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1)karpra gaura karua-avatram sasra-sra bhujagendra hra

sad vasanta hridaya-aravinde bhava bhavni sahita nammi

As white as camphor. The embodiment of compassion. The essence of creation. The lord of serpents
(cosmic energy channels).
Always dwelling in my heart. I honor Shiva and the Goddess together.

2)kyena vc manasendriyair v buddhy-tman v prakte svabhvt

karoti yad-yat sakala parasmai nryayeti samarpaymi

With my body, speech, mind or senses, intellect, and self, from following ones true nature,
whatever I do, I offer everything to the Supreme Narayana.

3) The following are names of Krishna:

acyuta keava rma rma nryaa ka dmodara vsudeva harim
rdhara mdhava gopik vallabha jnak nyaka rmacandra bhaje

Gopik Vallabha means Beloved of the Gopis and Jnak Nyaka means Husband of Jnak (St.)

4) hare rma hare rma rma rma hare hare

hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare

5) Karprapurea manoharea, suvara-ptro jala-sasthitena

Pradpta-bh sahasgatena, nrjanas te pura-sasth-prve

Filled with the light, purity and whiteness of camphor, enrapturing the mind;
Like a lotus with beautifully colored petals;
Associated with shining, effulgent speech
Pure, fully established in the Primordial Lord.

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