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Myth and Cult

Only 12 Olympian gods

Number more important than names - different canonical lists in different locations
Most familiar list:

Apollo - from Apella - Dorian

What was Zeus' thunderbolt - fossilized horns, fulgerite. Some scholars argue it was a lotus plant.

Demeter = Associated w/ alter mental states, god of fertility/harvest, poppy was one of her symbols (opium)
Athena = Zeus' daughter, responsible for olive/olive trees in Attica, olive oil = used for soap, lighting - more
Leto = used to be a god, banished by Hera (Zeus' wife) out of jealousy -roamed the earth pregnant, looking for
place to give birth - finally found island of Delos - gave birth to Artemis, then Apollo
Myrtle = Artemis' plant

Hymn to Hermes

In mythology - Gods had very short childhoods - Greeks thought children were stupid

Christians called Olympian religion paganism - because it was rural, and Christianity was urban (pagan was a
slur like hick)

Cultic aspects: Blood sacrifice

Believed - Animals needed to be eaten
Vegetarianism - Associated w/ Pythagoras. Still killed animals, especially at that time
Concern: Once you kill an animal - will you kill a person?
Name Latin name Totemic plant Bird Mammal Tool Principal cult
Zeus Jovial Oak Eagle Bull Thunderbolt Olympia,
Hermes Mercurial Moly Seagull Caduceus

Ares Boar Shield Troy

Apollo Laurel Crow Stag Lyre Delos, Troy

Dionysus Vine, ivy, Goat Delphi

Aphrodite Cyprus, cythera,
Artemis Myrtle Delos


Demeter Poppy

Athena Olive tree Attica, Athens



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