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1. Drilling the vocabulary and the sentences 1-5

(English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

2. Checking the vocabulary and the sentences

1-5 (Asking one by one).

3. Melanjutkan drilling 6-10

(English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

4. Checking the vocabulary and the sentences

6-10 lalu 1-10 (Asking one by one).

5. Practice student to student (A menyebutkan

vocabulary, B membuat kalimat).

6. Writing the vocabulary 1-10.

7. Drilling the vocabulary dengan system hapus.

8. Drilling once again.

The board

The Tutor


1. Get up : Bangun
I usually get up at 4 Oclock a.m.

2. Get up early : Bangun pagi.

I always get up early.

3. Get up late : Bangun kesiagan

I never get up late every morning.

4. Stand in line : Antri

I always stand in line in front of the bathroom to take
a bath.

5. Wash my face : Mencuci muka

I wash my face regularly every morning.

6. Brush my teeth : Menggosok gigi.

I brush my teeth three times a day.

7. Take a bath : Mandi

I sometimes take a bath in the morning.

8. Wash my hair : Keramas

I seldom wash my hair.

9. Take a ritual ablution : Wudlu

I always take a ritual ablution before praying.

10. Take a towel : Mengambil handuk

I always take a towel before taking a bath.

The board

The Tutor METHOD 2

1. Repetition all the vocabulary and the

sentences 1-10 (Drilling).

2. Drilling interrogative sentences 1-10

(English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

3. Drilling with all subjects, (Indonesia -

English, dan sebaliknya).

4. Drilling interrogative sentences with all


5. Post test the sentences (1-10).

The board

The Tutor



1. Do you usually get up at 4 oclock a.m.?

2. Do you always get up early?
3. Do you sometimes get up late every morning?
4. Do you always stand in line in front of the
bath room to take a bath?
5. Do you wash your face regularly every
6. Do you brush your teeth three times a day?
7. Do you sometimes take a bath in the morning?
8. Do you seldom wash your hair?
9. Do you always take a ritual ablution before
The board

The Tutor 4
10. Do you always take a towel before taking a


1. Repetition the vocabulary and the sentences 1-10 (+,?)

with different subject.
2. Drilling the vocabulary and the sentences 11-15
(English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

3. Checking the vocabulary and the sentences

1-5 (Asking one by one).

4. Melanjutkan drilling 16-20

(English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

5. Checking the vocabulary and the sentences

16-20 then 11-20 (Asking one by one).

6. Practice student to student (A menyebutkan

vocabulary, B membuat kalimat).

7. Writing the vocabulary 11-20.

8. Drilling the vocabulary dengan system hapus.

9. Drilling once again.

The board

The Tutor 5
11. Dry myself : Handukan
I always dry myself after taking a bath.

12.Have a dawn prayer : Sholat subuh

I have a dawn prayer with all my friends.

13.Do sport : Berolah raga

I do sport to make my body fresh.

14.Watch TV : Menonton TV
I sometimes watch TV to know some news.

15.Have breakfast : Sarapan

I always have breakfast before going to school.

16.Prepare to go to school : Persiapan pergi kesekolah.

I prepare to go to school while watching TV.

17.Go to school : Pergi kesekolah

I go to school on foot.

18.Pick up my friend : Menjemput temanku

I sometimes pick up my friend to go to school.

19.Drop by : Mampir
I like drop by at my friends boarding house.

20. Have a chat : Ngobrol

I have a chat with my friends after class.


1. Repetition all the vocabulary and

the sentences (1-20) followed by interrogative


2. Drilling penambahan s/es in positive

sentences, using different subject

(Translation 1-20).

The board

The Tutor


1. Mereka biasanya bangun pada jam 4 pagi.

They usually get up at 4 oclock a.m.

2. Kita selalu bangun pagi.

We always get up early.

3. Saya tidak pernah bangun terlambat setiap pagi.

I never get up late every morning.

4. Kita selalu antri di depan kamar mandi untuk mandi.

We always stand in line in front of the bathroom to take a bath.

5. Dia (lk) mencuci mukanya dengan teratur setiap pagi.

He washes his face regularly every morning.

6. Dia (pr) mengosok giginya tiga kali sehari.

She brushes her teeth three times a day.

7. Avin kadang-kadang mandi dipagi hari.

Avin sometimes takes a bath in the morning.

8. Vina jarang keramas.

Vina seldom washes her hair.

9. Saya dan kamu selalu wudlu sebelum sholat.

You and I always take a ritual ablution before praying.

10. Dia (lk) selalu mengambil handuk sebelum mandi.

He always takes a towel before taking a bath.
11. Apakah mereka selalu handukan setelah mandi ?
Do they always dry themselves after taking a bath?

12. Apakah kamu selalu sholat subuh dengan semua teman-temanmu ?

Do you always have a dawn prayer with all of your friends?

13. Apakah kamu selalu berolah raga agar badanmu segar setiap hari ?
Do you always do sport to make your body fresh every morning?

14. Apakah dia (lk) kadang - kadang nonton TV untuk mengetahui

beberapa berita ?
Does he sometimes watch TV to know some news?

15. Apakah dia (pr) selalu sarapan sebelum pergi ke sekolah ?

Does she always have breakfast before going to school?

16. Apakah Ricky bersiap-siap pergi ke sekolah sambil nonton TV?

Does Ricky prepare to go to school while watching TV?

17. Apakah Ratna pergi ke sekolah dengan jalan kaki ?

Does Ratna go to school on foot?

18. Apakah kamu menjemput temanmu untuk pergi ke sekolah ?

Do you pick up your friend to go to school?

19. Apaakah dia (lk) selalu mampir ke tempat kos temannya?

Does he always drop by at his friends boarding house?

20. Apakah mereka selalu ngobrol dengan teman - temannya setelah

pulang dari sekolah ?
Do they always have a chat with their friends after class?

1. Mereka biasanya bangun pada jam 4 pagi.

2. Kita selalu bangun pagi.
3. Saya tidak pernah bangun terlambat setiap pagi.
4. Kamu selalu antri di depan kamar mandi untuk mandi.
5. Dia (lk) mencuci mukanya dengan teratur setiap pagi.
6. Dia (pr) mengosok giginya tiga kali sehari.
7. Avin kadang-kadang mandi dipagi hari.
8. Vina jarang keramas.
9. Kamu dan aku selalu wudlu sebelum sholat.
10. Dia (lk) selalu mengambil handuk sebelum mandi.
11. Apakah mereka selalu handukan setelah mandi?
12. Apakah kamu selalu sholat subuh dengan semua teman - temanmu?
13. Apakah kamu selalu berolah raga agar badanmu segar setiap hari?
14. Apakah dia (lk) kadang - kadang menonton TV untuk mengetahui beberapa berita?
15. Apakah dia (pr) selalu sarapan sebelum pergi ke sekolah?
16. Apakah Ricky bersiap - siap pergi ke sekolah sambil nonton TV?
17. Apakah Ratna pergi ke sekolah dengan jalan kaki?
18. Apakah kamu menjemput temanmu untuk pergi ke sekolah?
19. Apakah dia (lk) selalu mampir ke tempat kos temannya?
20. Apakah mereka selalu ngobrol degan teman - temannya setelah pulang dari sekolah?



1. They usually get up at 4 oclock a.m.

2. We always get up early.
3. I never get up late every morning.
4. We always stand in line in front of the bathroom to
take a bath.
5. He washes his face regularly every morning.
6. She brushes her teeth three times a day.
7. Avin sometimes takes a bath in the morning.
8. Vina seldom washes her hair.
9. You and I always take a ritual ablution before praying.
10. He always takes a towel before taking a bath.
11. Do they always dry them selves after taking a bath?
12. Do you always have a dawn prayer with all your friends?
13. Do you always do sport to make your body fresh every
14. Does he sometimes watch TV to know some news?
15. Does he always have breakfast before going to school?
16. Does Ricky prepare to go to school while watching TV?
17. Does Ratna go to school on foot?
18. Do you pick up your friend to go to school?
19. Does he always drop by at his friends boarding house?
20. Do they always have a chat with their friends after class?


1. Repetition the vocabulary and the

sentences (11-20).

2. Drilling the vocabulary and the sentences

21-30, (English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

3. Writing the vocabulary.

4. Drilling once again and rolling one by one.

5. Post test the vocabulary.

The board

The Tutor

21. Have an English class : Masuk kelas Bhs inggris
They have an English class everyday.

22. Wash the clothes : Mencuci baju
We usually wash the clothes on Sundays.

23. Dry the clothes : Menjemur baju

I dry my clothes after washing them.

24.Have a midday prayer : Sholat dzuhur

He always has a midday prayer on time.

25.Buy some food : Membeli makanan

He always buys some food before having lunch.

26.Have lunch : Makan siang

Jack has lunch together with his friends.

27.Drink water : Minum air

Rose sometimes drinks water after meal.

28. Take a rest : Istirahat

My roommates and I always take a rest every day.

29.Take a nap : Tidur siang

My brother seldom takes a nap because
he works all day.

30.Take my friend : Mengantar teman

I sometimes take my friend to go shopping.


1. Repetition the vocabulary and the sentences


2. Drilling the vocabulary and the sentences

31-40, (English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

3. Writing the vocabulary.

4. Drilling once again and rolling one by one.

5. Post test the vocabulary.

The board

The Tutor

31. Get dressed : Memakai baju
We always get dressed after taking a bath.

32. Make up : Berhias

She always makes up before going to class.

33. Ride bicycle : Bersepeda

My uncle rides his bicycle to go to the rice field
every morning.

34. Go for a walk : Jalan - jalan

He never goes for a walk every morning.

35. Go sightseeing : Cuci mata

We often go sightseeing on Sundays.

36. Spend the time : Menghabiskan waktu

I sometimes spend my time on the bed.

37. Stay up / Stay awake : Bergadang

After drinking coffee, I usually stay up until dawn

38. Invite : Mengajak / mengundang

I always invite my friends to come to my birthday

39. Tidy up my room : Merapikan kamar

Shinta always tidies up her room after getting up.

40. Go to bed : Tidur

Some people generally go to bed at 9 oclock p.m.

1. Repetition the vocabulary and

the sentences (31-40).

2. Drilling the vocabulary and

the sentences (41-50),

(English - Indonesia, dan sebaliknya).

3. Writing the vocabulary.

4. Drilling once again and rolling one by one.

5. Post test the vocabulary.

The board

The Tutor

41.Steam the rice : Menanaknasi
My mother always steams the rice every morning.

42.Cook the food : Memasak makanan
I sometimes help my mother to cook in the kitchen.

43. Boil the water : Merebus air

We often boil water for our drink.

44.Fry the fish : Menggoreng ikan

My old sister never fries the fish for my father.

45.Make a cake : Membuat kue

The baker always makes the cakes because he has
many orders.

46.Roast the corn : Membakar jagung

We sometimes roast the corn to make a small party.

47.Mop the floor : Mengepel lantai

Some members of Feedorm mop the floor every week.

48.Wipe the glass : Mengelap gelas / kaca

My aunt always wipes the glass before using it.

49.Dust the table : Membersihkan debu meja

I always dust the table regularly every morning

50.Water the flower : Menyiram bunga

My old sister usually waters the flowers every morning.


1. Repetition the vocabulary and

the sentences (41-50).

2. Drilling the vocabulary and

the sentences 51-60 (English - Indonesia,

dan sebaliknya).

3. Writing the vocabulary.

4. Drilling once again and rolling one by one.

5. Post test the vocabulary.

The board

The Tutor

51. Arrange the furniture : Mengatur perabot rumah tangga
My mother always arranges the furniture everyday.

52. Iron the clothes : Menyeterika baju

I usually iron the clothes by myself.

53. Sew the clothes : Menjahit baju

The tailor sews many clothes everyday.

54. Mend the clothes : Menambal baju

My sister always mends my clothes.

55. Soak the clothes : Merendam baju

My brother usually soaks the clothes in a few minutes
before washing them.

56. Pour the tea into the glass : Menuang teh kedalam gelas.
My mother always pours the tea into the glass for my
father every morning.

57. Pare the fruit : Mengupas buah

We never pare the fruit with a blunt knife.

58. Butcher the chicken : Menyembelih ayam.

My family often butchers the chicken for a meeting.

59. Lit the stove : Menyalakan kompor

Before cooking, many people lit the stove with matches.

60. Blow the candle : Meniup lilin

My little brother likes to blow the candle in the dark.


1. Repetition the vocabulary and

the sentences (51-60).

2. Drilling the vocabulary and

the sentences 7-80 (English - Indonesia,

dan sebaliknya).

3. Writing the vocabulary.

4. Drilling once again and rolling one by one.

5. Post test the vocabulary.

The board

The Tutor

61. Switch on the light: Menyalakan lampu
We usually switch on the light when it begins to be dark.

62. Switch of the light: Mematikan lampu
My neighbor always switches of the light in the morning.

63. Turn up the volume: Mengeraskan suara

I often turn up the volume of the TV in the noisy situation.

64. Turn down the volume: Mengecilkan suara

My sister usually turns down the volume of the radio.

65. Polish the shoes: Menyemir sepatu

My mother always polishes my fathers shoes before he
goes to office.

66. Drain the water tub: Menguras bak mandi

My mother usually drains the water tub once a week.

67. Decorate the house: Menghias rumah

My aunt often decorates her house before having a party.

68. Throw the rubbish: Membuang sampah

We always throw the rubbish into the rubbish bin.

69. Hang the clothes: Menggantung baju

I always hang my clothes after ironing them.

70. Lock the door: mengunci pintu

My mother sometimes forgets to lock the door before
going out.
Light : Lampu yang biasanya di langit - langit.
Lamp : Lampu di atas meja / lampu duduk.


1. Repetition the vocabulary and

the sentences (61-70).

2. Drilling the vocabulary and

the sentences 71-80 (English - Indonesia,

dan sebaliknya).

3. Writing the vocabulary.

4. Drilling once again and rolling one by one.

5. Post test the vocabulary.

The board

The Tutor

71. Shake hand : Berjabat tangan
Do you always shake your hand when you
meet new friends?

72. Knock at the door : Mengetuk pintu

Look! Somebody is knocking at the door.

73. Pay back: Membayar hutang

My friend hasnt paid my money back.

74. Give back : Mengembalikan

Havent you given Surtis dictionary back?

75. Get in : Masuk

Please! Get in the car now.

76. Get out (of) : Keluar

Dont get out of this room!

77. Drop out : Keluar sekolah

Andy dropped out of school last month because
his parents had no enough money.

78. Look for : Mencari

She is looking for a pair of shoes in Sri Ratu Department
Store now.

79. Wait for : Menunggu

I have been waiting for you for a long time.

80. Run out : Habis (air, pulsa, bensin)

My motor cycle is running out of gasoline.


Making daily activities

a. Giving example daily activities 3x

then ask the students to translate.

b. Ask them to make their daily activities.

c. Checking.

d. Presentation daily activities (One by one).

The board

The Tutor


1. Wish me luck! : Doakan aku!
2. Good luck! : Semoga berhasil!
3. I pray for you : Aku berdoa untukmu
4. I swear! : Sumpah!
5. Take care of yourself : Jaga diri baik - baik
6. Not so bad! : Lumayan!
7. Move a bit, please! : Tolong geser sedikit!
8. Make a bet : Bertaruh
9. Im out of luck! : Mati / celaka aku!
10. I dont care! : Aku tidak peduli!
11. Its your turn! : Sekarang giliranmu!
12. Why not? : Mengapa tidak?
13. Watch out! / Look out! : Awas!
14. Dont interrupt! : Jangan menyela!
15. Dont disturb me! : Jangan ganggu aku!
16. Dont look me down! : Jangan merendahkan aku!
17. Anybody home? : Ada orang dirumah?
18. Keep your spirit! : Jangan putus asa!
19. I give up! : Aku menyerah!
20. Its none of your business! : Bukan urusanmu!
21. Great! / Bravo! : Bagus sekali!
22. What a shamed! : Memalukan!
23. Just by change! : Kebetulan aja!
24. Dont be coy! : Jangan malu-malu kucing!
25. Dont be cocky! : Jangan GR!
26. The time is up! : Waktunya sudah habis!
27. Dont waste the time! : Jangan buang-buang waktu!
28. Says who? : Kata siapa?
29. Up to you! : Terserah!
30. Who scares? : Siap takut?
31. Hurry up! : Cepetan!
32. Pay attention! : Perhatikan!

33. Wait a minute! : Tunggu sebentar!
34. How to say. : Bagaimana cara mengucapkan.
35. Dont block my sight! : Jangan tutupi pandanganku!
36. Keep silent! : Diamlah!
37. Get you! : Syukur!
38. Wait for me! : Tunggu sebentar!
39. Give it back to me! : Kembalikan padaku!
40. Really! : Sungguh!
41. Let me see! : Biarkan aku melihatnya!
42. Sorry, I forget! : Maaf,saya lupa!
43. Come in, please! : Silahkan Masuk!
44. Come here! : Kesinilah!
45. May I join, please? : Bolehkah aku ikut?
46. Dont bother! : Jangan repot - repot!
47. Dont mock me! : Jangan menghinaku!
48. How can it be? : Bagaimana mungkin!
49. Dont worry! : Jangan takut!
50. Take it easy! : Santai / tenang saja!
51. Who else? : Siapa lagi?
52. What else? : Apa lagi?
53. Some more? : Mau lagi?
54. Go dutch! : Bayar sendiri-sendiri!
55. Dont take long time! : Jangan lama-lama!
56. I didnt mean to! : Saya tidak sengaja!
57. Just kidding! : Hanya bercanda!
58. Dont take it personal! : Jangan di ambil hati!
59. What do I get for this? : Apa sebagai imbalanya?
60. What time will the class begin? : Jam berapa kelas akan di mulai?

1. Written examination
Materi (1-3)

A. Translation into English.

B. Translation into Indonesia.
C. Making sentences.

c. Oral examination
Materi (4-5)

5 Questions translation into English for every student.

3. Oral examination
Materi (6-7)

Making the sentences from some vocabularies as many

as possible In 3 minutes.
e.g. Mencuci baju : Wash the clothes
~ We usually wash the clothes on Sundays.

4. Written examination
Materi (8-10)

A. Translation into English.

B. Translation into Indonesia.
C. Making sentences.

5. Written examination
Materi (1-10)

Writing some vocabularies as many as possible.

6. The last examination

Translation into English.

Written Examination

A. Translate into English!

1. Apakah kamu biasanya bangun pada jam 4 pagi?
2. Aku selalu antri di depan kamar mandi untuk mandi.
3. Apakah kamu bangun terlambat setiap pagi?
4. Saya sholat subuh dengan semua taman - teman saya.
5. Aku kadang - kadang menonton TV untuk mengetahui beberapa berita.
6. Apakah kamu jarang keramas?
7. Aku selalu sarapan sebelum pergi ke sekolah.
8. Apakah kamu jarang mencuci mukamu?
9. Aku pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki.
10. Aku selalu mengambil handuk sebelum mandi.
_ _____________________________________________________________

B. Translate into Indonesia!

11. Do you usually take a ritual ablution before praying?
12. I always get up early.
13. Do you sometimes take a bath in the morning?
14. I do sport to make my body fresh.
15. I always dry my self after taking a bath.

C. Make sentences!
16. Drop by
17. Brush my teeth
18. Pick up my friend
19. Prepare to go to school

20. Have a chat _

Good luck

Written examination

Translate into English

1. Aku biasanya menyetrika bajuku sendiri.
2. Saudara (pr) ku kadang - kadang menambal bajuku.
3. Ibuku selalu menuangkan teh kedalam gelas untuk ayahku setiap pagi.
4. Keluargaku sering menyembelih ayam untuk suatu pertemuan.
5. Adik (lk) ku suka meniup lilin dikegelapan.
6. Temanku belum mengebalikan uangku.
7. Kita selalu membuang sampah di tempat sampah.
8. Silahkan masuk ke mobil sekarang!
9. Dia (pr) sedang mencari sepasang sepatu di toko serba ada Sri Ratu
10. Sepeda motorku sedang kehabisan bensin.

B. Translate into Indonesia

11. My mother always arranges the furniture everyday.
12. The tailor sews many clothes everyday.
13. We usually switch on the light when it begins to be dark.
14. I often turn up the volume of the TV in the noisy situation.
15. I always hang the clothes after ironing them.

C. Make sentences
16. Switch of the light.
17. Turn down the volume.
18. Drain the water tub.
19. Give back.
20. Lock the door.

Good luck
Written Examination

Translate into English.

1. Aku menggosok gigi tiga kali sehari.
2. Teman sekamarku sering bangun kesiangan.
3. Apakah dia (pr) selalu antri di depan kamar mandi untuk mandi?
4. Apakah kamu sering jalan - jalan di pagi hari?
5. Aku biasanya sholat subuh dengan semua teman - temanku.
6. Temanku jarang menjemputku pergi kesekolah.
7. Kita masuk kelas bahasa inggris setiap hari.
8. Jack sering makan siang dengan teman - temanya.
9. Apakah kamu selalu berhias sebelum pergi ke sekolah?
10. Aku biasanya bergadang sampai pagi.
11. Shinta selalu merapikan kamarnya setelah bangun tidur.
12. Ibuku menanak nasi setiap pagi.
13. Kita sering merebus air untuk minum.
14. Apakah penjahit biasanya menjahit pakaian setiap hari?
15. Aku biasanya merendam bajuku sebelum mencucinya.
16. Tiuplah lilin itu!
17. Apakah kamu biasanya menguras bak mandi sekali seminggu?
18. Apa yang sedang kamu cari?
19. Kita jarang ngobrol dengan dia (pr).
20. Aku sering mengantar teman - temanku belanja.

Good luck

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