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THE MUN SCROLL| Issue # 02


THE MUN SCROLL| Issue # 02

In This Issue
Heading towards
World War III
The Indo-Pak
The Mexican
Rohingya Crisis
UNGA 2017
Clash of Diplomats
Upcoming events

The Possibility of World War III

Is the Third World War on its Way?! Tensions between Trump and North Korea escalate

the issue of Russias collusion with the
be threat for the US or its allies, the US US 2016 Elections. Even if Moscow voted
will not have any option but to totally with the rest of the UN Security Council to
We all are aware of the Korean Peninsula destroy North Korea, and regarded these pass the most far-reaching sanctions ever
Conflict going on currently which has threats as the declaration of war. placed on North Korea, it supported a
escalated World War 3 tensions. North suspension-for- suspension approach to
Korea has continued its nuclear policy Earlier, Kim Jong Un referred to Trump as reign in North Koreas missile and nuclear
and has been launching ICBMs a deranged man and a dotard. So, as weapons program.
periodically now. the war of words between USA and North
Korea continues, it is continuously The strategy calls for Pyongyang to stop
The most recent launch of a missile by increasing the chances of a dangerous its tests in exchange for an end to US and
North Korea being the missile it launched nuclear World War 3. South Korean joint military exercises on
towards Japan on the 15th of September. the peninsula. Thus, Russia agreed to
Earlier, it also successfully tested a The possibility of World War 3 is also work with North Korea to resolve missile
hydrogen bomb which could be loaded supported by the fact that Iran too crisis and thus held meeting with the
into an ICBM and also tested several long successfully tested a ballistic missile on director general of North Korea.
range missiles which could actually hit the 23rd September thus violating the Iran
coast of Guam in the US. Nuclear Agreement which said that Iran China is the largest trade ally of North
would not continue on its nuclear program Korea and a lot of pressure has been put
North Korean foreign minister, Ri Yong in return of which economic sanctions on on China to resolve this issue tactically
Ho addressed the UN General Assembly Iran would be reduced. US president and diplomatically. Conflicts soared when
and accused that Trump himself is on a & Trump signaled that he may pull of the USA President Donald trump announced
suicide mission & and the US will pay deal as it was an embarrassment to the a new travel ban on 8 countries on 25th
dearly for Trump is aggressive speech US. September which included North Korea,
against Kim Jong Un. He said that Trump Venezuela etc. Suspicions rose to a new
committed an irreversible mistake by In the eve of such conflicts, Russia too high when according to intelligence
saying harsh words in his speech while has successfully tested ICBMs on the agencies North Korea was spotted
addressing the council. He condemned 26th of September. It has also increased moving missiles from a rocket facility
what Trump had previously said- Kim its military drills and warheads. It also has dedicated in the development of ICBMs in
Jong Un is a Rocket Man on a suicide
mission and that if North Korea proves to
issues with Syria on the Syrian Civil War.
And also has ongoing issues with USA on
Pyongyang on the 29th of September.
THE MUN SCROLL| Issue # 02

The Indo-Pak Standoff

Same Narrative with Increased Tempers


India and Pakistan have been mongering hatred against each other for a greater part of the last 70 years. When
the two were supposed to be pitted against each other at the annual UNGA, the world only expected the usual
blame game and false accusations as has become a custom. But the diplomats were in for a surprise, when
tensions flared as India blatantly accused Pakistan of harboring terrorism and even dubbed the country as
Terroristan as the Pakistani diplomats watched in aghast.
And if that was not enough already, the Pakistan camp came up with a picture of pellet gun riddled woman, whom
they said, was a victim of human right crisis in Kashmir. However, this plan backfired as reports proved the
woman to be of Palestinian origin. Hence, the Pakistan Camp circulated a fake picture at the global level to blame
India, but this was only to their harm and embarrassment.

Natural Disasters
A result of negligence towards Climate change?

September was a rather disastrous month for various countries across the world. A few disasters that took place
last month were:-

An extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane named Harvey attacked the eastern coast of US from 17th
August to 3rd September causing huge loss to mankind. This caused heavy rainfall resulting in intense
landfalls causing further damage.
The destruction further continued as an extremely powerful and the strongest hurricane obtained in the
Atlantic since 2005, in terms of maximum sustained winds struck US between 30th august and 16th
September named Irma. (Max speed of 295 kmph)
Hurricane Maria, yet another Atlantic hurricane struck Puerto Rico resulting in landfall. It started forming
on 16th September and is currently still active. (Max speed of 280 kmph)
An earthquake of magnitude 8.1 had struck the southern coast of Mexico, killing 90 people. This was
followed by an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in Central Mexico on 19th September, 2017 causing mass
destruction, killing nearly 216 people and leaving many trapped under collapsed buildings a week later.

UNGA 2017-
The Assembly endorsed the political declaration on the implementation of the
United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons by
consensus at the outset of its two-day high-level meeting on human trafficking,
which many speakers described as modern-day slavery. Member States
reaffirmed their commitment to 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
While thousands died at sea, in deserts and detention centers, many others
found themselves at the mercy of merciless people, said Secretary-General
Antnio Guterres that the Global Plan of Action would not exist merely on
paper, but in every community, township and city across the globe. Many
members emphasized on victim and survivor centered approach.
THE MUN SCROLL| Issue # 02

Rohingya Crisis Memory Lane

Genocide- a humanitarian cause of concern
September 2, 1666: The
BREAKING NEWS Great Fire of London
occurred. It consumed
13,200 houses, 87 parish
What began as an issue in 1982, churches, St Pauls
when Burma refused to grant Cathedral, and most of the
recognition to the Rohingya as buildings of the City
an identified ethnicity, has now authorities.
turned into a massive example
of ethnic cleansing. The September 11 attacks
(also referred to as 9/11)
The Rakhine state where the were a series of four
Rohingya reside is currently one coordinated terrorist attacks
of the poorest states in the by the Islamic terrorist group
country which lacks basic posts in Myanmar on 25th al-Qaeda on the United
services. The Rohingya have August, 2017. ARSA is a Muslim States on the morning of
restrictions on their rights to militant group with reported links September 11, 2001. The
study, travel, work, marry, and to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. attacks killed 2,996 people,
practice their religion and even injured over 6,000 others,
access to health care services. This attack led to a crackdown and caused at least $10
Recent violence and persecution by Burmas military in retaliation, billion in infrastructure and
against them has forced which resulted in forcing more property damage.
thousands of Rohingya to flee to than 400,000 Rohingya Muslims Targets-
neighbouring countries. from Rakhine state to flee to
neighbouring Bangladesh for World Trade Center
What caused the issue was that refuge. The international
the Burmese government community has condemned the The Pentagon
stripped Rakhines Muslims of violence unleashed by the
their citizenship in 1982. If it White House or U.S. Capitol
Burmese military on Rohingya
would have recognised them as civilians. Attack types-
members of the Rohingya group,
the Muslims would have also What is making the Rohingya Aircraft hijackings
been allowed an autonomous issue extremely difficult is that
Suicide attacks
area within the country, under the humanitarian groups are
the 1982 citizenship act. sympathising with the worlds Mass murder
most persecuted minority while
The main fear of Burma was that the government of Burma is Terrorism
these grounds could become a perceiving Rohingya as a foreign
possible staging area for The Al-Qaeda initially
group with a separatist agenda,
terrorism by groups like Arakan planned to target nuclear
fuelled by Islam and funded from installations rather than the
Rohingya Salvation Army overseas.
(ARSA). International pressure WTC but decided against it,
fearing things could get out
resulted in the military
of control.
government agreeing to grant
the Rohingya a reduced form of
What added fuel to the fire was
the attack by ARSA on 24 police
THE MUN SCROLL| Issue # 02



A well-established first foot leads Terrorism with

to further higher special focus
accomplishments. Running on the on ISIS
same lines, we embarked on our
first competition, The Clash of Round 2: The
Diplomats, in association with league of
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. diplomacy
An exceptional platform was set- round)
up for participants to experience
the notions of the formation of The top 10
opinions and we look forward to
international alliances. Equipped delegates were allotted countries
hosting them for our upcoming
with extensive research, and based on negotiations related
delegates contemplated over the to their foreign policies, alliances
scenarios and surfaced the were made. The research paper
optimal alliances. given to them helped them
choosing their best alliance.
On 14th September, 2017, our
very own NMites got a chance to Round 3: The Final Clash
step into the shoes of foreign This round came as a complete
ambassadors, voice their opinions surprise to them. Here the
and curb the conflict. participants threw allegations at
The first round was the each other and they were
elimination round - The Round sometimes caught at a
table conference, where the disadvantage and were
delegates got to discuss and sometimes backed by their
deliberate world issues and they alliance.
found solutions for some of the The entire session was presided
most daunting problems that we over by Dr. Sadaf Hashmi, an
are and we will be facing on a eminent teacher of NM College.
global level.
We congratulate-Sreesreshta
The Round 1 topics of discussion Nair (Delegate of Japan) - Best
were- Delegate
Climate change and carbon Akshit Chopra (Delegate of
footprints Pakistan) - High Commendation
Diplomatic Champion in (Best Ally) who have proved that
Doklam they have what it takes to be a
diplomat! We honor all our
Tension in Korean Peninsula delegates for boldly voicing their

The NMC MUN Club is proud to announce its association with-

THE MUN SCROLL| Issue # 02

Whats coming up?

Apart from organizing educational, for first timers and experienced

competitive events, the NMC MUNners alike, to test their
MUN Club is also actively debating skills, showcase their
involved in cross participation as diplomacy and the vividness in
well as delegate training. their technicality of paperwork in
committee with heated Other upcoming MUN
Thadomal Shahani Engineering discussions and intense debates. conferences-
College is conducting its invites
seventh edition of TM-MUN. The The delegate fees for the I. Ivy League MUN,
committees are as follows: conference will be Rs. 2000/- Gurgaon (23-26th
which includes the delegate kit, November)
1. United Nations Security lunch and high tea.
Council. (UNSC) II. Oberoi International
For registering as a part of NM MUN (25-26 November)
2. Disarmament and International contingent or any queries, III. Sophia Colleges
Security (DISEC) contact - Aman Loharuka (HOD MUNSOPHICAL (15-
3. United Nations Human Rights Delegation 17th December)
Council (UNHRC) Affairs):+918758076106 IV. IIT Bombays Techfest
The NMCMUN Club will be MUN (29-31st
4. Lok Sabha December)
conducting training sessions to
5. World Health Organisation equip students with the required V. Government Law
(WHO) resources for the Conference. Colleges GLC MUN (16-
Contact- Akhil Mathur (HOD 18th Feb 2018)
The Conference will take on 14th Delegate Training):
and 15th of October, 2017. This +919702070094
conference provides a platform

A MUN/ conference specific jargon buster

If you have ever come across opinions about the topics. clauses are usually
words that you do not recognise In the real United Nations, numbered and underlined.
or comprehend- specifically in a there are regional blocs, 4. Sponsors: delegates who
group discussion, debate or but delegates can choose authored the draft
conference environment, here are to build their own blocs in resolution or actively
a few words you could learn and Model UN. These blocs contributed ideas.
master which will prove to be will typically work together
useful to you in such a setting- to create a draft resolution.
3. Operative clauses:
1. Motion: a specific action statements in the second
made by delegates to section of the draft
direct debate in a certain resolution that outlines the
direction. specific solutions the
2. Blocs: different groups sponsors wish to
that have similar ideas and implement. Operative

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