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Alejandro Suarez MGT510 Memo Assignment

TO: Brandon Bellingham, Plant Manager

FROM: Ashley Wall, Director of Human Resources
DATE: 10/9/17
SUBJECT: Assessing the turnover issue at the Lima plant
In recent weeks I have had the chance to examine problem areas within the Lima Plant. My main
focus is to fully understand each problem that I have been made aware of, as well as to
investigate any and all issues that have not been addressed properly. I will spend time going over
data relevant to our assessment in order to come up with a satisfactory solution.
Upon first glance, I found the plant had seemed to be operating as it should be. Only after
speaking to the employees, I then realized there were more problems than I had initially been
made aware of. Some of these problems arose from the employees lack of experience because
no continuous training was offered. This lack of training also relates to promoting employees
who do not have the requisite skill necessary to perform the job successfully. In my experience
when a company hires someone without adequate experience, the company then provides
training for that person on the basics just to get by. Employees who have been promoted into
management and other areas this way are being set up to fail. The company deeply suffers in the
long run. Another issue related to the lack of skills and training for employees is that personnel
are getting hurt or damaging equipment due to this deficit in training leading to a monetary loss.
Many of these issues can be easily resolved by restructuring the promotion and hiring process.
We should offer extensive and continuous training to all foremen and middle to upper
management. A point system for attending training must take place in order to assess our
management and their knowledge base. According to Freedman, (1950) the point system in
particular seems to have a reasonable degree of objectivity (p. 33). Testing their knowledge on
a monthly basis on all management issues, will reassure the Treadway Company that we are
utilizing the most out of our management workforce. Those who cannot meet certain minimum
point criteria will be placed under a probationary status. After three months in probationary
status, the foreman then gets demoted without the possibility of promotion to the same position.
The importance of training will be fully enforced and communicated to all workers; in addition,
the replacement of personnel will provide further opportunity for workers to demonstrate
leadership skills.
The bottom line is that the Treadway Company will not engage in hiring and supporting of
incompetent personnel. Probation, even under special circumstances, will ensure that upper
management is finding the correct balance in the foremen workforce. According to Brewster,
Hegewisch, Holden, & Lockhart, (1992). the fact that in most West European countries, as
well as in certain states of the U.S., the majority of employees are hired on a probationary basis
(as cited in DeCorte, 1994, P.402). Subsequently, Treadway Human Resources Department will
then only retain those who are willing to successfully engage in the mandated training program
to perform effectively. Signicant improvement in both reducing its employee turnover rate,
increasing employee loyalty, and improving employees approval level can be attained by
properly implementing an appropriate hiring and training process.
Alejandro Suarez MGT510 Memo Assignment

DeCorte, W. (1994). Utility analysis for the one cohort selection retention decision with a

probationary period. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(3), 402-411. Retrieved from


Freedman, H. S. (1950). Scientific management in small business. Harvard Business Review,

28(3), 33-53. Retrieved from Ebscohost.

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