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Running head: GLOBAL TOURISM 1

Global Tourism




Dubai has become a regional commercial hub with a well-developed infrastructure, and a

global class business environment. It has emerged to be the best place to set up a business in the

gulf region, offering investors a distinctive and complete value added platform. From 1971

when the UAE was formed, Dubai has undergone total transformation. Initially, the emirate was

dependent on oil and gas revenues, however, at present the economy has significantly diversified

to include international trade, real estate, tourism, manufacturing, and banking. By 2006, oil and

gas only contributed 5% of Dubai`s GDP.

Social Ethics

Laws and culture in Dubai were formulated to ensure that people and companies have

respect for one another and the environment. Investor should avoid improper behavior that can

lead to them being imprisoned, deported, or fined. Unlike other global destinations such as Hong

Kong, sustainability measures are integral components of the country`s long-term development

agenda. Sustainability measures are included in socioeconomic policies. This has made the

country attractive to investors, employment creation, and better environment for the people. The

existence of clear laws that guide operations has reduced uncertainty and ambiguity in doing

business. In addition, established companies in Dubai are facilitated to incorporate corporate

social responsibility into their existing strategies, value creation, corporate governance, and core

competence. This has promoted Dubai as a global business hub that offers investors an

environment of accountability and transparency (Hamid, 2013).

Dubai just like the rest of the United Arab Emirate (UAE) has a zero tolerance policy on

drinking and driving. Tourists and nationals can be arrested and charged if alcohol is detected in

their blood system. In addition, activities such as racing, over speeding, tailgating, jumping

between lanes, and using a mobile phone while on the wheel are considered illegal. Dubai has

installed several speed cameras on motorways and roads to monitor drivers who misbehave.

Traffic fines are quite heavy, in addition, there is the risk of your car being impounded by

authorities, and putting on a seat belt is mandatory (UK Government, 2013, p. 2). These strict

policies have reduced congestion on the roads and accidents making it easy to deliver goods and

services in a timely manner. In addition, employees are also able to arrive at their places of work

in a timely manner.

It is also important for visitors to know that bouncing a check in Dubai unacceptable. If

an individual presents a check without sufficient funds to cover the amount, the individual faces

both civil and criminal charges. In the event that a tourist has been handed a jail sentence, he or

she cannot be released until pending amounts have been met in full. This has created honest

environment for doing business, businesses can readily accept check payments without fear of

fraud (UK Government, 2013, p. 3). Finally, it is illegal for person to work without getting the

necessary visa. No person can be engaged in any type of employment without first securing a

work visa. This makes it easy for employers to have good record of each employee and it is easy

to track an employee in the event that he/she defrauds the company. Countries like the U.S. have

for a long time suffered the challenge of illegal immigrants who live and work in the country.


Islamic religious principles and values are highly respected in Dubai. Demonstrating any

type of disrespect toward religious practices and beliefs is considered highly offensive and can

result in imprisonment, fine or both. Islamic religion equally governs business practices. In

practice, all economic dealings are accepted in Islam provided they are within the tenets of

Islam. Consequently no contradictions exist between Islamic justice and ethics and profit

making. Finance and commerce areas some of the major economic areas that Dubai has

outperformed its rivals in the region. Unlike New York or Hong Kong that offer only

conventional banking services, Dubai offers both conventional and Islamic banking products.

This makes the Dubai the best destination especially for firms targeting the Islamic customers

market. Similarly, given that all economic products are offered in the context of existing

regulations, Dubai has a well-developed regulatory framework that governs all economic

products. As a whole Dubai provides all the prerequisites of an Islamic economy. This coupled

with its strategic location in the MENA region makes it attractive as a global hub. A conservative

Islamic culture also implies that people prefer to avoid uncertainty and they do not tolerate

unorthodox behavior and ideas. This implies that innovative financial instruments that resulted in

the 2007 financial crisis are less likely to be witnessed in Dubai. This protects both the interests

of the people and investors. In addition, people have high respect for rules, time is considered

precious, and there is an intrinsic motivation to work hard and remain punctual (Geert-hofstede,


Alcohol Consumption

Consumption of alcohol is permitted only among non-Muslims. However, consumption

has to be in licensed areas such as clubs, restaurants, private venues, pubs, and at home for

people who have an alcohol license. For those living in Dubai, they must obtain a special license

before they can buy alcohol from designated licensed stores. The license is only a permission to

purchase alcohol and does not offer immunity for alcohol related offences. To qualify to buy and

drink alcohol, an individual must be 21 years and over. A person found consuming alcohol

outside the specially designated areas can be fined, incarcerated, or deported. Those with alcohol

licenses are required to carry their purchased alcohol in enclosed paper bags as a sign of respect

to the local culture. This means that employees are more likely to be more productive at work,

fewer cases of alcohol related absenteeism reported, and conducive work environment.

Sexual Relationships

Any sexual contact out of marriage is considered illegal in Dubai, irrespective of any

relationship you may have with the said partner in your home country. Cohabitation is

considered illegal. In addition, a woman who becomes pregnant outside marriage faces the risk

of imprisonment with her partner. Furthermore, married couples are allowed to hold hands in

public, however, hugging and kissing are considered as crime and an offence against public

decency. Public display of affection is generally not allowed (UK Government, 2013, p. 2). This

promotes decency in the workplace. In addition human resource issues such as hiring and

promotions are less likely to be based on sexual relationships.


Ramadan is an annual Muslim event that is celebrate in Dubai from around July 20th and

lasts for a period of 30 days. During the month, Muslim faithful fast from morning to dusk.

Throughout the entire month, smoking, drinking, drinking, playing loud music, dancing publicly,

and eating during daytime are strictly forbidden and are legally punishable even for non-

Muslims. Every evening in the Ramadan period, Muslims break their fast with a meal popularly

known as Iftar. The majority of restaurants offer Iftar buffets during Ramadan. The month is

often characterized by short business days, spending more time with loved ones, and quite

nights. For tourists, there are a number of Do`s and Donts during the holy month of Ramadan.

In the month of Ramadan operations in Dubai are not completely halted. The majority of

tourists and expatriates have good time during the month because the majority of the facilities

remain open. However, when the temperature rises, the city is left empty as people head off for

cooler shores. Taxis and public transport operations function normally, however, at sunset, the

majority of taxi drivers halt their businesses for a while to break their fast. Unlike Bahrain or

Dubai, alcohol consumption is permitted in Dubai during Ramadan (Butt, 2011, p. 1). In

addition, the city`s major tourist attractions such as Burj Khalifa the world`s tallest building and

Wild Wadi Waterpark are not so busy during this month making it more convenient for many

tourists. The ability to do business even during Ramadan and the consideration given to non-

Muslims make`s Dubai a global business hub.

In conclusion, the high ethical standards has ensured the existence of transparency, a

well-developed legal structure, and made the country attractive internationally. This explains

why Dubai has emerged to be a global business hub. Foreign investors in the country are highly

protected by the government and are assured of smooth business operations.



Butt, R. (2011). Britons warned to respect Ramadan while holidaying in Dubai. Retrieved on 30

July, 2013 from: <


Geert-hofstede (2013). Arab Emirates - Geert Hofstede. Retrieved on 30 July, 2013 from:


Hamid, F. (2013). Ethics in Business: Soul of ethics in the new Dubai. Retrieved on 30 July,

2013 from: <>

UK Government (2013). Living in the United Arab Emirates - Detailed guidance. Retrieved on

30 July, 2013 from: <>

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