CBCP Monitor Vol21 n20

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A Supplement Publication of Popes communications day theme: Christian, Muslim leaders push Message of Pope Francis for
the Order of the Knights of Truth in age of fake news peace education in schools World Mission Day 2017
Columbus and KCFAPI




Church to give
asylum to cops
testifying in drug
war killings
By Roy Lagarde the Church will not induce the
policemen to speak or make any
allegations if they wish to testify
A Catholic archbishop in any investigations.
said some police If their preference is to stay
involved in the with us in the Church, they will
governments bloody not be turned over to the State
crackdown against under its own witness protection
program, according to Villegas.
illegal drugs sought In the areas of pastoral
church protection. counseling and values formation,
Archbishop Socrates Villegas the Archdiocese of Lingayen
of Lingayen-Dagupan did not Dagupan will be the loving
identify them but said the cops teacher and mother of our law
want to reveal information about enforcers. Let us be guardian
the wave of extrajudicial killings angels for one another, he
in the country. added.
They have expressed their
desire to come out in the open Feelers
about their participation in The countrys military bishop
extrajudicial killings and is reaching out to policemen
summary executions. Their wanting to reveal information
consciences are troubling them, about the supposed summary
Villegas said in a statement killings under the governments
issued on October 2. crackdown against illegal drugs.
He said the archdiocese Cebu Auxiliary Bishop Oscar
through its ministry of mercy Jaime Florencio, the concurrent
is willing to provide sanctuary to Apostolic Administrator of the
the cops, including their families Military Ordinariate of the
if necessary, provided they tell Philippines (MOP), said that
the truth. he wants to help assess the
With the help of independent testimonies of the cops.
volunteer lawyers, he said, we First, I also want to know
will look prudently into the their motives, then to help
sincerity of their motives and the them deepen their confession,
veracity of their stories. the sacramental confession,
The archbishop assured that Asylum / A7 Church people walk towards Rizal Park in Manila for End Tyranny rally to mark the 45th anniversary of the declaration of martial law by the late dictator
Ferdinand Marcos, September 21, 2017. The demonstrators also called on the Duterte administration to put an end to the string of extrajudicial killings;
counted now by the thousands and publicly perceived to be associated with the governments relentless drive against illegal drugs. ROY LAGARDE

PPCRV welcomes postponement of barangay, SK polls Soldiers attend Mass inside

THE Parish Pastoral Council for Wednesday signed a law moving the cathedral desecrated by Maute
Responsible Voting (PPCRV) has elections to May 2018.
welcomed the postponement of The Commission on Elections
barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (Comelec) also welcomed the move
elections that had been scheduled for despite already spending more than
October 23 this year. P600 million for the printing of
PPCRV chairman Rene Sarmiento the ballots and other preparation
said the postponement was a prudent activities.
decision, allowing all stakeholders to Sarmiento said its a sigh of relief for
focus on other pressing matters. them and other people because they
It is good the President finally signed have long suffered from the uncertainty
the law to postpone the barangay surrounding the fate of the elections.
elections, Sarmiento said. The uncertainty among incumbent
Time, effort, and expense can barangay officials, among possible
be channelled to other constructive candidates, among NGO electoral
nation-building concerns, he said. groups, and even within PPCRV will be
President Rodrigo Duterte on put to a stop, he said. (CBCPNews)

Priest urges Muslim religious PH Church opens doors to refugees Soldiers attend Mass inside the damaged St. Marys Cathedral in Marawi City, October

leaders to confront extremism 1, 2017. PHOTO COURTESY OF JOINT TASK FORCE RANAO

MANILA A Mass attended He said the Mass was also

A CATHOLIC priest has by government troops significant because Sunday
urged the countrys Muslim was held at the St. Marys marked the feast of St.
religious leaders to lead in Cathedral for the first time Therese, the patron saint of
combatting radicalization on Sunday, Oct. 1, since the the military.
and save Islam from the takeover of Marawi City by The military retook the
hands of extremists. Islamic State-aligned Maute cathedral last month as they
Fr. Sebastiano D Ambra, group. pursued to take Marawi back
an Italian missionary in Presided by a military from the Maute group.
southern Philippines, said chaplain, the 7am The Maute had abducted
the alarming situation in Eucharistic celebration went Fr. Teresito Chito Suganob
Mindanao requires more on as gunfire and explosions and some churchgoers
determination to work and were heard outside the last May 23, when the
spread the real message of Fr. Sebastian DAmbra of Silsilah cathedral where walls and extremists laid siege to the
Islam as a religion of peace. Dialogue Movement speaks at the 4th Fr. Resty Ogsimer of the CBCPs Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People (center) roof are riddled with bullet predominantly Muslim city,
World Apostolic Congress on Mercy at and international students of Adamson University hold placards as they take part in
We cannot be blind the local launching of the Share the Journey Campaign in Manila, Sept. 27, 2017. holes. prompting the government
the UST Pavilion in Manila, January 17,
anymore of many killings, 2017. ROY LAGARDE CBCPNEWS The Mass was held while to put entire Mindanao
massacres, cutting of the assault of government under martial law.
heads, often done saying Indeed, all of us suffer THE Catholic Church in behind armed conflicts and forces on Mautes defensive Suganob along with
Bismillah (in the name of and I appeal to you to save the Philippines has invoked persecution to find a safer positions are ongoing, said another hostage were
God), said D Ambra in the Islam and Mindanao the historical concept home. Col. Romeo Brawner, deputy rescued by the military on
an open letter to Islamic from the hands of those who of sanctuary, opening its Scalabrinian Fr. Resty commander of Joint Task Sept. 16 but dozens more
leaders. Confront / A7 doors to refugees who left Refugees / A7` Group Ranao. Mass / A6
A2 WORLD NEWS October 2 - 15, 2017, Vol 21, No. 20 CBCP Monitor

Dutch cardinal: Dont underestimate power Vatican Briefing

of Catholics as a creative minority Pope mourns victims of senseless Las Vegas
Pope Francis offered his condolences and spiritual
support to victims of a deadly shooting in Las Vegas
that left at least 50 people dead and hundreds more
wounded when a gunman opened fire at a country music
festival. Deeply saddened to learn of the shooting in
Las Vegas, Pope Francis sends the assurance of his
spiritual closeness to all those affected by this senseless
tragedy, read an Oct. 2 telegram signed by Vatican
Secretary of State Cardinal PietroParolin. In what has
become deadliest the mass shooting in U.S. history,
more than 50 people were killed and 500 hospitalized
when a shooter opened fire on the last of a the three-
day Route 91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas, Nev. just
after 10 p.m. Sunday night, BBC News reports. (Elise

Take care of those on the peripheries, Pope

Francis tells mayors
Pope Francis mayors that they must go to those on
the margins of their communities in order to learn how
to best serve the common good, including the needs
of the poor, unemployed, and migrants and refugees.
Polish Catholics attend the celebration for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Jasna Gra Monastery in Czestochowa, Poland, August 15, 2017.
To you, mayors, let me say, as a brother: You must
frequent the peripheries, those urban, those social and
ROME, Italy Despite the 2015 data. conditions. minority, he explained, is those existential, the Pope said Sept. 30. To do so is
challenges of secularization, The country underwent a Cardinal Eijk said derived from the English to learn from the best school, he continued, because
a Dutch cardinal encouraged rapid period of secularization that the struggle against historian (Arnold) Toynbee. it teaches us about the real needs of people, shows us
Catholics from his country during the 1970s and 80s, secularization is mostly He analyzed many cultures injustice, and helps us to build better communities,
and from all parts of the and religious groups now cultural. We have to fight and determined that the rise where everyone is recognized as a person and citizen.
world to be a creative find it difficult to identify these secularizing trends of culture is due to creative Pope Francis speech was made in an audience with
minority in society. their place in public life. with testimony, he said. minorities. Italian mayors, members of the National Association
Cardinal Wilhelm Jacobus Euthanasia is one of the In the public square, he And so, the cardinal of Italian Towns (ANCI), in the Clementine Hall of
Eijk, archbishop of Utrecht, most obvious symptoms said, Catholics have limited said, we should behave the Vatican Sept. 30. (Hannah Brockhaus/CNA)
recently spoke with CNA of this problem, Eijk said. possibilities, because they as Catholics in a way that
in Rome, while giving a The Netherlands legalized are just a few, and because shines with the culture of Pope Francis re-names Cardinal Burke to
presentation on euthanasia. euthanasia and assisted among them there are life and fights the culture of Vaticans highest court
Eijk studied medicine before suicide in 2002. The cardinal even fewer Catholics who death. On Oct. 1, the Vatican announced Pope Francis
becoming a priest, and wrote noted that Dutch society fully accept the Churchs In pragmatic terms, this appointment of Cardinal Raymond Burke as a member
a doctoral dissertation on is marked by abortion and teaching. includes fighting euthanasia of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
euthanasia. euthanasia. Eijk said the solution is for through public testimony, the Holy Sees highest court which he previously
The cardinal, however, The situation is similar in faithful Catholics to build a and by providing care for the headed for six years. Burke, 69, is currently patron
identifies euthanasia as Belgium, the Netherlands culture of life by becoming a sick and suffering. of the Order of the Knights of Malta, which he was
only one of many issues the neighbor. There, the cultural creative minority. We work a lot to propose appointed to in 2014 by Pope Francis. An expert
Church is facing amidst a push toward euthanasia has When Benedict XVI bills or amendments to bills in canon law, he served as prefect of the Apostolic
secularizing society. affected hospitals owned traveled to the Czech in the Parliament, we explain Signatura from 2008 to 2014. Other members added
Between 2003 and 2013, by the Brothers of Charity Republic, he said that Czech our positions in our journals to the tribunal were Cardinal Agostino Vallini, 77,
the Catholic population of religious order, whose lay- Catholics could be few in and websites, Eijk said. We and Cardinal EdoardoMenichelli, also 77. Vallini was
the Netherlands declined majority board recently number, but when a minority try to announce the Gospel of prefect of the Apostolic Signatura before Burke, from
by 589,500. Catholics now voted to allow euthanasia is creative, we can achieve a Life as clearly and as often 2004 to 2008. He then served as Vicar General of Rome
represent just 22.9 percent to be performed in their lot, Cardinal Eijk said. as possible. (CNA/EWTN until his retirement in May of this year. (Hannah
of population, according to facilities under certain The idea of a creative News) Brockhaus/CNA)

Pope Francis: Evangelization is about knowing

Iraqi nun: We pray for ISIS militants. It helps us forgive the human heart
Pope Francis said that the work of evangelization
ROME, Italy Three years ago, there the first thing we felt was fear fear of ourselves and the peace we physically belongs to all people, and that the richness found in a
were 73 nuns with the Dominican being taken prisoner by them, fear of live. Living in tranquility, in love, and variety of traditions can be a way of opening peoples
Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena living violence, fear of death. helping the people know Jesus because hearts to the Gospel. The new stage of evangelization
in Kurdistan. Since the Islamic State The sisterswhose community he is love. we are called upon to follow is certainly the work of
captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, has lived in the Nineveh Plains and I say to all Christians that if we are the whole Church, people on the way to God, he said
one-third of them have died. Kurdistan regions of Iraq for 120 years really Christians, baptized in the name Sept. 29. Evangelization by its very nature belongs to
Sister Silvia is one of the survivors. were forced to flee in August 2015. of Jesus, we must always trust in the the People of God. Referencing the Second Vatican
Surrounded by devastation, she said During ISIS occupation of the Nineveh fact that Jesus will be with them. Jesus Council document Lumen gentium, he said, From
that she is praying for those who Plain, some 100 places of worship were is with us. Jesus never leaves us. Even if every population to which we go, a wealth emerges
persecute her community, and learning destroyed, mostly Christian churches. we turn away from him, he will wait for which the Church is called to recognize and value to
how to forgive them. Now, thanks to the support of the us to return, she emphasized. bring about the unity of all mankind of which it is
We pray for them every day as sisters. pontifical foundation Aid to the Church Little by little, Christians have begun the sign and the sacrament. Pope Francis speech
We pray for them, for those bringing in Need, about 1,000 Christian families to return to the Plain of Nineveh, but was part of a meeting with around 60 members of
peace, for our soldiers, for those who have returned to their homes. Since there still remains much to be done. the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New
help people have a better life, she told 2014, the foundation has allocated $36.6 Weve asked Aid to the Church in Evangelization, at the conclusion of their plenary
CNA. million for food and housing projects for Need for help in rebuilding our convent, session Sept. 27-29. (Hannah Brockhaus/CNA)
This prayer helps us forgivenot to the displaced Christians in northern Iraq. and to allow people to return as soon as
forget, because you cant forget, but to The estimated cost of reconstruction of possible, Sister Silvia said. Vatican office for evangelization of peoples gets
not hate the other person. If we hate the Christian towns is $250 million. Around 30 sisters will return. We a new undersecretary
others, that means that were doing what Looking forward, Silvia says, she will give hope to the people, we will The Vatican on Sept. 28 announced Pope Francis
the devil wants, not what Jesus wants. hopes to continue the religious mission help educate them, because we have appointment of Fr. RyszardSzmydki, a Missionary
Silvia had been living with 35 of her to which she has dedicated her life. schools to educate their children, and Oblate of Mary Immaculate, as the new under-secretary
fellow sisters at a convent in Qaraqosh, My dream is to live in peace, she we will continue our catechesis in the of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
Iraqs largest Christian city. said. Both my own peace, within myself churches and the schools, she said. Fr. Szmydki, 66, replaces Fr. Tadeusz Wojda S.A.C., an
When we knew that ISIS has arrived, because we are also at war within (ACI Prensa /CNA) official of the congregation since 2012 who was appointed
metropolitan archbishop of Bialystok, Poland on April 12.
Europes bishops appeal to continent to recall its Christian roots Originally from Poland, Fr. Szmydki has been secretary
general of the Pontifical Mission Societies since 2014. He
holds a doctorate in dogmatic theology from the Catholic
MINSK, Belarus The annual evangelize by talking about happiness and freedom, as discouragement in front University of Lublin in Poland, where he also taught for
gathering of the presidents Jesus. opposed to democracy and of the difficulties of the several years. (Hannah Brockhaus/CNA)
of European episcopal The gathering took place the secular state. mission.
conferences began Thursday Sep. 28 Oct. 1. Among the Bagnasco noted that the Bagnasco spoke about Pope Francis: Charity is the soul of the
with a strong appeal to the topics of discussion were current situation shows these a Christian awakening, Churchs mission
continent not to waste itself the future of young people kinds of secular ideas seemed explaining that the best On the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, Pope Francis said
by forgetting its Christian in view of the 2018 Synod, to be inadequate to respond ally of the Gospel is not that charity is central to the Churchs mission, and we
roots, and to shepherds of and the Churchs relation to the current crises Europe represented by our are called to share it with the world, especially those in
Europe to talk about Jesus with Europe and European is facing. organizations, resources need. All of us, in truth, are called to water ourselves
to restore hope. institutions. This is the reason why, and programs, but by upon the rock that is the Lord and to quench the worlds
Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco Bagnasco urged Europe Bagnasco said, the first goal human beings who maintain thirst with the charity that springs from Him, the Pope
of Genoa, president of the not to waste itself and its of bishops of Europe must be the secret wish to meet said Sept. 27. Charity is at the heart of the Church, it is
Council of the European bimillennial history that links to restore hope, as Europe someone who will help their the reason for its action, the soul of its mission. Pope
Bishops Conferences itself to Christianity, and cannot be depressed, conscience to re-awake, Francis sent the message Wednesday for the 400th
(CCEE), set the tune of the which produced fruits of uncertain about its soul, thus reawakening the anniversary of the start of the charism of the Vincentian
meeting in an inaugural civilization and culture. weighed by tragic memory. decisive questions linked to Family, a group of organizations founded by or under
speech delivered Sep. 28 in He invited Europe to love Bagnasco said that the existence, destiny, the the inspiration of St. Vincent de Paul, whose feast is
Minsk, where the gathering itself more and believe in Christianity must take the future beyond death, the Sept. 27. (Hannah Brockhaus/CNA)
is taking place. its potential and to find commitment to revive mystery of evil that wounds
This is the first time the again the enthusiasm of its European roots, which the human being. Pope mourns victims of senseless Las Vegas
plenary session of the council origins with the awareness can still blossom today as In the end, he said the shooting
has taken place in Belarus. of offering something nice they did in the past with commitment of European On the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, Pope Francis
The CCEE includes to humanity. so many achievements that bishops must be to reawaken said that charity is central to the Churchs mission,
presidents of the episcopal Bagnasco noted that even cannot be overcome by questions, so that Europe and we are called to share it with the world, especially
conferences in forty-five Europe is experiencing the some shadows. can become a family of those in need. All of us, in truth, are called to water
European states, including ideological colonization The second commitment of nations, centered on the ourselves upon the rock that is the Lord and to quench
countries not members of Pope Francis has often bishops must be to talk about dignity of the person. the worlds thirst with the charity that springs from
the European Union, such mentioned, most frequently Jesus, since secularizing Bagnasco said that Him, the Pope said Sept. 27. Charity is at the heart of
as Albania, Turkey, and in reference to developing trends are not unstoppable, Europe could experience the Church, it is the reason for its action, the soul of its
Russia. nations. though they have obscured a new flowering of culture mission. Pope Francis sent the message for the 400th
Bagnascos speech was This ideological the conscience of individuals and development, but only anniversary of the start of the charism of the Vincentian
focused on three main issues: colonization, he said, is the and people. The antidote to under the conditions that the Family, a group of organizations founded by or under
secularization, a wake-up intention to live without Europes secularizing trends, dream of Europes founding the inspiration of St. Vincent de Paul, whose feast is
call to bishops to restore God, and gives the idea he said, is to announce fathers will be recovered. Sept. 27. (Hannah Brockhaus/CNA)
hope, and the invitation to that religion is opposed to the Gospel, fighting the (CNA/EWTN News)
CBCP Monitor October 2 - 15, 2017, Vol 21, No. 20 NEWS FEATURES A3

Activist-actress turned Church

social worker shares story
Popes communications day theme:
Her striking stage presence
belied her training in theater,
but it was her candid sharing
Truth in age of fake news
VATICAN Given the strong divisions days theme is announced every year The popes message for the day will
on how her heart for the poor sparked and fueled by fake news, Pope on Sept. 29, the feast of the archangels propose a reflection on the causes,
was shaped by the Church that Francis is highlighting the importance Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. the logic and the consequences of
made her Change Project of truth in his message for World The theme Pope Francis chose disinformation in the media, and it
one of the most inspiring Communications Day. relates to so-called fake news will try to help promote professional
fruits of the CBCP National The message will call for studying namely baseless information that journalism, which always seeks the
Secretariat for Social Action/ the causes and consequences of contributes to generating and nurturing truth, and therefore a journalism of
Caritas Philippines Lead to baseless information and will promote a strong polarization of opinions, the peace that promotes understanding
Heal leadership program. professional journalism, which always announcement said. It involves an between people.
From activist, I became seeks the truth and therefore peace and often misleading distortion of facts, Most dioceses will celebrate World
an actress and now, this Analyn Julian, Program Officer at CBCP- understanding in the world, the Vatican with possible repercussions at the level Communications Day 2018 on May 13,
is me sosyalista. Active National Secretariat for Social Action Secretariat for Communication said, of individual and collective behavior. the Sunday before Pentecost.
participation among the announcing the theme. With so many key players in the world The Vatican will release the popes
members of the church tapped her to help lead the The truth will set you free: Fake of social media, internet and politics message for the observance Jan.
became the foundation of parish youth ministry. news and journalism for peace will be beginning to face the phenomenon, it 24, the feast of St. Francis de Sales,
my service, shared Analyn Julian would eventually the theme of the churchs celebration of said, the church, too, wishes to offer a patron of journalists. (Carol Glatz
Julian, who has been part of train the parish youth to stage World Communications Day 2018. The contribution. / CNA)
the Archdiocese of Cotabatos plays and concerts that would
social action program for 17
years now.
become avenues to fundraise
for the churchs social action
Popes trip to Burma comes amid textbook example of ethnic cleansing
According to her, since programs. NAYPYIDAW, Burma in 1948, and have suffered rights. society, she said. Its a
becoming a Bible quiz bee When Pope Francis visits violence, and the freedom to Maybe some individual religious conflict.
champion in Makati, she Turning point Burma, also known as move or access clean water Rohingya are acting out in Mark stated that the
always wanted to be in the During her time in youth Myanmar, this November, since a military coup detat self-defense, but to place religious element of the
church. ministry, she became a his visit will come at one of in 1962. blame on Rohingya is conflict has been a concern
scholar of the Basic Ecclesial the most contentious periods After a different military misleading, Enos said. of the Commission since its
Face of God Community (BEC) through of the countrys history. regime took control in 1988, The military has a long, founding in 1998. As a result
In my childhood, I the Handog Pag-Ibig Over the past month, state- with even harsher military long history of burning of this, weve been following
believed that the Church is initiative, which were basically supported violence against crackdowns throughout the homes and villages, raping this very, very carefully and
the face of God, said Julian. voluntary contributions from Burmas Rohingya Muslim country, the country has been women and children. The for a long time, he said
Her initial admiration parishioners to help fund the community an ethnic and referred to as Myanmar. track record is so long that Weve recommended Burma
gave way to doubt when she churchs social action programs. religious minority has Pope Francis will visit to place the blame on any be designated as a Country
become more aware of the For Julian, experiencing the reached staggering levels, the country in November, kind of radical agents within of Particular Concern every
suffering of the poor and Churchs concrete compassion causing the United Nations following stories of horrifying the Rohingya would be really year, a recommendation the
marginalized. became her turning point. I to declare the situation a human rights abuses and a inaccurate. U.S. Department of State has
But the time came that I chose again to be part again textbook example of ethnic mass exodus of Rohingya While violence and followed each year its made
asked myself I saw a lot of of the ChurchThis was my cleansing. civilians from Burma. discrimination against the such designations.
suffering. Is this all that the transformation. The scope of the The most recent wave of Rohingya people at the hands The long history of the
Church can do? To pray, to Nassa/Caritas Philippines humanitarian crisis is violence began on Aug. 25, of Burmese authorities has conflict means that while
do catechism? At my young in partnership with enormous and its ongoing, 2017, after which the Burmese been ongoing since the 1960s, there are immediate steps that
age, I saw that there was Development Academy said Daniel Mark, Chairman military and local Buddhist with increases in persecution need to be taken to address
something lacking in what of the Philippines, and of the U.S. Commission vigilantes enacted a campaign in 2012 and 2015, the current the humanitarian situation,
the Church can do. Is this the Future By Design Pilipinas on International Religious of burning Rohingya villages crisis is of particular concern, work to end the conflict will
Church I want to be part of? launched the 14-month Lead Freedom, in an interview and massacring the civilians Enos said. She explained need to look at long-term
shared Julian. to Heal transformational with CNA. Once again we within them. It is still unclear that the high levels of solution. This is all a result
Once her active leadership program with unfortunately have another exactly how many people displacement and increased of the systematic exclusion of
participation in the church 24 fellows who were trained terrible crisis thats focusing have been killed in the incidents of violence and these people from Burmese
grew lukewarm, she would to kickstart 24 Change peoples attention on violence, but Bangladeshi destruction set this conflict society, he explained. All
join other movements to Projects that would help something thats already a Foreign Affairs minister A.H. apart from the ones that have the things were saying
uphold the rights of the poor. improve how the Church terrible situation. Mahmood Ali has estimated come before. now about the treatment of
I became an activist. I does social action work. This is a deep and that at least 3,000 have died Also concerning, she said, Rohingya Muslims going
joined the revolutionaries of These Change Projects or longstanding problem that so far. As many as 400,000 is the fact this conflict is forward are thing that we
the street. I really backslid. transformational stories of weve been trying to call people have been displaced occurring after democratic have been saying all along,
But God has ways to call humanitarian development attention to for a long time, within the past month. reforms which took place Mark continued.
us back, said Julian, who from across the country but its going to need an Neighboring Bangladesh between 2011-2015. While Its been a tinderbox and
around the same time went were presented across 4 extremely long and concerted has accepted the majority the nation is becoming more that needs to be addressed.
into theater. conversation platforms on effort to address, Mark told of those refugees, and more democratic, she said, military In the short term,
It was not long before her Sept. 23 at the Astoria Plaza, CNA. people have been internally still maintains significant Mark advocated for
parish priest found out about Ortigas. (Nirvaana Ella Even addressing the displaced within the country. control within Burma. immediate humanitarian
her experience in theater and Delacruz/CBCPNews) immediate humanitarian The military claims the Furthermore, the countrys aid and assurance that
crisis is not going to solve this violence is a response to leader - Nobel Peace Prize humanitarian goods will
Iraqi Sisters look forward to coming home profound underlying issue attacks by a small group of winner Aung San Suu Kyi get to those in need of
of the Rohingya Muslims in Rohingya against border has remained silent when them. He also called for
Burma. agents in the Rakhine asked about the persecution accountability for human
For years, the Rohingya, province, which left 12 of the group within her rights violations and a
an ethnic group whose main officers dead. However, the country. cessation of violence. He
religion is Islam, have faced violence which includes To add to the worries, Enos also noted the need for the
grave persecution in the arson, sexual violence, and fears that by focusing on international community
Burmese state of Rakhine, internal displacement long the ethnic element of the to help support Bangladesh
where the majority of them precedes those attacks, and conflict, Western leaders as it takes in tens of
live. An estimated 1.1 million other demonstrations within may overlook its religious thousands of people a day,
Rohingya live within the Rohingya communities, said aspect. The vast majority of so a secondary crisis is not
majority-Buddhist country. Olivia Enos, a policy analyst people in Burma are Buddhist created there.
Members of the group have in the Asian Studies Center and they view the Muslim Attacks need to stop
been denied citizenship since at The Heritage Foundation, minority group Rohingya as and aid needs to start.
the foundation of Burma who specializes in human a threat to the native Burman (Adelaide Mena/CNA)
IDPs from Qaraqosh sleep in evacuation centers after being driven out from their
hometown. ANKAWA.COM Whats the secret to 70 years of religious life? The Virgin Mary, this nun says
WE have decided to return by destroying churches MEXICO CITY, Mexico Sister Crucita
to our towns. and driving out Christians. has been a member of the Josephine
Religious Sisters in Iraq are Qaraqosh was liberated Sisters in Mexico for 70 years. At nearly
planning to return to a key by Iraqi forces late last 100 years old, she says she is happy with
town in the ancient Nineveh year. Although thousands her vocation and would not change her
Plains where they hope to of families have started to decision to give her life to God.
provide help and healing return to their destroyed In an interview with CNA, Sister
for thousands of Christian hometown, many still fear Crucita whose full religious name is
families returning there from for their life as Iraqi forces Sister Maria of the Royal Cross said
refugee camps. continue to battle ISIS in that the secret of her perseverance has
We trust that our presence nearby Mosul. always been her trust in the mercy of
in the area would encourage Aid to the Church in Need God and the support of the Blessed
the Christians to return is repairing the homes of Virgin Mary.
to their land and nourish displaced Christians and I say to the Blessed Virgin Mary,
the Christian presence in has also given funds to help Take care of me, you already know Im
Iraq, said Sister Clara Nas, Catholic Sisters rebuild their yours. Deliver me from the snares of
Prioress General of the ISIS- convent in Qaraqosh. the devil. The Blessed Virgin has taken
destroyed Immaculate Mary We have chosen this great care of me, she said. Sister Crucita. PHOTO COURTESY OF SISTER BEATRIZ
(Al-Um Al-Tahira) Convent convent because of its Through the Holy Rosary she was able
in Qaraqosh, a large Christian location it is close to the to persevere in face of the temptation She began thinking about a religious in Cuba. Later, in 1952, she arrived in
town in Nineveh, Iraq. church, the priests house, to abandon the religious life on many vocation after a group of religious Guadalajara and was assigned as a nurse
Historical records show the policemens residency occasions, she said. sisters came to her home town. She even to the Civil Hospital. For many years
that the Assyrians of and the primary school that One of the strongest temptations discerned with a cloistered convent, but she was the supervisor of the pediatrics
Qaraqosh were one of the belongs to our congregation, was to want to leave the religious life, was forced to return home after two department.
very first peoples to embrace Sister Nas said because there were a lot of difficulties years, due to an illness. I see how the sick suffer and there
Christianity The Sister explained that at the hospital where I was. The doctors Sister Crucita was introduced to are many who offer everything to God,
Despite 30 percent of she intends to send members encouraged me to leave, but I trusted in the Josephine Sisters by a priest. She they dont complain or anything. So
Qaraqosh being destroyed of her congregation to the God and the Blessed Virgin. And here I worked alongside the sisters at a local then I think, if they who are sick and are
by Daeshs (ISIS) genocidal rebuilt convent as and when am, thanks to them, she said. hospital for a few months, and then always thinking about God, then what
violence, the Sisters estimate security and basic living Sister Crucita was born Nov. 23, 1917 entered the novitiate. can I complain about. Anything on my
that about 1,050 families needs are met. in the El Oro municipality in Mexico On Aug. 15, 1947, Sister Crucita made part is something passing and I offer it
returned to the town last ACN is assisting the State. From a very young age, she had a her final vows as a Josephine sister, at to the Lord, she emphasized.
month (August). In total, Nineveh Reconstruction love for Christ and the Church, thanks 30 years of age. Currently she goes to Sister Mara de la Cruz said that one of
nearly 13,000 homes were Committee (NRC) to facilitate to the devotion of her parents who took confession about every two weeks, prays her secrets to keep on going has always
damaged or destroyed by the return of up to 15,000 her to Mass. the Holy Rosary three or four times a been to feel welcomed by the mercy of
Daesh during their 27-month Christians to Qaraqosh. The I always liked going to Mass. I had day, and attends Mass daily. God: I know that He loves me much
occupation of Nineveh. NRC has so far restored 986 an uncle who was a sacristan and I She said her religious vocation was more than I love him. I have always
From 2014-2016, ISIS family homes in the area. liked to spend time with him. So I was always tied to her profession as a nurse. thought that He seeks me, he calls me,
jihadists sought to eliminate (Murcadha O Flaherty, always drawn to the things of the Lord, At the start of the 1950s, Sister Crucita that he is always with me. If something
Christianity in Qaraqosh ACN UK) she said. was sent to her congregations hospital Religious life / A6
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