Symposium, Colorado Springs, USA, 16-18th
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Sheffield, J., 2005, The Ubiquitous Neutron/Density Kukal G.C., and Hill, R.E., 1985, Improved Shaly
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Addressing Unresolved Issues? paper KK, SPWLA Technique for Using the Photoelectric Measurement,
46th Annual Logging Symposium, New Orleans, USA, paper U, SPWLA 26th Annual Logging Symposium,
26-29th June. Dallas, USA, 17-20th June.

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J., Harris, M., Turner, J., 2007, Drilling, Completion, Data Acquisition, SPE 62978, SPE Annual Technical
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Wells in High-Density Cesium Formate Brine: The
Kvitebjorn Experience, 2004-2006, SPE/IADC Pedersen, B.K., Pedersen, E.S., Morriss, S., Constable,
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El Essawy, M., bin Hamzah, R., Malik, M.M., Knox, Norway, SPE 103067, SPE Annual Technical
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Application of Sodium Silicate Fluids Achieves September.
Significant Improvement of the Drilling Efficiency and
Reduce the Overall Well Costs by Resolving Borehole Ucok, H., Ershaghi, I., Olhoeft, G.R., Handy, L.L.,
Stability Problems in East Africa Shale, IADC/SPE 1979, Resistivity of Brine saturated Rock Samples at
88008, IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Elevated Temperatures, Stanford University.
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13-15th Van Oort, E., Ripley, D., Ward, I., Chapman, J.W.,
Williamson, R., Aston, M., 1996, Silicate-based
Galford, J., Truax J., and Moake G. L., 2005, Borehole Drilling Fluids: Competent, Cost-effective and benign
and Formation Invasion Effects of Formate-Based Mud Solutions to Wellbore Stability Problems, IADC/SPE
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Symposium, Oklahoma City, USA, 9-11th March.
SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14-18, 2011



Wireline and LWD density tools measure bulk formation The hydrogen index (HI) of any liquid can be estimated if the
density using a gamma ray source via compton scattering, volumetric components and density are known.
which actually measures an electron density that is converted
to g/cc by the calibration process. Pure water with a density of 1.0g/cc at surface conditions is
defined as having an HI of 1.00. For any other material the HI
The conversion process is calibrated for an electron/nuclear is the relative amount of hydrogen per unit volume compared
mass Z/A ratio of 0.5, which is correct for most rocks. The to water.
Z/A ratio of hydrogen is, however, 1.0, which means that
water has a Z/A of 0.55 (18 electrons/8 protons+neutrons in Water has two hydrogen (atomic weight 1.0) and one oxygen
H2O). If a correction were not applied, water would read a (atomic weight 16), and, therefore, consists of 2/18 or 0.111g
density of 1.1 g/cc. The corrections for varying porosities due of hydrogen per cc of water.
to this are invisibly built into the calibration systems for all
tools to ensure that pure water reads 1.0g/cc, and all other For another pure liquid, a similar calculation can be used. For
porosities are correct up to 100% solid rock (no correction) example, for octane there are eight carbon (atomic weight 12)
defined at 2.71 g/cc (limestone) (Figure 12). This also means + 18 hydrogen (atomic weight 1) atoms, a total of 18/114 by
that minerals with a matrix other than a pure limestone at weight hydrogen. If the density of octane is 0.71 (at surface
2.71g/cc read slightly incorrectly. (very small) Quartz conditions) then 18/114 x 0.71 = 0.112 g/cc of octane is
corrections are available for some tools but rarely used. hydrogen. Comparing this to water (0.111 g/cc hydrogen)
yields an HI of 1.01 for octane.

For a solution of materials, you also need to know the

percentage by weight of the solute (usually a salt) and the
solvent (usually water), and the density of the mixture. The
hydrogen index of each component can be calculated and then
combined. For example, for a 250 Kppm (by weight)
saturated sodium chloride solution, with a density of 1.2 g/cc:
the NaCl has no hydrogen (HI=0) and the water has a HI of
1.0. The total is (0.25 x 0) + (0.75 x 1.0) x 1.2g/cc = HI of

Figure 12. The correction of gamma density

measurements for the Z/A of water being 0.55is applied
linearly from 0 to 100% porosity

For other materials that contain a lot of hydrogen, i.e., most

fluids, the Z/A ratio is also higher than 0.5, and they require
similar correction. For a CH2 chain hydrocarbon the ratio is
0.57 for longer chains, and as high as 0.625 for methane (4 x
hydrogen, 1 x carbon). This means that even after the
automatic water correction, most oil and gas densities still
read high by 3 to 13% when measured by a gamma density
Laboratory-measured fluid densities, or those derived from
formation tester gradients, cannot, therefore, be directly used
to calculate accurate porosities without correction from true to
electron density.

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