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1. Jono : You.this project completely before you start the next one.

Budi : You are right.

Jono : Of course.
A. Should finish
B. Should start
C. Should have finished
D. Should be finishing
E. Should have started
2. Ali : Haven't they given you the money back yet? last Monday.
Baba : No.
Ali : You have to ask for your money back.
A. Should do
B. Should have done
C. Should give
D. Should be giving
E. Should be doing
3. Nyoto : What time is it?
Priyono : Its 9 a.m.
Nyoto : 9 a.m.? I will have a test in a minute.
Priyono : You should book now.
Nyoto : You are alright
A. . Is reading
B. . Was reading
C. . Have read
D. . Read
E. . be reading
4. Father : What do you think of the worlds population, Sam?
Sam : I think it in the year 2020 if people do not follow the family planning.
Father : I think so, but what do you think about this, Santi?
Santi : Of course we need more food and houses for more and more people.
A. Doubled
B. Double
C. Will double
D. Is doubling
E. Will be doubling
5. Dicky : You for her when her plane arrives at 9 oclock tonight.
Ricky : I know. That is my job
Dicky : Ok.bye
A. Will be waiting
B. Is waiting
C. Will wait
D. Will have waited
E. Wait
6. Jessy : Anyway, when is your wedding anniversary?
Bian : Omg, i almost forget about that, thank you for remind me. Iit by the time he is
back from London. He has been there for almost three weeks
Jessy : Aw, what is he doing there?
Bian : His boss sent him to work. By the time he arrives, I will have made surprised for our
anniversary. How about you?
Jessy : Ok, see ya, have a wonderful celebration.
A. Will celebrate
B. Will be celebrating
C. Celebrate
D. Will have celebrated
E. Is celebrating
7. Sung : Who is using your Laptop now?
Gong : my grandfather the twins are using my laptop right now.
Sung : Ok.
A. Either, or
B. Neither, nor
C. Not only, but also
D. Both, and
E. Both
8. Father : you your sister made my coffee this morning.
Ana : Im sorry. I will make a coffe now
Father : Ok. Put the coffe on my work table
A. Either, or
B. Neither, nor
C. Not only, but also
D. Both, and
E. Both

Ahmad : Hey Yusuf, are Kevin going to join International Earth Science Olympiad?

Yusuf : Yes, Ahmad. Kevin Jen going to join it.

Ahmad : Weew Kevin Jen were smart student. They are will be our hard competitor.

Yusuf : Yap. We mus study hard.

A. Either, or
B. Neither, nor
C. Not only, but also
D. Both, and
E. Both
A. Either, or
B. Neither, nor
C. Not only, but also
D. Both, and
E. Both

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