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Ghadafi Assets recovery

Flow of UAE money to Libya through public & private sectors

Discussion about double taxation treaty between Libya and UAE
Draft resolution for Libya with respect to the government bodies (GNA-Government of National Accord)
formed in Libya
Libyan NOC document on oil export
Fund flow to Libya with respect to oil
Meetings held with high ranked UAE officials on Libyan issues
UAE providing assistance to the detained Libyans in Canada & US for their release
UAE adoption of resolutions on illicit arms in Libya
Meetings to be arranged through Fayez Sarraj (PM of Libya) with Khalifa Hafter
UAE involvement in the detained citizens of Canada & Libya; US enquiry is also mentioned
Ben- Tahnoon Bin Zayed
UAE involvement in Libya through the former UN Special Envoy to Libya Bernadino Leon
UAE and KSA fund transfer to Libya
UAE transfer of equipment to Libya
Seems the involvement of UAE in the Libyan banks like First Libyan Gulf Bank
Seems the involvement of UAE in Libya in terms of financing the rebels

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