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The Correlation of Paco Catholic Schools Advertisement of Services to the Population

of the Grade 11 Students of the Senior High School Department

By: Sayong, Permijo, Andres, Santiago, Ruivivar, Ramos

NAME: _______________________________________________ Grade 11- _____________________

I. Paco Catholic Schools Services According to Advertisement

What is the reason behind your decision on why you enrolled in PCS? Is it because of the advertisements?
Yes No

Among these services what do you think is evident and accurate to the advertisements?

4 most evident 3 highly evident 2 evident 1 not evident 4 3 2 1

Excellent Quality Education
Good Facilities and Equipment
Approachable School Administrators and Employees
Attentive School Nurses and the Printing Office
Affordable Tuition Fee
Variety of Student Activities

II. The Grade 11 Senior High School Population

Do you think that there are different reasons why do some students choose different schools over PCS?
Yes No

In your observation, among these what do you think are potential reasons of the students who transferred school?

3 highly potential 2 potential 1 not potential 3 2 1

They didnt like what they had experience in Junior High School
They chose to follow their Parents Preferences
They were influenced by their Friends
Migration to the other country
They want to experience something new
They want to have new environment
III. Correlation Paco Catholic Schools Advertisement and Services to the Grade 11 Senior High School

Did you ever think about transferring school because of the services rendered by the PCS?
Yes No

How does Advertisement and Services affect the Population of Grade 11 Senior High School?

Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
The Schools promise of Excellent Quality Education affects the
population of Grade 11 SHS
The Good Facilities and Equipments offered by the school affect the
population of Grade 11 SHS
The approachable School Administrators and Employees affect the
population of Grade 11 SHS
The attentiveness of the School Nurses and the Printing Office affects
the population of Grade 11 SHS
The students experience in Junior High School affects the population
of Grade 11 SHS
The Parents Preferences affect the population of enrollees in SHS
The influence of their friends affects the population of the students
who enrolled in PCS
The desire to try new things and experience new treatment in other
school affects the population of Grade 11 Senior High School in PCS

Signature over printed Name

Thank You and God bless!

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