Lesson Plan

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Zeinab Abdullah

Do plants need water and Sunlight?

Grade(s): 2nd

Subject: Science

Length of Lesson: 30 minutes for five days

Lesson Overview/
Rationale: Students will be able to conduct an experiment to see if plants need
water and sun.

Curriculum: Michigan k-12 Standards Science:

Framework/Standard: 2-LS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need

sunlight and water to grow.

Page 12:

Michigan k-12 Standards Science

Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to conduct an experiment using the scientific
Students will be able to observe and document their findings in a piece
of paper.
Students will be able to present their data in a PowerPoint presentation.

Technology Uses:

Note taker sheet /paper

Students will get into groups of three.
Each group will take three plants.

Zeinab Abdullah

The first student will be responsible to water the first plant and put it
under the sun.
The second student will put the second plant under the sun but not
water it.
The third student will not water or put the last plant under the sun.
Each students will observe what happened to their plant for five days.
All three students will come together and make a PowerPoint about
their findings.
All students will turn in their notes.

I will check their understanding by checking their PowerPoint
I will check all the notes the students took.
I will give them a small multiple choice quiz to check if they understand
about plants life.
Beginning Developing Exemplary

Participation Students did not work Students worked together Students worked very well
together at all. but got off task multiple together. They discussed
0 Points times. their data and were not off
3 Points task.
5 Points

Experiment Students did not Students followed the Students followed the
follow the scientific scientific methods scientific methods. They
methods. They did not however, they did not placed the three plants
water or place the check on their plants under the right conditions
plants under the sun. every day for five days. and watered the plants
They did not check on 5 Points that needed to be watered
their plants at all. everyday for five days.
0 points 10 Points

Notes Students did not take Students recorded their Students recorded their
any notes. observations but notes observation every day. The
0 Points were missing a lot of notes are very detailed and
details. neat.
5 Points 10 Points

PowerPoint Powerpoint was not Powerpoint was missing PowerPoint is very

Presentation organized or neat. some information and organized. Students
Students did not students struggled a little presented the information
explain their data bit to explain some of very well and seemed to
correctly but tried to. their data. understand the
5 Points 10 Points experiment.
Zeinab Abdullah

20 Points

Total Points: /45

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