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e In the documents released about KSM, DOD notes a threatening letter he sent to the UAE because the UAE ‘was cooperating with the US on terrorism. Iti item Q in the attached. We could use that talking point with some people in the future: "We were even so helpful with the US on terrorism prior to 9-11, KSM threatened to attack us in response...” Users at goodharbor net and would like to encrypt messages withyou; this message could have been secured by our PGP Universal server. To secure future messages from this sender, please click this link: hntipsi//keys.g0c a 2-0 Users at and would like to encrypt messages with you; this message could have been secured by our PGP Universal server. To secure future messages from this sender, please click this link: bttpsifkeys.go¢ netibib.e?r=ota Original Message From: Eliott Abrams “To: Yuset Otaiba ‘Subject: Libya Sent: Aug 25, 2014 7:14PM its tue that you dis strike in Libya, bravo! ‘Asan American, | would cheer that and be ashamed that you had to act without us. ‘Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T That was my reaction See More rom eaiba7@hotmsi com staba7ahotnaican Dont know much about him but if he's fighting the istamists/nadist, | think we wil ike him, --—-Original Message~ From: Dick Ciarke ‘To: Yousef Al Ctaiba Subject: Libya. ‘Sent: May 22, 2014 3:54 PM What do u think of General Hier, the guy leading the action in Eastern Libya? ‘Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ctaba7ehotnsiicon ‘Ave you evacuating your diplomats from libya? “2 A that such crap ‘no reason why they could not sign an executive agreement hell, they already have one on a bilateral basis with almost every GCC member, all of which existing agreements have strong language that comes preity close to a defense commitment...2s close as you can get without a treaty ‘iam disappointed From: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 5:57 AM To: Richard A, Clarke ‘Subject: RE: Talked to boss on phone ‘There will be a presidential statement on security, but it will be verbal, lke the ‘carter doctrine.” Thats all we could get. From: To: ‘Subject: Re: Talked to boss on phone Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 05:36:32 +0000 ‘There is stil talkin the press about “an agreement" on security cooperation at Camp David. From: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 1:32 PM To: Richard A. Clarke ‘Subject: Re: Talked to boss on phone: ‘Wiote simply not pry. An he only reason i's happeningin te fist pla, ogo our support on ua dol From: Richard A Clarke Sents Sunday, May 10, 2035 1:31 PM Tor Yousef Al Otaba Subject: Re: Talked to boss on phone {can't believe my friends think they can have this meeting with no deliverables = © fyi From: Richard A. Clarke Subject: Tawazun Met today with Saif al Hajeri, CEO of Tawazun regarding their support to the MEI Capital Campaign Fund. We agreed on four semi-annual donations of $5m beginning NLT June 2016. H.E. al Hajeri asked that | provide him with a document expressing this understanding, something about MEI and the Campaign Fund for his records. He said he had already spoken to the Crown Prince, who is the Chairman of his Board and that the paperwork is merely a formality for their own internal audit and records. He said the funds would come from Tawazun, from a fund they had created into which companies owing offsets could donate cash in lieu of projects. He stressed that he did not want us to contact the companies. rac From: Richard A. Clarke Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 9:07 AM To: Yousef al Otaiba Subject: Fwd: Ny times story on Yemen Goldberg? Begin forwarded message: From: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Subject: Re: Ny times story on Yemen | think it came out as good as it possibly could. Made the saudis look pretty incompetent, again. I gave them another quote as well but they didnt use it. More importantly, what did YOU think of the Goldberg piece? From: Richard A. Clarke Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:48 AM To: Yousef al Otaiba Subject: Ny times story on Yemen ‘That seemed like a fairly accurate story today. Your quote was nice: we pulled it off without you. Good reminder. Yup ‘On Mar 14, 2016, at 9:40 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: He has confirmed every arab leader's fears in how he views iran. From: Richard A. Clarke Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 9:23 AM To: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Subject: Re: Ny times story on Yemen An | thought he was frank and transparent ‘What he revealed was disturbing. He is over reacting to Iraq. And to his own decision to walk away from bya. We should be able to engage in precise ways without getting bogged down. Obama is afraid ofthe slippery slope, but as Commander in Chief, he can adjust and control our involvement He implies a moral equivalency between Iran and others which is either ignorant of Iran's record or worryingly tolerant oftheir activity ‘On Mar 14, 2016, at 9:10 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Yes, the Obama doctrine in the atlantic. From: To: otaiba7 ‘Subject: Re: Barack Obama’s Revolution in Foreign Policy - The Atlantic. Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 00:37:34 +0000 ‘Obama is by the Atlantic article messaging to some target audience(s), but it is not clear what the message is that he wants to send and to whom. If he wants to send messages to the ‘Saudis and the Euros, this is a highly ineffective and counter-productive way to do it. On the substance of what he is saying, it is certainly true that the Europeans are free loaders on defense. It is also true that there are almost no Saudi troops fighting anywhere, unlike the UAE, that has put troops on the ground in Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, etc. ‘What is disturbing, however, is the implicit notion he seems to have that nations could have better relations with Iran if only they were willing to "share" something with Tehran, The Tehran regime has been on the warpath for years, unprovoked, trying to extend their influence and to roll back Sunni influence and US influence in the region. Obama's administration knows that ‘and he must too, but he personally believes that nations should try diplomatic paths to conflict resolution. Personally, | think that is sometimes a waste of time and often seen by some leaders as weakness. ‘Yes, what happened in Libya convinced Obama that he should not have listened to the Euros, the GCC, and his own Cabinet, What he evidently fails to get is that the reasons Libya failed was largely his own stupidity, thinking that other nations could do the nation-guiding without a major US role. ‘And he clearly fails to admit that he made a major mistake by ignoring Robert Ford and the ‘Cabinet members who told him in 2012/18 that if he did not get involved in a major way in Syria that AQ or something like it would fill the vacuum. He seems to have no personal guilt or remorse for the death of 500,000 Syrians, the creation of 4 million refugees, their effect on Europe, and the destruction of Syria's cities. Yet, he is one of the reasons it got that bad. I don't have a problem with a President thinking he knows better than the system, but | do think its dangerous when a President develops a closed mind and stifles debate. And it is very damaging to start letting your "inside voice'out before you leave office. Keep repeating: 10 more months (On Mar 21, 2016, at 11:18 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Most administrations also get more humble with age, this one gets more arrogant. From: To: Subject: Re: Barack Obama's Revolution in Foreign Policy - The Atlantic Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 15:05:04 +0000 Most administrations get better with age. This one gets worse. (On Mar 21, 2016, at 6:11 AM, Yousef Al Otalba wrote: Very true. ‘And | also found several contradictions. 1, How can you truly believe in the multilateral system yet trash all the allies you need for that same multilateral system? 2. And for someone who is quite confident, borderline arrogant, they sure are thin skinned and dont react well to criticism. ‘3. How can you trash your own team (kerry, power) and then expect people around the world to take them seriously? ‘The whole thing is incredibly amateurish Richard A clare rae vets arom you ato the UAE ambassador o Mexico or somepace sane? (On Mar21, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Yous Al Oba wee: ‘Between trump's speech and the goldberg piece, don't even know what to say anymore... From: rac@goodharbor net ‘To: otziba? Subject: Re: Who the hells Walid Phares? Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 23:09:09 +0000 amazing (On Mar 21,2016, at 7:04 PM, Yousef Al Otsiba wrote: ‘Trump just finished off his speech by saying ‘my daughter is about to have a beautiful jewish baby! ‘True story, From: To: taiba7 @hounsilcom Subject: Re: Who the hell is Walid Phares? Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 22:59:45 +0000 lovely (On Mar 21, 2016, a 6:42 PM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Ho's aploce of sit wanna-be protssor He's got abe chipon his shoulder an very cite che Gut owas very nat ou luring duba pote wera asus that's why Colbert and Jon Stewart were funn From: Yousef Al Otaiba Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 4:25 PM To: Richard A. Clarke Subject: Re: cable to abu dhabi Ueno. ‘And the sad pais that everything | wrote is tue. From: Richard A. Clarke ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 4:23 PM To: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Subject: Re: cable to abu dhabi hilarious but be careful who you send it to. It could end up in Politico or somewhere. From: Yousef Al Otaiba Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 11:00 PM To: Richard A. Clarke Subject: FW: cable to abu dhabi If | wrote a cable back home, this is how it would read: Sir, The political landscape in the US is becoming exceedingly difficult to predict. Below are a few key highlights: Foreign policy: As president Obama enters his final year in office, the reviews are quite mixed. His ‘supporters are more convinced than ever he will be a transformational president. His critics believe he is destroying the country. There are strong arguments for both cases. Recently, president obama gave an unbelievable open and honest interview to Jeffrey goldberg of the atlantic. This was arguably the most in depth look into the president's mind and how he see's the world. Pretty scary. Let me try to sum up the 20,000 word article: 1. Obama hates everyone, and | mean everyone. From the saudis, to bibi, to the french and brits. Wait, it gets better. He even regularly humiliates his own secretary of state and UN ambassador. He thinks everyone else is dumb and is too stupid to see the world the way he see's it. 2. Obama believes Iran is equal to Saudi. Not sure why he thinks that but he does. Good luck trying to change his mind. He suggests saudi learn to ‘share the region’ with a country on the US list of state sponsors of terror. Maybe he forgot they were on the list or his intel briefer didn't tell him about the recent missile tests which has the words ‘death to israel’ written on them in Farsi. | think the briefer forgot to put that in the briefing book. 3. He thinks backing out of his own red line was his liberation day. (don't ask me, I'm not a psychiatrist) Yes, I'm aware that he imposed the red line himself. 4. He trashed all his allies (europeans, arabs, israelis) and called them free riders, aka free loaders, like the guy who slept on your couch in college for an entire week. Yes, NATO allies are equivalent to your unwanted friends. He seems to like the scandinavians though. Not sure what role they have in this equation, But maybe he likes the simple designs or colors of their flags Domestic environment: The republican primaries have boiled down to Trump, Cruz, and Kasich. The remainder of the candidates have dropped out of the race rather quickly once campaigns began to face financial struggles. The more qualified ones like rubio and bush never gained real momentum. Apparently experience is a liability in this race. Not sure if you know donald trump because he has no history or experience in gov't. Then again you might know him from his business deals and because he has his name plastered on his private plane, drinking water, buildings, wine, and steaks. Yes sir thats correct, one of the leading candidates for president also sells wine and steak. Cruz is incredibly unpopular and that is the reason he's doing well. Yes, | know its a contradiction. But once again, apparently this is what is appealing these days. On the democratic side, things are a little more discernible. Hillary clinton is opening a significant lead but bernie sanders is not stepping down anytime soon. Hillary is undoubtedly the most qualified candidate but despite senator sanders being a 74 year old socialist, he has managed to attract the vast majority of young people and a big slice of women too. You'd think women would naturally support hillary, but see the two previous examples for a pattem of logic here. At this point, if | was a betting man, | would bet it will end up being trump versus hillary. At one point | believed nothing could be worse than obama..... but | may have spoken too soon. If this sounds depressing, thats because it is. Perhaps the next section on foreign policy might be more encouraging. 5. Obama also made a point of arguing for using the multilateral system. He thinks it checks american impulses. This is actually a logical argument. Until you reach the part where he trashes his free riding allies. Incidentally, the same allies he needs for the multilateral system he so appreciates. Yes sir, | know this is another contradiction. I'm just reporting whats going on here. Maybe that comment explains the scandinavian point? Not really sure. The article came out 5 weeks before the upcoming US-GCC summit which was originally designed to address Iran's role in the region and strengthen the US-GCC security relationship. Yes, | know it makes no political sense whatsoever but what exactly have | written so far that does? Should be an interesting meeting. Perhaps its worth considering cancelling the summit and going on a holiday instead. We'll end up with more or less the same outcome. In case there is interest, Obama just began an historic trip to cuba. Lots of theatrics and stagecraft given the symbolic nature of the visit. And it was going well until President Castro told Obama (in public) to hand over guantanamo bay. Not sure if you're up to speed on this but guantanamo bay is a US military base in the middle of communist cuba. Its also where the US is holding all the 9/11 detainees until today. Interesting note: President Obama promised to close it down about 7 years ago but hasn't been able to pull it off. There are roughly 50 people left in detention after the so called free riding allies (yes sir, we took 5 detainees) agreed to take a significant number of them into their own countries. ‘Who knows, maybe Obama makes a swing through tehran before january. | wouldn't be surprised. But given everything | just reported, nothing surprises me anymore. So in conclusion, the US is pretty messed up. | hope you would consider my request for early retirement if donald trump wins the election. Yousef Al Otaiba rae me ee) very but thought you would ike to see the deck... (On Apr 1, 2016, at 1:06 PM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: | think this will make a ton of money. But it's safer to pass. If word gets out, it would look pretty awkward. Sents Friday, April 1, 2016 12:56 PM To: Yousef al Otaiba ‘Subject: I think you might enjoy this idea 1am joining an angel round fora start up. And its not the kind of opportunity you are going to run across in the UAE (that ‘remark will become clear in a minute). ‘The team is lead by two incredible young women. For their crowdsourcing round, they sought $85,000 and raised seven. ‘times that. Their initial product is selling very well on line and through distributors like the Brookstone stores at airports (23,000 units sold, resulting in over $2m in revenue and several months of cash flow positive balance sheets. Quarter ‘over quarter unit sales have been increasing by 30%. Thave attached a deck. Ifyou are interested, I can put you directly in touch and get you a draft term sheet. My only interest inthis is as someone about to be an investor, but I have to say I really admire what these two young ‘women have done and have confidence that they can take big part ofthis market with follow on products. Dick wee ° ‘Amazing ‘On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:14 PM, Yousot Al Otalba wrote: ‘Thank you. Interestingly, the piece has been very well received from an incredibly diverse aucience. From Erie Cantor and. ‘Bob Gates, to Tom Donilon. The only folks who arent crazy about it are the WH people. | deliberately wrote in a way that is purely factual, making it iffcult to argue or debate We're not pushing fora specific proposal because we know woe not geting anything. But people need to know our ‘concerns and our views. The goldberg piece wll make us look weak and silly i we dont say something lke ti. ‘And yes, they've actually old us the president sil intends to discuss ways we can engage the moderate elements of Ian. God help us. Youset ‘Subject: WSJ: Date: Tue, § Apr 2016 01:45:07 +0000 Loved your piece Very well writen Lots of facts that people wil nt have heard elsewhere before |assume from what you said that the UAE is pushing a proposal forthe Riyadh Summit. If so, it willbe a real test of the ‘Obama Administration's real policy choice. |/am betting they wil sit want you to share the region, though that were even an option Good luck, U free 4 lunch thursday? ‘On Apr 25, 2016, at 7:42 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: did, The US was supposed to join us but the president wanted a clarification on end game and timeline before he approved the support package. We had to pull the trigger and didnt bother to wait. Our ‘commanders we'te prepared to go solo so we did. > From: rac > To: otaiba7 > Subject: Yemen > Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 11:34:55 +0000 > Looks like it went ahead anyway On May 7, 2016, at 11:43 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Sir, A few more things have transpired since my last cable home. First, the primary race that included 17 candidates concluded before the race which included 2. Yes, odd indeed. Oh but wait. The republican race wound up with Donald Trump being the nominee of the party. This is acutely confusing for the following reasons: 1. trump is not really a republican 2. he is easily the least prepared or qualified to be president, and that includes Jim Webb and Rand Paul 3. He continues to propose building walls, banning muslims, among many other insults. And while this could destroy any other political candidate, this somehow makes trump more popular. Like a villain in a sci-fi movie who gets stronger every time you try to destroy him Since Trump has become the nominee, a very interesting phenomenon is taking place. The party is literally splitting between those who will support trump as their candidate and those are publicly saying they won't. There is quite a big movement to draft republicans to vote for hillary clinton. And election day ironically does NOT fall on opposite day this year. So the party is not just splitting between a hardline (ideologues) and a moderate (establishment) lines, its actually splitting much more aggressively. That is what is being coined as the ‘trump factor.’ Expect a reality tv series by the same name to appear soon. And if she wins, the competition between Hillary and trump will be fun to watch. It will be a battle between the most qualified person running for president against the most UN-qualified person running for president. Should be easy, right?? Of course not! Name one predictable thing thats happened so far! Hillary and Trump have the two highest unfavorability numbers. Basically, this election is an UN-popularity contest. Think of the two least known people in your high school winning prom king and queen. Welcome to america in the 21st century. On the foreign policy side, things look much better. Hahahaha. Got you there! Just kidding. They look almost worse. At least on the domestic side, blame can be assigned to the voters. No such luxury here. This one falls squarely on the shoulders of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Last cable home came shortly after the infamous profile of the president by Jeff Goldberg. The conclusion of that profile was that the president is a misunderstood genius and everyone else, allies and his own cabinet are free riders and idiots respectively. There is another interesting recent profile, this one of Ben Rhodes who is one of the closest advisers to the president. This profile claims that Rhodes has more influence on shaping foreign policy than anyone else in the administration. Yes, including State, NSC, and other so called members of cabinet. Funny thing, | actually don't remember the last time | saw a cabinet meeting in washington. Yes, | know our cabinet meets every two weeks. Same type of cabinet. Yes, its still a group of ministers that allegedly run the gov't. Sorry, didn't want there to be any confusion as to the role of a cabinet. Unlike the goldberg piece, this one avoids insulting allies as much and saves the criticism and contempt for every single person in washington who disagrees with both the president and by extension Mr. Rhodes. So the two pieces combined have done a fantastic job of insulting allies, foreign policy establishment, media and if anyone feels they were neglected, don't. You're included as well because you are clearly not on the same level of brilliance as POTUS/Rhodes duo. The notable secret which was uncovered in this piece was the step-by- step breakdown of how the Iran deal was passed and sold. Essentially, the communications playbook was revealed for the whole world to see. What still confuses me, and seems somewhat contradictory, is for a president and administration that claim to excel in the communication part of the business, | don't understand how these two articles help them achieve their goals or their interests. But since the domestic scene is upside down, what the hell, why not the foreign policy side as well. | personally still have not gotten my head around how a country this ‘strong, rich, talented, innovative, diverse etc.... feels that trump is the best they can produce. But maybe my expectations of the US are too high these days. The other incredibly notable observation is that | yet have to run into a trump supporter in washington DC. Which confirms the theory that washington, DC is its own bubble and own universe. Mocking and requests to leave the country (we've been repeatedly asked for jobs or political asylum if trump wins) are an every day occurrence. Which makes comprehending the Trump victory difficult. And to that point, the highly respected speaker of the house, the the most senior elected republican official, publicly declared he's not prepared to support the nominee of his party... yet. Thats pretty funny. And by funny, | mean crazy. And for this reason, | propose moving our embassy to Los Angeles. Yes sir, | do understand that LA is a bubble of its own but at least the weather is nicer and people better looking. If LAis too far, | propose miami as plan B. Why miami? Same reasons as above plus the ever increasing latino influence. See Trump's photo with a taco bowl for proof. On the democratic side, things are far less colorful. The race between the former first lady, secretary of state and NY senator continues with the 74 year old jewish socialist senator from brooklyn but representing vermont. How are those two resumes still battling each other you ask? | have no freaking clue. My one guess is people don't like hillary. They don't like her almost as much as they don't like trump. Almost. ‘You could write for him. Or Bil Maher. (On May 7, 2016, at 2:22 PM, Youset Al Otaiba wrote: ‘You are one of only four people. And Il stop writing them when they stop puiting out fuck you' messages in the atlantic and the NYT. ‘You can biame john oliver for these cables, every time I watch his show | try to be funny -) Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 18:15:05 +0000 ‘As entertaining and simultaneously sad as these truth teling cables home aro..they are dangerous and | hope jam the only one geting them ‘This election has almost six more months to go...and then the idiot fascist might actually win. So, next time you have the urge to write, come over, lie on the couch, and i will pretend to be a therapist. | have never been ‘, but i have seen shrinks in movies and in the Saprano series. BTW, you mentioned the requests for political asylum. We once talked about me being a national security advisor. | dont need a job that fancy. I would settle for a bar tending gig. But at someplace nice. Like maybe the Havana Club at the EP. Or i could host that jazz radio hour on the Classical Music radio channel. People ‘say | have a good voice for FM radio. It gets deeper when i drink whiskey. And | am drinking more whiskey because, well you know why. From: Richard A. Clarke Sent: Friday, May 6, 2016 7:14 AM To: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Subject: Re: Lunch or whatever ‘They can not learn trom their mistakes (On May 6, 2016, at 7.07 AM, Youset Al Otalba wrote: ‘Because apparently the goldberg place wasn’ enough. From: ract@goodharbor net To: otaiba7 @homalLcom ‘Subject: Re: Lunch or whatever Date: Fr, 6 May 2016 11:04:59 +0000 | almost vomited (On May 6, 2016, at 6:49 AM, Yousof Al Otalba wrote: Have you read this one yet??‘oreign-poley-guru him!? Subject: Re: Lunch or whatever Date: Thu, § May 2016 20:56:15 +0000 K (On May 5, 2016, at 4:42 PM, Youset Al Otalba wrote: ‘See you there on 18th. Il make the reservation, (On May 9, 2016, at 10:08 AM, Youset Al Otaba cota @hotnal com> wrote: ‘Any chance we can do lunch on 1th instead? Sent: Friday, May 6, 2016 8:00 AM To: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Subject: Re: Lunch or whatever Utery backwards ‘They have crated thy Blob by refusing to make tha system work (On May 6, 2016, a! 7-50 AM, Yous Al Otaba cotaba7 @hotmal com> wrote: ‘But the curent team around POTUS isan echo chamber. They start NSC meetings wit here is what the president wants ‘Anyone who dsegrees Just doesn got it! From: Richard A. Clarke Sent: Friday, May 6, 216 7: ‘To: Yousef Al Otaba Subject: Re: Lunch or whatever AM, ‘She ie not evan mentioned ‘On May 6, 2016, a 7:16 AM, Youset Al Otaba wrote: Everyone else's wrong... ut not them, (One day, well ter thy gone, Flove to got SA'S take’on al ths. Eventhough | think she is part ofthe problem, Reh te Sree adnate vaconeta Dear Khaldoon, ‘rlbe my pleasure to patcipate, Dick Richard A. Clarke (On May 17, 2016, at 8:09 AM, Khaldoon Al Mubarak (EAA) wrote: Dear Richard, ‘On behalf of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, | would like to extend a personal invitation to Yyou to be part of a private two-day gathering focused on discussion themes of global significance. This invite-only meeting will convene a dozen international thought leaders like yourself, as well as, include the participation of His Highness and several UAE leaders. Together, we would like to share ideas, exchange views and debate ways forward in an informal and closed-door setting. ‘To be held on December 7-8, 2016 in Abu Dhabi, the agenda will consist of keynote presentations, moderated discussions, as well as informal conversations. ‘The gathering will adhere to the Chatham House Ful, and is strictly off-the-record with no reporting media, or public communication of any kind. Given the nature of the gathering, this invitation cannot be transferred or extended to another person. ‘A formal invitation with points of contact and further detail willbe forthcoming, In the meantime, Fatema Al Mulla from the Executive Affairs Authority is on standby assist with any questions. She can bbe reached on or +971 (0)50 611 4560. ‘We look forward to confirming your participation and welcoming you once again to Abu Dhabi. Best regards, Khaldoon Thanx See More rom Yousot Al Otalba Renews Any ow Understood. Let me talk to Khaldoon when i'm home first and come up with some suggestions on names. See More rom Richard A. Clarke ~eetdeant ox nee woes O | spoke with Andy Espley today. He is the CEO of Good Harbour. He agrees on the need for an owner and ‘Chairman with connections in the defense and security sector. ‘Andy could meat you for a coffee at the gym @ it you need any detail. Have a good tip. rac From: Richard Clarke ‘Subject: Summer in Washington Date: July 11, 2016 at 1:17:57 PM EDT. ‘To: Saif Mohamed Al Hajeri ‘Ce: Wendy Chamberlin Sait, | hope you had a nice Eid in Abu Dhabi. “The heat and humidity have settled in on Washington and the politicians are beginning to leave the city for the summer, but some of us labor on. |Lwas wondering if you could give me an idea of when the first $5m contribution to the MEI Capital Campaign would be arriving. Did you get al of the explanation you needed about our publicity plan? To recap: MEI plans no announcement of the contribution —In November, at the Annual Banquet and 70th anniversary, i will say that we are half way to our goal of $$40m in pledges, from a variety of our past frends and donors, Sometime in 2017, we will fle our Not-for-Profit (501c3) tax return with the government. That will identify all sources of revenue. Because we are a Not-for-Profit institution, our filing will be available for public inspection. Itis possible a reporter might look at the file and write a story, but that may also not happen. —We understand that you do net want to brag about the gift or have something named atter you, but we believe that steps to “hide” the contribution would not be a good idea. It would look like we were trying for ‘some reason to cover up the relationship. That would provoke questions and suspicion. We are proud of our long history with the UAE. If you need anything else, please let me know. Thanks. All my best, Dick Richard A. Clarke Chair Board of Governors The Middle East Institute | don't blame you. He had the perfect message and was the perfect messenger. See More fom Resa Ca mravcae mm | don't cry very often, but I did when Mr Khan spoke: ee More fom Youel A Oba | had three delegations in town the same week two weeks ago. ABZ is here now. Back August 21 but if trump wins in november, all best are off. Mr. Khan last night was the highlight of this entire election season so far. From: Richard Clarke Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 5:46 PM To: Youset Al Otalba Subject: Re: med Enjoy. You deserve it. Sorry we didnt get together after Eid, but | will See you when you retur...unless of course you decide to stay there sesecone — corm Agreed to meet you next Wednesday. Will flow up with contact arrangements. Seat vs @ ‘Thanx ‘See More rom Youset Al Otlba She is being questioned right now. But | don't think she will be staying long. She was transiting. Original Message See More om Fichard Clarke ors = O | hear she fied before the bombing and got held in transit in the uae, Story is she will be returned to nye. True? Hillary is capitalizing on the video and she's currently up to an eleven point lead. Its hard to comprehend why she's not up by 50 points. Until you realize its hillary clinton. if Trump is one of the most despised and polarizing political candidates in american history, hillary is a close second. Hence this current race to the bottom. The best analogy | can find is picture the two most unpopular people in your high school becoming prom king and queen. This is what we have today. Honestly, this would be the perfect moment to begin a global campaign to push the US back into the british monarchy. It has the added benefit of being the perfect rebound to Brexit. UK decides to leave the EU, and receives the US as a consolation prize. Crazier things have happened. See above. This race is also the reason president Obama's approval rating is rising. As someone once mentioned to me after | told him | was trying to lose weight, 'you don't really need to lose weight to look thinner. You just need to hang out with someone who is heavier than you.’ So by comparison, president obama is a genius. But thats because he's being graded on the trumpihillary curve. Which would make ummmm..... yeah, just about everyone look like a genius. The question | get most frequently is this: Out of 320 million americans, is this really the best they can do?? And if thats the case, will we see this trend continue or are we going to get real leaders in the future. | don't have a good answer. But i'm not optimistic. Things don't look good, and | don't see an exit ramp on the horizon. Either way, we will find out whats in store for the US (and the world) on the evening of November 8th. But the stakes are huge. And | hope the american electorate recognizes that. | will conclude with a quote from Julia Louis Dreyfus's recent acceptance speech at the emmy's for best actress in her comedy show VEEP. Last friday the Washington Post released a video of Donald Trump caught on a hot mic. during @ 2005 interview with access hollywood. Lets take a moment to reflect that a current presidential nominee was doing an interview with access hollywood shortly before he was scheduled for a cameo on a soap opera. Ifyou haven't seen it by now, its a must see. Literally. Simply because there is no logic on planet earth that can justify or connect those comments with someone running for president of the United States. We've come a long way from Roosevelt's ‘the only thing to fear is fear itself and JFK's ‘ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country’, to Trump's ‘grab them by the pussy.’ You would think that would be disqualifying for a person running for student council. But apparently most trump supporters are sticking with him. At this point, why not. Which come to think of it, is the perfect slogan for the trump campaign. |can see the bumper sticker now: TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT: WHY NOT In a notable first in US political history, House Speaker Paul Ryan, AKA the most senior elected republican in the country recently announced he will no longer defend or campaign for his party's nominee. And in another notable and related first, there are currently more republican senators NOT endorsing/supporting their nominee than there was in 1964 when Barry Goldwater was the nominee. And one wonders why democracy promotion gets a bad rap these days. In the words of a young emirati who recently wrote in the National, ‘If this is US democracy, you can keep it” | hope this is a momentary warping of the timefspace continuum in which the Bizarro World parallel universe has briefly switched places with realty. Democracy has always kinda worked here, atleast on balance and as compared to any alternative. | guess once in every Century or two it malfunctions badly. Lets hope it snaps back. Good luck trying to explain it back home. (On Oct 10, 2016, at 20:21, Yousef Al Otalba wrote: Can we meet at the house on thursday morning? IM be heading out to new york right after we chat. saturday, February 4, 2017 4:05 PM usef Al Otalba ‘Subject: Re: must read Yeah Cambridge Analytica combined with Russian sponsored fake news targeted on the Low Information Voter. Example, telling Haitian American voters in Florida that the Clinton Foundation had hurt not helped Haiti. Same play now going on in European democracies, combined with covert cash for xenophobic right wing nationalist parties. On Feb 4, 2017, at 15:39, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: This is both fascinating and scary. httrs://motherboard,vice,com/en_us/article/how-our-likes-helped-trump-win Te mutate Ce oto enaertcon . ~ oe © Next 4-5 weeks ‘See More from Yousot Al taba Sure, happy to. Is there a specific window in mind or is it relatively open ended? Original Message Fror tichard Clarke ‘Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 12:52 PM To: Yousef; gdady;; Susan Bastress; Tyler Pedigo Subject: IEI Development Discussion Yousef, Would you be willing to spend an hour at your convenience in our grand new temporary MEI headquarters to get a tour, say hi to staff, and then have a chat about how we should raise funds from others? We would want Gail, Wendy, and Susan in on that discussion, I you are willing, we will start working schedules. Dick Need to save some ammo for the next op-ed! ‘See More rom Richard Clarke Very smart tactic in the oped. My only suggestion would have been to talk a litle more specifically about how the UAE has contributed its own forces, suffered casualties, etc... and is not asking the US to do its fighting for it. But overall, very well timed and targeted. enalare Sreacmatncme owornenrarans Ok ‘Shoot us some alternative dates ‘On Mar 20, 2017, at 10:44, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: | think well need to reschedule. Looks like il be with Dr. Anwar most of the 27th, Original Message From: Richard Clarke ‘Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 11:44 AM To: Yousef Al Otaiba ‘Subject: Re: 27 March got it Thanx (On Mar 15, 2017, at 11:04 AM, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Stil waiting to confirm Dr. Gargash's schedule that day before | lock itn. Original Message From: Richard Clarke Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 10:58 AM To: Yousat Subject: 27 March Y Confirming you can stil meet ay MEI on the 27th anytime between noon and 3 for one hour discussion on MEI's next steps and fund raising ideas. rac From: Charles Lister Date: March 21, 2017 at 08:45:56 EDT To: Richard Clarke Cc: Rand Beers , Michael Sheehan , Andy Espley , Mike Edgerton , Chris Kotyk Subject: Re: Device ban on flights to US There's been concern surrounding AQ Syria work on explosives concealed in personal electronics for some time - having first prompted the alerts in mid-2014 and been linked to skill sharing from Asiri in Yemen. | heard that while there's no ‘specific threat at this time, this Syria-emanating threat has been of increasing concern. Nevertheless, that still doesn’t entirely explain the blanket approach to regional airports. Clearly the action is motivated by a concer surrounding the level & ‘stringency of security measures in the region. As an aside, it also looks set to weaken the market share of luxury regional airlines, while benefiting U.S. carriers who get from the region to the U. direct. It's no secret that AA/Delta et. al., have been pushing for some way of achieving competitive advantage with the likes of Etihad/Emirates/Qatar. Charles Lister ‘Senior Fellow ‘http:/ From: Richard Clarke ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 10:52 AM To: Yousef ‘Subject: Fwd: Device ban on flights to US What have you heard? | do not understand why US flag carriers are exempt. Is this, as Lister suggests below, a way of helping US carriers? You could argue that Etihad should be exempt, given that DHS is managing the secondary screening at AUH. Begin forwarded message: Its risky. You do not want to press for and get an exception...and then have something happen on Etihad. 1, however, Etihad thinks this will make them lose market share, it might make sense to ask for US carrier status based on the US Pre-Clearance screening. From what | could see the secondary screening at the AUH Pre-Clearance faclity is pretty good now. ‘On Mar 21, 2017, at 11:01, Yousef Al Otaiba wrote: Apparently its very specific threat based intel. We haven't been briefed yet, my deputy might get read in later today. But | think we can make that etihad argument once we understand what we're dealing with. What do you think? teow von @ ‘Wall then i wil not return his em See More rom Yousst Al Cron wnoeccane en ©) This is the guy who wrote the piece on the eric prince meeting in seychelles two weeks ago. Now he's working on a follow up piece that claims Prince was sent by Bannon. See Mot ron Picard lacks os mmc @ ‘Who is this guy and what is he upto? Begin forwarded message: From: “Entous, Adam” Date: Apri 14, 2017 at 16:37:38 EDT To: "Rac@goodharbocnef" Dick ‘Adam entous here from the Post. Sorry to bother you. Do you have time fora call? Working on a uae story which | was hoping to run by you. ‘Adam Entous Staff Writer The Washington Post ++1 202 222 59654 (cel) +41 202.384 5403 (fice) ‘Adam.entous @adamentous Sent from my iPhone fete Meco soon eaves Kris, | wouldn't use any of the ones of your list. Booz employees keep leaking classified material. Parsons isnt really a cyber firm. Mandiant got bought four years ago by Fireeye and has since gone down hil PWC is stil basically a full service accounting/consulting firm that does cyber as a side show. For design, build, and operate, | would suggest HPE, IBM, CA, or CSC. rac (On May 11, 2017, at 2:01 PM, Kris Coleman wrote: Dick, wanted to see if left any off the lst YAO asked me to collect for him the POCs at the top cyber firms that can handle the full ife cycle of cyber services (assessment to install and ops for large enterprises). He wanted highly visible names that would be recognized in UAE, with well established past performance and the willingness and ability to perform for a foreign government. Right now Ive got the top cyber POCs at: Parsons Booz Allen Mandiant Pwo Any others that would be ful life cycle and able to work in the foreign government environment that you might suggest? Thanks- Kis Sent from my mobile device sce woman & ‘Thanx See More trom Yousot AI Otalba meseune wen © | think monday evening might work. Will check with khaldoon tomorrow once they arrive. See More trom Richard Clarke aa “so @ lt Khaldoon andior MMM have a small window, i can stop by at any time to see them. | know MBZ will be busy. Boies wonmnenann

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