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Essential Question: Was The French Revolution A Success?

1700s in France
Home of the ___________________________________________________________
Appearances can be decieving

The Old Order: The Old Regime and Estates

The Privileged Estates: allowed access to high offices and __________________ from ________
1. First Estate- Clergy: consisted of Roman Catholic Church, who owned __________________, collected ____________,
and ___________________________________
In 1789, the Clergy still enjoyed enormous ____________________________________
Draw a picture of the First Estate:

2. Second Estate- ________________ (army, wealthy aristocrats, and government)

______ of population, but owned __________ of land and paid little or no ____________
Scorned_______________________________because it challenged their _____________
and _________
Resented ________________ power of the ________________ and royal life, but feared
____________ positions in society and _____________ from paying ____________.
Draw a picture of the Second Estate:

3. Third Estate- Commoners- ________ of population, _________________________________

____________________- middle class (artisans, merchants, bankers, lawyers, doctors)
___________________- _________ of population
__________________________- poorest group: laborers, domestic servants, journeymen
Peasants _____________ the riches and _______________ of their ___________________
___________________ within the _____________________
Draw a picture of the bourgeoisie: Draw a picture of the peasants or urban workers:
Supporting Question: What were the social, economic, and political problems in
prerevolutionary France?
Problems in Prerevolutionary France
Social Economic Political

Calling of the Estates General

To fix the financial crisis, King Louis XVI was forced to call the ___________________, the
_______________________ consisting of representatives of the _________________
It had not been called in ____________________
For the ____________ that secretly _______________ the government, it seemed like a chance to
King had all of the ____________ prepare a list of _________________ called _______________(complaints they
had) - all of them displayed boiling resentment of the government and ____________________________
Delegates of the Third Estate were those who ____________ ____________, so many of them were educated and
familiar with ____________________ works that called for fair and just governments
MAXIMILLIEN ROBESPIERRE was one of the famous _______________________ from the ___________
Supporting Question: How did the relationship between the French people and the
king change in the early stages of the Revolution?
Task: Using the 3 sources as evidence, students will write a one to two paragraph explanation of how the relationship
between the French people and the king changed between 1789 and 1793.

Meeting of the Estates General and the Tennis Court Oath

At the Estates General, the three estates could not come to conclusion on how to ________________________.
Each Estate meat separately and had ______________ which meant that the _______________& ___________
could always out vote the Third Estate
The Third Estate felt this was unfair and called for votes to be counted in one single body by head.
June 1789: Third Estate, claiming to _________________________________________, declared themselves
A few days later, they found their discussion room ___________ and guarded- so they moved to an
______________________________ where they took the __________________________________________
TENNIS COURT OATH- _______________________ delegates were locked out of meeting room, so broke into
an indoor tennis court and pledged to meet until a new _________________________________________
In response Louis stationed __________________________________________ and rumors spread that the
king planned to dissolve the ___________________________

Storming of the Bastille

________________________________- Upset at the kings troops, mob stormed the ________________ (prison)
looking for gun powder, and seized the building
Bastille symbolized years of ____________ by the _______________, and storming it challenged the sheer existence
of the regime.
They _____________________________________ and marched around the streets

In what ways is Bastille Day similar to 4th of July? In what ways is it different?

The Great Fear

____________________ was created from storming the Bastille, there were rumors of Nobility hiring ____________
to _____________ peasants
_________________________________, became outlaws themselves by ___________ nobles papers that bound
them to their owners.

_________________________________ also scared, so joined ____________________ for equality of everyone,
and Old Regime was dead
______________ rioting over ______________________________ stormed the palace at
________________ with weapons they used at the ______________________________
The queen who lived a life of great ___________________________________ caused further public
They forced Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to move back to _________________. King Louis and
his family were then ________________________________________

National Assembly Acts

Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)
Stated ___________________________________________________________
Rights included liberty, property, security, and resistance of _________________
Motto was ______________, __________________, and __________________
Women upset that the declaration did not grant equal ________________________
_________________________ was a journalist who demanded equal rights for ___________ in her
Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
She was later imprisoned and executed for expressing these ideas in ____________
Olympe de Gouge : a biography



Church Controlled by State

National Assembly put the French Catholic Church under ____________________
Assembly sold ______________________ to pay for Frances ________
Church officials had to be ____________ by country and paid by ______

Divisions in the New Govt.

1791- New Constitution created ______________________, and created the
Legislative Assembly had power to ___________________ and approve/reject
____________ and collect taxes
To moderate reformers, this constitution completed the ____________________ by
reflecting ________ ______________________ such as equality for all male citizens & an end to Church
interference in govt
This humiliating situation led King Louis and his family to attempt to escape to the
Austrian border, but got caught and are escorted back to Paris shamefully
Louis and Maries dash to the border showed that they were traitors to the revolution
Many _____________________________did not like what was happening in
_____________, and feared that it would affect their countries.
They feared that the stories of _______________ (nobles and clergy who fled France)
were true
__________ and ___________ urged for Louis to be placed back in full power-
________________________________________against Austria and Prussia! (1792)

Failure of the Legislative Assembly

Many radicals, such as sans-culottes (_____________________________) and Jacobins
(___________________________ radicals including Robespierre), pushed for a republic
As radicals pushed for reform, they faced crises at _______________________________

September Massacre
Radicals massacred rich _____________ held in the Bastille and those _________ to the king that were incarcerated,
fearful they would get out and fight back.
Supporting Question: How did Robespierre justify the Reign of Terror?

Radicals take over Legislative Assembly and declare themselves _______________________

Completely_________ king from government, and declared France a ________________
1793- Under _______________________, Louis was tried for _______________, and he was found guilty- Louis
XVI was _____________ by the guillotine on January 21, 1793
The National Convention set up a ___________________________________________- Group of
_______________________ that had __________________ control over the revolutionary movement.

Robespierre and The ___________________________________________________________

_______________________________ led the Committee of Public Safety in France September 1793, and set out to
completely ___________________________________
Robespierre believed that France could achieve a ____________________________ only through the use of
________________. Liberty cannot be secured, unless criminals lose their heads.
Became overly _____________ and out of control, killing those who were not completely _______________
The engine of the terror was the __________________ and was introduced as a more humane method of
_________________________ than using an ax
Changed calendar to ______ day weeks to wipe out ___________________
Killed _______________, Georges Danton, and up to ________ other people using the infamous __________
Robespierres reign came to an end when __________________________ turned on him and had him

How would you have felt if you were in the crowd at the executions?

Supporting Question: How does Napoleons rise to power represent a continuation

of or an end to revolutionary ideals?

The Directory and Napoleon Bonaparte

1795- The Directory: New Government- _______________________________ leaders and a two house legislature
to run the country
As the Directory struggled to gain control, politicians turned to ____________________________________, a
member of the Directory and _________________________, to help advance their goals. Napoleon soon
______________________________ of the newly ___________________________ country.
To the new governments dismay, Napoleon would soon outwit them all and ________________________

Napoleon Bonaparte: So Howd he get so popular?!

o Napoleon was a _________________ in the wars that took place during the French Revolution, leading his country
to ______________________
o By 1799, he moved from __________________________________________________________________
o That year he helped overthrow the weak Directory and set up a 3-man governing board known as the Consulate

Napoleon Crowns himself Emperor

o 1801- Napoleon took the title of _______________________________________________________________
o 1802- Napoleon declared himself ______________________________________________________________
o Two years later Napoleon acquired enough power to crown himself Emperor of France- coronated himself ____
o At each step of Napoleons rise to power, he held a plebiscite, which is a _______________________________ and
each time the French strongly supported him
o __________________________________________________________________________________________
Napoleons Reforms

Napoleonic Code
o One of Napoleons most lasting reforms was a new _______________________ called the Napoleonic Code
o Embodied ______________________________________________________ of equality of all citizens under law,
religious tolerance and abolition of feudalism
o However ___________________ lost most of their newly gained rights including the right of ______________
o Valued _________________________________________________ over individual rights

Task: Write a thesis statement, supported by evidence, about whether Napoleons rise to power represents a continuation of
or an end to revolutionary ideals.

Napoleons Quest for World Dominance

o From 1804-1812, Napoleon furthered his reputation on the battlefield while he successfully _____________
combined _________________________________________________________________
o As Napoleon created a vast French Empire, he ____________________________________________________
o He _______________ (incorporated into his empire), the Netherlands, Belgium and parts of Italy and Germany
o Napoleon controlled much of _______________________ through forceful diplomacy
o One tactic was placing friends and relatives on the ________________________________________________

Napoleons Family Rules! (do NOT memorize, you get the idea)
o Joseph Bonaparte= King of Spain o Napoleon Francis-Joseph Charles= King of Rome
o Jerome Bonaparte= King of Westphalia (Napoleons son)
o Louis Bonaparte= King of Holland o Elisa Bonaparte= Grand Duchess of Tuscany
o Pauline Bonaparte= Princess of Italy o Caroline Bonaparte= Queen of Naples

Napoleon Strikes Britain

o ____________________ of all major European powers remained outside of Napoleons European Empire
o Napoleon attempted to attack Britain by waging ___________________________________________________
o Continental System: closed all __________________________________________ to British goods, but this ended
up __________________________ European countries that depended on British goods
o In the end Napoleons Continental system ________________ to bring Britain to its knees
o A scarcity of goods in Europe intensified _________________ against French power.

Hero Villian

Napoleons Struggle
o In 1812, Napoleon continued to pursue _________________________________________________________
o ___________________________________ in other countries unleashed against France who saw Napoleon and his
armies as _______________________________________________________________________________
o They resented the Continental system and efforts to ________________________________________________
o _________________ to foreign rule was unleashed in many revolts against France especially in ____________
o Spanish patriots conducted a campaign of guerilla warfare, or ________________________ against the French- these
attacks kept large numbers of French soldiers tied down in Spain when Napoleon needed them elsewhere

The Big Blunder in Russia

o In July 1812 Napoleon led his Grand Armee of 600,000 men and 50,000 horses eastward to invade __________
o The Russians avoided a direct conflict with Napoleon and retreated eastward drawing the French into the interior of
Russia hoping that its ____________________________ would act as support for the Russian cause
o Scorched Earth Policy: tactic used by the Russians where they ___________ crops and villages as they retreated
o This left the French hungry and cold as the _______________________________________________________
o September 1812: ________________________________________________ but the city had been abandoned- The
Russians had ___________________________________________________________________________
o Napoleon realized that he would not be able to feed and ____________________________________________
o The ____________________ mile retreat from Moscow turned into a desperate battle for survival
o The brutal _______________________________________ took a terrible toll
o Fewer than ________________________ soldiers survived
o General Famine and General Winter, rather than Russian bullets have conquered the Grand Army
o Napoleons ____________________________ for success had been shattered

Napoleon Abdicates!
o After being defeated by Russia, Britain and Austria, Napoleon abdicated, or _____________________ from the
French throne
o He was exiled to the island of _________________ in the Mediterranean, given 1,000,000 Francs a year
o Louis XVIII (Brother of Louis XVI) was put on the ________________________________________________
o The _________________________________________________ by Louis XVIII did not go smoothly
o ________________________________________________ his island exile and returned to France, and as he
marched through ____________________, Louis XVIII fled France

Napoleons Final Defeat Battle of Waterloo

o Napoleons triumph was short lived
o He was only in power for ____________________________________________________________________
o 1815: European troops reassembled their forces and crushed the French in a day long battle at
o Napoleon was forced to abdicate and go into exile (for the second time) on the island of __________________, a
lonely island in the South Atlantic (off the coast of Africa)
Napoleons Legacy
Legacy of Napoleon at Home Legacy of Napoleon on the World Stage

The Congress of Vienna (September 1, 1814 June 9, 1815; Vienna, Austria)

- After _________________, diplomats and European leaders sat down at the Congress of Vienna
- Leaders faced the great task of restoring _____________________________ in Europe after two years of war
- ___________________________________ at a brilliant affair with dining, dancing, concerts and ballets.
The Leaders
- _________________________________ (the host) - Lord Robert Castlereaugh of Britain
- Prince Clemons von _______________ (main figure) - Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand of
- Tsar Alexander I of _____________________ ___________________ (no say at all)

- Major Goal: to create a _________________________ by establishing a balance of power in Europe
- Worked to protect the ___________________________________________________________________
- Metternich (________________________) wanted to restore things the way they were in _____________
- They wanted to eliminate everything Napoleon had done
- Reduce France to its _______________________________ before 1790
- Restore as many of the ___________________ as possible that had lost their thrones during the ________________

Actions Taken at the Congress of Vienna

1. Peacemakers _________________________________________________________________________
- To contain French ambitions, they surrounded France with __________________(Netherlands, Prussia & Austria)
2. __________________: the principle of restoring hereditary monarchs to the thrones of Europe that Napoleon had unseated
- _______________________ put on the French throne
- Restored legitimate monarchs in ___________________________________________________
3. Compensation: countries were given ______________ back from Napoleons conquests.
4. ________________________________________: a system set up to protect the new order and meet periodically to
discuss any problems affecting the _____________________________________________
- Austria, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain pledged to act together to maintain the balance of power and to
___________________________________________________ (especially in France)

Were these decisions conservative or liberal? why?

What was being repealed by the Congress of Vienna?

What Happened to France?
1. Allied forces would occupy France for 3-5 years
2. France would have to pay an ________________________ ($$$) of 700,000,000 Francs
3. France was deprived of all ____________________________________________________________
4. _________________________was created to suppress revolutionary uprisings especially in FRANCE!
What was the legacy of the Congress of Vienna?
Short Term Long Term
- Achieved immediate goal of ______________________ -
- -

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