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Proposed Revised duration of Traffic Apprentice (RRB + Departmental) [ Sr. Particulars Old Proposed Working Days ] No. RRB | From. | From Guard ASM i Phase I 45 days | 30 30__| exempted 2. Phase 2 118days| 75 [exempted 75 | 3. Phase 3 45 days | _30 30 30 4. Phase 4 522 days | 32 32 32 3. Phase 5 133 133 |__133 6. [Exemption period to be - | 30 utilized by concen Division 7. Total Duration 730 days| 300 | 300_| 300 ‘Traffic Apprentice RRB total duration: 300 working days 1, Traffic Apprentice through ASM —_: 300 working days (225 working days - Course and 75 Days Phase ~ II, Exemption periods to be utilized by the Concerned Division.) 2. Traffic Apprentice through Guard : 300 working days (255 working days - Course and 45 Days Phase ~ I, Exemption periods to be utilized by the Concerned Division.) 3. Traffic Apprentice through other ASM/Guard will have to undergo training of all phases Proposed Revised Syllabus for Traffic Apprentice (RRB + Departmental) ® Nhsbe] RRB (days) | Departmental (days) S. Description rae ‘Through ASM_| Through Guard _ No PRTVPI HO) GigT Proposed | Old] Proposed | Old | Proposed working working ‘working days days a T. | Phase -[— course for Guard covering duties | ZRTT [45] 30 | 45 30 | Pamel | Pia Be creme | cone 2. | Phase -II- course for ASM mT |e | 7s [eT Re ne | 75 3. | Phase -IIT — course for controller Advanced |___ Transportation and Higher Commercial zen_| 45 | 30 |. 4s 30 45_| 30 4. | Phase -IV — Part — I Elementary advanced knowledge regarding technical aspect of Civil, S&T, Mechanical, Electrical, finance | ZRT! | 30 | 12 | 30 12 30 | 12 and personnel matter." 5. | Phase -IV ~ Part ~ 2 Management, Contract Management and Computer Appreciation ZRTI_ | ~60 | 20 | 60 | 20 60 | 2 trainin 6. | Phase -V (i) training (for Guard duties) Division | ~30_|~ 10 | 60 15 = = 7. | Phase -V ~ (ji) Foot plating of M/Exp. And | Division [15 [04 | 15 04 5 |e 08 |_| Goods train I 8. | Phase -V — (ii) Field training for ASM | Division JAYM /SS/SM/ICYM/TUMVL | 165 | 35 | 225 | 30 | 225 | 4s 9. | Phase -V - (iv) Commercial Practical Division | 45 [10 | 45 10 45 10 Training 10 | Phase -V —(v) Field taining at control (as SCOR, Dy. Chief, CHC) Divi 90 | 30 | 90 30 90 | 30! TT | Phase -V~ (vi) Control working (TLC, ] Power Control, TPC, Crew control, C&W control, Engg, Control, Commercial Division | 07 | 04 | 07 04 o7 | Controi etc.) 12 i) CRW training (Goods and 7 & coaching maintenance depot) Division | 14 | 04 | 14 o4 | 14 | og 13] Phase -V — (viii) Basic track maintenance | and machine workin; Division | 07 | 04 | _o7 o7_|_o4_} 14 | Phase -V ~ (ix) Visit at other Divisions Other | G2, | Maire | aoe Har | as | Division | Set | avison | dnson Bison) &) COM office training HQ 30 | 08 [30 08 30_| 08 -V= (xi) CCO office training HQ 30) 08 | 30 08 30_| 08. + + [17] Beamon prod be ulized ty cone : : > = 75 = 30 TOTAL DAYS 300 300 300 = Note 1, After completion of phase -I at ZRTI trainees will send for field training at division for Guard duties [as per Phase ~ V (i)] 2, After completion of phase ~II at ZRTI trainees will send for field training at division for ASM /AYM / SS/SM/CYM/TI/MVI duties [as per Phase ~ V (ii), & (ii)] 3. After completion of phase III at ZRTI trainees will send for field training at division for Controller duties [as per Phase — Viiv), W] 4, After completion of phase -IV at ZRTI trainees will send for field training at division / HQ for Elementary advanced knowledge [as per Phase — V (vii) & (vili) (ix) at Division and V (x), (xi) at HQ ~ 5. TNC selected for Traffic Apprentice will follow the course programme as per RRB candidate. INDEX Proposed Modules for Traffic Apprentices Module No. Category Stage T-7 Phase = I Proposed Training Module for Pro-Guards Tnduction/Promotional TT Phase 1T Proposed Training Modules for Assistant Station Master Induction/Promotional T10 Phase Proposed Training Modules for Train Controller Induction/Promotional Phase IV Proposed Training Modules for Grade Pay 4200 for ASM/Guard/TNC Selection through RRB/Departmental Exam, Induction/Promotional Phase -V Field Tr 9 Taduction/Promotional Proposed Revised Exam Pattern Tnduction/Promotional [Beparinent_[ Teaporteron CourseNo. | cetegory [Duration [stage___ Proposed Trait 7 Probationary Guards Trdvetion through RRB or Promotion through Departmentel Exam ‘Traffic Apprentice - Phase I ing Module for Pro-Guards - “T-7" [Induction / Promotional Course} T-1/Basie-! Foundation Course 8 [rer/pesie-2 | , [First aid 5 |e Fire Fighting ~ Different Equipments & Methods | vaiases | |e Eonttin 2 Tronsportation Rules [srlcoret | 2 | east, Operating Mon) _ Tileere® [3 | Accident Manual, Mechanical, Commercial 10 | 60 [3 “4_[ Duties of Trains Clerk 116 MA =| C&W (Included in T-7/Core-2) i T-7/eore-3 | 5 | Line Study Tour 16 ¢ Duties of Commercial Clerk Gnetdedin -7/Care2) 6 [Duties of Goods Clerk (Included in T-7/Core-2) | -- | -~ Duties of Parcel Clerk (Included in T-7/Core-2) = [rain Lighting Cneluded in Foundation Course) | est2 7 [Personal Establishment _ 7 DM 8 _| Disaster Management a | qrigmea | 9 [Etinination (3 Papers viva one dey & Relieving) TOTAL Pr) feeraed fo raf din Bala, pine abjecTves | T Organsaton Se op of tien Raley = Bay Bord, Zona Riva. Dhsonl Level &Steton/Depot Level 1 Ey/Bacio-1-4 | Various Departments of Inaion Railways = their Functions en [| tntreduetion eS FFfBsie-1.5 | Organisational Setup of Operating Department Role of Operating Deportment | Fov7aie-1.6 | Safety mRaiway Operation, Functions of Safety Depa |_£ | organisation and Functions TTTBasie-TT | Official Lrguage Implementation = Importance - Various Incentives |__| fer quay nine proficiency a ) [v7.8 cortomer Core, Rainey websites ~Appietions & Addressee | | Fer7tesie-1.9" | Personality Development _ 1 $F fBasect 10 Basics Train Lighting - Role of Elecricl Department-Duties of Guard , 889, SP Setar. SgbSetr, Elementary ard Neotel ecins. saber, ATD, Borde Antcreps soar drapes, Mascotte senery Opzraton Fewer wagon ard movement during lock. Tain Tignng nee ond methods» Elceical tings on an | |ncondionngontin, elie, Wakictake mobilephone EFT PFT | | [ecco thing ann gener rng scidnt recovtes to pve ie nt ___ [eee nant ae rete ies id= Then 4 Paci Total saaon whe freenngithng nthe Cec fare. | ever neeahe Sofety Rules GR, SR, Special Instruction, Approved Special s-1/caret1 | Instruction, Staion Working Rules & Miscellaneous Gireuars 2 : nnodvetion Ga.SR, GVM, AM. OM. WTI. SWR “| Fy577taret2 [Rules oppying vo Ralucy Servants, ABCD Classification of Staff, z Sricoret | Definitions, 4 [ ‘System of Working -Defhifion Different Systems - Introduction .ricoret | Schent features of Absolute Black System = Means of Communication | 2 ‘Authority to Proceed Fixed Signals = [All Hand SigGla& fein Oczasions dE Foq/Detonating Sigal, Warning Signal Responsibilities of tran crew | 1 i i 2 a T71Corel 5 ‘ToTHGorel S| Tsolation& Interocking TTicoretT [Indicators = Point, Trap, Route & SPE Boards = Warning Boards Passenger, Goods, Shuntng & Staton), ‘r-7/Core18_ | Shunting Limit Beard, Block Section Limit Board, STOP Board, Caution & “Termination Boards, ete Classification oF Statens, Minimum Equipment of Signals in Multiple IE ‘Aspect Area, Station Section TT Heorel 10” | Conditions for teking off Signals 2 ‘Sigel Failure | Faire of al Sirs, Posing 1955/655 2t'ON Tr/coret Peception on Obstructed / Non-Rnning / Non Signal Roed \ 4 Despatch from a Nor-Ruring / Nan-Sigraled aod, eine et of group of tes with Conmon Starter Working of Trains generally t Sstens of werting F Proteioarules = eins, decive points = recsoions on sesiving varices autores = precaiens doing S47 lees and peninterck working! everasling, cable moggeing {rokevonsiey tings. SLR exetpment, Crd pent ore hea igh rmovkeright,flahergh, de lap and fae = Wortng of MU /OM, = Goode loa abe ad passenge load table = Std Tne, Advertized Time, Setting Watch, Tine of ettendance, On & OFF Registers. WTT, Laod Table, Spesds ~ NPS, Booked Speed, Speed over Facing Points, Speedometer. « Couton Order = Kins, Deseniption & Crcumstances-Speed + rine Pasig. 1 Headlight Marker ght, Flasher ight, Side lights LV Boer / Tal lonp = Equpente of Srake Vor & Guar, 1 naming of ngie in motion, erson in Engine, Devng Electric Train T7/corel9 Te7icorent2 06 _———— = ZRT/] Pages ~ Goods Hone for Fascenger Tei, isstion of rng. Gear, BY, Gods Trin ethout Gud / BY + Narshling Order, 906 + Examination f Trin by Eoine Crew, Coping &wnesiig = starting of Tina | + Dutef Guard before strtig anu and nero = Reson of Goa aout eaten oer Resposity of Gooergarng rity 2a eldup test Sop Sgr + Atrcting areon of + fppeatonof Hand rates = White ell Codes, + Berthng of Tras, Maringof Ege = Mater Trin ~ Lang Hou! Trins -Need-Advantages-Specia precautions + Working of poi ine - COACH, COED Ms, FOIS, TOMS ~an Overview Control & Working oF Stations ‘Station Working Rules ~ Contents-vlidty-Rule diogram-Specia preceations-Appendices ~ Forms = Responsibility of Guard T7/Corel 13 Shunting - Definition, Types, Control & Supervision of Shunting, | ‘Shunting on Gradients, hunting Authorities = Securing of Vehicles ~ Stabling at Station, aablng tain / lace |” cleat’ of sable teal, GDR chek, Grakrolec~ Sip Sing end ih siding. Stalled in Mid Section “Abvernl working stone oper Line Clear ticket, Authority To Proceed without Line Clear Sending Reef Engine/Train nto obstricted Block Section, TIC on Single Line & Double Lines, Single line working on Double Lines Tricor Taek det Tick nd foggy wrt, Buses of Gow carter over |g ‘iss Dbstrctan nee ton Tn layin ok ton Loo piling ay arama conten in ack aon. in bl | grin OME Gime ACP, Ene fe Contin Aplin of rae I rar ie “Automat Slack System (where required) =" Overview of Automate Block System Kinds of ‘Signs in Automatic Territory, Salient features of Astomate Black System S/. & D/L. Verio Authorities Yo Proceed = S/L& D/L. ee Sequence of change of Aspect of Signals -4 Aspect, Passing | Auto/Seni Asto/Seni-Autnatic Gate. Stop. Siguls:odified Seni-Autmetie Stop Signal tO “= _Serding Relief Engine Tain into Obstructed D/L Section, ZRTTPL Prolonged Failure of Signals in D/L, Bath Signal & Communication foiled in D/L, 1/4912, Single Line working on Double ine. Protection, ‘Shanting, Movement ogcinst Direction of Traffe Competency Certificate Engineering Works: Different types of Engineering works on Track Line Block Responsibilities of Guard pr 2corel.t6 ‘Works of Short duration & Long duation-Protectionat worksite | * Causeway Patrolling of Track, Duties of Patrelmen [FZcoreti7_|Tevel Crossings - Types, Classification, Working instructions z T7/Corel 18 | Working of Trang n Electrified Section 2 TOTAL =| Aceident Manual, Commercial & Mechanical ‘Accident Manual: Definitions Classification of accidents Consequential & other Train accidents | ndicative Accidents ~ Cass FG & H ‘Accident Management- Sounding of Siren, Movement of T-7/Core2.1 Relief tains ACC Forms Slack, Rough running reported by LPs / Guards Fire on Trains, Hot Axle, Train Parting / Dividing Duties of Guard & LP in case of Serious Accidents Person felling out / knocked down by Trains ~ Duties of Guards 5 caw: Ralling Stack - Features Different types of Rolling Stock ~ Nomenclature ROH, TOH, POH of Rolling Stock Brake System in IR~ {ir Broke System - working method with Diagrams, Parts & Functions, Westin ef Single and Twin pier bake system THlGore22 Pneumatic Brake-Working principle ~ Hand Brake in Rolling Stock ‘Abrormal situations = Flat Tyre, Brake Binding, Hot Axle, epencbor ete Brake Power Certificate - Kinds - Coaching & Freight Trains | Percentage of brake power required in gpods/mixed/passenger hans, Alarm | Chain Pulling ~ reciing and iccting Contimly tet Catee of brake binding and eleaing layee detection ard action t betaken 20 Zen LUG coach, Wybrd coach, conventional coach, Hak axle synptove ard action betaken. = Guard and Loco Pilot Check - Clearance from IMS station Brake Continuity Test and its importance, Isolation of Distributor Valve T7/Core2.3 [J commercial: = Coaching: ~ Organization set up of Commercial Department, Functions of Different branches, Books of Reference Different kinds of Tickets, Guard'8' Certificate Break Journey Rules Beoking of Luggage, Booking of Animals & Birds = IRCA Coaching Tariff + general idea about Custemer care andviglance, NTES, VRB, TSEG, cecurtes of ladies and nandicapped pass. ~ Booking of Parcels - IRCA Coaching Tariff, Preparation & Disposal of PWB, Leasing of SLR, AGC, VP, Rebooking of Parcels ~ Responsibility of Railways as carrier of Luggage, Parcels, ‘etc ~ Common Carrier liability Public Complaints, Claims - causes & prevention Railways Act, 1989 - Important Sections = General les fer booking of Pareel and Luggage, articles not cceptedin parcel and lagage. Parcelrate tit Book of thy antics, booking of moter cyte, ee allowance, marginal alewance, pevemiage charge or scltional price booking of dog, Booking of animate in brake van, Camiage of parcel ugaage, animale in brakevan ~ Goods: ~ Types of Wagons - Carrying Capacity Rationalised Routes = Packing & Weighment of Goods-Electronie Zn motion | Weighbridge Booking & Carriage of Military Traffic, Dangerous Goods ~ Loading of Wagons, Sealing, Riveting & Locking Unloading of Wagons, Reporting of Discrepancies, ‘Maintenance of DD Register Unconnected & Unclaimed Goods, their disposal-Role of NR cell Demurrage & Whanfage Sidings-Types-Working Instructions-Engine on Load’ 2 TOTAL 60 a] eee Eels Train Papers - BB, CTR, V6, Istock Report - Coaching & Freight. Yard sof TNE In Vards, Control Office, Wagon census ‘New Pension Schone —— Pay & Allowances, Running ATowone HOER, 10 ns ule Leove Puss les [ Senoriy after the tnuction Gus ZT [Mesa Enitlements Gre Inroducion Stnderd Fors Seon . [tien = Sane Maa, | | eh, Seeoprentson omc hid oe | | ence | Ordering of ARF ME id ti tne _ IE preveting.acrident oe te han fale MLS [Duties —TFire Fighting Techniques 1 Tpw-t5 of varius departments during Accident T | pute [Guest lecture ~ by Divisional Officers / Supervisory | | Officials nd Safery Counselors on "Role of Vari Hours Page? ‘artic Apprentice - rnase i ua, Proposed Training Module for ASM = “T-1" ~~ ® e [Enduction / Promotional Course] Department | Transportation a 74 GourseNo, |T-1 - - Category | Assistant Station Master [stoge [Induction through RRB or Promotion through Departmental Exem ia > [uration [75 working days mr eee Tel/easie-t [1 | Foundation course ” Tifbose-2:| 2 [First Aid 10 | Fire Fighting» Different Equipments & ‘ T-t/eosi-3| 3 | Methods ~ Theory & Demonstration, Civil 2 | defenceacviies L | “Transportation Rules Tifewret | 4 gs | 64s Operating Man, Accident Menus) | 22 | 168 Tileore2 Black Working Rules ® | 90 St @ [Duties of SAT Stat? 113 PW | 7 [Duties of Permanent Way Staff 2 OHE-1 6 | Duties of OHE Staff rl} cA Duties of Commercial lerk cz Duties of Ticket Examiner cs 9 [Duties of Goods Clerk 3 | 7 ¢ Duties of Parcel Clerk | oo Duties of ECRC | 3 70 [Duties of Trains Clerk a [ae Mt [caw if 6 Dik 12 _ [Disaster Management Ts EST-I a [Sepervisary Menagenant 1 ie est-2 [Personnel Maragement z Tei/core-3_| 14 | Station Ronogement ip. [r/core-t | 15 | Study Tour 2 | 2} T-1/Core-6 | 16 _| Theory end Practical Exams & Viv-vece | 3 | 1B [ TOTAL 75) aS ‘ERTY/TP] “Page 1 T1/Basie-1 Fanaa ck Adilsson Fora oe History and Development of Indian Raina, prime abjectves Vision 2028 FTbasic4S | Orgorsctionl Setup of TndionRalways~ Relay Board Zora Raway, Divisional Level & Station/Depot Level esi | Various Departments of Fndian Ralways~= Their functions an Introduction {| ibese8 | Organisctional Setup of Operating Department ~ Role of I Operating Department i | Pavers ee n 7B Z6 | Sefety in Reilnay Operations, Functions of Safety | Department, CRS, its Organisation and Functions | 7 | Official Language Tmplementation = Importance - Various TT/Basiesl2 Incentives for qualifying in Hindi proficiency. 3B | Study to nearby Way Side Station - Familiaisation with | Station Master's Job responsibilities" - Physical observation 19 Customer Care, IT Applications of Railways -Website \ddresses Computeiatin on ian Rais | Fi7Basic-20) Personality Development oT Total ae ed FIRST AID - /Basi-2_| First Aid ~ Theory & Practical Total 10 peed Hours Fire Fighting - Theory & Demonstration, Civil defence. 2 | Total T-i/easiesd TRIE) age 2 cry een Snbosueton, G2SR, WM, A, OX, WTT, SWR Safety Rule ‘SR, Special Instruction, Approved Special Instructions, Station Working Rules & Miscellaneous Circulars, Rules apphjng to Reiway Sewarls, Role of SM, Maintenance oFStaion, THU Corelt | seco, Cleanliness, Ensuring safely, Leaving tation Jabiowhite | '° endl, Upkeep of ie orig watr honk Upkeep Aut. sid box, Respondhihtyregarcing operaion OF Hock instrament, panel and rely room andisolatr key Tei/Corel.2 | Definitions-Chopter 1 of GASR, Staton Caschicton ad Yard | 5 Tlcorel.3 Signals- volution of Signals ixed Signals in Multiple Aspect Territory Distant, Inner Distant, Combination of Distant Signal with Last Stop Signal 4 Gate Stop Signal Home, Routing Home ‘Starter, Inter Starter, Advanced Starter Calling-on Signal a ‘Shunt Signal = Types Intermediate Block Stop Signal Gate Stop Signal - with & without Marker 2 ‘All Hand Signals & their Occasions Fog/Detonating Signal, Fog Signalling, Warning Signal & Demo | 2 F/Corei 4 | Tsolation & Interlocking - 4 Teor | eters Pent, rap, Rate &Shnting Ferited 5 Boards - Warning Boards Passenger, Goods, Shunting & T-U/Corel6 | Station), Shunting/Block Section Limit Board, Caution & 5 ‘Termination Indication Boards, Sign-A & 8 Boards, etc ‘Classification of Stations, Minimum Equipment of Signals in | Multiple Aspect Area, Station Section, Block Section- T-1/coret.7 | Conditions for granting Line Clear, 6 Station Diagrams with MAUQ/MACL Signals at Different Classes of Stations a T-i/Gorei8 | Conditions for taking off Signals 3 T/ Corel. | Points & setting of Points, 4 Feilure of Points - Use of SAT(NM), S&T(ON), Hands on T-l/Coret.i0 | Teaining on Crank Handle, Clamping & padlocking of Points, Use | FO cof Through bolt & cotter, ete = = ‘Signal Failure Tt/ Folure of al Signas-Receprion & Departure Stop Signals | 6 Passing Intermediate Block Stop Sigral at ‘ON TTT) Page ~ Passing Gare Stop Signar at UN Reception on Obstructed/ Nen-Runing/Non-Signelied Road Despatch from a Non- Running / Non-Signaled Read, a line ct of group of lines with Common Starter Panel, Panel buens aretheir se. Lever ame dlerent vers ana hsiruse RET & ET- Parts & Functions - Hands on Training Use Lever Cir, Side Py Bilan Cop andkey cf SMe side, BlocklnthumentKey, caution pate, no vlexge plate/buten cola: + Normal Reception & Despatch + RAD during Signa Fale, Point Failure, Panel Failure + Shunt Aovements Tilconet.i2 » ‘TRANSPORTATION RULES (G4SR_ Optg. Manual, Accident Manual) ‘Working of Trains generally Systems fering 1 Condon and precautions fo granting Fe dear an clearing back secon © Imparin-papers, PiNo, Sheet, TSR and preceutions hie bsby them © Werking one inhi ndfoeny weaker © Procedun or dau shea in upto ing mark when fouing marks natclear ©. Proceduse or dos ahead ofan up tolest shop sigrl hon THUCOrELIS | tale wag for fnecenr * © Engine Wns codes 1 Precedve fr patbackf Saras ‘Standard Time ‘Speed-Maximum Permissible Speed & Booked Speed Time Toble (PTT & WTT),Speed over Facing Points ~ Engine Pushing, Pushing back male anal ttomatic Hoek pte Trains without Guard / BV / Guerd & BV Whistle Codes & Bell Codes = Working of Material Train & Track Maintenance Machine Control & Working of Stations THvcoret.4 |. General duties 20 |. _sWR-Contents, PWay, Rule Diagram & OHE sectioning | ZRII iagram-Ruies for working in Electrities Section- ‘Appendix'6' + Shunting - Definition, Types. Control & Supervision of Shunting, Shunting on Gradients, Shunting Authorities, Shunting’ Techniques to maintain flit in Big Yards- Coaching/Geods = measures to present acidenk ding shoring movement (20 movemenk Manan + Securing of Vehicles / Engine. Escaping of Vehicles ~ ‘Stabling at Station, Train Stalled in Mid section ~ Ghatrales Sip cdng rd each sig utes of ‘Person run over eases, Catilerun overcases Casbuetionin Beek secton Patrolman delayed in Block section, Trtin delayed in Nock section, Rafeacre, Loco pot reporting any abnormal condition in Block secten, OME fabs. Fae, Engineri, Power Black Trcknachne, Passing often wiki onp [tilbsaed Dates of asm ‘a case serous acide, Signa pacing atdargerby Loto Pot urcting opine. Freon in Breach oftleck le. Gabstage and tain necking | threatperention, Wetkng of Tower wagon, Telly, Meter tly, ley Se) passengas creating ritancen laten premises safety equipment Foard, passemeramenies.aialabe a Satin FRegetece mained ation Solely counsding and monitsing, Safety calegprzation, saety eninge Section capaciy, revshpot surpise right inspections, ambuth check, cabin Plevel eroszing ga Twepecton, Evcanging ot hand Sgnse wi in ere Recpenabil Fain acter rearing pnchty tse of crank handle. Overhavtng, cae maggeing, MI werk and recauions, Croc ove fsting, evn handle lating se of eros over ‘Working of Level Crossings - Types of LC, Classification TVG=r°45 | Working at Manned Non-Interlocked L¢-Fallure of L 7 ‘Working of Trains in Electrified Sections-Ports of OHE- T-1/Cores16 | Power Supply arrangements, Traction Power Control 5 Ongarisation - Power Blocks Kinds - Registers - SCADA ‘Automatic Block System - S/L & D/L THlcore! pace Kinds of Signals a RTP, z page | - Saent Features ~ Sequence of Aspects of Automatic Signals, Establishing Direction of Traffic, etc Passing Signals at ‘Or’ Various Authorities to Proceed ‘Abnormal Occasions ~ Panel Failure, Prolonged fallure of Signals, Failure of Both Signal & Communication, Sending Relief Engine, Single line working on D/L, Movement against DOT. ete = Shunting in Automatic Territory Competency Certificate ‘Aceidents-Classification, Reporting, Assistance ‘esident co ste, Safety in tain option = Levels of Enquiry + AGE Forms = Brein tain [MRV & BD Special = Duties of SMs 4 other departments incase of Acc = Causes oFaccidenté and remesiat measures TOTAL 168 FAlcorels9 10 BLOCK WORKIN 1 | Rules applying to Railway Servants ‘System of Working - Definition, Different Systems: Intraduetion Cor 2 2 TalGore23 | Order of Precedence of Trains & Control Working 2 1 z 2 Tilcore-22 Ta/eare-24 | Means of Communication Ti/eore-25 | Essertils of Absolute Black System Documents connected with Block Working ~ Block Competency Cerificate, Train Signl Register, PN Book Block Tasrument/TrockCircut/Anle Counter & BPAC~ Tilcore27 | espe ingle and double line) Objective of provision g Tiere 28 [Bell Code Signal Types, significance folw up action z Tiere 25" | Various Authorities Yo Proceed - 5/L& D/L Single ine Tokerless Block Tnstruent~ RAB/Push Button Type L Parts & Functions —_ Precautions before grantng/esking Line Glan, before closing, the Block Section,| 2 “esting before Taking over charge Failure’ Occasions - Restorotion by SAT Officils, Sis themselves, DSTE/ASTE nds on Training - Normal working, Normal Gancellation, Pash back Cancellation 4 Testing | ingle ine Tokenless Block Instruments ~ Frequency T1/tore2t | Mosulaton Daido Instrunent 2 Ports & Functions eae Tilcore 26 T/core-210 10 ZaTi/T Precautions before grantingvasking Line Tilcore-212 Clear, before clasing the Black Section,| 2 ‘esting before Taking over charge Failure Occasions - Restoration by S&T] Officials, SMs themselves, DSTE/ASTE Hands on Training ~ Normal working, Normal Cancellation, Push back Cancellation & Testing Werks of Short & Long duration-Protection at site 2 ie "2 | Engineering Indicators, Cause ways T-i/Gore-213 | Patroling of lines - Kinds of Patrolling, SMs responsibilities | 1 T-i/Core:2.14 | Line Block-Requisition, Imposition, Extension, Removel a “/core-2.15 | MTeduction to Trolley, Lorry, Motor Trolley, ete — TCre2 | competency Certificate ~ Issue & Renewal, ete * Tareoreaag | Marina of Trolley, Larry . OHE Ladder Telly, Cle | > [Taivcore-2:17 | Working of Motor Trolley, Moped Trolley 3 T-i/Core-2.18 | Caution Order ~ Preparation, Issue & Circumstances 2 PEPaaN co 'SGE Double line Block Tnstrument [Parts & Funetions 2 ~ Precautions before grenting/asking Line Clear, before closing the Block Section,| 2 Testing before Taking over charge Tarcore-219 Feilire Occasions - Restoration by S&T 2 Officials, SMs themselves, DSTE/ASTE, One| 4 Dial Suspension Hands on Training ~ Normal working, Normal Cancellation, Block Back, Block Forward &| 12 7 Testing _| T-1/Core-220 | Total Interruption of Cemmunieation on Double line 2 Temporary Sinae line working on Double Line FMCore-22 | sean didn Tan parting 3 T-ilGere-222 | Total Interruption of Communication on Single line 3 ‘Authority to Proceed without Line Clear-Tssue & TVCore223 | circumstances, Sending asiting enginein charted lack seston | TilCore-224 | Block Failure - Follow Up Action 4 T-i/Core-2.25 | Filling up of Operating Forms ~ Hands on Training * TOTAL ‘a6 RTT) — Page ee er er Pea Specific duties under 645.8 Specific duties under Block Working Rules TidCore-2| s-1/Core-3 Duties of S&T Staff - Co-ordination with other Departments, Maintenance Schedule, ete aa ‘Schedule of Tnspections-ESM, JE, SE, SSE, ASTE 32 “Schedule of POH for Various Signaling Gears 33 Registers, Forms & Memos: ~ Relay Room Double Key Lock Register = Block Instrument Double Key Lock Register = Signal, Block, Failure & Inspection Register > SAT (NM), SAT (1/361) ~ Failure Advice & Joint Restoration Memo Route Release Memo, ete ‘Toint Inspection of Points & Crossings with LJE/SE/P Way ~ Schedule, Observations, Follow up_| 35 ‘Signal Sighting Committee - Sighting Distance of various Signals-Focussing, Shifting of signals 36 Panel/RRI/SSI- Resetting of Route/BPAC, Data LLogger-Use in failure restoration & Maintenance TOTAL Zari PW-l/Core-t rer Seas ‘Specific duties under G&S.R PW-1/Core-2 | Duties of P Way Staff - Co-ordination with other Departments, Maintenance Schedule, ete = ‘24 | Basics about Track, Track-Whee! Interface, 2 Sleepers, Ballasts, ete - ‘Schedule of Maintenance for Various P Way 22 | Officials - Keyman, Gang Mate, JE/SSE/P.Way, ~ ADEN, DEN, ete 723 | TWPes of Track Defects Slack/Rough runing, = Lurch, Buckling, ete ‘2a | TyPeS of Track Machines, Types of Blocks & 3 Working of Track Machines 255 | Types of Engineering Works-CTR,DSW,TRR,TSR ==) ‘Station Yard Maintenance-Removel of rank 26 | vegetation, Prevention of trespassing, Drainage - Improvements in Track circuited yards 27 | Blocking of Running Lines, Precautions = 2.8 | Action in case of weather warning messages = ‘29 | Subordination of Gang staff within station 7 premises-Exchange of messages, Fog signaling TOTAL FY ‘OHE-t/Core-2 | Duties of OHE Staff - Co-ordination with other Departments, Maintenance Schedule, ete - [+] 21 | Basies about AC Traction = 22 | Schedule of Meintenance for Various OHE 7 Officials a | Tees of Power Block Precautions & Procedures, | _ Working of Tower Wagon ZA_| Visit to Traction Power Controller Office, SCADA | 6 OHE Sectioning Diagram, FP, SSP, SP, Sete, Sv>- 25 | Sete Heme ain etme faportiger | = absormelies and tien fo be lon - 26 | Optatonof Eslrr Stches Authored 5 27 | Types of Power Block Precautions & Procedures, | T-I/Care- L Power Block Registers 116 | 26 | Operation of Rotary Switch = TOTAL é Tee) Fase eee Duties of Commercial Clerk [ Duties of Ticket Examiner [ Duties of Goods Clerk (Included in 1) = [= Duties of Parcel Clerk (eluded in 1) = | Duties of EoRe TOTAL a ee Hours C-U/Core-1 Coaching Theory 25) C-i/Core-2 Goods Theory —20) UCore-3_ Traffie Accounts 9 TOTAL Ey aes Cera co tuieus noche! select ao Bier tee eae ee en RS Ra eee on aanes seems oot ema cores Siete edie Triste cant, | 2 peace pe arate eceee Sopa pe ee ate a | c-t/Core-t 1 ‘Withdrawal of money from sation caraing cavtorenag | Different kinds of Miltary Warrants, Concession Vouchers &| Certificates C-A/Core-14 | Break Journey Rules : 1 | cet/ore-t5 [IRCA Concessions = faze | Circore-16 | Reservation of Seats & Berths - PRS 1 [E/ore-t7 | Refund Rules Normal & Abnormal conditions 2 : Booking & detection of Luggage, Booking of Animals & Birds ~ |_oMcore-t8 | ieca Coaching Tariff 3 Cavdoreag [Acceptance & Booking of Parcels - IRCA Coaching Tariff Preparation & Disposal of PW, Rebooking of Parcels Carcore-uao | ResPonsblty of Railways as carrier of Luggage, Parcel,ete~| Common Carrier lal E-W/Gore-1it | Forwarding Note - Execution _ | €-U/Gore-112 | Public Complaints, Cains - causes & prevention i G-U/Gore113 | Ralmays Act, 1989 - Important Sections | UTS - Hands on Training, UTS and PRS, Pavel Management C-tlcore-t34 6 system TOTAL 5 TRU/TP) Page 10 pe a ro Types of Wagons = Caryn Capocty, Freouing rote c-ilcore-2 | bfesandimpctans, Weg hcos and Guin Wot ond 1 Seis” ws | Creare Ba | Routing & Ring of Bonds Trai, i Packing & Weighnert of Gods, PTO nd seaon Yoon, Bn ccrearea3 | wdRentcine Wagon dont aningerct Re muh get | Sean ated dcp suger amp Su ork WRF fer od end ~yomalna | Wovement of open Loads, Praity Sched, Re- Weight CM Core-2.4 | punitive Charges t iTeore 25 | Booking & aria af Miltary Tai, Dangers Goods 1 [e:t/ore:2.6”[Looding of Weaons, Sealing, Riveting & Lacking 1 -Yeanc a7 | Uilsting of Wogors, Reperting of Discrepancies, Naterance arene | ati Wes, Reerting of Esra 1 iTcare:2.8 | Open Delivery & Assess Delve ra Ci/core 2.9 | Rebooking& Diversion i -/core:2.10|Uncnnected Uncleied Goods, Ter doposal i Cilcore 211 [Delivery the cbsene of BR 1 Gi/eore 2.12 | Demurroge & Wharfoge z C-/Core 2.13 sidings, Uberlzed Siding Poles Yeon a 4 | Maret prospecting orguiaton, FQ Incentive Schemes | 2 | c-tVcore2.14 | Traprtation routs, Contenar Service | Cifeore215| FOUS - TMS = Hands on Troning | ‘oral ~ 20 PI eT = Ci/Gore 31] Under charges, Over charges - Disposal 4 delveryof Parcels [2 | Gi/Gare 32 | Outstanding & clearence 2 Non-Lsued Tikes, Obssate Wickets, Evor Shee, DYCB, a 1 Zileare 3A | Coaching Rebun & Balen Shest 2 ulereas [Pepersion of ts fetes nln Bice Seer &) [ora 3 al Duties of Ticket Examiner Hours Covceres(eaching= Theory ° Ga/care:? [eachng Return & Case Sales é rrorAl | TRTYTPL 7 Page 11 Enna Cel/covet rei oo Tntroduction To Commercial Department & Its Functions, Reference Books And Their Uses _ Various Classes of Accommodation on Rlys, | ©i/Core2, -alcores2 | Kinds of Journey and Nen-Tourney Tickets, 13 «| 62MCoreL2 | rcRp, military Traffic, HOR, Police Warrant, | es Be, Yai Peet | | arconeia |Chetking Aspects in the above Tekers,| | a | Warrants, ete _ C-2/Core-14 | Reservation And Refunds Eee Object of Ticket Checking And Collec’ Jeane | Obie" of Ticket Checking Ard Collec ‘Tickets, Tickets Collected Register, HOM ete | __ E-B/Core-16 | Luggage And Different Aspects of Luggage | e-l/corei® | = | Tenenntr [Geasee re ee ear eee einbe And Non-Capinabe Seow of | CUVCore3 | S2/coret8 | painays Act —_ _ i a A aan Gon aon of C2lcret9 |e esanger mcs |b Se on Tete readers, Unio] =| arenes ee ang | core {teeta td Vong Avaaents ~ | aI “Corel | Ordination by TE/TTE TOTAL rey 2 | Trregular Travelling & Cose Studies of All Sorts 2 ci | Various Returns to be submitted by Ticket Examiner 1 [[C-2/core-2.4 | Error Advices, Outstanding & Clearance Of Outstanding TOTAL Peete oe | _€-5/Core-1 Coaching - Theory aia ["c55/Core-2 [Coaching - Practical a aE | €-5/Core-3 [Traffic Accounts _ t Carat Fcsicoress [itredsction 2 Commercial & Other] C1/Corett S/core-t | departments | | €Srcore-12 [Books of Reference Te alcore-t | | Different kinds of Tickets C-/Core-12,| Cc/core13 | ~ PRS, E-ticket, Tathal Ticket, CIT, TCRP,| 13 | | CST, Soldier Ticket, ete C-Bleore14 |TRCA Concessions [e-8/core-15 [Military Warrants | €-5/core-16 | Reservation, Refunds, Modifications C-S/core-i7 | Luggage (C-5/Core:1.8 | Fake Note Detection [€5/core110| Chorting, Man Machine interface CL ror : Ce rer Po [e-5/Core-21 Hands on Training PRS a ieee ee ree Included in_| Hours PDR, Different Books Maintained for ‘Accountal and Maintenance of TCV Books in | reservation Centre, Maiatenance of ad steck stor Balence sheet repantin iis ssbwission CBlore-32 | HOC/TOC of Cosh & Voucher: c-/core-3.1 | 33 | Various PRS Statements ~ Daily, Monthly & - | e-b/core-3.3 | periodical coer c-B/Core-31 | “ga [Error Advice, Inspection by TAS, Raising of | | debits, ete | “E5/Core-35 | Cash Remittance Bank & Cash Office [eS/core-36 | Station Outstanding & Balance Sheet (PRS) a | c-5/core-3 RTT Page 13 /core=t ey Hours Ts/lare-2 rae Gk Bites, Registers 2 Mra pers R78, CTR, V6, LTA 22 Stock Report ~ Coaching & Freight Yerd ‘ontrol Office 23 Duties of TNc -TaVerds, Control Office 24 Various Registers, Forms & Memos T-3/core-4 [Advanced Transportation “41 Narious types of Roling Stock -Coaches & Wagons, Lces-Nomenclature, Features & = uiiering 42 Pooling of Wagons, Tntercharging oF oll Stock 43 [Coaching & Wagon Census 18 44 Warshaling Yard —_ — 45 Preferential Traffie Schedule, Operating = —- striction WE Goods Train Operation = Train Ordering, Various ITypes of Goods Train, ete 7 ooking Crew for Trains, Crew Management in TR - MS. GB POTS, ICMS, COA Theory ea16, OMS iy CM, NE, TEAS, TAS, SATSANG 49 Fors, TeMs, COA - Practical “410 (Operating Indices ~ Passenger, Freight & Engin dusage i Tora 8 oling Stock ~ how it rolls on Track~ Track Bound, LHB eatch not Pia tod csc, Wel? ROH, TOH, POH of Roling Stock mig Proke System in IR Working of Air Brake System = Hond Brake in Wagons, GD, Chet, Resting flu dinagpac, 6 ‘brormal eccasions = Flat Tyre, Brake Binding, Hot Axle, open oor ete PCs, Guard and Loco Pilot Check-Clearance from IM station | roan _— ealereu| Rn) srake Power Certificates ~ Various Kinds of Coaching & Freight SVEN | ntrodictinn to. bisater Management, Various | organizations, Devel yentson DM at Netonal level, | — 2 “DM-L3 [DM Plans ~ai Divisional & Zonal levels = 2 ie Fighting Techniques —Trarasies | i Duties of various departments during Accident | T-/Core-i F~meL6 | Guest lecture ~ by Divisional Officers / Supervisory Officials and Sefety Counselors on “Accident Menagenent" Ondeng ofA] AME anda targertine : 2 Ss | cae EST-L1 | Main provisions of Railway Service Conduct Rules & HOER, Roster Preparation (Case study & Exercise) EST-A2 [Leave & Pass Rules — _ EST-L3 | Stores Department - Functions - Indenting, Accountal, Disposal ‘of Consumable & Non consumable stores, T&P items, Various Books & Forms EST-14 | Passenger Amenities, Station Cleanliness, Petty Repairs, L Recoupment of Imprest Cosh TOTAL Personnel Management a 1 _| Career Prospects ‘New Pension Scheme {Pay & Allowances, Entitlements, TA & DA rules aoa) ‘Seniority after the Induction Course at ZRTT ‘Medical Entitlements [TOTAL 3 T-1/Core-3 Broun Hours A/Core-3.1_| Staff Management, BiosData Register, Raster assigning Tilcore-32 | Various Registers nantaned at Stations ~ Operating, Safety Commercial & Personne, Abie Comps, ad and | embezzlement Advertigement at st Tifeore-33 | Contract Management = Overvie, Guiding Principles Supervision, Penalties | TOTAL ZRTI/TPI Seen Era oa ‘Study Tour during the Training Course at ZRTE (2 days)-Visit ‘t0.¢ Small, Medium & Large Stations in the Zone i —_[rora. eZ : ‘THEORY & PRACTICAL EXAMS & VIVA-VOCE Hours + ‘Transportation, OHE,C&W, IT Theory: oer 6 £85 [3 0b: 40 Marks; Descriptive: 60 Marks] - Max Marks: 100 | Ti/tore-52 | Commercial Theory Paper-IZ - (Coaching, Goods & Accounts) 3 [0b 40 Marks; Descriptive: 60 Marks] - Max Marks 100 Ti/Core-53 | Practical Test T | loperation of various Block Instruments at Model Rom, Filling lapof Operating Forms, Working in Panel & RRI/ET, Hand . Faas ie8 hes ZR Page 16 ose ot respoation Deparment ‘iin Cooter Prmeton te ratte Apprentice pha Reopen (Course for Train Controlier) oo Se ed es ee ool + Gaeta Bopaeton om ieee ae omen ne cone oe ny a ee oH lect ene eee (eis oo fi ene a a : Ta oe 7 eee : ee a Sena rere ete aa Ste eerste fou oo oslo of ronsporoten Dopartmart ign Centote Pomaton Po frames a ee Cee ee oars a eee) [edie Ne. — Confort | ~~ pesersion Petods TibIAgT —TAfeducton | Gbjpcive ofneion Relay. ndion Raley [TW S07m | Raiways. Orgonsafionalsruciurs of Operaiing | | decatmant Pinclesof operating cepanment, | | Necessy f Rules. Induction, General idea about L | GASR, BWM,AM operating manus, WTT, SOV TPRIOIRC | Baars —| risen ected deiiors,Gscofon of sions Wm | Dettifonr — pan reated deren, RecFon of ions 30m TPIIOINS — | Sona, 80a [Samah — nck Descipfon Aacement acta FSO Eitscares | Detrcion Voge and aera. Vowintsesir | | |Srcboors terrp oacroning rare sion | _ | Sting, can Sang ara cya sr TFSGIRBI—| Dacomnecon | Bettivesqncs Somos ra aetseie panE, | GTM Soconraston | ton tose oan, Dtcennecion ane fecennacion pans ard oe ge THHGIAG | Sjlemat One ran ony system, Absowa Sock system 1 830m | wonins” | tent Candas gn ne ier, Cncon THINGS —| hietactng |lfeiocting- msthods, sionaarcs speeah minimum [aim ee | Hana, Nor-hterocked wasting & bolton, | inetocting | I TPEIOIRG? | Caution onser | Caulon ides Bnd inposiion and cancolaan, 30m | | | Grcumsonces. Temporary & Permanent Specs | i | rectors, THTIGIAGS Wig. afircine | Complete aril of ain Sonalrfobe excnenged 190m | ‘generaly | Between Hoon aff ane crew engine puting. various Speeds, vafous igh speedometer ana rar fates coming Gad oTISES PION & Gare, Barevan, | BOT Wosking 0! toa wine Guers & rake von oral lamp, Alarm enon pling, Damages cr | fective velees, Matedal vans & Crane wenn, ‘rtacring af deod iocor, Wering of Bl, DMU, [lieu Fh pol rea MPS [Booked speed THTIOIRG? Reception? Reception ofa fan on an ceshcted ina arden 1 N30 Desssich, | Ponsignatea tne, Dexpoteh a rn rom nos ‘Sgnaiod ner and om ins having comm saree TPHIOATO | Sabing ek |Sabingofoods &Bloceng chines, Verices 1 3D ‘foggy | ezcaning kom tation = action fo be Toten, Working weather _|oftroins during thick, topgy or tempestuous weoines | TPEIOIAIT flock woitng | Meons of communication, AuForiyio precesd, 1 W30m Type of block Fstumants, het pars, superion ana Fates, ballcodes Wong ora by means cl ‘acti specting ratument. Ee PEIGAT? — Abnomal | Sending tele Vansin occupied Bock iecion Tota 03 We ‘serking” | interupton af communication on sngle one dovele Ine Single ne working on oust rns una Selojed, Abrormal gceurences dng nn HOI | Rafomatie | Bietng cbout Avlomote Boce system on CoUBS TERE lock sistem | andngioina, Nomol and oorarma woring ot [ain Signet fare Total olure of cernmuricaton, Single ine wotang on doube ine, donors ‘Wengen See Drcions a a Rao Magu of tanotten Depart ss _T [Poors | Farmanear | way oT + Regular wots and anctons a enginasing | Oh] ‘aralion on Fockaie] mr ATomave BockSaIe | ——] Stunting nian Aulomatie lost Sytem, TFET SS ‘Acion fo be loxen by Centolerin cose at = | OF ‘oxen | Ptsn ovorave | + Wagon detects during run 7 ccc arrest Seer Bebra reac | Re cemns : Seerrioneee (: Seaeermaciemine nanan | Best el nae ae / Bee Seas Les | | + Vebie escaping Shonting operation | + Dead engine movemant(atiaching / detaching) + Using emergency Goss over Opering afelay veo + Stabing oto Tiinedeing = Pradepactre detention. Out repeat + Crew manogerent Tian pag, tin eng “Tran stallon gradient Precedence ancerossing * CSR and CSL. OC movement | 1 Gay restictons, DTS. Tin pacing woot fom [tai board. Lang hauiivain eperation |» Pushing back ebsokteandavbmaic Hock | |_system | Sabon Pebeoatine weer ace | + oy, ony Ral Baty cn ter tay werting. + Tac ainlononce Machines voteas hp ol tect mochiner, ner funetons ovo perro Doce procedure, precautions dung block + Blocks Day by doy mainencnee blocs, ‘Naagernt Senicer Dros a aR © oui of tenapartation Deparment n —. ——~srrargent bck Secting of ines niegiated —— (O) | Gnd corar blocks, Moga back desing wore SEseing, switch removal turnout ‘aplecement, Jin work tn other doperment CContolrs responses towards locks, + Woting of meters Was. 1 [arias oh. Dom [TevaiGrosna [Tapes of lve! croing ond thet wang. Tram | Worine ot | Waring ofans ning poverbeck vole Block | OShs | ‘rans in precoutons tobe taken dune warvenantng | | Bectited | movementin blocks, Roqutement o block bock secon | and Bock foward duing power cktafc Hock, | | Toner agon and wortne, Acfon tobe Taken | ‘tring Ho! fle and caution fo ir incase of OHE Sreak down, Response of contol egaresng {ures of OME Dos and dans oppleanl 6 ame | st 0s per We, THOS | Opeing pression ond RACTOTFOT Opeaing col tan] Oa conte!” — Corio, tate Conte ower Conta Rosporaity Brconlinrunng of nan, visaton at powers and fata stock movement of ole. Seton oa | [venir Wopnunan Ergin eatin Waser | | for ning Fort Grew management | ingestion, FATO. Pare ception cit J ETAT? — [hs rergnay] Wong of suburban Convo area con as, | TSO Ll controt ‘Central Control. Emergency Control. 1 < | PRRWRYoaner Doles aren Conkoier CHr-shage GNU _| hs S {Sloe CINL [Peto Conkotr (Emergency : Convolara Contalfsigh! Conta) anavatou | TFEIOAaT | Regier, | Vator egitenrecors macianea cena 1 Wa0m - ON | record | ofa. THIGIAR | Coochina? | Neronelohee ol Coaching ana Gooarvehice, TWIT Goodt | vorou States manianedin Conrelotice. | won THURS occ tala, Boakraie ol pasangerand goadt rol tire | Meaning | Momling of pects goods tock Reseed ond Fronted ee, movement of OOC. THEIR —wlerchange | Deion rterchange of Coaching ond Goows 0m | Pramas [Una Casaaty, | Une copscty end Trough aa and mecareo 1 | | rroughput” | reoremen inecencetyonscugh pute THEIR | Goods in| inc, Load of tan erdetng of Goods ron. ped SDM | Hock focton stlecing ntercnange, Oona) | feperaion | of goocs iran. ershipment of wagon, wogen ool interchange. Longhau! good rin ana Contsner coving goods wars, | Fredeporure detonton, Good Fam puting back | R30m | Speed of goods tars aad! tals, Warshipment fwagons, Satis specie fuel consumption, Frolorenta ate Scheie, FOS are Rolonalaston scheme, ‘Special ypes of goes sock movement otGouble |THGDT| Hock cotlainer ara mila. valour ypes of ona } ‘NenogerenlSovieas Diese SSC

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