ISAIAH 49:4-6 Part 1. The Unit How I Chose The Verses of The Unit of The Book?

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MA-1 szvetsgi exegzis Prof.

Kirk Edward Lowery - hzi dolgozat Paltsik

Dnes 2014-05-28

ISAIAH 49:4-6

Part 1. The Unit

How I chose the verses of the unit of the book?
Well I went through the whole book of Isaiah very slowly, it is
coloured for many years in my work Bible with colour markers, so I
thought it would be easy to fined the best text for this occasion. I thought
it would be good to find the unit from the last part, and I decided to
concentrate rather for the second half. I remembered for some of my
favourite texts from the first part eg. 4:1-5, or the woe sayings in
chapter 5, (and six) which would have been too long, such as the 53.
chapter. Parts about deliverance, joy and other very positive promises
were also very attractive eg 33:15-24, or chapter 35 etc.There would be
enough three verses I thougt, -only for five pages I thougt... - than came
my favourits about the sabbath theme (56:4-7, 66:22-24), but I wouldt like
to be seen as a maniac still remained: 38:17-19, or 43:10-12, or
46:3-5, or 49:4-6. So I chose this last one, as there is the most excellent
point in it as I thought a credential for the world mission, as a climax
after a big despair.

How the chosen unit fits into the flow of the context?
How does the chosen unit develop the theme(s) of the larger
passage in which it sits?

To answer for this question, we need to see the larger

passage. As I watch my three verses in the Hebrew text - theres a longer
empty place after the fourth and sixth verses, which says I think - I
chose at least from two thoughts or from two topics1: From one to four is
one unit, and from five to six is another. But I also find that from 1-6
verses, and 7-12 is an Ebed Jahve song2, where God gives a bigger task to
his servant. Whats more I found that from chapter 41 till chapter 53
I couldnt find, why these empty spaces are there between the verses.

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there is three other Ebed Jahve songs. So the four songs an contents of
them are: 41:1-45:9;, 49:1-6, 7-12;, 50:4-9, 10-11;, 52:13-53:12;. The
contents of these are: inauguration and sending out of the servant; (then
comes the text in which is our passage, see above); Persecuted and
despised servant; The substitution suffering of the Lord servant. Then
came to my mind that theres in the 61. chapter may be a fifth Ebed
Jahve song, as The Pirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me...- Why not
mentioned among the Ebed Jahve songs? Thers no answer! Then I found
that all four song is in the book of Deutero- Isaiah except what I
mentioned.3Then I found six hymns around my chosen unit (42:10-13,
44:23, 45:8, 48:10-12, 49:13, 52:11-12), but I didnt find here neither (as
I didnt find in the Ebed Jahve songs) any theme as a motive for
The purpose of the author in writing the chosen unit

Part 2. The Hungarian translation of the chosen unit

(4)De n azt mondtam: Hasztalan fradoztam, hiba s feleslegesen
fecsreltem el ermet. De igazsgom az rnl van s munkm jutalma
(5) Most pedig gy szl az r, aki az anyamhtl fogva a maga szolgjv
alkotott engem, hogy Jkobot hozz trtsem, s Izrael hozz gyljn, mert
becses vagyok az r szemben, s Istenem lett az n erm;

But who is this servant? I1ve read long pages (and hours) about theories: Israel, or those
who were in captivity, or a martire of the Jews, or Mose, or Jeremiah, or Jojakin, or Isaiah
himself, or an unknown prophet, or a king, or Jesus? And many proes and contrasand
whyAs we read the text and would think of one of them, then comes an expression,
which destroy the former hypothesis.
I need to speak abot the research about the topic: How many person wrote the Book of
Isaiah?: John 12:38-41, and Paul in Acts 9:27-28 and in 10:20-21 testified that only one
Isaiah wrote this book, as they quoted from both Proto-, and DeuteroIsaiah. Ive read that
the expression, such as the Holy One of Israel as a title of God is in the Book of Isaiah
exsist 25 times, and six times elswhere in OT. 12 times in chs. 1-39 and 13 times in
chs.40-66. The tittle the mighty One of Israel, or of Jacob appears only in the book of
Isaiah: 1:24, 49:26, 60:16), and the similiarities of style and language between the first
and second parts are far more impressive than its supposed diversities. One basic theme
runs through both sections that of deliveranceAccording the writer of the Adventist
Commentary the concept, of the more writer is based upon the priori assumtion that
prophetic foreknowledge is impossible. And the most impressive evidence - for one writer
- found in 1947 in a cave near the Dead Sea as the whole text was one scroll

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(6) Ezt mondta:Kevs az, hogy szolgm lgy, hogy helyrelltsd Jkob
trzseit, s Izrael maradkt visszatrtsd; a nemzetek vilgossgv
teszlek, hogy eljusson dvssgem a fld vgig.

List and discuss problems if any with the Hebrew text

I think there isnt any problem with the Hebrew text, we may get
correct translations in Hungarian about this three verses.
Part 3. My translation compared with the same translation I use in
The first and second verses I mean fourth and fifth - are almost
completely the same, and in the sixth I think a bit more expressive literally
this version:
Kevsnek tartom, hogy Jkob trzseinek helyrelltsban s a
megmentett Izrael visszatrtsben lgy az n szolgm. A pognyok
vilgossgv teszlek, hogy eljusson szabadtsom a fld hatrig.
There is small diference between the two version, I feel a bit
more fluent the second one. The word: dvssg is too ecclesiastical,
but the word szabadts can be understand easier for everyone.

Part 4. Discussion of the text

The literary and linguistic devices that the author uses to

accomplish that purpose
The text starts with a very simple remembering for a very sad
experiance of the feeling of Isaiah which is gradually repeated. (Elevated
prose all the three verse.) Then comes a hugh but! which signs the
presence of the Lord, who didnt let Isaiah to senk totaly in his misery, and
comes the promise, which came into his mind to comfort him.
The And now the Lord says -... parts are very common, and they are
the most elevetaing parts of the Bible. From our childhood everybody who
read the Bible learns that in these parts are the most important messages,
and nothing can be more important. This gives solemnity to the text, the
reader can feel through this the living connection with the Messenger.

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Then about this Messenger Isaiah told us on a literary way - that He
Who formed me in the womb to be his servant... is his Creator,
Protector, Instructor and Lord.
Very deep feeling can attech the heart after the mention of the name:
Jacob - to bring back. It could reflect in the Jewis readers as they could
know the amasing story of him and the special providence as he could go
back to his family after long years.
To restore the tribe of Jacob and the I will also make you a light for
the Gentiles - could have bring up (in their mind) personal identity,
experiences and fresh desirable goals in their misson work.

Historical background of the chosen unit

Isaiah was to witness the invasion of Judah by the combined

armies of northern Israel and of Syria. He was to behold the Assirien hosts
encamped before the chief cities of the kingdom. During his lifetime,
Samaria was to fall, ant the ten tribes of Israel were to be scattered among
the nations. Juda was repeatedly to be invaded by the Assyrian armies,
and Jerusalem was to suffer a sieg that would have resulted in her downfall
had not God miraculously interposed...
But the dangers from without, overhelming though they seemed
were not so serious as the dangers from within. It was the perversity of his
people that brought to the Lords servant the greatest perplexity and the
deepest depression.4
In the face of such conditions it is not surprising Isaiah shrank
from the responsibility.
Isaiah remembered for Gods promises, of the final fulfillment of Gods
purpose, which brougt courage to his heart: Yet surely my just reward is
with the Lord, and my work with my God.5 What though earthly powers
array themselves against Judah? What though the Lords messenger meet
with opposition and resistance?

Ellen Gould White: Prophets and King page 305.
New King James translation

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...the Lord says... to bring Jacob back to Him, so that Israel is
gathered to Him.6
The words of the prophet to Judah to behold the living God, and to accept
His gracious offers were not in vain. There were some who gave earnest
heed, and who turned from their idols to the worship of Jehovah. In the
dark days of Israel that were to come in his history, when only a remnant
were to be left in the land, the prophets words were to continue bearing
fruit in decided reformation.
The prophet heard the eternal Father declaire:
(6) ...It is too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up

the tribes of Jacob...I will also give you as a light to the Gentiles, that you

should be my salvation to the ends of the earth.

This glorious Light of the word was to bring salvation to every

nation, kindred, tongue, and people. Lookong on still farther through the

ages, Isaiah beheld the literal fulfillment of these glorious promises. He

saw the bearers of the glad tidings of the salvation going to the ends of

the earth, to every kindred and people.

Part 5. Conclusion and summary

Final summary paragraph, message of this

Before we could read about the dispair of Isaiah we could see the
historical background of it. We could refectly understand him. Similarly we
may see others biblical heroes from the Bible eg. Elijah as he wanted
to die after the miracle on the Karmel, and his big running, escaping from
Jezabel. As Elijah and others got a bigger promise and comission after his
despair so got Isaiah. God often work on this way to turn away our focus
from us to a good aims, to win our soul for a higher prpose. This is His

Isaiah 49:5b

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medicine. He will be with us that you may bring my salvation to the end
of the earth.

Part 6. Application to modern Christian living and the

Hungarian situation

The human nature is almost always ready to complain or to

become embittered. Not necessary to be a hugh Assyrian army going to
attack us. It is enough to like a bit more the comfort than self-restraint and
loose the tight connection with Him, or listening a bad news too deeply
and imagine what will happen to us etc. What can God do with us in this
case? He can change something in our circumstances,
may give or take away something, or somebody. He can do everything! He
may give us a hugh comission. Why not? It may cure us! Are we ready for
it? Can I agree with His aim, that His Light, salvation, deliverance etc.
should reach the ends of the earth? Where is the ends of my comfort
zone? Are there anything after it to do something beautiful for God?
Not only in Hungary but I think in all over Europe many beliver lost,
or getting loose their faith. The massage is very simple: Go, and work for
others! With all your talents, with all your heart, with all your
the ends of the earth!

Part 7. List of Works Cited - Bibliography

Bibliaismereti kziknyv. Magyarorszgi Reformtus Egyhz Klvin Jnos
Budapest, 2008.
Barry Webb: zsais knyve. (The Message of Isaiah) Harmat Kiad,
Budapest, 2001.
Ellen Gould White: Prophets and Kings. Review and Herald Publishing
Roy E. Gane: sais - Vgasztaljtok npemet (Comfort my people!)

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Szombatiskolai tanulmny, 2004. 2. negyedv.
Advent Kiad.
Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary. Review and Herald Publishing
Washington D.C.1976.

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