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On Jun 9, 2015, at 18:41, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Fares, ‘Any updates on this Issue? ‘From: Fars Mohammed Ai Mazroue! ‘Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 6:44 AM ‘To: Youset Al Otaiba Ce: Rouda Mohammed AlDiaiba; Anwer Gargash; Mehash Saeed Salem Mahash lhamal ‘Subject: Ke: proliferation concems Dear all, The same concern received from the Australian and send to the Authorities, We will keep you updated. Best. Faris Almazrouei (On Jun 3, 2015, at 15:05, Yousef Al Otaiba > wrote: Dear Fares, | was summoned once again to the state dept on Monday afternoon regarding the subject in the attachment. Needless to say, any dealings with North Korea are taken VERY seriously and this has tremendous negative potential. Also, its important to note these types of interactions only make releasing technology to us more challenging in the future. | suggest looking into this issue promptly. Yousef From feis@mofagevae! 4 Rep | Reply at |r| Forna ountS 949 0M So Vout A Osa , Anwar Grgash Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 15:38:41 To: ‘Subject: RE: North Korea This North Korean plane that was grounded in Bangkok over the weekend. Thais are saying it had flown in from the UAE, but they didn't mention which part. ‘See More from Youset Al Otaiba Yost aloo mmerncronermen Which one? The dame we mentioned yesterday? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ~-~-Original Message----- From: Solomon Jay Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 15:09:11 To: ‘Subject: North Korea ‘Ambassador-Did you guys play a role in tracking this North Korean arms cache? Thais are saying the plane moved through the UAE at some point. Would make sense that you guys helped to track it. Best, Jay Jay Solomon Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent The Wall Street Journal. Cell: (202) 230-4307 Office: (202) 862-9280 Youset Alotaba bacon 20 Te: de Some eee © Its the UN! From: To: Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 09:26:59 -0500 Subject: Re: North Korea Interesting. So your action was essentially taken to enforce the UN sanctions? What's taking them so long? From: Yousef Al Otalba To: Solomon, Jay Sent: Sun Dec 13 09:25:02 2009 Subject: RE: North Korea We are still holding them. We've asked UN to send someone to witness their destruction but noone came yet. > From: > To: > Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 09:23:50 -0500 > Subject: North Korea > > Ambassador--Hope you're well. What ever happened to those North Korean arms the UAE impounded last July? And was your action taken to enforce the new UN sanctions regime against Pyongyang? I'm doing a story today on the Thais' move against an NK arms cache. > > Best, Jay > > SO we vntien amine ‘Thanks or the headsup. We have to accept that Kikpatick i a rue MB believer... everything that goes with hal 1 wal ‘po his projudiee at some pont bu be is going to keep att Atloast the NVT odio oversight does prevent Fim going compistly atthe resenation. ‘You, | and Fich should ciscuss the North Korea rumor mongering. Happy to mako myeotavalble to cut. s From: Youset AI taba ( Sent: Friday, Bcombor 11, 2015 2.08 AM. To: Simon Poarca (EAA) ‘Sent: Tharsey, December 10,2015 10:00 AM ‘For Yours Al Oiaba ‘Subject: North Korea Males NTE Important ea From: Matthew Toca ‘SentsThursdoy, December 10,2015 9:59 AM Tor Richard Mintz ez Richard Mares; Seth Horwitz Subject: headsup from Carmer/ NTE [NTI nil soon pubis an is website a UAE country reprvanalyss, which highlights new activity a the sites in the UAE where ‘hore allegeaty are North Korean micas burkarod (some ofthis data comes from Googl Ear, uggests tha he acy could ‘gnal an expansion, and raises questons about the UAE's commitment to nonprafereton (as wall questons about the UAE's commitment to abide to certain misle contol reatesiguiceines). Carmen wanted us to know that thi is coming, ard that NTI wil alo give Hamad Al Kaabi an oficial nication (ence he is also an NT boaré member. carmen slo wanted ue to know that media comtnuas to ehaoa ths posstoe story For example, Jet Lewis i the rescarchor at tho Contor for Nonproforation Studies whois cong the analysis for NT. Ho ‘pparenty Is well connected io reporters who cover thse fps of hngs, anc he tld Carmen that ne nas aacy been contaced by Davie Krkpaick rom the Times about the alleged missles in the UAE, and ha gotten questions from other media. According {© Lows, Kirxpatice want odo a story on this topic, But so far has only found ccmetantal evidence and anecsotal comments, ‘The NTI repont may give Kikpatick some addlonal substance. "near his thc — 9 tke it fr what tis wosh —but Keke iso apparent told Lewis that hes also working on ‘snather story that wil"ombarrase" the UAE, and thalit~ along with a possible migall tery wil aise quostons about the UAE {anally and actor in he region Lote know # you want to cise further, ori we should got Carmon on the phone for mors ino. Matt ai pe eg cd ln a py Sep Rl Sal Sal gO al i gS ea PAA a AAA NIN A lanl sj yas ln ey ge Sp peel a gm ce Chaps

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