Persuasive Essay Against The Use of Genetically Modified Organisms

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Victoria Albert

Mr. Rodriguez

Biology 205

11 May 2017

Against the use of GMOs

GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms is the result of a laboratory process where

genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an

unrelated plant or animal. Through this definition, I got that they want to play god with the food

that is sold in stores or markets. The three organisms I will use are food, animals and humans.

First I will explain and show how they affect our food. Second I will explain and show how they

affect the animals. Finally I will show and explain how they affect us humans. This essay will

show why I am against GMOs.

According, to the documentary, GMO OMG, 85% of corn in the United States is

Genetically Modified. This simple fact shows that most of our food is not natural like from the

ground. And we dont know what they modified it with. From the same documentary, 165

million acres of GMOs in US. This means that most of the food at your home could be food that

can be mixed in any and every DNA out there. Also it shows that they are trying so badly, or

should I say are playing God with your food. That does not sit right with me, I am Christian

meaning I believe in god. And this makes me mad when people who I are not at all fit to be god

control something that gods should have full control of. Finally, crops can be contaminated by
GMO seeds and pollen using wind and insects. Meaning that the corn that can be 20 miles from

GMO crops can be contaminated using these two methods.

Based on a study done by scientist Gilles-Eric Seralini using Sprague Dawley rats it

affects both females and males in different ways. The vegetables used was Roundup corn. For

females, in their blood their Na,Cl,P and K levels decreased. And increased levels of serum

triglycerides. Also, increase in urine suggesting ion leakage and tumors. For males, the corn

affected the rats livers and kidneys causing organ necrosis. This means that in some their organs

died and there was no reversing the process.

The effects on humans are the same, but different. For the simple reason that our organs

have not been effected by GMOs. But one thing that is different is GMOs can cause cancer.

And they can cause many other diseases. This is my final organism GMOs effect.

Like I have stated before the scientists that does this modification are playing God. The

thought of other people playing God who are not even. Like people sin every day and to me they

made the biggest sin. They changed the food that God planned for us to eat and blessed. But

they took that food and made it their own. These are the reasons why I am against GMOs.

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