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Answer ALL Questions
1. Fill in the blank.
(1) The atmospheric pressure changes according to ---------- and time.
(2) The normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is ----------kNm-2.
(3) The pressure exerted by the column is independent of ----------.
(4) If the weight of a body is smaller than the upward thrust, the body will ---------- to the surface.

2. Are the following statements True (or) False.

(1) When bodies are immersed in a liquid there is loss in mass.
(2) The area of input piston must be larger than that of output piston in a hydraulic press.
(3) The weight of the liquid column depends on its base area.
(4) The pressure does not depend on the shape of the liquid column.

3. The total mass of gas which fills a meteorological balloon is 50 kg. The balloon string is tied to a
post which is fixed to the earth. Find the tension in the string if the volume of the balloon is 110
m3 and the density of air is 1.3 kg m-3.

4. Compare the atmospheric pressure and forces acting on a man and a child who are standing side
by side.

5. The total pressure at the bottom of a tank is 3 atm. To what height has the water been filled in the
tank? (the density of water is 1000 kg m-3)

6. Calculate the height of a column of water which could be supported by the atmosphere at sea
level. (the density of water is 1000 kg m-3)

7. The weight of a metal block of unknown volume is 10 N. The apparent weight of the metal block
is only 8 N when it is immersed in water. Find the density of the metal.
8. Icebergs are made of fresh-water ice, which has a density of 0.92 103 kg/m3 at 0C. Ocean
water, largely because of the dissolved salt, has a density of about 1.025 10 3 kg/m3.What
fraction of an iceberg lies below the surface?

9. The areas of the pistons of a hydraulic press are 2 in2, and 10 in2. How much effort should be
applied on the small piston to produce an upward thrust of 500 b on the larger piston?
Answer ALL Questions
10. (a) Write down Pascals law. Mention any two uses of Pascals law.
A helium balloon is designed to support a load of 1000 kg. If the balloon is filled with helium
what should its volume be? The mass of helium is not included in the net load of 1000 kg.
(air=1.29 kgm-3, He=0.18 kgm-3)
(b) State Archimedes principle. Explain why the thickness of the dam increases downwards.
The pressure at the height of 1 m from the floor is the normal atmospheric pressure 1.01 x 105
Pa. If the temperature is 0C, what is the difference between the pressure on the floor and the
pressure at 1 m height? (Density of air = 1.29 kg m-3.)

11. (a) What is atmospheric pressure? Explain why the thickness of the dam increases downwards.
What is the height of a column of turpentine that would exert the same pressure as 5.0cm of
the mercury? (density of turpentine = 840 kg m-3 ,
density of mercury =13600 kg m -3)
(b) Although Pascals Law is not a fundamental law, it is a very useful law for practical
purposes. Is this statement correct? Discuss.
What factors does the pressure in a liquid depend?
The weighted rod floats with 6cm of its length under water (density 1000 kgm-3). What length
is under the surface when the rod floats in brine (density 1200 kgm-3) ?

12. (a) Define hydrometer. Where are hydraulic brakes and hydraulic press used?
The weight of a body in its normal condition is 300 N and the weight is 200 N when it is
immersed in water. Find the density and volume of the body.
(b) For what purpose the barometer is used? What instrument do you use to measure the
pressure? Why is it easier to float in the sea than in a swimming pool?
The density of sea water is 1025 kg m-3. How many times is the pressure the depth of 2 km
under the sea surface greater than the atmospheric pressure?

13. (a) What is pressure? For more sensitive measurement, which liquid must be filled in a
manometer? Does atmospheric pressure vary with the height above the surface of the earth?
Can Archimedes principle be used for gases?
A balloon is filled with 100 m3 hydrogen. If 900 N of force is needed to hold the balloon to
prevent it from rising up, find the mass of the balloon? Density of hydrogen is 0.09 kg m-3
and that of air is 1.3 kg m-3.
(b) What are the uses of Archimedes principle? Why are you able to withstand atmospheric
The radii of the small piston and the large piston of a hydraulic press are 1 in and 10 in
respectively. Find the upward thrust on the large piston when 20 b effort is applied to the
small piston.

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