Harry Potter V Naruto A Comparison Study

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A. Background of Study

The world is already developed through connections that developed

through the commerce, technology and culture. It is not a new thing to find

someone that born in a western culture becomes the master of an art in the other

cultures or someone that born in the east also becomes a teacher of the western

hemisphere culture. The similarities not only stopped there but also expands to the

other parts of life include the literary works. In some cases there are found that a

work of an author of the western hemisphere has a similarities with the works of

arts with an artist or an author from the eastern hemisphere but yet the similarities

are concealed under a cover from the plot, settings, and even the story itself. A

comparative study of the works is a thing to be done to find the points of

similarities and the differences that existed in the cultures that exist in the two


Inside the two continent a world of literary world in form of novel

is emerge under the condition of the world a certain author find , as stated by Van

de Laar in his book, a novel is a world which created by an author as the result of
his or hers observation and reflection of the world where he or she is live on

(1969: 163), it could be a simple expression of memories or the form of the

authors personal emotion that displayed through the characters of a story, the

plot, or even the setting of the story. It also shares a values that later on influence

the attitude of the readers on the authors or somebody personal experience

(Wellek & Warren, 1969: 163).

It also shows the development of the growth of human conscience that

reflected through a characters characteristics characterization in the story as it is a

process that mainly related to the author unconscious repression (Pikunas,

2006:11), which is affected by the plot that settled by author that later on become

one of the factor that influences the characters development that the author made

in his or hers work.

In the development of the literary works, these hemisphere is grow in their

own values and sets of norms in the society which is based on their own ideals

and basic of the meaning of life towards themselves, but in some cases there are

some similarities which are shown in many aspects of life .and it also what shown

in the literary works also shown some discreet similarities, whether it is in the

theme, topic, or even plot. Nowadays the similarities are barely seen in the work

of J.K. Rowling , Harry Potter , an orphan that being nurtured through various

adventures (Kern, 2006:104) and a work of Japanese comic book by Masahi

Kishimoto, Naruto, a boy that being socially isolated by the villagers of

Konohagakure, a secret village of ninjas where he live. These boys show a path
of adulthood in a condition that even not related but the same due to the

background of their origin and also the condition that they stuck in.

Therefore this study is a comparison study of the similarities and

differences between a J.K Rowlings Harry Potter and Masahi Kishimotos

Naruto through the plot and the characterization to find the factor that built the

main characters maturity through the story and a process to find out how the

culture which is seen in the story through setting and plot influence the main

character of both stories in decision making process when they confront problems

or conflicts.

B. Problem Formulations

In order to limit the subjects of this study there are some questions that used

as problem formulation. The questions are:

1. How the description of main characters characterization in both

stories and the setting of culture are described in the stories?

2. What are the influences of the setting of culture and plot of the

story to the main characters ability in decision making process in

the both stories?

3. How the cultures in both stories influenced the main characters

ability in decision making process and what ideas that different

point of both stories cultures to each others?

C. Objective of Study

The objective of this study is to answer the problem formulations above.

The first objection of this study is define the characterization of the main character

in J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter and Masashi Kishimotos Naruto as described in

the story. The second aim is to find the plot of both stories and the setting of the

story especially the setting of culture in the stories. The next purpose is to find the

influence of cultural setting in the character in both stories as seen in the

characterization of the characters and make a comparison study between the

stories in order to describe the influences of culture towards the character and the

factors that affect the decision making process of the main character in both

stories as the result of culture that the characters involved in and lived in and also

to give a deeper view of manga as a form of literature from the perspective of

comparative study.

D. Definition of Terms

In this study there is two terms that must be explained to avoid misunderstanding

in this study. The terms are:

1. Comparative Literature Study

Comparative literature study is study or research of literature that view

the literature and culture as a whole thing not as separated thing which in

need of use an application of other disciplinary. (Zepetnek, 1998 ; 15 ).

2. Manga

A style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at

adults as well as children and emerging since 1950s .

(oxforddictionaries.com, 2014)

3. Culture

The customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of

particular country and group. (Oxford Advanced Dictionary, 2006:306)



A. Review of Related Studies

In studying the J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, here are some other

studies that conducted previously by some researchers in Harry Potter series

and also on the effects of culture through the perspective of psychology. The

first study that reviewed is a study that conducted by an editor of Alice

Academy, Elizabeth Pandolfo-Briggs. Briggs, in her study discussed how the

author of Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, presenting the story in a distinct

way (the-looking-glass.net, 2014) with the title The Real Magic of Harry

Potter. In the study, Briggs stated the way that it blends the fantasy and

reality by presenting the normal or ordinary magic that used in daily routine

basis that could be understand as a appraisal of how the author brought the

daily routine in the readers life, which originally the children, into the magic

world with its wonders and presenting the magic as the part of daily routine.

The mixture of the fantasy and the reality also a point of idea that Briggs

discussed in her study through the existence of magical being, spells, and

magic or wizardry community life, such as Quiditch, magical items, and the

usage of magic, that used in the school life which leads to a conclusion that

the most interesting part of the story and also the strongest aspects of interest

towards the readers of the story is the mixture itself. On the other hand,
another study about the extrinsic aspect of the story also discussed by Melia

Hapsari Sabarno in her thesis about the portrayal of J.K Rowlings school life

as seen from one of hers protagonist, Hermione Granger in the third book of

the series, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

In her study, Sabarno states that Hermione Granger, one of the storys

protagonists and friend of the main character, Harry Potter, as the portrayal of

Rowlins teenage (2006: 28). In her study, Sabarno used the characterization,

the physical appearance, social relationship, and mental qualities, to reveal the

resemblance of Rowlings teenage as seen from their mental qualities

similarities. Sabarno states that Hermione Granger is a student with

outstanding qualities. First quality is diligent, she always be the hardest

worker among her age-mates. The next quality is clever. Her cleverness is the

results of her diligent action such as read the text book before the class started.

She is also very familiar with book or book-oriented. The library was her

favorite place and she always spent her spare time there reading various book.

Another quality is brave, as seen she always stand up when there is sometimes

that she dislikes or not in the same perception of truth that she has. She also

shows her bravery to disobey one of her professor to not help her friend,

Neville Longbottom to do his assignment which also reveals one of her

quality, sensitive. There are also some other qualities such as reliable,

ambitious, and obedient (2006:30-35), and from these qualities, Hermione is

similar to Rowling, as stated by Sabarno in her analysis,

Rowling was growing up as a smart student. She liked books. She

always counts on the library as her main source of knowledge. She was

the cleverest student in every class she took. On the other side,

Rowling was different form her other girl friends. She did not use

make up on her face; she didnt dress up well, and on the top of that,

she dared to fight against her friends. (2006:38)

On the other hand, the intrinsic elements of Harry Potter series also one

aspects that discussed in literary studies beside the authors factor. One of the

studies that discuss the intrinsic elements of the story is a literary text discourse by

Maria Benedecta Dian Savitri from Sanata Dharma. In her thesis, Savitri tries to

reveals the reflection of British 20th century society in the story as seen in the

second book of the story, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. In her study,

Savitri stated that social divisions of the 20th century Britain are divided into some

classes by their genecology and their economic factors and this is also could be

seen in the story. The classes are divided into: the aristocrats or the upper class,

middle class or the professionals workers which divided into subclasses, the

salatariat or the salary man, routine white-collars workers, and the self employed.

The last class is the lower class or the proletariat or the social class that consists of

the low-class workers.

The story also reflects the class division which based on the genealogical

factors. The social classes in the story are divided into the upper class wizards or

the wealthy pure blood wizards, a wizard or witch that born from the wizard and
witch parents that represented by The Malfoys, the antagonists of the story. The

second class is the middle class wizard which consists of the half-blood wizards,

wizard or witch that comes from one wizard or witch parents and a non wizard or

witch parents. The wizard or witch that comes from a family that has non-wizard

ot muggles blood in their vein also included in the middle class wizard. In the

story this kind middle class wizard is represented by the Potters

The other part of the middle class wizard is the poor pure-blood wizard

that works to earn living for the family as represented by the Weasleys in the story

while the Grangers is also stated as the middle class wizard since comes from the

professional workers even they only have one witch in their family, the daughter,

Hermione Granger. The witch or wizard that comes from the muggles is stated as

the mudblood which reveal that the genealogical factors that influence the social

divisions in the story communities which also resembles the real life social

divisions in the 20th century British community.

The low-class worker or the low class is represented by a magical-being

character, Dobby, the Malfoys house keeper but since Dobby is an elf, he is

categorized as a house elf. Dobby is representing the lower class since even

though he is able to use magic, he cant use it without the Malfoys permission

and work for the Malfoys benefits only which is look alike the low-class workers

that working for the owner of the company where they work.

The studies above shows that a literary work could be a manifestation of

values or representation and reference towards what happened in the authors

world yet the characters also become the portrayal of what human being is. The

characters are also being able to influenced by the things that captured by the

author from the real world since they are a form of idea that similar to the people.

The influence itself is brought by the author while animate the characters in story.

The influence itself could be influence of culture, ideology, or mindset

from the community where the author live in. One example of real life influence

of culture that reviewed in this study is a study by Shali Wu and Boaz Keysar

about the effect of culture on perspective taking from University of Chicago. In

their study, Wu and Keysar tries to defines the effects of culture on perspective

taking in the individualistic culture and try to compare it with the same issue in

the collectivistic cultures.

Wu and Keysar studies involves 20 participants from American culture as

the representation of individualistic culture and 20 participants from Chinese

culture as the representation of collectivistic cultures and made them make a

perspective taking games and resulted the cultural patterns of interdependence

focus attention on the other. This issue, the interdependence among others, made

the Chinese participants become the better perspective takers than the American


The effects of culture also become the main idea of this study with the

focus of the effects of cultures towards the main character decision making ability

in J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter and later on compared into the main character of

Masashi Kishimotos Naruto to see the portrayal of culture effects in a person

mindset in the literary work from two hemisphere and develop a deeper

understanding about the cultural perspective representation from the literature

comparison study.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this study there are some theories that used to answer the problem

formulation above. The theories that used in this study are the theories of

characterization and character, theories of setting, theories of comparative literary

study and theories of decision making.

1. Theories of Characterization

The theories of characterization that used in this study is the

theory that stated by Murphy. In his book, Murphy stated that the

characterization itself is a process to communicate with the readers

about what sort of people the character(s) is (are) and to make them

understandable by the readers (1972:161)

Murphy also listed nine ways to see a characters

characterization. The characterization could be seen from its

manner to something as well as the past life of the character that

also could be seen from the perspective of the author. A direct

comment also could be a factor to analyze the characterization of a

character. A dialogue between the characters also could be the

method to see its characterization or a speech that done by the

character in the story and also its reaction towards an event or

situation. (1972: 161 173)

2. Theory of Plot and Setting

The setting of a literary work, as stated by Abrams in A

Glossary of Literary Terms, it could be a place, time , or culture

where the character is live in therefore it could be defined as the

theory that used to analyze the circumstances , whether physical or

abstract condition where the story take place. The setting of place

could mean that it focused on the relation of the place where the

story take place and the development of the story.

The second part of theory of setting is setting of time ,

which analyze when the time of a particular part of an action

happened or when is the story happened in the time line of the time

in this world. Another theory of setting said by Holman and

Harmon which defined setting as four different things which

constructed as following: 1) Actual geographical location, 2)

Occupations and daily manner of living of the characters, 3) Time

or period in which action take place. 4) The general environment of

the characters, for instance religious, moral, mental, social and

emotional conditions which the people in the narrative move

(1986: 465)

Theory of the plot, which is defined by Abrams, A plot is a

series of events that intended to gain a certain psychological and

artistic effects to the character (1999: 224). Plot also a foundation

of a story that consist of some main elements, the first is the

exposition where the background of the story being exposed, rising

action where the conflicts or problems start to appear. The next is

climax where the problem is reach its peak and followed by the

falling action, the part of the story where the conflicts is settled

down. Resolution is the part where all conflicts are resolved

(Yelland, 1953: 148). The next part of theory of setting is the

setting of culture which defined as social life or community which

expressed in norms, customs, faith or way of life. It also could

means that the circumstances that existed in the story as the

representation of a real life culture.

3. Theory of Comparative Literature Study

The comparative literary study that used in this study is the

thematic parallelism which focused on the parallel theme among

the object of the study (Weber in Koalb and Noakes, 1988: 58).

The definition of the comparative literary itself by Zepetnek which

is defined as a study or research of literature that view the literature

and culture as a whole thing not as separated thing which in need

of use an application of other disciplinary.( 1998 : 15 ).

Comparative study is also defined a form of interest to

study literature, which related to the connection with other forms

of artistic expression and also with other disciplines (1998: 17).

The study also a postulate of theories and methodologies to make a

communication between cultures (1998:16) which also stated by

Dr. J. Parasanthi in The Theory of Comparative Literary that the

study of comparative literature must be organized for inter-

literature analyses and function in the manner of frameworks for

critical observations. (yabaluri.org, Sept 1, 2014)

4. Theories Decision Making

The decision making is a process of someone mind which

based on the ability of someone to make a certain judgment of a

condition that need a logical thinking to get a solution. The

judgment mainly uses the superego of mind or the part of mind that

gained from system of values, norms, ethics, and attitudes (Kalish,

1973:35). It basically starts from when a child could decide what is

right or wrong, good and bad, or even moral and immoral (1973 :


It also could be influenced by the known ability or

unknown ability of something in the problem he or she face and

since it is based on the conscious mind which created by the

socializing process, the culture where a person lives in becomes a

great deal of matters since the basic tenets of bad or good is

determined by the value that the culture believe in.

5. Theories on Comic and Literature

The theories on comic and literature mainly focused on to

see a comic which is defined by Eisner as sequential arts

(1954:42). It also deals with two forms of communication, words

and images as its main form of interaction with its readers. It also

uses the imagery, plot and settings as a literary works used but in

different forms since the imagery and settings are transformed into

juxtaposed graphics (McCloud, 1994:7). Another idea is stated by

as Eisner which said that a comic books story is presented in two

forms, words and images which needs its readers to be able to

interpret the story not only verbally but also visually that requires

the understanding not only on the art aspects which is the images

or the graphic of the comic but also the aspect of the grammar and

the words inside the comic book itself. Therefore, reading a comic

book also could be considered as a form of a pursuit of intellectual

needs since its special traits to be understood (Eisner, 1985:8)

A comic book also could be considered as a form of

literature from the aspects that same with the intrinsic aspect of a

literary words but rather than use only words, it uses images and

altered form of plot, symbol, imagery and the narrator of the story

which in a literary work the reader could be a first person of the

story or the third person point of view which changed the

perspective of the story becomes a omniscient or omnipresent

narrator depends on how the story is presented by a voice inside

the story. The comic book, on the other hand, always put the

readers as an omnipresent and also sometimes omniscient

perspective for its reader. By using dictions, tone and sense that

conveyed by a word, sentence, and paragraph a literary work could

altered the readers opinion, perspectives and stand on some things,

but the comic uses the style of how writes the words as a part of

images to make a foregrounding in its story or to change the

readers attitude, emotions, and ideas on something which

accompanied by images that placed one to another in a sequence or

by McCloud defined as juxtaposed sequential visual arts

(McCloud, 1994:8).

Like literary work, the comic also has genre and style of

writing that influenced by the social circumstances that existed

around the artist that later on transformed or represented in a comic

book which also becomes a notion of a literary works. The literary

works always becomes a representation of a real life condition,

phenomena and experience of the author and its influenced the

work. The use of plot, settings, and themes which becomes one of

the items that existed in comic book as well as the literary works

(McCloud, 1994:6) and with some items and elements that same

each others, a comic book could be considered as a form or

literature but with distinct notions that the comic book is presenting

the story with its elements not only with words but also with

images and by its readers it must be interpreted from the linguistic

and also the visual aspects.

C. Theoretical Framework

Framework of this study is applies the theories in this study to analyze the object

of the study. The use comparative literary study as a foreground to define the parallelism

structure between the texts that use as the object of the study. The definition of the

comparative theory will limit the comparison between the works and become the main

methodology of the study to define the influence of cultural setting in the character in

both stories. The comparison literary theory also becomes the base to make a comparison

study between the stories in order to describe the influences of culture to the character of

the study.

The theory of setting will use to define the setting of circumstances in the stories

and the influence of the setting which is the first analytical step of the theory. The theory

of characterization later on will used to analyze the characters of the story and the

development that happened to the characters in the story



A. Object of Study

The object of this study is a novel by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, a story of an

orphan but actually a survivor of a massacre of his family by a dark magician, Lord

Voldemort and also defeat him. It was published for the first time in 1999 and ends in

2007 with 7 series that tell the reader with the marvelous of heroism of the main

character, Harry Potter with his friends, Ron Weasley and Herminone Granger and the

main text of this study. The story focused on the conflicts that experienced by Harry in

each series which develop the maturity of himself as the person that being nurtured and

tested in the same time (Kern, 2006: 104) by the adventures and problems from himself,

his friends or teacher, or his arch enemy, Lord Voldemort which also a student of his

teacher , Albus Dumbledore that killed his parents and one of his teacher, Severus Snape.

The other object of this study is an manga, by Masashi Kishimoto entitled

Naruto. A story of a boy that being a place to seal a supernatural monster that killed his

parents and the rest of his village, Konohagakure, that later on made him being hated by

the entire village and being socially isolated by the villagers. In the story, Naruto

Uzumaki, the main character of this story also undergo a conflict of identity from a crime

organization that chase the monster, Kyubi no Kurama, in his body that lead by a ninja

called Pain whom killed his master which also Narutos master, Sannin no Jiraiya.

B. Approach of Study

In this study the approach that used is the psychoanalytic approach. The

psychoanalytical approach basically originated from a method of therapy to help people

with mental disorders through the investigation of interaction between unconscious mind

and the conscious mind (Barry, 2009: 92). The method itself is coined by Sigmund Freud

that focused on the things that being buried or covered of someone in unconscious mind

but slightly came into the real world without being noticed by others. Freud in his basic

theory divides the human mind into two divisions, unconscious and conscious which in

later development re-divide the mind into three stages, id, ego and superego. This method

of therapy is also used to analyze and criticize a literary works, whether its character, plot

and even in a larger scale the society that reflected in the story or the authors intention to

the work. (Barry, 2002: 105). The usage of this theory on analyzing a literary works is a

cross over between two fields of discipline, psychology and literature where both of it ,

capture the mans mind condition, but the psychology captured humans mind

systematically not only in real life but also in literature (Lindauer in Bornstein, 1984:

144). Therefore, the psychoanalytic approach is used in this study since in this study uses

an analysis on how the conscious mind of the main character influenced by conscious

mind which related with culture and decision making which is one of psychology

fundamental theory.

The psychoanalytic approach is also used in this study since it is focused on how

the psyche condition of a person influences his or her action when facing a conflict that

requires a solution that acceptable in the ideas or norm of the character culture and the

last reason is to helps the analysis in this study which defining the effect of culture as it is

seen in the characters mind that reflected in their acts.

C. Method of Study

This study uses library researches since there were a lof of the data in this study

taken from several books and internet materials. The main source of this study is the J.K.

Rowling Harry Potter series, and the secondary sources taken from the manga Naruto.
The literature theories in this book are taken from M.H. Abrams A Glossary of Literary

Terms, Peter Barrys Beginning Theory, An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory,

M.J. Murphys Understanding Unseen : An Introduction to English Poetry and the

English Novel for Overseas Student, H.L. Yellands A Handbook of Literary Terms, Rene

Welleks The Concept of Comparative Literature, and Steven T. de Zepetneks

Comparative Literature Theory, Method, Application. The theory on comic studies was

taken from Will Eisners Theory of Comics and Sequential Art, Robet Petersens Comics,

Manga, and Graphic Novel and Scott McClouds Understanding Comics. The theory on

human motivation and decision making is taken from Richard A. Kalishs The Psychology

if Human Behavior.

The attempt to define of the stories in this study needs the comparative literary

theories to be applied thematically. The theory is applied thematically as theory itself is

used as the base to find the relation through the story which made in two different culture,

language and forms. The theory also becomes the main idea of the other theories that

used in this study, theory of setting and theory of characterization, as the main supportive

theories to the idea of the theory of comparative literary study while the theory of film

and literature is used to get the red line of the manga structure to be the comparison

source of the study. The theory of decision making is used to see how the characters make

a decision in the conflict.

This study also uses the J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter as the main text as the main

part of the library study and uses the Masashi Kishimotos Naruto as a second texts and

the other related studies or texts to the topic of the study.

The first step of this study was to find ideas of influence of culture in the both

story and trying to define the contrastive ideas that shown in both stories which changed
into the problem formulation of this study. The problem formulation later on became the

focus of the study. The second step was focused to find evidences on each story and

decide whether the evidences could be considered as the effect of culture on decision

making of the main characters. . The third step was the comparison study of the effects

that caused by culture on decision making that made by the main characters in both

stories. The last step was to define a conclusion on the effect that caused by culture on the

aspect of decision making abilities from the evidences and analysis that conducted on this


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