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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Excellency Ms. ______________ As the headmaster of ________________

Honorable _______________ as the director of ________________
Respectable all teachers of ______________ and ______________ teachers
Respectable ladies and gentlemen
Unforgettable all my friends whom I love

First of all, lets pray and thank unto our God Allah SWT. Who gives us mercies
and blessings so we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and
happy situation.

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad
SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from the
stupidity to the cleverness, from Jahiliyah era to Islamiyah era namely Islamic

Thirdly, I dont forget to say thanks very much to the master of ceremony, who
has given me chance to give my speech in front of you all under the title HOW

Dear my friends.
As we know that knowing the way how to be a good student is very necessary
for the students. We must have some criteria:
1. We must have good IQ
2. We must be diligent
3. We must struggle hard
4. We must have money
5. we must have a teacher
6. We need long time
Thats all my speech. If I have many mistakes please forgive me and thanks
very much for your attention. And I say Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi

The director of FEE Center Mr. Abdul Malik and all of unforgettable FEE
Center teachers
The headmaster of .Ms. .. and All of . teachers
And also my beloved friends in

Dear my friends, standing in front of you all, I am going to present my

speech under the title

It is fact that people need a language. A language helps people to

communicate. Do you need a language? Of course, every body needs a
language to speak with other people.

Dear my friends,

English is one of languages in the world. There are many countries in the
world and they communicate with their own language because they have
different language. But they dont need to worry about that. One reason can
answer it. What is that? Yes we have an international language that is
English. English makes people in the world one, in fact almost all people in
each country use English.

So if you want to be international people that can go around the world

without feeling worried about misunderstanding, please study English! Dont
be lazy to study grammar, be diligent to practice your English with your
friends and some English teacher at school. And the last make your English
better by joining The English Club at your school!

Thats all my speech. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi


The director of FEE Center Mr. Abdul Malik and all of unforgettable FEE

Center teachers

The headmaster of .. Ms. and All of ..


And also my beloved friends in ...

Dear my friends, standing in front of you all, I am going to present

my speech under the title

Indonesia is a beautiful country not only beautiful but also rich.

Indonesia has fertile soil; its so easy for people to grow anything in
this beautiful land.

Dear my friends,

We are as Indonesian citizens; we must keep it up, and make this

country better. Being a good student is one of the ways to build this
country better because the future of this country is on our hands.

We must study hard and lets be a good student to make this country
better. Okay!

Thats all my speech. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi


The director of FEE Center Mr. Abdul Malik and all of unforgettable FEE

Center teachers

The headmaster of .. Ms. .. and All of ..


And also my beloved friends in .

Dear my friends, standing in front of you all, I am going to present my

speech under the title


As a student, we must read much. Because by reading, we can know

everything that we dont know before. If we want to be clever student, we

must read, and read. A book is the window of the world. Besides that we

must realize, by reading, we can improve our knowledge.

Dear my friends,

Thats all my speech. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
The director of FEE Center Mr. Abdul Malik and all of unforgettable FEE
Center teachers
The headmaster of .. Ms. .. And All of ..
And also my beloved friends in .

Dear my friends, standing in front of you all, I am going to present my

speech under the title
Reading is an action of a person who needs knowledge, we are as students
should read many books, not only lesson books, but also general books to
add our knowledge.

Dear my friends,

Reading is very important for us. There are many advantages from reading,
such as:
The first: Reading can make our brain active, because when we read a book,
we need to concentrate and think seriously about the book that we read.
The second: Reading can cheer us up. Because when we are sad and need
information we can read many books.

The third: reading can be useful for us whenever and wherever.

Lets spend our time reading many books whenever and wherever.
If we want to be clever people, we must get used to reading many books.

Thats all my speech. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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