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Chapter 5

162. cephalocaudal trend, proximodistal end

163. skeletal age, epiphyses
164. fontanels, neurons, neurotransmitters, synapses
165. synaptic pruning, glial cells, myelination
166. methods for measuring brain function
167. cerebral cortex
168 prefrontal cortex, lateralization, brain plasticity
169 deprived early environments
172 experience-expectant brain growth, experience-dependent brain growth
173 cultural variation infant sleeping arrangements
174 influences on early physical growth, nutrition, heredity
175 reasons to breastfeed
176 chubby babies, malnutrition
177 marasmus, kwashiorkor
178 growth faltering
179 classical conditioning, unconditional stimulus, unconditioned response,
conditioned stimulus, conditioned response
180 operant conditioning, reinforce, punishment, habituation
181 recovery, imitation
182 mirror neurons
183 motor development
184 fine motor development by age, dynamic systems theory of motor development
185 dynamic motor systems in action
186 cultural variations in motor development
187 prereaching, ulnar grasp
188 pincer grasp, bowel control
189 hearing, speech perception,
190 stat learning capacity, vision
192 depth perception,
193 pattern perception, contrast sensitivity
194 development w/ severe visual impairments
195 face perception
196 object perception, size constancy, shape constancy, object identity
197 intermodal perception, amodal sensory properties
198 differentiation theory
199 affordances

204- sensorimotor stage, schemes, adaptation, assimilation, accommodation
205-organization, circular reaction, Piagets sensorimotor stage
206-repeating chance behaviors, intentional/goal directed behavior
207- object permanence, a-not-b search error, mental representations, deferred
imitation, make-believe play
211-displaced reference
212-cognitive attainments of infancy
214-core knowledge perspective
217- mental strategies, sensory register, working/short term memory
218-central executive, long term memory
220-recognition, recall
224-zone of proximal development
227- intelligent quotient ( IQ ), standardization
228-normal distribution, developmental quotients ( DQ )
229-home observation for measurement of environment
230-developmentally appropriate practice
234- language acquisition device
236- cooing, babbling
237- milestones of language development in first two years
238- joint attention
239- underextension, overextension, telegraphic speech
240- production, comprehension, referential style, expressive style
241- child directed speech

248- basic trust vs. mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt
250- basic emotions
251- social smile
252- stranger anxiety, secure base
253- social referencing, self-conscious emotions
254- emotional self regulation
256- temperament, easy child, difficult child,
257- slow to warm up child, effortful control
258- inhibited, uninhibited, sociable children
262- goodness-of-fit model
264- attachment
265- ethological theory of attachment, separation anxiety
266- internal working model, strange situation, secure attachment
267- avoidant attachment, resistant attachment, disorganized/disoriented
attachment, attachment q-sort
270- sensitive caregiving, interactional synchrony
281- scale errors
282-empathy, compliance
283- delay of gratification

293- dominant cerebral hemisphere
294- cerebellum, reticular formation, hippocampus
295- amygdala, corpus callosum
297- pituitary gland, growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, psychosocial
301- Healthy diet suggestions
302- immunization
304-childhood injuries
307-reducing unintentional injuries in early childhood
308- gross motor development
309- changes in gross-and fine- motor skills

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