Otaiba Connection With Foreign Policy

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‘p Duron RSE nw, Su G00 WASHNSTOR 20136 Friday, May 19, 2017 His Excellency Youssef AlOtiba ‘Ambessador Embassy ofthe Urited Arab Emirates 3522 International Court, NW Suite 400 ‘Washington, DC 20008 Dear Ambassador Otaiba, ''m writing to let you know that David Rothkopt is leaving his role as CEO and Ecitorof the FP Group effective immediately. He wll be pursuing other new business and writing projects in the ‘months ahead. On behaff of Graham Holdings Company, the owner othe FP Group, |am stepping as interim CEO. “The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates isa valued dient of the FP Group and we are ‘committed to continuing to delves the high quality events and reports that have defined our ‘work together to date, while exploring new approaches and seeking greater depth and new ‘analytical insights. The full FP Group team that has undertaken all work for you to date isstilin place and looking o this new era ofthe organization with energy and enthusiasm. ‘Asa firststep, we would suggest hosting a meeting around the July Counterterrorism Surnmit in ‘Washington DC, which was proposed by our counterparts at the Ministry of Foreign fait, followed by the planned Brussels PeaceGame in the fll Please do not hesitate to reach cut to ‘me directly if you have any questions or concerns about this transition and !look forward to the ‘opportunity to meet youin person. Alithe best, A Madani ‘Ann mevanel Interim CEO The FP Gow 144 Uabitty ‘Where any obligation under this agreement gven by two or mere Parties i shal be given Jointly and several. 145 Whole Agreement ‘This agreement the doeumentsreferred tin itand any agreements relating tot contain the Whole agreement between the Falesrltng to the transactions conterolted by it ard supersede al previous aresments whether written or orl between the Pats eating 10 ‘these tansactons The sehedules frm part! the agrertent 15 Dispute Resolution and hrsection 15.1 this agreement is governed by and shal be corsrued in accordance with the las of the United Arab Emeates at applied and interpreted inthe Ermate ct Abu Oa 162 The Panes agree to submit to the exclusive jursicton ef the courts of Abu Dhabi inthe event of any cisutearbing between hem. ‘THIS AGREEMENT hasbeen signed on behalf of he Parties by thee duly authonsed representatives ‘on the date which appears fit on page 3. SINGED by 3a Seeed Gobi SIGNED by Davie Rotnhoot vA) { Duly authors fr nd cn behalf cf The FP Group SIGNED by Cara Drtkov Duly autorved for nd on boha of The Canales Project ) FOMMENTS ON DRAFT CONTRACT BETWEEN ABU DHABI TOURISM AND CULTURE AUTHORITY (TCA), ‘THE FP GROUP (FP) AND THE CANALES PROJECT (TCA) ‘The following are our comments on the initial draft agreement between TCA, FP and ‘TCP. They represent an initial business read on the agreement and do not reflect inputof our counsel. Once we have a revised draft we will seek laviyers' review before finalizing and signing, Taat can and will happen very quickly and we should ‘make it cur goal to have the agreement executed prior tothe first meating of the governing committee that will guide the project which is scheduled for June 16. 2016. ‘The points are in noparticular order. If points are not raised that means we are in agreement with the existing language. 1 ‘As wo have discussed, this should be two separate agreements, ons batweon ‘TCA, FPand The Canales Project. Itcould be one document ityou like. but the language should make dear thatTCA is contracting with FP and itis separately contracting TCP. FP isto receive $1.15 million of the annual fee (for 2 total of $3.45 million over the initial taree year commitment), TCP 1s to receive $350,000 of the annual fee (for a total of $1.05 million over the initial three year commitment). ‘The address of FP is 11 Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036. The address of The Canales Project is 211 West 106* Street, New York, NY, 10025. Should note that we will be referred to collectively as“the contractors” (, ratherthan “the contractor” asin current draft. “Event dates" need to be updated. For the purposes of this agreement they should be defined as March or April 2017 or at such time as mutual agreed to by the management committee. Regarding 7.1 (a), aren't we agreed that we are tofellow the instructions of the management committee (rather than TCA). TCA is of course, represented ‘on the management committee by its chairman. In $4, can we specify reimbursement within 30 days of invoicing for ‘expenses? We have collectively developed this project. As a consequence, should we not collectively ovn the intellectual property? We would like to ensure that so long as this project continues and we fulfill within reason our responsibilities that we shall romain the contractors responsible for it. Further. if for some reason after three years. TCA and the government of the UAE decide not toproceed with this project, we would like the right to continue with iton our own. (This would be at TCA's option, of course, based on their dacision notto proceed) As noted earlier, the payment schedule is too complex and inconsistent with the nature of the project and the agreement. We recommend the approach [FP has used in the past with the government of the UAE, Two payments a year. roughly six months apart. In this case, in 2016,one payment due upon ‘Signing and one payment nolater than December 15.2016, Thereafter. one payment on June t of each year and one on December 1 of each year. Weare hhappy to provide the documents requested in the payment schedule as part ‘of the work product assoclatad with this effort. ‘Those are the sum of our suggestions. As you can see, they are relatively minor. (Over all the agreement Is fine and we very much look forward to proceeding. x @ | know is rosh hashanah. Ill make sure its kosher =) ‘Soe More Te dette == © My bad, Monday night. ‘Sort via BlackBerry by AT&T -Original Message~~ From: drothkop#@gmail.com Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 22:57:59 ‘o: ‘Subject: Re: Dinner ‘Thanks for the email, And for thinking of me. But there's no attachment or date in the email so I don't ‘know when you are thinking of the cinner..which I would be happy to jon if t works in my schedule. ‘Sont via BlackBorry by AT&T ‘See More rom Youse A Calva = = @ David, hope you'r well ‘Sorty forthe short notice ofthis invitation but | was thinking of pulling a small group of very smart people ‘s0 naturally | thought of you. | invited jake sullivan, martin indy, and erie edelman so far. Let me know if you can make it. ‘Sent via BlackBerty by AT&T ‘Yousef AlOtabe rumen ca © Lote gt together ater the holidays. Im afi youte right, appears Im the boy who frying wal sol, ‘We have @ more comprehensive plan that ll bri you on when we meet. | mworied US poloy is operating under aise assumptions and assessments, Arne paterson seams to be in the mile of love afar with tho MB and its colring tho potcy in washington. Sent via BlackBory by ATAT Original Message From: Matin Ine: Date: Wed, 18 Dee 2012 12:28:11 Te: Subject: Re: diner Fst of al, thank you fr hosting. You coin tured out an impressive group for Dr. Anwar. | think his mossago on Egypt ‘was wel-arculated and wel-neard. But | have an uneasy feetng about, which comes irom the ac that you are the oly ‘nes that seem tobe articulating this concer. Thats because you are effective and your felow Arab ambassadors ae no. ‘They ad their governments, need to speak up in Washington to. Otierwise, your argument wil be cismissed as ie Special, even qu pleacing of one Arab leader, | tel you this because that's what | ear this week fom an important polig-maker who's sympathetic to the argument but red of losing against tne NSC and Ambassador Patterson who erioy the backing ofthe president. Ityou have your marching orders on tis, then think you need a broader strategy to enforce you very effective pinpoint ‘campaign, Lets discuss, Marin 202797 6401 mindyk@brookings edu Sisjec: Re: arner ‘Wore going t Beaver Crook on Satay on Ar Rubens You? Martin ‘oan, thnk they tin his wore wow a oppeseac unde: dogs who ave moderate innate and can be nuenons gues byte great US.. Boas i hoping to come around mie api but Ln enger bollve we can intuerce ho thir. Si xplan plan 8 whon see you. Ay ave pens te th noeys? Sort va lackBory by ATAT rina Mossage—— From: Maren nay aivovK@onkna. 00> Torcaabal Sibject RE: diner “nk youre acy rat about one Patton, war oy smaing Yat Gan ears win re Be Jur oa. Pa contr hr However ta jut her Tae Preston wart to angege wit an work wih Worst and Ersagan. So tsa Boss ou eed to oc ‘on Wrens Shea Motwned cong tn ‘youset lotsa ° CCorect. He count make iton wednesday 9 we opted for tomorrow. Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:03:53 -0500 Subject: Re: Bitzer From: girthkopt@rmaieom Tp! taba? Ohormallcom CE: dovidrohiofetoreonpoin.com; minevit@brookings cu; bkatule@omericanoregrest.org {Tm happy to doit. This morning you sad Wednesday. So, just to confirm iis tomorrow, Tuesday the Bh, atthe Jefferson at 745 pm? ‘David 3. Rothkont (CEO and Editor at Large ‘The Foreign Policy Group ‘ADWvison ofthe Washington Post Company 11 Dupont Cele Suite 600 Washington, OC 20036 202 728 7300 ‘avid rothkopr@foreignpoiy. a {rely hope oto but dn ink 0. nk hey aes pcg up steam. ‘Subjec: Ku Sana Wintum Teybboen Ro duitenrngm om ‘cana/ohomalcan ‘hope me MBs pu ek he Re, ut ery that i te. Thay ae rurig Noh AE ane eben te Gl roessor of Econom, {lg aalan Ga a5, ‘anal fen Univ ‘oe Prefer of Sent Saten Fajen senor Felon, Fire Cloba Resour Teas, Washra OC Sie, wore oer, !mofto achat weskand okays, maybo we can comet one Im back Santa lackey by ATE orga esage Buin say zarovsbra tesa eet ganecvoo! corm Sbjct ie Fe Hi etngs 8 Fpl eka Febayy 1 a Feary 18,2019 Inorcing vista Maybe wo sods nae one tr prt nhes ar bsktaroeiup. As meron nave at opel: overt ‘tocar oersn i seoitmy ston son oop atm maa sonaye soon, lane tba You srs Your expan my rg. (On FF 22,2013 «47 PM, Yous! A Cada ina @homaicon nao haba7@heta cons > wots m Svar ATR Fram: Hage Elawad (Ge eon usesins isa. >; > ‘Secs achogs& Help Weeks al Febuary 1 and Febuary 19,2018 Ine past wo moot, we pen stra ine bo econnactog wit ld ane co the Hand mesg New oflees hat we nk wi be nporart Inne Soming mort Geaiog blow are ay por nom eo othe mening, Thee restr on paope ae recpondng Ou moeeape boo MB an a wh espoet ar sts sa roletes thee weber’ suppor ol out ars packgo, understanding and gig tal he QME issue net ore of concern ‘inthe UAE” Sever! redo oo ro fn ar pasage shou three sy Nols up. ala hve moan, we ies see he ackage Inthe same way at We have over ne as! year ana Pall throb, is std a they ao nat an’ tom ter tgs ‘nuns abo he MB ad that very import eam fo knowhow tho ales fol toute uation Egy, expec a ther dO Gyo and concn are beng cece ‘Wo re crrenty workng on aaning meetings we these menbers and ors. Pea ete enw # YEU Ne ny aston Best, +. San. ene Bumenna (C7), Ama Saniees The sane rou jana @ CODEL tothe ego la by an, Weta, Hi ater {tne al he seniors srporng ations a0 he Syranrses and woud eo heer you how curnesin ne rgon ee iy Sets cing hte satan Sa, The staers mere a wey peste of aay ib UAE penton he Mun ‘2 __Sen, Thad Gocman (F-S), Rarking Member, Sense Appropriations: Acaih-up meeting wth a sate who waved the UAE ona fast sat dlogaton ie frog” pay state epianed re even constr m Mescup avocado evry US ac © Egy He {Drvayed hal he Sena lal uraranss te UAE sieuY powion an tansions min he Muslin Seovthons gover ne a ale ‘fare US goverment need ate ton mtn respect Eytan mt near ae, ‘3 Sen Cvs Murphy (0-07, Senate Foegn Flatons: We har tom chess hat Sen. Muphy i good mente gett non: Ha Sta was very eager tolean about tte US-UAE reatenhip ard mpressed wt he Fade rurbers as wal asthe UAES push Br worn Sroommat ances ing enegy seus 4. op Ea Royo (F-CA,Cnaiman, Hous Fraign Aas: Racomociod wit mi eat poy caters nat wero fr Ros shtnen an ‘re retanodon te tl commntee, Voy concerned and can smpahzo wh he UAE abovthe als athe US a grcing wih re ‘Ssceanal stan au espa ene ntnaonal pase Sta co nt hn te aston lo eases eonalsengPow'ong Nes [or heupty he Appropratons commie, They sored leased win ho recon agyeors al DEX ae ao rel se areason nto be ‘Sippel ar pacage, Tey laud he Admtaton atng Oan Sg, rho ean some 5. Profesional Stat, House Foreign Atars, Re. Et Engl (O-NY}: Sta aad nat wn Gera no longer n Congress, te soephare ‘Sconpaty cfleten ap. Engel ies nce poe, nowever he tna eowedgease onthe le Eas Mel est ath aroseesats oe ‘ier ficls, ut ro 0 good mt remembering pola ard dons rot rave a rasp cn epara toes. es supposed appear one ‘Staphanopoie stom the Sunay a a panei’ along wih Cana Anaspou ang thers Dung he show tne wards ha hee larg ‘anpautos a naw lgaton he Pa boat wong one mate he US ram ups soataco 0 Sy. Te ten wi alo alow sence {obstted so ht Ararean compas ean asret wth dace hamanearen noose. Aadtonly the ogaanon wl aah US pte Sopston inte un aan mitts oz Epis anon nkomveve se gue oman tel 5. ep. Jim Langevin (0) An neocon este, ep. Langavits lta pay safle wes aagro Mer aoout UAE mary er {Bulorecoertoandmacanda miryren nokta ne re Hewes aso age orem abo Pw ams sams 17. Tom Coton (FA: An eoouctry meting, Rep, Ct’ froin poy sate xpanes hate is very aos he Wile eaten patio na experience as skim hag ara Agha ar hs corto sagt on he House Frege Aes Camas, Fp. ton ras aad rade an mpresson as someone wn locus on ie eat ag Ply. 8. op Dany sa}, Chama, House Oversight Cormte: A catch-up moctng wih tho fron poly star at ao raves wih Uisjome UAE ona degaion Str ened at members ave bee weal aoa her Suarpoinme he Fs re bong casero {Segypt He ened aCe, ne an gag fovow fae sano Egypte cartes, tlle ao cuppeseg hal when the ‘Abuosador an Rep ise mec that he Anaseacr ao te orgs f Pe cou garth capone member lhe Subse en ‘atona’ Secu, Holand Dente ana Faregn Optio, eu pack. 2. ep. Cathy Mcors Regrs FWA: Rep. Redgrss he ghost ranking Repsbican woman in he Hoys of Represoratves ad also ‘he Chal he Howe Ropuean Conlorarce. Het Legsave Dace ape about fr conrimen o wares sums se ena ae ‘ocogized he UAE ecleverars nthe area He was also or imoseed wi the anualyeteash Wado nutDae va. Hage owas Drow Coarse tars Eons othe Unseen rates Gz sermon Cot Waekezor i 2oeasrooot

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