Otaiba Leaks Mohamed Fahmy

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FW: MF update Yousef Al Otaiba 0/3/2015 1115. AM Tawfik Diab (tawik diab@pico.com.eg); Tawfik Diab (tdiab@pico.com.eg) & Sent Item Tawfik, Below are the bank details for the $250,000 transfer. Please confirm receipt. Yousef Bank Name; Royal Bank of Canada ‘Address: 1 West Mount Square Montreal Name: Mahmoud Fadel Fahmy Canadian Dollar Account Number; 5016894 US Dollar Account Number: 4534749 Swift Code for both Accounts: ROYCC82 Transist Number 09231 Youset Al Otaiba sen YoueeAotaba Fbuary 2014 at 128m fe: Mesting resuest with Hi Exelan Youre Orbs Soni cory by AAT onal From Posner aserbssyanons Daten, 3 Papanie soe Tercaia/ aie cone ‘Sine FW" Mecing requactwin is Econ Yous al be rm Yous Naney [nyse nsec con) ‘Sore Monday Fobnya3 2014318 ‘Sine Mong request He coe Yea! taba ‘Dear Pan: ope hs nds you wal, Per your request am wring formal rues emoang we He Exceonc Yous! ol Orla sconesto cus he case ot ohare Fat! hy a iden en he embassy wh espera Seas heaaasare hab ed ame Mores abe leah at oe ohare a wel repaid fectnce mat ha spent haps an yar coving ha uratiou tr n Ege for such eraiatae a ON, BC ane New Yr Tne, Spr: acre al Jaona gis Clo urea cht Ast tara. snc lomo Epon Motaned as Jet, work or ‘ieterahasbecowo acre nS oharog ws arses Dac 29 anh ce bean cargod wih bang a erou'& he Mus Scored, whch sure on ‘ron apostle svt, has bee ht nha cndtos fa secon a rcefrnus ra ao eased re words wo at Fe at Dt ‘ipod lot sak, eos #bed an progam ce. Te Wesmart sega saan i Wo his ends nd coleanos, ae appealing hose who know Mohan pus ers ase es on bal uni ial an commen iv Carob ‘Erving ashngton sv cu ike ieee case inna sussasor ee lin anges poston Som nang Monod pars an pte Pang ‘cstnerooase.bureg ho vt wth hs fei, Moved ene ta eso use abused on Na thal cn ju please hme arange acting scons wih he anbussads to nis ie cane? ean be ech a 202257780. on i rl any ans Naor Nanay A Yoset| ioe Eas Bureau Chet Neciaeny Newspapers ‘Astra Fousd Makar (Mubadla) & atfutew nscneragedn ad ka ering en hao aa ety dd worker ed ay he Bates in Suttons wom Fey eva as an a cas Maybe msn sj om danas Fa any ae zens oro ‘Bi ty 25635 Sten taeconenenen yr amet an a nga na rin hn nn nr ty it ea me raat Fo eg | nowsaho nad tpt he yas genet sat O's Dr aan uc ea. snuck arin a pro eaaaen wor ashen tray cna lee enced ema pip (ogy. ‘Sot ned ep ol step. atau ya ron on yaar Ronan manage ot pats ya eee apron ‘Seam the Canaan bene the bos opton. 8 rom: Andrew Wiley (nlancten wey @capesrnerhp.com) Ser Try 98 Zo 251 PH {Yor Seron Peatce (EAA) ‘Subject Fn Egy account A Begin forwarded message: From: Sebject: Egyptian esos Mohamed, ‘Letme now how you ae geting on with sting up an account If thesis going ob problem please lt me know asap, Youset Al otaiba samen @ Moody, {Good te hear fem you. Lcurenty dont have any plans to come back tothe UAE i after Ramadan. 1 defintty keep you in my mind and let you know #1 se any opportunities that sut your expertise. youset From: ranantii@hetmallcom Tor otaberahatmal.con ‘Subject: Moody "orm Dubal, Congratulations. Regards to Abeer Date: Won, 1232010 16:18:51 +0000 ‘bea Yousef, {hope you are ontop of he wort stil want to mest you 351 have onl spoken to you n the phone apes Back but I Keep bumping into common fends ‘we haven Abu Ohab and back rom CAC ‘By the way, Mabrouk about Abea: I know her wel rom Dubal,Rabena Yekhalnalbk. Sender my rards: She knows me 35 Moody. Saw the photos of your exeberaton my aiiend’s facebook. ‘Lam stl ob searching hoping to a something chaenging afer leaving Al Murra. I You ae coming to UAE Soon, maybe Subject: Re: Fahmy st fhished and now back at hotel. Can Joe! and | al you" ‘Sent rom my iPad (On Aug 1, 2019, at 2:19 PM, "Youset Al taba" wrote: How cid meeting go wit fahrry? Sent via BlackBorry by AT&T Fahmy Tor Richard Minte Yousef Al Otaiba ‘August 2018 at 5:3 AM © How did meeting go with fahmy? ‘Sont via BlackBerry by AT&T ‘Yousef Al Otaiba sert-YousetA/Otsbo December 25, 2008 724 A FW: Mody CAG: Arequest to under go a test wth Bayrauna TV. “Thought you'd get a kick out ofthis. > From: mfahmyialnurra.com > To: otalba7@hotmallcom > Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 19:22:04 -0500 > Subject: Moody CAC: A request to under go a test with Baynouna TV. > Dear Mr Otaiba Its Moody Fahmy, the CACian who stil wishes he could have broken your 100 meters record. I hope you are not too stressed in your job as T know how intense the diplomatic arena could get. I read on some of your work through the net and lately about the nuclear discussions between the UAE and the US tasted the sensitive work of diplomacy when T left the media and worked for ane ‘year with the International Commitee ofthe Red Cross out of Geneva But I was based in Labanon for ane year back in 2007, pasted a @ brotection delegate in charge of poltical prisoners such as Al Qaeda suspects, terrorists in general, and the 4 generals imprisoned then Under accusations of being Involved in the kiling of Harri, lat me tell you t was a tough tresafl job to go back and forth between their calls and the offices ofthe Attorney Genera, Intaligence offcars, wardens, and the judges who make sure to make ther Ife Pell. My 4J9b was fo protect them using all the lplomatic techniques I got trained for briefly in Geneva before taking on the mission. 1 deatt wi Several ambassadors so Ido know a ite of what you Nave to go through. I had to say goodbye after one Year and I returned to media as the manager of Al Hurra TV in Egypt then now in Oubal for the past year. { was offered the post In Washington, VA but I preferred to stay Inthe Midale East to stay close to my sick father who lives In Kuwait. Yousef, am embarrassed thet I write you asking fora favar when I thave not been in close tabs with you and was not even around wen they called you JOE in Abuchabl but here t goes.1 want fo apply tO ‘Bayncuna TV, anew station owned by Shelkh Mohamed Bin Zaved Al Nanayan based in Abudhabi.It has been in set-up phase for @ while ‘now However, Ihave heard from many people inthe small rele of media that there is alot of Wasta going on inthe reerltment an ‘many people who are being recruted are not as qualified. A hot Lebanese presenter who moves the person in charge, someone who ‘knows someone of the son of a big shat maybe et. Honestly, 1am getting marred in the summer toa woman thats very rich ane Tam looking fora jb that pays much more than {arm making, and Baynouna is the best n the going rates inthe market now. Al, Task for is @ fair chance. { have revamped Al Hurra image as much as I can and that is why they brought me in but the money is not what can ive with now. T dont mind i they give me a writing test, general knowledge test or any sort of exam but I Just don't want to lose a chance ‘against other cancidates because they are connected and | am not. Is there any Way YOU can assist me or guide me to someone in that {channel that I can go to directy? T want to be recruited due to my credentials asa print and broadcast media journalist who worked for the biggest agencies such as LA Times, New york Times, Al Murra, Dubai TV among others. 1 wil net let you dawn bro IF you advice me on who to approach or contac them about my genuine Interest to Join Bayncuna to make a diference in their launch. Its always the rst fun tw join a project from day one. Yousef, excuse me i Ihave allowed myself to ask you directly for such a favor and I hope T can meet with ‘yeu if come to D.C. soon, I can send you my resume f you need i. Aehkurak. Mohamed Fahmy: Moody Sanvoum" allurra TV = Senior Producer > Mohamed Fadel Fahmy > Senior Producer > Alnurra Television 3 7600 Boston 8iva > Springfield, VA 22153 ‘Son: Fray, Docombe 1, 2076 1108 Pl ‘To: Sion Pearce (EAA) Subject Re: Urgont Sure. Is now gous? From: Siren Parc (EAA) ‘Sent ie Decor, 2015 7.024 Tortouat HOt abs Bhea on) Bij Fv ere hie, De you haa momento éarueshobolow...Need your direction, Icuspoct know whats, but ned io krow or su. 8 rom: Anceow Wig ‘Sent Fray, Dacombe 1, 2015 288 Al ‘or Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: Ugo simon, Fahmy has wren the below aril and has asked for op "ting ito make i ft for parpse fr te NY Times aan oped. He says ¥ agreed his sate. The dhast, afte esha Qua dme ois make econ hw rer ate pc Np aon wh hve veg wth wes The bigger concer is tha hak hee envied o this ata Khali Al Hal. Hemet hi i London a October He wees hie tu. He want me wo do a writen be for V about AI Hal (Lf, hn hs in very guest contact with him. ve rpeutedy to him te cleus. He argues the are muta bei. He tying ‘ly both ams. My fers the rik of Being set up. Heeling me he's got Y's approval, I would be pos opt tec eons before be goos ead a places is ‘nih the Times (eo needs work) A ARTICLE, ‘Qua cizcns aspiring emote democratic state maybe fcing an unprecedented scarry crackdown as Sheikh Tamim a-Than tbe Er of he il-ch county imprisons ‘nsown cousin Shek Fahad Than in what as bon desc by Quan expers and nember othe oposion ac policy raniated avira detention. ‘The viet ues and beating of Mr -Than and his sons several months back appears tobe in ean fer his conics activism and calls fo reform. Members of (un? xl opontion aren strangest sich aadation snd torre echaigus afc by the Qatar state secant ois De Neies Al Nasi, Qatar tice mins lawyer and hua hts activist known fer his ctcsm ofthe Qutari poverment explained ht Mi Than is curenly ‘Babe: Re Urge Wit cat you ear tomorow moming my time His nara in that oma is not accurate and quite mislecing, Iwas rail in istning mode ‘om sino ac) Sande Stra 527 4 Siege et ‘ar bein AD - On pane rat now hoa in ‘rom: Yost Al Otaba nates hoe con] ‘Sem: Tnasay. December 15,2015 925 A “Tweséay morning my te works. Not sue where you a rom: Sno enc (24) Sindy teers Sihecire et ‘clogs was on several this. When sus TussdayMiednesday? s ‘From: Youset A Oba ‘Sm Fry Decambr 2015128 Pe {Torsion Porc (A). ‘Babee: he Urgent ‘Sure snow good? Youset AlOtaiba 6 rasan wr Up. | arin aes secant Nomig tapgenng om my roe Ran en zr at Sion Pearce (EAA) 4 canamnaran We Uni. Youset, | apologise that this comes to you late — got stuck in our secuntyaystom. ‘This is Ancrow’s latest updatoin Faby. etme know fe shoul catch upon. s rom: Andrew Weoley (mltoandrew.winiey2capenarinersh.com) Sent Saturday, February 08, 2018 3:27 PM ‘Tor Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: Brent Goose upcate Dear Simon, ‘oth Fahmy and one ofhis current Vancouver lawyers were in London his week ‘We onganised an event at Sob House on Monday evening This wat an opportunity for im oak about his bok and film deal be has struck mith Michael Bronner. Random House ld on the public 1 then hal series of meetings with primarily NGOs with an interest in moi freedoms nd protection of journalists. [undertook these with the nwyer Gary Caron (who remains highly committcd to the fight against AF sa matter of principle). The purpose ofthese mecings ‘vaso counter the AI ama, As you wil know they have invested considerably in culating thet version of evens. | deployed Gary a= ‘posed to Mohumed to provide a cooler analysis. Wemet: 2 The Commonwealth Seretarist 2 Interatona Bar Association + Chatham Howse + Open Society Foundation (major fader of reso of expression organisations, inching Human Rights Watch) + Amnesty Iteration! ‘ice 19 + Anfcle 19 + Reprieve | set up meetings for Mohamed seperately with Quilliam, Liberal Intemational and a couple of members of the House of Lords. Key-findings ‘AJ continues to invest heavily in purporting to support media freedoms and journalists protection, + Adis making a significant investment in UNESCO, the leading UN body with responsiblity for freedom of expression and media freedoms. This includes sponsoring a conference on protection of journalists taking place at UNESCO in Paris yesterday at which Greste and Acting DG of AJ gave key note speeches. Click here for more info on that event. + With a high probability that UNESCO's current See Gen Irina Bukhova is st to be nominated asthe next UN See Gen, there is speculation thatthe AJ investment in UNESCO is to lay the grounds for a Qatari bid forthe post of UNESCO's top post + AJ augment this activity by providing NGOs support on specific projects. For example, AJ Intemational “partnered” with Reprieve to produce a documentary to deter tourism to Egypt on bass of ts approsch to detention without due process + Most ofthe NGOs readily distinguish between AI’ Intemational arm and its Arabie arm. The concern about its Arabic content is widely held (although I note many of them would be prepared to take the AS coin if it comes from the Intemational arm). Amnesty Internationa, in particular, appears tobe very critical ofthe Arabic language output. + Pahmy continues to engage with self-styled Qatari opposition leader Khalid Al-Hail. KAH tumed up atthe Soho House event and, {in what looked lke a choreographed exchange, Fahmy gave him the floor and KAH asked him questions about Qatar's domestic political situation, + My interpretation ofthat exchange was that KAH sought to lead Fahmy to talk about domestic Qatari affis in a public seting. KAH also referenced Fabmy's NYTT article and content within, fuelling my belief that people around KAH penned the article and handed it to Fahmy to place. Bluntly Fabry doesn’t have the writing skills to produce that type of content Fahmy is highly susceptible to flattery and prospect of money. ‘Status on Lawsuit ‘As I reported before, the next step inthe lawsuit isto sete jurisdiction. Fahmy’s ease for having it heard in Canada is on the Common Law Principle of necessity, In other words, he can’t get a fair hearing in Qater, or Egypt. A-J contest this, We know from A-I's lawyers they are struggling to find expert witnesses who will support their claim that Qatar isa safe jurisdiction, We also know that A-I lawyers are aware that Fahmy ison the search fora new legal team and he is constrained financially. Fahmy travels Saturday to Cairo to seek financing. He tells me he wants to travel t0 AD, presumably to seek funding there, Legal team ‘The relationship with his existing lawyers Caroline and Gislason appeared to break down irrevocably this week ver the dispute about ‘outstanding fees. I know that he has reported this to Youssef (Caroline and Gislason point out Fahmy owns two properties in Cairo and see little preparedness on his part to risk own money in this suit). [Ic cemains tobe seen whether the new lawyer Falmy believes he has found will take on the project given Fahmy is now in a dispute with his ‘former lawyers over unpaid fees plus he is expecting the new lawyer to work on a contingency basis. This then isa critical point forthe ‘whole lawsuit. ‘understand thatthe new lawyer is from a reputable and large firm, He is highly media savvy and will ake this on purely with a view to the PR benefits, This means going forward Fahmy may be well served by that law firm’s in-house PR team. Summary "Notwithstanding the closure of AI America, it appears Qatar and AJ have some traction on other fonts; at UNESCO (who have been extraordinarily reluctant about meeting Fahmy); and with A's disput agnnst Egypt fled at ICSID and which was announced by Carter Rusk last week. This isthe same suit led 18 months ago in the midst ofthe A- 3 tal. The weatment of Fahmy, Grete and Mohamed have now been highlighted asa central eason forthe claim. So this story is going to continue. ‘Summary [Notwithstanding the closure of AJ America, it appears Qatar and AJ have some traction on other fronts; at UNESCO (who have been extraordinarily reluctant about meeting Fahmy), and with AJ's dispute against Egypt fled at ICSID and which was announced by Cater ‘Ruck last week. This isthe same suit fled 18 months ago in the midst of the A-J3 tral. The treatment of Fahmy, Greste and Mohamed ‘have now been highlighted asa central reason forthe claim. So this story i going to continue, Thave cause for concer about continuing to support Fahmy, but it remains the case that A-J are on the offensive as champion of media freedom and protection of jouralists. Ihave some thoughts on this which we ean discuss when we see each other next. Androw ‘Andrew Wigley ‘The Cape Partership Tel +44 (0) 7879 435348 E andrewavjelew@eapeparmership.om Wesoowcapeparinershipcom ‘simon Pearce (EAA) roor- oust lta Novenber 220158 08 AM RE MF update -Noverber ‘Thanks Chiet From: Youset Al Otaiba{maito:otaba? @hotmalcom] ‘Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 5:56 PM ‘To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: Re: MF update - November “Told him see him when he's in town, | have no issue with andrew attending or not. Either is fine. From: Sinn Pearce (EAA) Sent: Thursday, November 12,2015 12:43 AM “Tor Youset Ata ( Subject FW: MF update ~ Noverber FY! Chiet. s. From: Andrew Wigley milto-andrew.wigley @capenarinership.com) ‘Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:02 PM ‘To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: MF update - November Hi Simon, Just to keep you posted on activites: ‘© MF gave a public tlk to over 1,000 people at an event organised by the Toronto Sarin Toronto last week. This followed a similar ‘event in Vancouver to an audience of 400. You can see the Toronto talk at hitp:/wwtorontopublicibrary.cafahmy. ‘+ Next week, MF wil be in Strasbourg to attend the World Forum for Democracy hosted by the Council of Europe. He hss a one-on-one ‘meeting with the Secretary General ofthe CoE and we are trying o secure other meetings as well as French media opportunites. [Next week, he will also receive an award from Reporters Without Borders at an event in Strasbourg. [MF is planning to visit Washington 3 & 4 December for meetings and has asked for help puting a programme to Interms ofthe legal action, MF has now been offically fired by A-J (las salary payment made in October). ‘Al continues to bumish its freedom of expression credentials and last week flew Peter Greste into London to attend a joint event with UNESCO atthe House of Commons to mark World Day to End impunity for Crimes agains! Joumnaiss. This followed a similar event ‘Acl co-orgaised with CPJ onthe fringes ofthe UN General Assembly in September Best, Andrew ‘Simon Pearce (EAA) Ex Inbox: YousetAlOtsiba Ju, 2015 99:52PM FW Egyptian account ‘Tor Yousef Al Otaba (otaiba7@hotmall.com) ‘Sooms the Canadian bank is the best option, 8. From: Andeow Wigloy[nito:androw.wigley @eapepartnership com) Sent: Thursday, July 08,2015 2:51 PM ‘To: Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: Fwd: Egyptian account FY Begin forwarded message: From: Date: 8Jaly 2015 210825 GMT ‘Tas “Andrew Wigley" Subject: Re: Egyptian account Hi Andrew, 1 do have an secount in Egypt, [asked my aunt who manages a bank here and she advised me that we handle it through a bank ‘outside of Eaypt because there isa limit of transfering 100,000 dollars per year out of Egypt. There is no limit onthe money ‘coming in but its always under the miroscope due to the security situation andthe political tamil. Therefore, Thave sent you my d's account in Canada and the following are the detail for my brother's account in Kua. T ‘think after asking my lawyers tat this isthe best route to take. Let me know what you think. Thank you. BANK DETAILS: Name: Adel Mahmoud Fadel Fahmy Hank: Abii United Banke IBAN: KW648KME9000000000000031200296 SWIFT CODE: BKMEKWKW Bank Adéress: Abli United Bank, P.O. Box 71, Safat 12168, Kuwait Tel: +965 1812000 Sent from my BlackBeny® from Vodafone From: Andrew Wigley Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2015 17:51:50 +0100 ‘To: Mohamed Fadel Fahmy Subject: Egyptian account Mobare ‘Let me know how you are geting on with sting up an acount, If theres going tobe ¢ problem, plese let me know asp. Andrew Andtew Wigley ‘The Cape Partnership ‘Tel: +44 (0) 7879 435348 From: Andrew Wigley {mallto:andrew wigley @capeparinership.com) Sent: Monday, August 31, 2016 8:45 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: MF update Hi Simon, Just to update you post Saturday, there was a considerable amount of coverage on UK and North American outlets re the trial. The ‘coverage by the BBC's Olga Guerin and Lyse Doucet as well asthe Canadian media comp did highlight the message about this being political rift between Qatar and Egypt. Helpfully, our preparatory work with UN and BU in particular paid of with statements. The US also came out strong. UN: hp nid USS. bitp/m state, eovimd246444 him 'BU: htip/esas.curopa,cu/staements-as/2015/150829_O1_ enim ‘Remarkably, received @ message from Mohamed about an hour after he was takenin to prison since at that point the had not removed his mobile phone from him. He had three messages: 1. He had been told he was entering the maximum security wing. This is reason for concer since thats where the die-hard MB prisoners are kept. So there isa legitimate concer for his well-being in there. 2. He has been told he will not be allowed any visitors for atleast the next 11 days. This is likely to hold up the appeal 3 Beuitifwe cau epithe pomen Cao hop) Catan ie. a near al eh wn In the very short term, it's bank holiday in the UK and Parliament doesn't resume here until next Monday. However, lam now reaching out to members ofthe Foreign Affairs Committee ofthe European Parliament. The EP resumes today after its summer break and, fortuitously, the FAC is also convening. That committee stewards the process forthe annual award of the EP's Sakharov Prize given for freedom of expression and that decision is taken atthe end of September. It i Parliament's most prestigious award and positioning Fahmy as a worthy recipient will, I think, help maintain awareness. Parliament will also keep the pressure on both the EU Couneil and the Commission. In September, I think we probably need to about that. ft efforts to leverage the General Assembly in New York. Need to do some thinking Obviously the eam in Canada are a bit shell-shocked and are focusing efforts on getting President Harper to pick up the phone to Sisi, Canads js in the midst ofa general clection campaign. Opposition leader Justin Trudeau is running withthe free Fahmy ‘campaign. Harper continues to show litle appetite to get vocal onthe matter. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung are keen to take the material about Khanfar as a follow-up to Saturday's trial. Journalist Michael Hanfeld has been very keen on this throughout, ‘Will keep you posted. ‘Andrew ‘Simon Pearce (EAA) iboe-Youse lOtibe August 2, 2018 a 8:28 a8 RE: MF update To: Yousot Al Ota, Edelman, Martin MartyEdelman@paubestngs.com Wil do. s. From: Yousef Al Otaia {maiio:otalba7@hotmall. com] ‘Sent: Monday, August 31, 2018 10:27 PM To; Son Pearce (EAA) ; Edelman, Marin MartyEdeiman@pauhastins.com) ‘Subject: Re: MF update ‘simon, Does andrew have the account details for the ‘und’ that mohamed set up in Canada to recelve donations for his legal foes? I 80, please forward to me. From: Simon Pearce (EAA) Sent: Monday, AUgUS 31,2015 8:21 AM “To: Yousef Al Otaba (aaita?@hotmel. cm); Edelman, Marti (Mary Edelmant@oaulhastins.com) Subject: FW: MF update Youset, Marty, ‘Andrew provided the update below. He is doing a really good jb. [mailto:ancren.wigley@caneparinership.com) ‘Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 8:45 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: MF update Hi Simon, Just to update you post Saturday, there was a considerable amount of coverage on UK and North American outlets re the tial. The ‘coverage by the BBC's Olga Guerin and Lyse Doucet as well as the Canadian media corp did highlight the message about this being «politcal rift between Qatar and Egypt. “Helpfully, our preparatory work with UN and EU in particular paid of with statements, The US also came out strong. ‘UN: hup://wnw.un.ore/spistatementfindex.asp?nid=8940 USS. hiiidim,state,eovimd246444. him ‘Simon Pearce (EAA) setantaus Ql FW: FE MF update etait To: Youse! Altai (otabe7@hotmsilcom), Cer Edelman, Martin (MartyEdelnangpauhastngs.com) Boss, Here are the bank dtals as requested Please also see the updete re: Mrs Clooney and MF wife. s From: Andrew Wigley [mall igh Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 11:12 PM ‘To: Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: Re: FW: MF update Hi Simon, ‘The Canadian account he asked for transfers tobe made to is in fact his fthee's who can then make the necessary disbursements: Bank Name: Royal Bank of Canada Address: 1 West Mount Square Montreal Name: Mahmoud Fadel Fahmy Canadian Dollar Account Number: 5016894 US Dollar Account Number: 4534749 Swift Code for both Accounts: ROYCC82 ‘Transist Number 09231 {As for Mrs C, we have kept in reasonable contact with her over the past days but se very much operates a a solo player. That is unlikely to change. I know she is inthe Maldives next week on behalf of former President Nasheed so I think we will se her ‘moving on to her next campaign pretty quickly. There remains an outstanding invitation for her to brief the Council of Europe parliamentary assembly about the trial at the end of September. lam encouraging her to do that as well as support any efforts we attempt on the fringes ofthe UNGA. But I am not optimistic on that front. In which case, I think we then begin to work with Marwa, MPs wife andrew [eine tte Sipe emiore ti Lnt ai an ped mas pra me peter mr shana ghey sn em ee ie sete 1 Gees kul wn boa an Pan Tr sexed i ett Ron Yo praca asso eng or ON Geen Ane opi ye ‘azn ean Fb un cen caesar iin Deven ening Ma AL ee YW A + Fay nda tere ei a al hn fr Ss) ais inn nao cnr cans + Ame peng pre sco sheer Spain hi ea ae Ts vey agp a a SA Than pe ny tr ly * Sincere bajar ay enn yf at Se ng iat opens Tne note usw isang enim ot ee pein no tere ann trey + Fg Gay Cc ad ile ty la on dpa wl ec Coa Sitgcten setae sce eee Ietsupe terpenes arb a sc mee ey ene ytd in ae i 1 iment est seg yr i tee eel i ede ‘Rmtraal elmyen acme s peer ate Aa Cl a ay rim nef i he 1 ‘pepe ta teasbaso runner ames png fe «foo ryt bre pl nas eho nbc cme ig inn fir rere (pie ie, suas * egy han ae nth nit or ei in oO nei Ty rem 1 sro Ct nae Su cpm aa nt See eae concave igs tan amie ey 1 ite Comme fe vhs sty erste pn cn te ee de ent aang a miei so rpm heya! ty Fon ee pe + Inmet en es em mf ieee enn rai al ed Pep iain A he pins pec ie ‘verte esa na soso ah mene par ws pee «Friel (mete pe =p eT ome en eT oe en rise = ADT ACCT POY ed ty nM Th The yd dn cy ein in ry ns Hea ed ‘ne Oat Unb gna mee sea eh ye arn | + tye ernst ry Sco es Rekn otal ele oa Sr alma rea ey iim lem vay ey Haseltine at ‘Simon Pearce (EAA) uly 7, 2018 at 10:22 PM FW: Mupdate To: Yousef Al Otaibs (otaiba7@hotmail.com) FYI- think he is running short of cash and its impacting the momentum... Will send the Egyptian account when I get it From: Andrew Wigley (maitto:andrew.wigley’@capepartnership.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 3:17 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: Re: M update ‘The Canadian bank account below. The other on its way: Bank Name: Royal Bank of Canada ‘Address: 1 West Mount Square Montreal Name: Mahmoud Fadel Fahmy Canadian Dollar Account Number: 5016894 US Dollar Account Number: 4534749 Swift Code for both Accounts: ROYCC82 ‘Transit Number: 09231 (have double checked. This does seem to be all the detail required). ‘On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 3:43 AM, Simon Pearce (EAA) wrote: Please do, From: Andrew Wigley [maito:ancrev. wialey @capepartnership.com]} ‘Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 3:42 AM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: Re: M update Simon, Thave Canadian bank account details. Do you want me to send them through? andrew ‘On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 6:08 AM, Andrew Wigley wrote: Perfect. Thank you. On 7 Jul 2015, at 08:01, Simon Pearce (EAA) wrote: ‘Andrew ~ see below. Tow accounts should help. iS From: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6:53 AM “To: Youset Al Otaba ‘Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m My guy is prepped and in. I will each out to Marty and get the partis linked up. s. From: Yousef Al Otaiba {mailto ‘Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:00 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Subject: Re: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m was hoping we can do it together. That would give us a more comprehensive sense of what we're dealing with, But we need to move. From: Simon Pearce (EAA) Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6:56 AM ‘To: Youset Al Otaba Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m Got it. You okay i liaise with Marty to coordinate the two — or would you prefer they remain separate? s. From: Youset Al Otaiba [mailio:otalba7@hoimall com] ‘Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 7:54 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: RE: Al Jazeer 1umnalist sues firm for $100m. ‘Nothing at this point. 1 told him we would send someone to see what he has from a communication angle. ‘And I'll send him a lawyer, which is Marty is arranging, to see what he has from a legal perspective. Based on those two assessments, we will determine our next steps. From: Simon,Pearce@eaa.gov.ae To: otaiba7@notmail.com ‘Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 06:57:30 +0000 Just to manage things absolutely clinically, what is he expecting? s. From: Yousef Al Otaiba {mailto:otaibaz @hotmail,com) Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:39 AM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues fitm for $100m He can be reached on: +2010 20007152 From: Simon Pearce @eaa,gov.ae To; otalba7@hotmail.com ‘Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 14:35:33 +0000 No I didnt s. From: Yousef Al Otaiba [mailto:otaiba7 @hotmail,com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:12 PM simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: FW: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m Did you get my email with his phone number? From: bstreiha@gmail.com Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 10:21:16 +0400 ‘Subject: Fwd: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m_ Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Antoun Karam ‘Subject: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m Al Jazeera journalist sues Qatar broadcaster for $100m Reuters ‘Monday, 11 May 2015 ‘rom Anew Wily (malt andrew wale @capepanreshe com] ‘Son Toseday May 19,2018 30 AM Se Simon pace EAA) Siac Fry apa simon, Sar ng ma feow. | spoko 1 MF today, We hada good converston fr anos en nour. He man on amison ard wire est ur noe ura Av and. Lege ategy He wasuralee share win me much about pal stogybecaus ts cla that sti workin pogoss. My understanding that his [Swyos ed ts leat! bfre toy get on a la fo 9 to Cao Ho prsacod thm to do. prose cerfrence, out acualy By have sil ‘2k ot we xs theyre pan of ston us. They spend me wth he Egyptian lawyer OF Mehred mous whe wo ave ‘Te important conadrabon tat aha ed avr lfm ferent yer kone acon Vanoower: Tse a massive doa or tan frahave waved some oe es Seow). They wilrover have wares onary het Bl, hor hare ch ‘Paestandrg atte rasa Hea Say ena hem ona ou tsavey Sheet pe css War tora esa ean Peter reste had ake stout mounting tele campain gee. rest hen pulled out Me assures me that Gest shares his ‘tek ut snay dees wate put hoa th ete, now Pb eteuaded og 0 ocr disparaging MF Ha says the saa tho ‘rg cetanee Bahor Monmod(atougthe ever wate te bo iwoNed ne gal chon). Petal rk hoo 2k a, espacly es Saat sto sie ase ‘Amal Coney wi be gong to Ege fain te cxninal eas In Cao. Aa human ras aye, he wor be rived nthe cas a ‘Vrcnuve Bt he hes bs yi persuade hero peak ou oni hatin weal sborerneon beng concede 8 ‘Hance sine A Sens. He's ying comin et ae shu undertand a he sense Cara Pang onthe el reaponsbity ‘Srotyer ct: Anal okentGousa! aswel as her fe UAE and Sci Arba aed apgears have ary ear desta tthe patos (fac oh hada bed eporonce wih Au he est of orga casa Aw Rap onatalng heron Re oos ond uma rece’ {Span bo mato, lo watg bx payment oy asked ere gee Austral rfooto speak aa A cortroreo. was a at pont, ‘Petr dad owas tere ng wor en) Hawes uncer owe wa goin neg Av Moss stegy He svery torn o gta media satay tee, ba have ot him we nteo hae god unerstancing oe lg Salon efre we ean ih elgeaniang metab ome anit tae acnmnatn wt Pu a eyo sg seen esa Wh e's wring on an op-ed nowt eye is poston ands bev. tink his is an importa bass for Us io move ford Ho thinks he has probably lveragod hs jouralit eter in Cao the max a thy ar saying him hey re wor that er is 8 ‘Decapon they us imparaiy = covrng he sory bern heya know eon dee wanto bog ures Landon an sleahee, ‘Thre porning autho can co Plansos wih outs va slate. Thave sdveadhi Ware heads ote sore pattern engagement ‘el para hat canbe done va stl, part hat we cn do sone. Coa, he alee persuade Aral Chaney a take on a publ or Goforoe a oa, ht cul present power operant. ‘ne mtn, ne is mooring onsen. He has tt up i Fahy Fountain (pew shfundtion com) campsigning webs on ‘mega freedom and warts low ne aor io at (NB I ankthat coud be very wauale neonate AEA). He lavn dacuaionesDOW ‘oti ses wh a Bish edscon company he has a ox deal sign wit a Canaan publisher ee. Tring Fee book court ath baghning of une or he cena ate and sariencng by he end June. Ho knows at everyday fe lw prorde hen wah a mela oppo ot messages ct. Ho aso knows oie newoK rat AJ month Back hard a mer a ear vpaign agen. He anipate hat come te coming mont. a was uceaabou te ttn fhe Canadian wet Hs expectation some unher enon and nen he wants to haedo Vancouver to continue wih he above projects ‘would be god eae up, al est. one have hash int conversion wih aajersinVancower He ha irons me eal 99 obey tt an neppen ry gusty. ‘ardron Wigley ‘he Cape Patrorstip Edelman, Martin Erinox-Youset A Otabe May 21,2016 a 59 Al Re: Fahy update Te: Simon Pearce (EAA), _Youset Al Otaiba (otaibs7@hotmel.com) Onith me. ‘Sent tom my BlackBory 10 smartphone onthe Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network. ‘Original Message From: Simon Pearce (EAA) ‘Sent: Thurssay, May 21,2015 01:08 “To: Edelman, Mart Yous Al Otaba (taba7@hotmalom) ‘Subject RE! Farry update ‘Acre wil snd an updated repo late today. wilincude the legal strategy ofboth the Canadian frm and Mrs Clooney! | suggest we then (21 Ancrow onthe phone to debra and answorquostone, He can thn ave he call and we can cary on speaking etme know ityou agree? s Origine Message— From: Edolman, Marin (naite:MaryEdelman@ pauhastings com) ‘Son: Tuesday May 18, 2015 10:56 PM ‘To: Simon Pesice EAA); Yousel Al Ola (otaiba7 @hatmallcom) ‘Subject: Re: Fahmy update | ree three of us shoul alk appears that he is determined to have an extensive media sategy using the as as "aly" show. This wil be good fr tho mpact agin tho target hoe but wil probably roquie us to make sure we have a egnfcant wallof separation so we are not ‘Sucked ino managing ths fr hrm, Lawyers in Canada probably wrong ones but t's ear statogy tet ‘Sent om my BlackBory 10 smartphone onthe Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network. From: Simon Poarce (EAA) Sent: Tuesday, May 18,2015 08:37, “To: Youset A taba (otaba7@hotmal com) (Ce Edoiman, Martin | Sbject: FW: Fahmy update ‘As promised ~ tne update rom Andrew ‘Arrow wil ext speak othe lawyers in Vancowwer and I wil revert wih a fuer update. Pemaps he too of us can havea conversation ater hat? s rom: Andrew Wigley mato-andrew wigey @capeparinership com) ‘Sent Tuesday, May 18,2015 3.98 AM ‘Yo: Smon Petree (EAA) ‘Subject: Fahmy update Hsimon, ‘Sorry, ong emt oom: spoke to MF today. We had a good conversation for slmost an hout. He if man ona mision and wil ot est i he humiatod" Av and Q. Logal strategy He was unable to share wih me mach abou the legal strategy because i lar that ti work In progress. My understanding i that his |aayjore ld is laneut ust before they got on a plane to go o Caro. He persuaded thom i do a prese conference, but actualy thy havo sil {0 workout what oxacy theyre pan of acton us. They 6d spond ie wih hss Egyptian lawyer, Dr Mabarmed Harnouda, who woul have ‘ted them on the cuter land case Elliott Abrams May 26, 2015 at 4:26 AM Re: Good story about Al Jazeera To: Youset Al Otaiba Good, hope the court makes them pay! Too bad they can't make Al Gore pay too. (On May 26, 2015, at 7:03 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: ‘Saw this piece. So Mohamed Fahmy, the egyptian-canadian journalist that was jailed is a friend, we went to high schoo! together. | spoke to him a few times. He really has it our for Ad. He believes they are the reason he was jailed for a year. They didn't disclose their legal status when they hired him then they didnt provide legal counsel as they promised. So now he's out to get them and he's suing them in Canada. From: Ancrow Wigley (maito:ancrw wiley@cansparnershie com) Sent: Woanesdey, ly 08, 2015 3:42 AM Simon, have Canadian bank account deals Do you want me tose hem though? snsrew (On Tue, ful 7, 20152608 AM, Andrew Wigley send wile suppres com> wrote: Pere, Thank yo (0n 7 Ju 2018, 2 801, Simon Pears (EAA) «Simon Perce goa wre eeom 200 below, Tow accounts should hap s From: Youse A Ota inei.labs7 @hoimelcom) Sen: Tuesday, Juy 07, 2018 10:33 AV ‘Tor Semon area (EAA) Subject: RE: M update | dont sae a problem wih that. Perhaps he can set up two, one in canada, one in egypt. The reason the eqyp! willbe helpful is that there wll be many eeypians ‘wile to Support rami hey tink hes gong against Al and ther owners. From: Simon Pearce@esa.gov.se ‘Torctaba/ eheima.com Subject FW: M update Date: Tue, 7 Jt 2015 00:28:06 40000 FYICtiet. dont se an seve wth the Canacan account ~ do you? 8 From: Andeow Wigley [matto-ancrox niley@eapeparnorenp con) Sent: Tuesday, Juy 07, 2018 1249 AM. ‘Tor Sion Parcs (EAA) Subject: update ‘Spoke to M. Youssa validation worked and was valuable all round. | have tld him ust get an aocount setup and money wil get vansferted. His arwely about an Egyptian account is he fear that t could be frozen. So he has asked coud tbe a Canadian floount (euch as his dads n Morton) which i outede Cairo and wil alow hin to got his bile gates wit ho Canacan layer. I id see a problem doing it that way but thought | should check with you Ho offered to Sond me lawyers bil te. okt him I thought not necessary. ‘Simon Pearce (EAA) Biinbox - Youset Al otaibe RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues fim for $100 Tor Youset Al Otaba, Ce: Marty Edelman Will report back as soon as we have an update. From: Youset Al Otaiba [mailto:oba7 @hotmail.cor] ‘Sent: Monday, May 18, 2016 8:00 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) Marty Edelman Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m Sounds good. From: Simon. gov.ae Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m, Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 08:10:57 +0000 Details i=") Marty and | spoke. Andrew is going to connect first and get a download on the existing strategy — both comms and legal. He will explore available options and revert back to | and Marty. We can then follow-up with recommendations and a plan. hope that works? s. From: Yousef Al Otaiba {mailto:otaiba7 @hotmail, com] ‘Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:57 PM To: Simon Pearce (EAA) Subject: Re: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m Great. ‘Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 8:53 AM To: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Subject: RE: Al Jazeera journalist sues firm for $100m My guy is prepped and in. | will reach out to Marty and get the parties linked up. s. niet, Acton sourcing te was so up some months bck apparel | ink was anit y his roter Ado Take ook a pdb oohnne coms From: Youset Al aba Sent Satur Sooner 12, 2015922 ‘To: simon Pearce (EA. Subject Re MF pao [sin proces, monoy shoul bo in ei account in 2.3 weeks. sto fem to open an accourt a fund hat poopie can dona in, Ike campaign ste fund. Has at boon done? > From: Simon Pearce@eaa.gouae Siproubar oretmaeon 2 Super: FW MF update > Dato: Sat, 12 Sop 2078 11:00:47 +0c00 Sie 3 How do you wan! me to pay tn? Zs, 3 -—ovgjna Message > From: Andrew Wie (mallo-andcon wal @eapeparnersi.com) > Sent: Sturdy, Seplrer 12,2015 635 PN 3: Sion Pearce (EAA) 3 Suc: MF upcate > Morning Seton, > Ihave hac a messane rom ME's wile Marwa basically pleading fr any franca suppor hat can be made. The Caran lawyers have suspendes ‘rer work one A sult dv one fact he have ay tox quartet in advarce on blngs (even when fey have received ene), Gen hey are baeally a two-man eam the MF assgnrent has depetad ht cash flow and so they've clos 2 Mat > Marwa ley stressed. Do need tobe thinking abou other more creative ways to generate revenues fo hin? Pauline Habr Inbox Yousef Al Otibs November 26, 2014 at 0-1 AM FF Other Topics Te: Youset Al Otsiba Plesse forward the Amb. and etme know | shouts ftw vp, Tank you, Media Tear, URE Embassy Washington Oc ‘Submited on TV21/20%4 1225 ‘Submited by sronymous user: [], ‘Submited values ar: ‘Your Name: Mark Wastout ‘Your emal agers: rassout@oushystetco uk ‘Subjoc:Gontat wit) HE the UAE Ambassador o Washington (Catagory: Oter Tapes Mossage: oar Sivodam, ‘1am a barter at Doughty Steet Chambers. together wih my co-couneel Amal Cloney, present Ml, Mohamed Fahmy (wth whom | undestan HE the ‘ambassadors personaly acquainied) in elation oe contd imprisonment in Eye ‘Mrs Clooney and would ke oeiscuss Mr. Fahmy’ case wth HE the ambassacor and we would be grate, theretor, you could provi us wth an appropriate oma adross to wnich wo could Send more completo corasponéence sting cut some background onthe case and he topics Which we WOU ke to dscuss "ook foward to nearing rom you as 600n as posse, Ko regares, Mark Wassout ‘Te resus of is submission may be vowed at: Sc tg moni nae Es ae sonpa. Aisi Si eae Seto engi cnaes ees elie nee ant pnp gran eA nf ev tapi la Seam pec ly ne eee Ashraf Fouad Makkar (Mubadala) @ Inbox Youset Al Otalba May 7, 2015 at 4:40 AM FW: Request at your convenience To: Nart Bouran ast ‘king itv have this on ur agenda and looks very interesting Jet me know go can wah it to item - Interview with dr anwar went very well. we jst rished and he was comfortable and happy with zea tank w Best regards Asheat From: Yousef Al Otaba [aotaiba @uacembass)-08a.oro] ‘Sent: 07 May 2015 14:51 “To: Ashat Fouad Makkat (Mubadala) ‘Subject: FW: Roquost at your convenience ‘Ashe, | think SIA might went cover this. ‘Mohamed Fahy wil announce he is sueing Al Jaz and claims they are th reason he was inal ‘Youse! From: Mohamed Fade! Fahmy > Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 320 PM ‘To: Yousel Abtaba ‘Subject: Request at your convenience Doar Yous, {have attached the invitation we are sending ou tothe media tomorrow. Ihave been onthe phones al day with heads of networks and top jumaliets Bg ist altanding, However, oni {network taking it ve. Iwas wondering you Know someone at ABudhabl TV and or Dubs TV, who ‘would be interested in taking it ive or giving at least prominence in coverage. | would also need the ofa stipuations ofthe Riyadh Agreement specicaly about Qatar's binding agreement in regards to Al Jazeera. hope | am pot bothering you with these requests. | understand if you are busy and or not bie to get Involved directly. Maybe, you can lead me te someone in these channel thal Ica direct. “Thank you in advance. Disclaimer: This message (ncluding any attachments) is confidential and intended solely forthe person or organization to whom tis adcrecsed, may contain privieged and confidential information. It you are not the intended recipient, you should not copy istibuteor take any action in| rolance ont you have recoived this message in eror, please notiy us Immodatolyby telephoning or emaling the sender. This foro also Contre that tis email message has been scanned forthe prosonce of computer viruses. Edelman, Martin inbox Youset ANG Re: NYC. Amonit ‘Sent rom my BlackBerry 10 smartphone onthe Verizon Wess 4G LTE network. From: Youse! Al Ciba ‘Sant Thursday. May 7, 2015 743 AM To: Edelman, Marin Subject: Re: NYC My fiend in egypt is Mohamed Fahmy. His umber is: +201020007152 From: Edelman, Martin Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 1131 AM ‘To: Youse! A Ota Subject: Re: NYE Wl get some brokers end revert ‘Sont rom my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on From: Youso! Al Ciba Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 1:29 AM ‘To: Edelman, arin Subject: NYC Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network, 1. Sur, can connect you wih him. Wl send his number soparatly 2. hwilbe under semgem, The plan iso move out af launch space and go independant by and of year. ost office spac fr 810 people and storage eps, Nothing fancy, ust ag open workspace. Por har designee From Edelman, Marin Sent: Woanesday, May 6, 2015 1:24 AM ‘To Youse! Al Ota Subject: Re: NYC {st wating on Canadian counsel. Could | 1a to your rend to got ite more background ‘brooklyn up ard coming athe time. Who wil fet tne ofice=f sem sem then we need to qualify nny and pay tax ete launch hen we. need t make & deal wih hom. Is she gating he § worth ram tem. Anyway there are many good commercial brokers wll his be roducion ‘pace, offon space, tal. We can hop ona ali you want Sent trom my BlackBery 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wreless 4 LTE network. From: Youso! Al Oiaiba Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 1:08 AM ‘To: Edelman, arin Subjects NYE Abeer is asking what you think of renting oe for har team in Brook. [And do you know anyone who can help hor find suitable space, whether in cy or brocklyn, Porc willeav it win you 8 From: Yeuset A Ota [nate tala? hema com) Sent Wedrarcoy,Sepumba 6,20:5825 it ‘or Sonor EAN Subject REN upto ‘Yes tls was aor the Ines of what suggested. Which do encourage more dors rom a varity of sources. Pa py yy a A a na fh Hyon apd Ja SD ga a Da 8 JP ed SEE es ists gt Face ghia flee gy AMA a psp Ja ee pales ge ‘hein thse ined nl forth eons) or nyo whom x aes and my comin ofa prise infomation. you recive hit rl by ‘tone nt model, lt ginal mesa a6 On cere he cones ay er person, seer rp he ifrmaia ay eum nr ‘wheter pope Any etoile is sey probed since oy ort, Acro suring ste was atu sore mane bak epee. ink was en eee by tis roar Adel. Tae ok adodson Ccantat wore? s From: Yeuset Al tba [rae talbar halon) Sent Satursay Sapte 12,2018 922 PA ‘Torsion Peace (EAA Subject WF updos ‘sn process, money shou ben tet account a2 wocks | askod ham to opon an acsourt a a und that people can donate in, ko acameaign eve fund. Has that been done?

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