Khalid Alhail

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Fr nets Cainer cree tertfoomt ‘See below. Andtew has managed persue rim nto meet Knalé AMG, s From: Anton Wi ‘Sent: Monday. Octobe 5, 2078 147 Alt ‘Torsion Perce (EAA) Weave the flowing meetings twp for Mobarmad in Lanton hs week Hous of Commons Foreign Ais Commies Charman a other embs) “forsgn& Commonwealth Office (il ast & Nord Ata bed). = Commonwealth Secretariat (Head of Haman Right) “Arment national (Mile Eas & Nor Ae) “Liter inmate! LUNESCO UX representition “Speaking event othe Fronie ls with MC on Wed evning Speaking event Chathan Howse on Thursday evening {atach he cust programe. [wl accompany btn hog wil oi i forthe ning with the Qopposion figure wants to meet - Khalid Aa ahs PR an ‘ek Soares, Tam adsing MF apa this meting. Soames ks toms 0 BS who pays onthe fly ame “The yer ia Cana ave asd can ola hem fr Me is das back in Tooo oR on the med rot. you approve, a mide sy ye with ew 0 ‘ling the reistnai wits thom an ying to karp MF frused on menage naan Stal pve youabuzz Andro adiew Wigley ‘The Cape Parnenip TL =48(0) 779 5348 Evanicnilena He understands net completa andi advocating 35 you woul wish (Ge: Edoman, Mart (aryEseinan @hauhasinancom) atyEdalnan@navhasings. com> ‘Subject: Re MF London programe update Good, Also, check wih arcrow what the golf the press conference i. Nota good idea to bash egypt govt o call more release of the joumalsts right new. ‘See below. Anctew hs mansged lo persuade him nto meet Kt A s From: Anew Wink Sent: Monday, Octobe! 08,2015 147 At Tor simon Peat (EAA) Subject: MF Lencen programe update Simon, Wieane the flowing meting up or Mobame is Laon hie week: Hous of Commons Foreign AMhis Commitee (Chima and oer meats) “roreig & Carmenweals Once (Mdde East & Nav Acs head) “Caemmonveath Secret (ed of Human Rit). ‘Arnot Iterations (idle Est North Afss) “ibe emt! come —e Gott Up td A Sj a if a J pcp gdh De gad J) Sng a py Ba gh Dc AF SS OS on Be Saad J bes TSM LIA 1) Chagas ami Wyn ce Cha ey Dan ay Scot ees gl tals IS “The information inthis emails intended only fr the person(s) or entity to whom it is addressed and may contin confidential or privileged information. you reesve this email by enor, please notify us immediately, delete the original message and do nt disclose the contents to aay ober person, use or store or copy the information in ty medium and for whatever purpose. Any unsuthorized ute is silly prohibited. Youset Alotaiba 6 nme ® Te: Simon Perse (EAA) | gre whan’ assent Noting npntnng emmy ean an csabenl eet. ‘Simon Pearee (EAA) & armen @ Mr Upaste Youse, | apcogise that tis comes to you late —it got stuck in our seoury system, “This Androw’s latest update in Fahmy. Letme know if we shoul eaten upon From: Andrew Wigley {msito:ancen.wialey® ‘Sent: Saturday, Feoruary 05, 2016 3:27 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: Brent Goose update Dear Sioa, Both Fahmy and one of his current Vancouver lawyers were in London this week. ‘We organised an event t Soho House on Monday evening. This was an opporenity for him to tak about his book and «film deal he has tuck with ‘Michael Brenner. Random House led on the pubic. | den ha a serie of meetings with primarily NGOs with sn intrest in mei freedoms and protection of journalists. 1 undertook these with the lawyer Gary Carlin (who remains highly commited tothe ight agains: AJ asa mater of principe). The purpose ofthese meetings was 1 counter the AJ rarative. As you wll know they have invested considerably in cultivating their version of events. I deployed Gary as opposed to Mohamed to provide ‘cooler analy, Wome: +The Commonwealth Secretariat Intemational Bar Association Chatham House ‘Open Society Foundation (major funder of Fcedom of expression organisations, including Human Rights Wath) ‘Ammcsty Intemational ‘Amicle 19 Reprieve 1 setup meetings for Mohamed separately with Quilliam, Liberal Intemational nd a couple of members ofthe House of Lod ‘Key findings ‘AJ continues o invest heavily in purporting to support media freedoms and jourmalists protection. + Ad ismaking significant investnent in UNESCO, the leading UN body with responsiblity for freedom of expression and media feedoms. This includes spoasoring a conference on protection of jouralists taking place at UNESCO in Pris yesterday a which Grese and Acting DG of AS ave key ote speeches. Click re for mare info on that event. ee With a high probsbilty that UNESCO's curent Sec Gen Irina Bukhova is sto be nominated as the next UN Sec Gen, there is speculation that ‘he AJ investment in UNESCO ist lay the grounds fra Qatar bid forthe post of UNESCO'S top pest + Ad augment his activity by providing NGOs support on specie projects. For example, AJ Intemational “partnered” with Reprieve to produce a documentary to deter tourism to Egypt on basis ofits approach to deerion withou de process oS Most ofthe NGOs realy distinguish between AU's Intemational arm and is Arabic am The concer abou its Arabic content ie widely held (although I note many ofthem would be prepared to take the Al coin iit comes from the International an. Amnesty Intemational, n particular, appears to be very eical ofthe Arabic language ouput PPS Fahmy continues to engage with sel-tyled Qatari opposition leader Khalid AL-Hail, KAH tamed up a the Soho House event and, in what looked lke a choreographed exchange, Fahmy gave im the floor and KAI asked him questions about Qatar's domestic politcal sittin, + My interpretation of that exchange was that KAH sought wo lead Fahmy otal about domestic Quai afr ina public setting. KAM also referenced Fahmy's NYT article and contet within, felling my belie that people around KAH peaned the atcle nd handed it to amy to place. ‘Buntly Fahmy doesa't have the writing skill to prodace that ype of conten. Fahmy is highly susceptible to attery and prospect of money. ‘Staus.on lawsuit ‘As [reported before, the next scp inthe lawsuit so sot jurisdiction. Fahmy’s cate fr having it heard in Canada is onthe Common Law principle of fecesity. In ther words, he can't get a fir hearing in Qatar, or Egypt. AJ contest this, We koow from A's lawyers they re struggling o find expert witnesses who will support thei claim that Qatari safe jurisdiction. We also know that Ay lawyers are aware that Fahmy i on the search for anew + Fahmy continues to engage wth sefsiyled Qatari opposition leader Khalid ALHall KAH tured up a the Soho House event and, in what looked lke a chorcographed exchange, Fahmy geve him the floor and KAH asked him questions about Qatar's domestic politcal situation. °° My interpretation of that exchange wis that KAH sought o lead Fahmy to alk sbout domestic Qaiar afin a public sting. KAH also referenced Fahmy’s NYT article and content within, fuelling my belie ha people around KAH penned the article and handed it to Fahmy to place. Bluntly Fahmy doesn't have the writing skill produce that type of conten. Faby is highly susceptible wo latery and prospect of money. Status on lawsuit {AS I reported before, the next tp in the Lawsuits to sete jurisdiction, Fahmy’ ease for having it heard in Canada is onthe Common Law principe of eoesity In other words, he cant ge. fair hearing in Qatar o& Egypt cl contest this. We know fom AcT's lawyers thy ae strugaling to find expert ‘witnesses wh will pport ther claim that Qatar sa safe jurisdiction, We also know tht AJ lowyers are aware that Fahy is on the sare fo anew legal tam and he is constrained financially Fahmy travels Saturday to Cato to sek financing. He tells me he wants to travel to AD, presumably to seek funding there LeeaLicam The relationship with is existing lawyers Caroline and Gislson appeared to break down ievocably this week over the dispute about outstanding fees | know that he has reported this fo Youssef, (Caroline and Gislason pont out Fahaty owns two properties in Cairo and se litle preparedaes on his part to risk own money inthis ui remains tobe seen whether the new lanyer Fahmy believes he has found will take onthe project given Fahmy snow ina dispute wit is former lawyers over unpaid fees plus he is expecting the new lawyer to work ona contingency bess, This thn isa cial pont fr the whole lawsuit. ‘understand thatthe new lawyer i rom a reputable and are fim. He is highly media savy and wil ake this on purely with a view tothe PR boneft. This means going forward Fahmy thay be well served by tht lew fim’ in-house PR team. Onwitistnang he closure of AJ Americ, t appears Quand AI ve sme rato on oer rons a UNESCO (who have ben exrnorsinaly reluctant about mecting Fahmy); and with A's dispute against Egypt ied at ICSID and which was announced by Carter Ruck last weck. This isthe Same suit filed 18 months ago inthe midst ofthe A-)3 tal. The treatment of Fahmy, Greste and Mohamed have now been highlighted as a ceatral reason forthe claim, So his ory is going to contin. "have euse for concern about continuing to support Fahmy, but it remains the case hat AJ ure on the offensive as champion of mei freedom and protection of journalists. Thave some thoughts on this which we ean diseuss when we see each other next. Andrew ‘Andrew Wigley The Cape Partnership Tel: =44 (0) 7879 438348, We

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