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Not Sure If Many People Use This Site, however heres A Few Steps To getting In..

And Getting The Latest Games..

Right 1st You Need mIRC (Download Below)

Once Downloaded And Installed.. Next Step Is To Get Yourself Connected To The
Datavault Network..

Step 1 :- Open irc, Goto Tools,Options. Then Servers, Click Add

Under Description Type : DataVault
Under IRC Server Type :
Under Port(S) Type : 6667-6669

Now Click Ok..

Step 2 : Connecting To Irc.Addictz.Net

Goto Tools/Options/Servers
Select Datavault From Drop Down Menu
Tick "New Server Window"
Then Click Connect

A New Window Will Open Telling You That You Are Connecting To

Step 3 : Now You Have To Register YourSelf.

In The Window Type /msg nickserv register "your Password" "Your Valid Email"
Next Type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY "The Password You Just Entered"

It Should Now Say Your Registered!

Now Type /J #Datavault

Step 4 : The Bots In DataVault Spam What They Host Every 1 Hour, Becareful Not To
Spam These Or Else You Will Be Banned..

Every Hour You Will See What Looks Like Below :-

** To request a file type: "/msg slut02 BITCH send #x

#1 392x [0.7G] Torque.DVDRiP.XviD-BRUTUS
#2 1509x [0.7G] The.Butterfly.Effect.DVDRip.XviD-DMT

It's Simple To Request A Download Now..

There Are Different Bots With Different Names, Ie Slut02 Is Just One Bot, There Are
More Called Dv44, Dv33 Slut03 Etc.. However The Trigger Principle Is The Sa,e

Now If For Example You Wanted To Download "The ButterFly Effect", In The Main Chat
Window You Would Type or Copy /msg slut02 BITCH send #2

Let Me Explaine.. /msg Is The Trigger, Slut02 Is The Bot BITCH and Send Are Both
Triggers #2 Is The File Number You Want. Each Bot Can Host Numerouse Files, Ie #1
Being Another Film, #3 Also Being Another Film.

Once You Have Done That And Press Return, Just Sit Back And Wait.. Either The
Download Will Start Straight Away, Or You Will Be Qued (*Cough Dodgy Spelling*)
Right Now To The Benifits Of #Datavault..

1: The Latest Release Of Most Films And Games.

2: 99.99% The Time You Get To Download At You Max BandWidth No Matter Your
Connection (Either 56k (Omg Dont Download A 3 Gig File On That!!), Or A T1/OC3

I Hope Someone Finds This HelpFull, If It's In The Wrong Place/ Or Inappropriate
Then Plz Delete And Serve Me The Warning I Deserve....

Edit : It's A Good Idea To Have Auto Accept Dcc On, Incase Your Away When You Come
InLine For Your Download, Generally Even If Your 20th In Que And It Says 3 Hours
Wait, Your Prolly Looking At Around 30 Mins Waiting Slot..

Any Problems Please Let Me Know.. NN Peeps..

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