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Name: _______________________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _____________

Reproductive Systems Pre-Test

A. Using a numbering system put the following events in the correct

(Below should be events 1-4)

____ The sperm enters the membrane of the egg

____ The menstrual cycle reaches its midpoint 14 days after the first day of

menstruation (your period). Ovulation is signaled to begin.

____ Ovulation occurs and the mature egg is released

____ The ovum reaches the fallopian tube where it will wait for 24 hours.

(Below should be events 5-8)

____ The fertilized egg becomes a zygote

____ The fertilized egg multiples into 16 pairs and becomes the morula

____ The fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall

____ The fertilized egg is now called a blastocyst

Name: _______________________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _____________

B. Using the word bank below, match the term with the proper definition.
Not all terms will be used.

Implantation Ovulation Placenta Fetus

Amniotic Sac Uterus Umbilical Cord Embryo
Menstruation Fertilization Amniotic Fluid Epidural

9. ______________ is the organ that provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and
filters waste.
10. ______________ occurs once each menstrual cycle. This is when the ovary releases
the egg.
11. The ______________________________ is attached to the fetus and placenta and
carries nutrients to the fetus and waste away from the fetus
12. _________________ is when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall
13. The _________________ is the hollow organ inside the mother in which the fetus
grows during the prenatal period.

C. True or False: Circle whether each statement is true or false.

14. True or False The ovum (egg) determines the sex of the child.
15. True or False Fertilization and conception are two different occurrences
16. True or False There are three stages of labor

D. Multiple Choice: Circle the answer that is most appropriate.

17. There are ____ pairs of chromosomes in a developing fetus

a. 46
b. 23
c. 42
d. 20
Name: _______________________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _____________

E. Label the female reproductive system with the listed parts:

18. ____________
19. ____________ Not all words may be used
20. ____________
21. ____________ Cervix Fallopian Tube Uterus
22. ____________
Vagina Sperm Collector Placenta
Ovary Fertilization Testicle

F. Short Answer Questions: Answer in complete sentences.

23. How many sperm are released during ejaculation? How many sperm make their journey to
the egg? How many sperm will successfully penetrate and fertilize an egg?

24. Label the sperm and ovum with their sex chromosomes, using the letters X and Y. (both
should have 2 letters in themthink about this)

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